IVF/ICSI Support Group

hi bb_nn> tis is my 4th BT since my ET..to monitor my E2 n progesterone level.found out only done on 1st week of 2ww,after tis no nid until preg test day..anoth BT.

since my progesterone level was low..i was given progesterone jabs wic has to be administered by qualified GP..cannot self inject.tis jab is in addition to the crinone insert,utro n progynova tabs.

hi qingwei> in order to minimise blue-black try not to 'rub' the area poked by the needle.press hard on the area to stop any bleeding then remove the tissue.if blu-black develope,try use a hot compress on tat spot everyday till itz pink..b careful dun scald urslf..

Hi Pink - im bak fr Care. Rch hm abt 12. Sorry, i'd juz log in and saw ur post of wat ur wearin n i tink i saw u. Hehe juz a glimpse. Today reri crowded!!!

Today i oso did my BT n dey will update mi on e result n advise when is e nxt appt.

So from now on u juz enjoy e rest of ur holiday yeah. Im still tinkin to extend my leave or to go bak to ofc. Kinda delimma as workin environment is v tense n war zone, wonder if it will affect.
hi 12bhappy> were u given 14days of HL? got mine 13days but thinkin of extending it to 3more days..hee.wen u nid to go back office..so soon??u must rest well esp tis 2ww..stress mite affect the body.usually implantation happens between 7-10days.

yes today very crowded.i did notice tho tat if u come after 10 or 10.30am for ur BT/scan..itz alot lesser ppl.

btw wat u wearin? i was searchin ard across the many ladies ther but can only guess..hmm...
hi sisters, how's ur scans?

i dunnoe how to react, now doc says can see two sacs...*faint*,one has strong hearbeat, the other more faint, he says prob in 2 weeks will be able to more clearly. luckily the fluid next to sac has reduced today..really unexpected as only hcg 900...feeling uncertain and stress, din see 2 sacs coming at all...haiz

j03 n glimmers, urs twins??

j03- my tcm says if take tcm meds, avoid carrot cake, the chinese fried carrot cake kind in black sauce... it cancels tcm meds' effects...

valteen- how's ur BT?
hi clb> congratz on hvg twins
may i ask why y hvg reservation on twins?were u expecting to see singleton?
Just gotten call from kkh. Bhcg: 642. Becos of my prev mc, i am also somewhat scared and worried how this will turn out.

Same qn: is it normal to hv some fluid diacharge ah?
hi val> did u ask the nurse or doc abt ur fluid discharge concern?were tey able to advise u?sori i'v no idea..

wat kind of meds support given after u BFP?
Hi, CEO, yeah yeah.. I like nuaing & juz b me... QUEENie.. Heehee..
Bb_nn, go watch scv/ DVD/ online games.. Day dream? I m gg to start nua tmr le.. I'm on annual leave til my ER next week..
Pinkcapri, can order tingkat fr u anot? Ur menu very appetising lo..
Hi. Qingwei, yup yup.. Try the Ginger drink.. Perhaps it ll work beta for u... I agree with pinkcapri, 1st time dh jab, he rubs & it was painful..
Hi Pink ~ so when are u gg bak to work? Im nt so lucky, my co do not ackl mc or hl from gynae or anytin to do wz pregnacy. All along i hd been takin my annual leave n my 21 days of leave are dryin up.. hehe. Im suppose to rtn to ofc tis cmg mon which is less than 2 wks after my ET, dh did urge mi to extend but am still tinkin.

I tink if u hd notice , Im e one in black with red briken sandles. Was bz online chattin wz fren to kill time .. haha.

Wish u best of luck all the way till ur Preg test yeah... so excited for u ;)

Hi clb ~ Congrats ;)
Val when u go collect, rem to ask the nurse ok. Relax n just b more careful will do... Dnt stress yrself out... Rem... Zen zen... *breathe in... Ouhmmmm
hi 12bhappy> thnx ya.i'm oso very excited for u coz we cycle buddy mah
wen's ur preg test?i'll circle the calendar so i dun forget
i'm suppose to start work on 12May..i still hv 21days annual leave but i intend to use
it wisely..hee.if Care can cover HL for me then i'll use it instd..save my "bullets" wen in desperate time

i tried to single u out based on wat i remember tat day wen ur back facin me.were u sitting the other corner,knitted black top w sleeve till the elbow?u were texting on ur phone but sori din notice ur shoes.ther was anoth lady w shoulder length hair n has a green soft bag..either one ..my guess..hee

i was at the counter chattin w Angie whl Ning packed my meds..signed my bill then i left liao.

hi Queenie> my menu very simple to do..if u stayin ard East side i invite u to my kitchen..freshly cooked..no nid tingkat..
Congrat Valteen..;)

Congrat clb too... Did he do a vscan on 2nd sac?

I just went to kkh and did the scan.. Now wait for sf loh ( going be long wait) surprise that kkh very pro in scan.. Nice tv just infront of me to see the scan result. They meassure many things.. Feel so relieve now as had see my bb heart popping fr the tummy scan for my first sac.. Surprisingly, had see one more sac too..;) but only the yolk sac (like wht i see last wk for my first sac) so.. Am having twins too.. Wonder is
it ok to see one with heart popping and one with just the yolk sac? Pray hard that the 2nd sac will chase up soon..;) actually the doc want do a vscan to see 2nd sac clearer but i rejected as worry will hurt them...actually, am in a delimma now.. If got twins,i will stick to kkh.. As hv make apptment with doc tham so may hv to cancel and stick to doc paul n doc Loh..

Hi clb, how abt u? Since twins, u going back to kkh too? Also for the 2nd faint heartbeat, wht did ur gynea say? Is it ok? Will it chase up??

Hi goh
Hows ur scan?
hey Pink ~ Bingo! Im e 1 @ the corner with black top ;). I reri envy u gals whom can use HL or mc... really disadvatage for mi, very lugi, which means high chance i will empty my AL n uses No pay no matter wat.

Ermm.. im not sure when's my preg test lei. Actualli i tink im the oni one who don ask n juz be there whenver they ask mi to be there. haha... Cos the more i knw, i mite get stress upz. Normally is how many days after ET for preg test?

So u stayin East side as well? ;)
Rest well valteen
U hv high hcg at day 15.. Maybe twins too..;) ur mc happen at wk?? U did ivf that time too??

I am soo stress these few days.. Now can relieve abit after see bb heartbeat...;)

Hi clb
Wht ur bb CRL size? Mine is 5mm le.. Which i calculate is on track.. Ur gynea say u r at wht week today?
hi j03> our s'pore carrot cake r made of shredded white turnips instd of 'carrots' as the name suggests.usually i'd go sheng shiong n buy 1 tube of yam cake n cut it up n fry it like carrot cake.i add some mince garlic,mince meat(pork/chix),shiitake mushroom,small prawns(haybee),beat an egg n fry them up.u can flavor w some lite soy sauce n dark sauce.if u wan spicy just add sambal haybee.u can substitute e meat w s/food no prob
Hi pink
If turnip then is it ok to eat? Thk u..

Hi valteen
Me too.. 2 bad mc experience via iui two yrs ago too.. Thats why so stress for every scan but keep tell myself must relax for healthy bb..;) lets pray hard to carry our healthy bundle of joy by end of this yr..;)
12bhappy> hi *wave
tot it mite b u.ya use ur other options if u hv to ok?

did angela/ning print out a copy of FET schedule to u w dates n meds chart?u'll b able to see wen's ur preg test date.mine is D16/ET D1
Pink ~ yeap, will jus do watever i can n keep movin forward. Ermm ,i juz hav a copy written for 2 dates.
No chart. Ning say will gimme a call aftr gotten my bt result. Then i didnt ask much n also don wana hold em bak cos see em run up n down... very ~chuan~ ...
Congrats CLB, J03 and Valteen
Hee you gals all having twins? Can close shop le :p

I went for a private scan too. 3 days earlier than you gals and very happy I can see the BB heart beats too
My BB CRL size is 3.6mm. Really small but just now when see the flickering on the screen reall really very scare cos first time :p Anyway tomorrow I will still go to KK and see DR Loh with DH. See what Dr LOh said too. Today actually is I sneaked there last min without DH knowing to let myself mentaly prepared. Really stress :p

J03, your MC last time is found during scan?
Hi melodi
Choy choy.. Lets dun talk abt mc anymore..;) congrat to u too.. At least can meassure bb CRL n heartbeat le.. Wah.. U go for scan again with one day apart? So now u can relieve..;)
hi j03> turnip as in the white turnip..is suppose to be liang...so not adviseable...avoid for the time being.even if boil in soup,old folks not advised to take alot coz they cause the legs to be weak.
Actually i admire ur courage to go without ur hb around.. I dun think i can as i need to hold his hand for the support for every scan.. ;) how we wish can hv the scan machine at home hor.. Then can scan anytime to assure ourselves..;)
yes actually last week twice also. I asked the doc many times and he said no problem one. I google actually many ppl do that too. Err...I think I rather take risk then keep on waiting and thinking
Yes cos KK scan is clearer but after tomorrow will change to private Gynae. How about Goh? Will she having twins too? Mybe you gals same day ET all will have twins :p
Congratz to j03,CLB,melodi n val!

either twins or singleton they r all our miracle precious bbs...wonder if 12bhappy,bb_nn n i will hv twins too ...hee.dun forget to shower lots of bbdust to us ok? i'm so so happy tht u gals were able to see bb heartbeat..so exciting durin scan!congratz once again
12bhappy> hmm...wonder why u no chart for u.wat meds u given?my chart has all the meds typed out w dates so i dun forget to take my med coz i hv like 2jabs,n 5tabs to take..some once a day,some 3x a day n 4x a day..it was very helpful.

howz ur progesterone level?lucky u dun hv to jab..my both bums abit sore liao..needles r big,quite scary even my DH din dare jab for me he not confident..haha..

ya i stay East..u?
Hi melodi
I am still waiting since 2:45pm.. Apptment at 3:35pm.. Is better choose afternoon apptment at least no need so stress when waiting.. Many pp.. Think i hv to wait at least 3hr.. My hb start grumbling and say this shd not be the way.. Thats the difference between pte n government..
Pink ~ Hahaha... really pray for all gals whose gg to have preg test have great results ;).

Ermm , i dono my level leh. Not sure why no chart but no pro. Mine was folic acid x 1, bb Asprin x 1, Utrogestan x 03 n crinone insert for mornin n nite.

Tmr gg bak to take meds... mayb i need more support after today's bt.

Yup, mi in e East as well ;)
J03, your scan is not done 1 hr before you see doc? Or you went earlier? Oh no, then tomorrow DH how to go work, have a meeting to attend. Don't tell me I had to see doc alone
If go earlier can scan and see earlier?
Hi melodi
Yes, my apptment is 3:35 but they asks me come one hr earlier for the scan.. Scan almost immediate.. No need wait so ur hubby can see the scan with u.. Is the waiting for doc loh takes alot of time...zzzzz still waiting... Wht time ur apptment with sf loh? 10am or 11am?
Nearly 11. I think I better change to private gynae since mine is only one sac. Else the waiting time really can kill my DH. He sure complaints tomorrow as his work is quite busy nowadays.
Thks Pink.. Bfp on the way for u gals..;)

Hi melodi
Yes.. If singleton, prefer go to pte too.. If twins, will hv to stick with kkh..;)
