IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi pink
No woh...I oso expect something like that but no receive.. Bill i receive fast but not the insurance package.. Usually it takes how long after et to receive? If no receive, call who?

i received both policies abt 1week to 11/2week fm ET,mayb long holiday..no postal service.wen u submit?if by next week not received then try call Rani..the cashier..she'll try help u.(i suppose u sent in w/in the stipulated 1week dateline n all field filled up correctly ya).
Hi, bingo,
Very fast hor.. Til I m scare lo.. Dr Zou say my eR mayb abt 10 may.. Then she say got to start eating @ least 8 eW.. Esp cos I got water retention in my feet.. Stressed.. I stil taking thgs slowly lo.. Oni being taking 2 ew.. So nw muz quickly change over.. Whn u reaching ur 5/5 appt, start to up ur ew, k? U last day @ office olreadi rite?
Hi pink
Blur... Dun understand what is 11/2 week mean?? So shd i call rani fr kkh?? Or can i asks ivf centre when i go there for scan next week? I sign up the policy on the day do et..
queenie, that's fast! i wan fast fast too.. haha
so you start your 2nd injection already? pain?
i already started 2 egg whites per day...
yes, my last day on 27 March.. now full time maid.. haha
i will going for a short trip and will be back wed, Lurin stage still can travel, start the 2nd injection cannot go anywhere liao, Dr Zou said..
so hubby said go enjoy first before the "tension" starts.. haha
11/2 week...hee..one n a half week..sori for the confusion.mayb u can check w Rani wen u go kkh next week for scan.now tat kkh n pte has many patients undergoin ivf,processing time could be longer as Great Eastern seems to be the ONLY company offering ARP coverage.
yup yup.. fast fast is good lah.. means body can respond well & nearer to my dream.. but I feel like not prepared.. dunno wat is gg to happen like tt.. aiyo.. scary..
started my 2nd injection tis morning.. stil okie... tink my DH more stress.. cos the pen is harder to administer than the lucrin syringe.. hahaha..
but I m feeling tired todae.. dunno is I pure lazy or is the jab.. hahahhaa..
me oso not working... yesterday last day.. but I m on long leave though.. hhehe.. yak more here leh.. else bored.. hahaha..

so wat's ur plan staying @ home? DVD? hehehehe.. whr u gg? good good.. relax before the journey ahead..

yalor.. start 2nd injection so many thgs cannot do, cannot eat.. so many med / supplements /EW to put into the body... but we shall all brave it thru together.. yeAh..
u @ Dr Zou todae? didnt see u wor..

this few days dh at home so dont feel the bored yet, yup planning to watch lots and lots of dvd.. haha
actually to make myself happier, i consider myself as long leave too, cos my big boss said i can go back to join them anytime when i am ready!
maybe 1 year time? haha
I am gng tokyo! the government urges us to save their tourism, so we say why not?? we have been there once few years back and we love the place..
will shop and buy more ba.. also to "treat" myself for this tough journey! woman lar always have execuses to go shopping.. haha
Hi queenie
U cant totally submerge else when boiling, water will flow into ur craypot.. Just put the water to cover half of the craypot will do.. Put the craypot directly into the big pot, no need any stand.. Me gonna make my chicken stork tomorow too..;)
J03, I received the bills already but very blur. Do you need to pay anything? There are many pages and what is SG IVF cycle1? singapore grant for my first cycle? I still not sure do I need to pay anything?
Need to ask the experienced sisters from kkivf..

I've been scheduled for trigger shot tomoro night at O&G at 11.00pm.. I was wondering whether the effect of the shot is immediate? Any experience of dizziness or nausea or what nots? Cos I'm planning to ride the motorbike and if the effects are bad, I would just flag a taxi..

Anyway, when I reach there, what do I do? Hand the paper to any nurse there? Is the place huge? Full of people? Haizz.. I should have checked it out just now but I was so eager to go home cause I feel so exhausted.. I don't want to go in looking like a sotong la.. At least I go there, I know what to do will make me feel clever a bit.. Teehee..
Silsilly, It is very fast as they will inject for you exactly at 11pm. Hmm...I think take cab better ba cos the thigh might be a little painful for a while. No dizziness or nausea for me.
Hi melodi
When i receive the bill.. Also blur.. SG ivf means the grant.. If u see ur name and amt is 0.00 means no need pay anything.. Just add all medisave and sg ivf column amt and u will know total bill how much..

Hi silsiily
No side effect.. Just abit numb at that moment but is ok one after 5mins..i drive there too.. 11pm is late.. Dun think will hv pp..;) dun worry, just go with the flow ba..
Queenie, I'm also on my 2nd day Injection. I handle all by myself. So far so good.
But I'm so bloated. I had 10EW, 5-6pkt of immunocal n close to 3l water.
In morning I will take the 10EW, the I'm so full no need breakfast then before lunch take 3pkt immunocal. I will try to take 3l of water before dinner as I scare water retention the nxt day.
If by dinner I still feel bloated I will take another 2pkt.
I'm wonder am I overdose of protein??
hi qingwei,
Wow, that's a lot of ew and immunocal! I only take 5ew and 1 pack of immunocal. i'm also on my 2nd day of puregon. Hmm maybe I need to increase my intake of protein. My er will be around 11/12 as well.
Star, I scare bloated. I super easy get bloated. During my 2ww while trying naturally, I can get very bloated till cannot eat proper meal.
So play safe lo. With my dosage of protein I do feel much better.
Do we really need so much protein? The nurse at TMC ask me to just take 2 ew a day since there will be other protein source from our daily meals.
Hey Sista's, sorry for the late reply. I waited for Dr Loh till about 1.30pm from 10am. So scarry...
Till my phone flat, go up car charge for 10mins than went outside again. I cried for the past 2 days so I was prepared for the worse today.

He say 11.4 is very low and he don't see much hope. He still proceed with tummy scan and did BT. Results will be out on Mon. He mentioned implantation happen but Embbie may not be healthy. He have very slight hope looking at this no.

I ask him why my grade 5 and grade 4 turns out this way. Accd to him grades is determine by the look of the ebbbie. Like looking at a very cute baby but he is with down syndrome.

I prepared for the worst to happen on Mon. I ask if i needed support he say he can give me another jab but from his expression I can tell he just did not want to say No. He was nice and was not nasty, he spoke to me for almost 20 mins and told me he will look at the results and decide the next course of action.

He mentioned i can proceed with a natural FET for the remaining 1 embbie but not to start anything chemical. I think he is trying to safe me some money and let my body recover. If i want to start fresh cycle will have to be July he says

Sis's thanks a lot for being there again but I think my update on Mon will not be good. He was so funny he say he want to quite being an IVF specialist cause he say its filled with negativity when it fails. He says he wants to be a Surgeon as he say he is good and its and achievement as he does it very well. No matter how complex & diff, he can do it nicely and gently in 30 mins. Maybe he just wanted to side track me a bit instead of talking to me about my sob story...
Pink don't worry I am fine just no batt so never update. CARE seems personalize. They have always been my next choice if not KK prior to my cycle. If not for SF Loh I would have gone somewhere else. I agree they are not so attentive and I was so lost this cycle not knowing what is next. I am lucky tp find this forum where i can learn and i have decided to go to Dr Zou since she is another good source for info since she is so Pro IVF and KK.

As such, I may Tiu my body and give KK another try. Think I never prepare well for my this IVF too. I have taking loads of cough and flu med pripr to ET and not sure if this has impacted the Embbies. Topping up the stress of not knowing what is good and bad. Hubby also has high work stress so sperm maybe another source of prob. He has low sperm count & mobility so again need o Tiu first lor...
We spoke and we are prepared for the worst and agree to better prepare ourself for the next cycle...
Hi qingwei
I read somewhere fr the past thread that take more than 3pkt of immouncal a day does not help at all. Infact, the two xtra pkt u took is redundant.. Max is 3 pkt to maximize the effect. Since immouncal is so expensive, i think u really no need take so many pkt when it is having the effect same as 3 pkt.. U can take as many ew to help ur bloat though.. I admire u can take 10ew at one go.. I hv to split to two times..;)

Hi lamby
Hugz.. Am actually more worry abt u when no hear fr u today.. Glad that u r very positive together with ur hubby.. When doing ur scan, did doc loh see any sac? Continue to hv positive thots till ur bt result is out k.. As long as no see red, there r still chance to strike.. If touchwood that u need to go for fet, i think beside tiao urself at doc zou place, u shd change ur sleeping habit.. As wht most gals say here, sleeping at 11pm is impt since ur hormone is start working at 11pm.. And if u always sleep so late and with not enough sleep, is not going to help ur embby to grow better.. I feel u r sleeping late and oways didnt sleep enough during ur 2ww..Also, during 2ww, forget abt work, since ur bb is most impt for that period.. Stay relax and dun keep think abt work..k.. Just some note for u as fr my observation abt u for ur past 2wk..;) rest well and u will strike next cycle if not this cycle k.. Jiayou!!
Hi, lamby,
Brace it up.. With hope, anything can happen.. Watever the outcome, we r here for u...
Hi, j03,
Thanks for clarifying on the claypot.. Will ask mum & dh to try.. On a personal note, thank you so much for hanging ard here though u hv graduated.. Esp I see ur observation on lamby.. I m on gonal f now & I m getting more & more qns.. So I reali appreciate all u sisters for answering.. Thank you..

Hi, bingo,
Ur boss is soo good Enjoy ur trip... & we shall await u here...

Hi, qingwei, star baby,
I started gonal f todae.. 1 day later than ur.. My eR shld b ard 9 to 11/5.. So we r all cycle buddies.. I m fr KKH.. Wat abt ur? If oso fr KKH. Next scan 6 may rite? See ur there...

Juz to confirm, EW & immunocal is to ease bloatedness, rite?

Todae I juz started on 8 EW & 1 immunocal.. Tink I need to up tt le.. We up our protein & jiayou together..
Lamby, yes dr loh is a very gd surgeon. He did a high risk complicated surgery which he told my friend any good surgeon will hv 2nd tot operating on her.

Dr loh loves children n his wish is to see us get preg & eventually carry a healthy bb in our arms. He does not like it when patients fail or miscarriages.. N that spoil his mood. That is the genuine Side of him wanting to see us succeed n not treating it as just a job.
Thk u pink for ur clarification.. Will check with kkh next wk..
Hi queenie
Yes, ew and immouncal help in bloat and egg development due to its protein.. So take more ew if can..;) max i took is 8 ew to 9ew.. U r too polite.. During office hr, i bery busy so seldom can see my name but during wkend, am more relax.. If can help, i will since there r many gals support me and help me go thru this tough journey too... I feel i shd support And help other gals Now too..;)
Eye half close now.. Nitez gals...
Wow, u can stomach 10EW at a go! .. Suggest that u try to split your EW /Proteins intake throughout the day for better absorption. Had 3EW and a pack of Immunocal/day during the initial days of my stimulation. After my first scan, had abt 40+ follicles and dr told me to increase my proteins intake. Then I increased to 8-12EW with 3packs of Immunocal a day. Period after ER will be critical too as your body will need lotsa of albumin. So try not pace yourself in ur EW intake else u will freak at the sight of the EW towards the end. Quail EWs can be another alternative and its easier to eat in quantity too. Gd luck in ur cycle.
Hi lamby, glad to see your reply. I feel that you have tried your best le and don't blame yourself too much either. Let's wait for Monday BT result and hope that your blood counts will increase further. Rest well during the weekend n don't think about that first. Jia you!
lamby, i feel u r fortunate at least u r able to see dr loh straight away after a low BT, & get his assurance when u needed most. Hope u feeling better and look fwd to Mon for yr next BT. most impt don't be discourage..yr body can do better next round we always improve when we encountered obstacles. take care..

J03, glad u bring up the insurance stuff..i almost forgotten abt it. for my fresh cycle i rec'd the policy right after my BFN but this time still no policy yet..in fact my KK bill came 2 wks later than the policy. Could it be we BFP so they delay longer..?? gotto ask KK when we scan next wk..

girls, reading abt the rave reviews of dr loh as a surgeon makes me thinking of sticking with him even tot i hate the long wait, cos my past encounter with him always short & brief. many tks for sharing!
Day, i cant take all 10EW at one go. I split into 2 times.
I took half boiled but partial are raw. Add abit tiny drop of black soya sauce. Like that ok right?

J03, I not sure abt that but just like today aft my dinner which i had ramen. I feel bloated n I went to take another 2pkt. I do feel better aft that. I try to change it to EW n see how.
Coz if immunocal can help I think I won't mind spending abit more. Eat too many EW I scare leh.

Queenie, yup with kkh n next appt on 6th may.

I want to know how many follicles is too many follicles? Cos yesterday the number of follicles I have jumped from 17 to 23 and more than 15 were maturing(>12mm) very well while the rest are on the road to maturity.. Will the hcg shot increase the number of follicles still?

I'm upping my egg intake.. My abdominal area feel heavier day by day.. I've stopped 150iu of gonal f aredi.. Does any girls feel heavy abdomen during your stimulation jabs?
hi Lamby >*hugz..hang in there ok?mayb mon digits will increase..take care n try to rest more.

hi bb_nn> good morn!itz the Big ET Day
remember to fill us in ok? all the best ya..after the procedure..u'll b officially upgraded to the 2ww club...hee,do keep me company ya
It should be ok to take half-boil eggs as they are are easier to consume. But try not to take them too raw too. I had my EW in all forms, like mixing 2 EWs in Milo in the morning..etc. If u still feel v.bloated despite all the proteins intake, try to take longan ginger drink as it helped sooth the bloatedness.

As long as you have a good count of follicles that are growing well, don't be too worried on the no. of follicles as we can't control their counts/growth. Its the stimulation FSH jabs which will trigger the growth of ur follicles. I had 40+ on 1st scan and my follicles count increased with every scan and during ER, had a total of 60 follicles extracted and even after my ER, some follicles are still sprouting. Just ensure that you are increasing ur proteins intake.
Morning sistas, am into the last lap of the process. Will ve gg for my prengyl jab tmr n pick up on wed. I hv 25 follicles of which 11 are 12 n above. Dr zou ask me to increase Ew intake to 15 a day. *** faint ***

Sisilly - When r u scheduled for pick up?

Bb_nn - All the best to u!
Hi bbnn
All the best to ur et today.. Rest well n congrat..

Hi lamby
Hmm.. Monday is holiday.. Kkivf got work ma?

Hi goh
Wah.. I thot i sleep late last nite.. End up all mother to be sleep sooo late too.. Btw, how u feeling now? I hate meal times now.. Really dun feel like eating anything except snack.. Though no naueous but just feel all food smelly..;( meal time is a torture to me now.. But is a happy torture.. Hee.. Ya, i also suddenly realise why no policy receive as i remember the sister here ever say will receive the policy by mail.. But i didnt receive anything.. Hmm.. Btw, wht time is ur apptment on tuesday? Me anxious and start feel stress again..hope by tuesday afternoon can see strong heartbeat popping via tummy scan..think clb also scan on tuesday... All the best to all of us..;)
Hi all, can I check what's the purpose of taking egg white and how many to take per day? I'm on my 3rd day of gonal f today.
Hi Sistas >> I am back, but I still feel like sotong, ER - 13 follicles, after match making, left 9, today, DR told me he will transfer 02 blastocyst, n freeze 02, so only 04 made it till today, I asked about the grade, DR just said ok.

I have eaten my Brazilian nuts n resting now. Will need to see the clinic again on 6 th may. DR said blood test should be on the 12 may. I think that is all, I hope I did not miss out anything.
Hi lamby, *bear hug.. Im a silent reader. Pls Dnt give up hope ok. Pray hard n talk to Yr embbies n u Nvr knw, miracles may happen! Jus b positive n cheer up...
Many believed that a protein rich diet during stimulation phase will improve the quality of the eggs produced. Also, during stimulation stage, some of the ladies will hv much more ew-mucus discharge due to increase of estrogen levels. Our body will require albumin even after ER as it helps "repair" our ovaries and to curb bloatedness. During my stimulation phase, I progressively increased my EW intake from 3EW and a pack of Immunocal/day to 8-12EW with 3packs of Immunocal a day towards ER and after ER (where I was at v.high risk of developing OHSS). Hope that helps and when r u going back for ur next scan ?

Queenie, normal eggs. DH bought it from NTUC.
I scare lurcin will run low. Do we have to inject lurcin on 6th May?

Day, cannot too raw also coz i scare of the taste. how to make the longan ginger tea? soak all in the thermal cup ok?
