IVF/ICSI Support Group

Helo every1
Today marked e 3rd day after my ET. Had been miserable.. All e side effects seems to fall onto mi. >_< Bloated,cramp, sweat n gastric are all my besties now...hopefully tis pharse can b over soon.

Hi Pink, how hv u been?

Cut a few slices of ginger n bring to boil together with some dried longans. If u r the heaty type, then can omit the dried longans. Just drink a cup a day when u r bloated.
Hi Valteen >> just realized I missed out your question, I am with Dr Roland Clinic at Parkway East Shore Hospital. Dr said embbies are ok but did not mention what grade.
Daylesford, I'll be going back for scan next Wednesday. I think I'll up my egg white consumption, I'm not taking immunocal though. But 8-12 seemed like a whole lot of eggs. Are u eating them hard boiled?
quick check - is there a 'tasty' recipe of consuming immunocal? tried mixing it with cold milo - but has prob disolving it and it looks yucky. anyone tried blending it with fruit juice?
Hi babybun
Eat half boiled ew for better absorption...;)

Hi whitetiger
U can try mix immouncal with hl strawberry milk.. I realise it myself and glad all smell is hidden and makes immouncal easier to consume..;)
I mix 3pkt w 2 bootle of yakult. Best taste after I tried others.
Recommended by some sisters here.

But if u find too ex, can mix w milk.
If can't take milk like me, juices also can. I tried orange juice before.
If not try ribenna. If u need intake 3pkt, then make ur ribenna sweeter can cover the taste.
Hi bbnn, rest well after your ET and remember to wear socks and slippers at home too
Good Luck!
Hi bb_nn!

You're with parkway east? Congrats on your transfer of blastocysts! It really increases your chances of bfp! It's a good thing that pte hospital can do transfer and ER on a Sundays and public holidays unlike kkivf
.. Pple who mite qualify to go on to a blastocyst stage at kkivf may not have the chance if their day 5 falls on a Sunday of public holiday.. Going private really have it's perks..

When you say dr Roland, it really brings back memories cause I remember him quite well since I used to work at parkway laboratory, analyzing patient samples..

All the best to you!

OMG! 60 follies! Imma faint if it's that many! I only have about 20++ and my abdominal area feels so heavy.. OMG! How did you do it? 60 follies is at high risk ohss right? Do you have pcos? Did they monitor you closely after ET? All the 60 follies contain eggs? Wow! That's alot of eggs.. I'm actually quite amused..

It's always good to hear advices and experiences here.. It just makes my journey easier..
hi 12bhappy> i'm doin alrite xcpt DH says i'm looking bloated ard tummy liao ..haha.

sori to hear u've been uncomfortable..is it bcoz of the side effects of the meds?mayb shld inform angela,ning on long leave back next week.i went to collect extra progesterone jabs..angela said my still low so nid to increase abit more.
Wah... Going to try out. Btw, for egg white and immunocal - watt is recommended no of egg white and no of packets per day? Initially thot 2 EW a day enough but read on this forum some eat 8 EW.
Hi Silsilly >> Initially I did nit know that The clinic will handle Sunday or public holiday transfer, when the clinic said as long as hospital open ET will be done as per normal, so I thought maybe a stand in DR will handle, but I was surprise when I saw Dr Roland this morning, am happy.

Just wondering since you know this Dr as well why not see him for the processes?
J03 : ya hor.. See la blur Liao...then it's Tue to get BT results.

Itjabi, pink, Mel, CEO, thanks. I will hang on till Tue no matter what.

What is dr Zou's success rate. Anyone only does accupunture and not taking her Chinese med..
Hi Summer >> thanks, dr did mention I have lots of mucus n that is not a good sign, but whichever the case just make the best of this journey
I starting doing accupuncture with Dr Zou a mth plus before my FET. Only accu with her as I have my TCM somewhere else.
And whether it's successful or not, I cant tell until my bt 4 days later.
Valteen, thanks...I hope u BPP. After one cycle like this it finally made me realise how painful it is to bfn. I am asking this as I see Ban Choon Chan has high pregancy rate &amp; they don't thinks so much med.
I believe Dr Zou is also very good so I am considering...
Whitetiger, I thought it's 2 egg whites too, which was what the nurse at TMC told me. I was so shocked to see the number of ew everyone here is taking. Are you taking cardiprin too? Dr Cheng did not mention about that but nurse asked me to buy from pharmacy myself. Is immunocal essential too?
Yes I am wif KKH. This round I paid abt $1030 for FET (natural) and this excludes the insurance. If medicated FET, then a little more than that (cost of med) but not sure how much more.
babybun - yes am taking cariprin.. so glad to have buddies during this ivf cycle and same clinic some more... can compare and make sure the nurses and dr don't miss out anything.

immunocal - nurse didn't recommend but when i ask her, she said if can also take 'cos it's protein. but seems like quite a no of ppl take that on this forum.

just not sure what is the recommended no of packs a day for optimal results.

I know quite a number of parkway hospital doctors who are good actually.. Like Charles lim, Roland, etc... I handle mostly STD tests from them and I've heard good stuff about them too..

But I'm always very concern about $$.. The hospital stay is very expensive and I've seen bills from parkway hospitals reaching the millions! I'm not joking.. Phobia abit.. I'm trying to save costs since I'm also not working right now.. (not that ivf expenses reaching millions).. I have the notion that the costs incurred will be higher than that of restructured hospitals..

If you don't mind, what's the expected bill size that you have to pay? If I have loads of money, I would see dr Charles..
j03: forgot to reply u. There was no sac when scan. I ask dr.Loh he say i very funny, got sac is means no is 1000 and above...I think he is careful, thats Y no V Scan.

GOH, actually I made appt to see Dr.Loh before my BT as I wasn't sleeping well since 2WW. I was scare and he did not reply my email if I could be on anything...so in a way it was good also lor...
Valteen:Thanks for your info. How many Embbie u have left?. Me only left 1...Not sure if it will survive thawing. I wonder if there is any cost if thawing not succesful

When was your last fresh? Trying for 2nd child?
I am not a fan of soft-boil eggs. So I did not take them in soft-boil form. Eating in hard-boil form is challenging too since I need to eat so many EWs. Usually will mix 2 whites together with Milo and pour gushing hot water into them in the AM &amp; PM, then the rest are eggies in other forms. If u are ok with eating softboil eggs, then thats the easiest to eat in big amount.

I graduated from tfc too. Dr Cheng and the nurses didn't recommend immunocal which is a pure protein drink. Guess eggs are better as its the pure and natural form of albumen. But I started taking during my stimulation phase especially after knowing that I was over-stimulated. Can't imagine myself eating so many egg whites a day..

I had no symptoms of PCOS and my AF was v. regular. Gosh..turned out to be over-stimulated. After 1st scan, dr told me immediately that I would not be doing a fresh transfer as chances of me developing OHSS was v. high. Had 60 follicles extracted. 30 with eggs and 24 matured ones. Am quite lucky that I didn't really suffer that much..My Dr administered Lucrin instead of hcg to reduce chances of me developing ohss after ER. Only felt that my ovaries were heavy a day prior ER and had tummy-ache a day after ER. Guess its the proteins, ginger longan tea and 100+ that did the trick.

Anyway, big yield is not a gd thing... most importantly, its the quality that counts.

I was started Dr Zou 5 months before I started IVF.
Valteen: Saw ur old posting liao and know more about U. I just needed to know if if our embbie did not survive thawing, do we still need to any $$ for Natural FET
Day: So u have how many fertilised? U so lucky at least u have reserve. Not like me so fast got to touch second grant liao
Itjabi, think worry kana embbies in uterus...This is the 1st time he does via tummy. He also do V Scan as can see better
Hi lamby, tks hopefully my luck can continue to next week when doing heart beats scan. I started acupuncture around one month b4 I started those injections. As for medicine, I only take it occasionally and towards the end of stimulations jab, I stopped. Reason is I am a very heaty person thus I have hives during the whole months of injections. So I reduce the tcm n increase on my egg whites instead n immunocal.

Hope you can have good results on tuesday too :D take care!
I dont think you need to pay for anything if embbies dont survive thaw as no procedure would be done. You would probably only hv to pay for the scan(s) required before the transfers.
Mel: Your No r multiplying nicely so Embbie should be healthy. Like mine so low thats Y SF say even no x from 11.4, embbie may not survive too...

Valteen: i look forward to your good news.

Day: Wow! 15 so good..Which DPT are u now?
Hi Lamby

I can totally understand how you r feeling now as the same situation happened on me during my 2nd IUI. At that time, my bhcg level is at 16.5 and I am feeling so terrible then as it is neither here or there. The waiting time is killing me everyday and after 1 day, I called KKH up and said that I will bring forward the blood test as the level is suppose to be able to increase every 2 days. Unfortunately,I am not bless during that time and my HCG level decreased.

I pray that the same thing will not happen to you and look to see good news from you.
Hi Lamby
Ur hcg will double beautiful on tuesday k.. U in early stage so cant see sac yet..no worry..

Hi valteen
Time flies for u..;) any positive sympton? U r at day what today? Going test hpt? All the best to ur bt..;)

Hi Day
How r u? R u having single or twin? So fast for u that u r in 3rd trimester now andso nice that u still share ur tips here..;) boy or gal? and when ur edd? R u seeing doc Loh for delivery or?? Btw, do u still remember ur hcg level at wht day when u did ur bt? Hv a smooth delivery..;)
Today D12 if you take ET as D0. I have been sick (fever, sore throat, cough) since last Sunday. I started testing using the cheapo strip (10miu) since yesterday morning and this morning. Got a very faint line but I am not reading too much into that cos the strip may be too sensitive and is picking up very low amt of hcg which may not continue. So am very cautious.
No jab but just progesterone insert. But seriously I dont want to read too much into this, provided it's picked up by more reliable hpt like Clearblue.
Dare not raise my hopes too high, else will be more disappointed later.
Hi, qingwei, on 6 may,
Jab lucrin but not gonal f.. Wat time ur scan?

Hi, day..
Err.. I dunno if I read ur post correctly.. I oso don't hv pcos &amp; got regular AF.. Is tis any direct relation with ohss? I'm taking 9 EW &amp; 2 immunocal todae, D2 of gonal f... Wld tt b too much? Or doesn't matter? Thanks for hanging ard here too..
Any other sisters knw?

Hi, j03,
Kampung eggs very tiny hor.. So got to up the number as compared to normal eggs like ntuc?
