IVF/ICSI Support Group

Dr fong yang was my previous Gynae for iui, soiui, hysteroscope n endometrosis treatment...
A friendly doctor... He will answer my questions readily thou at times not much in details... I like his response on emergency calls...
Also his nurse Eileen is very friendly, helpful n knowledageable.. Willingly provide more supports on p. Jabs, utrogestatan etc after insemination ..

Miracle, u r early too. Every morning dh wl wake me up for tcm med very early de cos after dat still need to to insert, jab n take other med zzzzzz
During my last fresh, towards nearing er.. I ate 10-12... Can be hard, but juz try k.. Hope it helps..

Forgot to add, dr sf Loh don't really like dd fong.. He will question dr fong expertise etc.. Coz to him, hysteroscope n endo treatment are all bullshit coz I don't hv. Plus I have a "reach" in my womb n makes insemination real hard n dr fong Alys has issue on it,20mins session...after hysteroscope still same, this make dr Loh doubt him more.
But under dr Loh, my ET insemination takes barely few minutes... Hmmmm...

U r considering to see him??
Just done the fraxi jab and crinone insert. Wah the needle looks thick and feels thick... 12 more to go..

The jabs, they give you 2 weeks supply or till preg test?? Cos i oni hv for tge 2 weeks. Does that mean i can go for bhcg earlier??
Ceraine, I did my iuis b soiui with dr Fong yang too. Agree he's friendly but dh said he doesn't really make decision for us de, everything it's up to us. After the insemination, we were asked to test 2 weeks later then no more follow up le leh. Unless u call them else they wl not call u back to follow up de leh. His nurse eileen is nice, everytime I call I look for her de.

1 thing I dun like is the waiting time. Even we r d 1st in appt but still hv to wait for hrs cos dr always comes in late but we must be there at appt time to wait de.
Miracle, I think it's till preg test n Angela said even after bfp still need to jab til 28 weeks!!! Hehe... Thick hor? Me not jab yet, waiting for dh to come with my breakfast. U jab yr own ah?
Thanks. Ceraine and Janice,

I thot of switching a gynae nearer to my place. Hence did a google search on gynae ard my area. Found these two doctors so wana chk further before going down to them.

I ever read that the Jurong East Chinese sinewy always recommend patients to him. Izzit the one they said actually they r couple and refer patients to each other one ah? Then always like to ask patient to go for operations? Is this the doctor huh? If he is the one then I won't see him la, anyway u said dr loh dun like him too.

Dr Woo Bit Hwa nobody seeing him ah? He is fm TMC de but has a branch in tiong bahru plz.
Stickybb, he's not the one. The one is Christopher Chen. Dr Fong is not always at Tiong Bahru, only certain days. His main clinic is oso at paragon
Morning girls

Flowers: Can take "dang shen"

Stickybfp: Morning
it been awhile i log in ... how are u ? hope everything goes smoothly for you
<font color="aa00aa">Janice, cramp was better yesterday, today worsen again. NVM la, just tahan. Waiting for my breaky to do all the supplements and cronine</font>
Oh... Means 2nd bt hv to go 'top up' le. Hubby jab for me. I dun even dare to look. Me also waiting for hubby get breakfast done... I will take my tcm med 2hrs after care's med... So much to eat, really must wake earli so that we hv enough time to play ard with
Morn sistas!

So tired. Woke up at 5.30 to put insert then go back to sleep till 7 coz wanna take a lift fr dh to come paragon for my jab. Having breakfast while waiting for clinic to open now...

Stickybb, my sil gave birth under dr woo. No complains or wat fr her. So can't advise much too.
Shoes, i get cramp till et day too then after d jab to release to muscle the cramp is ok le... If really cannot than take panadol.

Miracle, haha I thot u so brave hee.... Me too dun dare to jab myself. I opp of u leh, I need to take tcm med with empty stomach then care med 1-2 hrs later after food. Time really not enuf for us ah... I got to wake up at 6 for med leh
<font color="aa00aa">Janice, good to know not alone. Think need write timetable for the meds. I find that self-jab can control the timing and pain factor. I can't take TCM med on empty stomach cos will want to vomit after, opposite of you</font>
Shoes, ya loh... Later go back sleep again. Alamak the ah-mei cafe is closed down or under reno... Cannot have my half boiled eggs... Ytdy was still open!
<font color="aa00aa">my neighbour doing major reno, so much noise from pulling down concrete and all...argh..noisy!!</font>
Yes, I was told fong yang was affiliated with d jurong Tcm, which I totally unaware...
"reach" is an angle in d womb.. D hysteroscope he ordered is to see this "reach" so next soiui can take shorter time.. Turn out same n I was quite disappointed..
Dr loh feels dr fong is not experienced enff in insemination yet
went on to have own practice.. But I guess it's up to individual.. I hv frds who succeed on ist soiui with him..

Agree with Janice.. He wil give us suggestions but decision comes from us.. He originally me proceed Laproscopy which I
not comfy so he didnt push me for it.. That why just hysteroscope..n when my soiui fails n told him I Wana a break n try naturally say 3 months.. He proposed I go for endo treatment. Mine was really super mild case but he feels since hubb sperm not ideal, he WANs my side to be in best condition...in fact dr fong propose I switch to KK or Nuh for my IVF...

Btw Gers, had my scan just done.
Cd12 lining ,7mm Rhs 10.5mm, Lhs 6mm

Hmmm... Lining n Rhs increase 1mm in two days nia.. Whereas Lhs no growth

Doing natural FET.. Nurse say still early.. As long ovulate it's okie.
Will never reach d reading of fresh as those are induced by hormones jabs.
Hmmm.. Can't help getting abit disappointed.
Sistas on natural FET or did prior, can advise how my data looks...
Shoes, hehe cos all along I m afraid of needles de. But no choice, so everytime dh jab I look away didn't even see him jab. My tcm nd to b on empty stomach leh cos got codycep on it. Btw how many hrs apart for taking utrogestan huh? I anyhow de leh sometime 4, 5 or 6 :p

Calzz, u can drink coffee or tea meh?
CAlzz... Coffeebean serves super nice breakfast.. Breakfast o'day with sausage, eggs n some greens... That's my favourite during paragon visits..
Ceraine, when I did my scans before natural fet, my follicles only grew 1mm fr cd8 to cd11.. So I upped my protein n cd13 it grew by 3-4mm and I had +opk on cd14. Think it only grows faster nearer O. Dr zou said I was stressed. Haha. So dun worry, continue to eat more protein. I had like 5 eggs per day n immunocal.
Hi, Janice, Valteen
Sorry for the confusion.. The conceive well I bot is in box form.. I hvnt opened til last nite.. So I tot got 2 bottles inside cos tt was wat the sales assistant told me.. Haha.. gg to take aft lunchie todae..
Ceraine/stickbb, yep jurong east tcm wl refer patients to a few dr depending on the scan n needs - Christopher Chen, Fong yang, CARE, etc. Actually I did succeed twice on iui with Fong yang but too bad....
Shoes, my tcm oso said 1hr but sometimes I kiasu abit hehe.

Calzz, eh.... Care hor say no cocoa leh so now I dun even dare to drink Milo.

Actually hor can I take cheese huh? Juz took sausage mcmuffin without cheese, taste so dry. N hor those magnolia milk can drink hor? Cos it comes with drink so dh change it to fresh milk for me
Fong yang SATA my eggs tends to slow down in growth nearing o... Hmmm.. Must have faith hor!!
I am taking 2 packs of Immunocal now which is equivalent to 6 eggs, n lunch time will take eggs too...
U r on natural FET now? Thought medicated...

Oh queue so long, waiting to see Gynae n I am super hungry n sleepy. Took some western med nitz
Janice, oh really ah. Then cham leh everything cannot drink. Haha.

Ceraine, ya in the end I ask dr let me do natural. Supposed to do medicated.
Cheese why cannot take? Now 2ww oki lah. We need calcium mah. Milk as long not cold, can take.
I love milo but after ET i decide not to take. Instead taking omega milk now.

Jiayou... Still hv till cd 15 right? Will grow de. When is your next scan?

Today you taking the HL right? Hopefully no indication of ivf or care in it. Just finish taking care med.. So full haha...
Dawn, thank u hehe dunno can take or not so give it a miss :p

Miracle, me juz jab, now going care le. Hopefully I get my hl today.

Hmm... Really nothing we can drink le. I got drink 100plus though hehe cos Angela said can drink :p

My dh was so bz preparing for my lunch n dinner, in d lift he suddenly said now u know d advantage of my existing hor? I told him without his existence I oso no nd to go thru this wat lol
Nurse said if prog bt ok dun need jab le. But I feel like asking can juz cont jab in case anot? Haha.

Janice, lol. U n ur dh so funny.
Miracle, it's true mah, we suffering for them leh hehe... D last time round he kept asking me to go out walk walk, now he doesn't dare le hee...

Dawn, we were thinking does our hl indicate for wat purpose lol

Calzz, sometimes my dh very bad de n purposely make me 'angry'.
I am with KK still. Oh d "African" lady say still small d follicle, as well lining which is expected coz egg only 10.5mm..
As my cycle days 30-31, she expects only next week I will o. There shd be no action this wk but u can still go down sat to monitor my follicle n lining growth.
Sat n sun test opk n monday back for scan again before deciding proceed or abort. Me 2 precious left nia, she wan a gd lining minimum 8mm n good ovulation of min 16mm to proceed.. Else waste as implantation might be compromised or even if pregg, will not be healthy...

Buddy, next scan actually next Monday.. But I be coming back sat for scan too, at least to see how much grow Liao...
Yah, must catch uP lei... Else gota abort cycle
I don't want!! Sob sob..

Needs the follicle to grow by 5.5mm wor... 2 day grows by 1mm nia... I think I might increase Immunocal to 3 packs a day Le.... Buddy.... Me wordless ...feels heart cold cold...
