IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi pink - wow.. Ur menu is makin mi hungry again. Lol. But wat i can say is with hubby been flyin frequently reri mould us into a more independent woman ;). Sometimes reri enjoy time alone. Hehe.

Hi Val,
R u under Dr Loh at KKH? Were you under short or long protocol?
Congrats and the very best baby dust to you all the way!

I'm a bit concern cause when I told Dr Zou tt Dr Loh is putting me on short protocol for 1st time IVF she was a little surprised and said usually first timers go on long protocol no? and wondered why.

I'm also wondering how many times to see Dr Zou a week is considered sufficient for 'preparation', its convenient to see her cause i used to just stay one block away b4 getting married.

Anyone has any ideas?
bb_nn> brazil nuts can take up to 4 per day..err 10 is abit too much dy..haha. the longan drink i hv like 4cups per day coz i boil mine in slow cooker n not wori abt it thro out the day.i alternate chix essence w longan drink so tat not too jelak. actually it depends on ur body type..heaty or liang oso.mine is liang so even if i drink essence morn i can drink longan all day no prob.

12bhappy> ya agreed sometimes i oso enjoy time alone at home.in fact doin home chores helps me de-stress but since itz 2ww i'll hv to do less cleaning but i really hate ironing..hahah. next time we mit i cook for u ok?i enjoy cookin too n durin tis time simple nutrituous 1 pot meal recipe is my top priority..noth elaborate n noth deep fried..really nid to crack my brain sometimes haha..

btw wat u wearing tmr?me green top w grey cardigan..hope we can get to knw each other better tmr,looking fwd to meet u
Hi PinkC >> ok I better cut down on the nuts, coz I hungry n hv nothing o do I will go n et the nuts, ok so 4 per day. I have chix essence am, only started with the long gang drink today. I m wondering the tea can keep over night or hv to finish all within the same day.
bb_nn> ya the nuts very addictive..once u start itz diff to stop
u can oso buy a bag of juicy red apples n stock up,if u hungry snack on them.sometimes wen i hungry i eat a cup of muesli mix w milk..it has loads of fibre so constipation not an issue.for extra nutrients u can add sunflower seeds,dried cranberry,dried blueberries or dried raisins into it.at the moment avoid banana in ur diet.

do remember to drink lots of water..if u sense tat UTI is comin,immediately drink some cranberry juice.the other day i was thirsty in the middle of the nite but was too lazy..wen i woke up i knew UTI comin so i immediately ate 4 cranberry tabs(fm GNC) n downed 2bottles of water...then felt instant relieve.
hi all..
found an informative website providing insight on 2ww n after

IVFConnections.com...What you need to know after embryo transfer by dr.Ng
Hi gals
Can anyone share the chicken essence receipe which i post recently? I simply cant find as one of the gal is requesting fr me but no time to retype so detail.. Can anyone advise?thks..
hi bb_nn> UTI..Urinary Tract Infection..it happens wen we drink very little water n other factors.early signs will b alittle burnin sensation wen we pee.more serious signs wld b frequent short urination w blood in it n burnin sensation.if this happens pls see a dr straight away as the germs can travel up to our kidney n complications can happen..it is tat serious!
hi j03> mayb i can help.

heat up a pot of water over stove.in it submerged a smaller empty claypot w a porcelain bowl plced upside down.put 1/3 black chix sittin on top of the bowl.cover w a lid n allow it to double-boil for 3hrs.chix essence can be found at the bottom of the bowl after removal.the essence is very potent n tasty despite very lite in color n no seasoning added..hope i din miss out anyth..
bb_nn> i usually finish the longan drink by nite time n make fresh everyday.do remember to chk the slow cooker often too,dun wan it to dry up..top up w hot water if needed.oso i added some preserved dates to 'sweeten' the longan drink..(din wan to use rock sugar).
Hi, day,
Thanks for the clarification on EW.. Yup.. m trying to pace my EW as I m oso worried tt I ll hv phobia of it whn I need them most.. Thanks for the reminder...

Hi, silsilly,
Thank you for asking the qns on wat to expect for ER.. I guess I'm like u.. I like to know wat ll happen & fear unpleasant surprises...

Hi, valteen,
BFP BFP... Congrats.. We r awaiting baby dusts pouring..

Hi, star baby, baby bun,
I'm ur cycle buddy too.. Todae is day 3 of gonal f...qingwei & my 1st scan is on 6 may.. U both fr which ctr?
Starbaby, ur scan is tmr? U on which day of ur stim jabs?
An extract of ur post...
"U need to know how to manage or clean up the chicken.. My mum does for me and she remove the skin so that not so oily.. Then cut into three parts, use a claypot, put a bowl upside down into the claypot. Inside is empty, then put the chicken on top of the bowl.. Cover the claypot, boil a big pot of water beforehand, put the claypot directly into the big pot. Use small fire boil for 3 hrs.. After 3 hrs, take out the claypot, open the cover and throw away the chicken on top of the bowl.. U will see nothing below until u remove the bowl in it and the yellow chicken essence will flow out.. Very rich and bu to drink..;) dun be surprise that it is only a small bowl of essence...;) u must rember to top up the water in the big pot before it dries up.. Hope the above is clear for u..;) usually after drink, i will perspire alot..not sure why.. "
Top of the morning to all the sistas, I m so use to getting up this time for work, dun seem to be able to get back to sleep.
Hi PinkC >> Ok noted on the UTI, will try to drink more water, had my chic essence this AM, mine is from the bottle. My long gang drink, i use magic pot to cook rather than slow cooker, will that be ok, or must be slow cooker?
Thk u queenie..;) thats exactly my post.. So touch that u copy dn.. All the best to ur first scan tomorow..;)

All the best to silsilly er today..

Morning gals.. No work today but still hv to wakeup early to prepare son for school..;)
good morn to all sistas

bb_nn>sometimes i lazy i oso drink fm my Brands Essence in the morn.surprisingly i dun sweat a bucket like j03.

i suppose magic pot/thermal pot oso can coz it continuous 'boil' n retain heat after u off the fire.
Hi Qingwei >> Normally I will pinch the area than jab, just before I pull out the needle I will release my belly n redraw the needle, but sometimes will still blue black, sometimes can be due to squeezing too hard causing the blue black also, u can use warm towel to compress, might decrease the chances of blue black, u try.

Maybe you can discuss with the nurses, they might have som tactics as well. I hope this might help.
Hi PinkC >> what u cooking for lunch today, I normally eat out so at a lost, always can food. Arg how. I have pasta n tomato mushroom paste, nothing else at home, dun know what to prepare also.
Halo BBNN, try watching tv series or online movie at home... Or maybe flip some magazines or read a book. U in 2ww now? Must eat healthy food n some food must avoid ok. No bananas no carrot cake no liang things no spicy or chilli. Eat more fish n drink lots of water... (",)

Halo sisilly just wanna wish u all the best for Yr Er today!
Hi Ceo
Carrot cake liang ma?? Never heard of before and i love carrot cake...;(
So many things cannot eat till i dun know wht to eat liao..

Hi goh and clb
Excited for ur scan.. Can share wht u all see today so i can hv a rough guideline on wht shd i see later? Stress...
Btw goh, r u having twin or triplet? Excited for u..;)
Oops.. That means I wrong info Liao... So carrot ok but it's radish that we can't eat cos it'll "absorb or cancel" the effects of medications right? Tks jok for clarifying... Paisei sisters
Hi, j03,
U r most welcome.. I copied dwn ur receipe to ask my DH to learn.. Haha.. Btw, my 1st scan on 6 may.. Star baby is todae.. A few of us cycling same time, I oso confused.. Keke...
Hi, qingwei, u tried the Ginger drink? ll it help to ease ur bloatedness? I m cutting dwn slightly on my EW. Cos abit sianz. Perhaps I try quail eggs for 1 day. Heehee...
Hi CEO >> yeah doing my best o kill time now, I watch tv, surf net, eat n eat hee hee so just wondering what others are doing hee hee, we should gather n play mahjong
Hi CEO >> wah so many days, mine is HL till 16 may so back to work on the 18 may, wah I dun know how I can take it lor. Another 15 days to go.
Hi queenie mine is frm day of Er till hcg BT that time...

Hi BBNN I really enjoy nuaing at home n not working.. Jus relax n b a queen for one two weeks ya
Hazel, noted. I realise only that area got blue black n it's getting bigger. I will avoid that area.

Queenie, I will try tonight. I only take 10EW to work. Bloated now.
Hi Queenie >> I thinki have sharp backside, I cant stay still at one spot for 30 mins, I think I have gone to th kitchen at least ten times, really wonder how to last till 16 may, I m with parkway east shore.
hi bb_nn> sori just got bk fm Care..went for my progesterone jabs n BT.not cookin lunch today had a bakery s/w filled w triple layers of ham,cheese n eggs...very filling only $1.40
so tat'll last me till ard 5pm then will steam broccolli drizzled w japanese sesame soya dressing n a bowl of piping hot asparagus soup ;)

if u hvg spaghetti..u can add minced pork/beef n diced some large onions into ur tomato sauce/mushroom.if u prefer plain spaghetti on other days u can just toss it w olive oil n fried minced garlic top up w pan fried cod or threadfin or salmon.spaghetti pesto sauce w other toppings oso great like chix breast if u wan other variety.i dun really enjoy creamed spaghetti as they r too 'heavy' for me.
Hi CEO >> I think I hav to download more shows seems like I m not well prepared for these 2ww :p tonight have to get Lao gong to help. Maybe can get some games to play to kill time too.
hey 12bhappy> u bk fm Care yet?i arrved Care ard 10.15am was lookin ard for u but so many ppl there dunno wic one is u..haha.as the place was full i waited in one of the other rooms before Ning took my BT n administered the progesterone jabs.i wont b goin Care again till 10May..for my preg test n BT.i left the place ard 11am..

bb_nn> hv u eaten ordy?hope my menu makes u hungry..hee

grab some books fm library or mags to kill time.i'v my puzzle book to keep me company n the tv is always on
since i'm always up early to take my meds,i usually take a short nap in the aftn.
