IVF/ICSI Support Group

Janice: All the best to your BT next week.. Sleep more if you can

Oh in case I'm wrong, does FET means fresh embryo transfer? In case I got it wrong. Haha. By the way how long bed rest we mus take ah? I thinking of going out for dinner this coming sat leh (6 dpt)... Think ok or not ah?? Getting sian at home
Haha guess I'm wrong... Flowers I'm on fresh cycle. It means my eggs just retrieved last friday n fertilized over the weekend n got inside me on Monday ... This is called fresh right? Pls enlighten me.. Hehe
<font color="aa00aa">Janice, how are u feeling today? Dr Zou says implantation is 3 to 5 days after ET...she warned me cannot go out the first week hahaha</font>
you still having gastric? Mayb after the medication, you sit up straight. I realised that after med if i lie down or slouch, I will have gastric pain.

today after ET, i'm given fraxi, and to jab daily. I'm also given progesterone jab. according to Angela, after ET must have progesterone jab de.
My E2 is not satisfactory, so most likely I think I will kena jabs on sat le.
If you want then ask them give you pregynl jabs too lor...I might ask for it..haha....Kiasu better than having to go back again. Lolz...
I think refers to the area above belly button? cos when i bloat, thats the area which is hard and bloat.... Keep up the bloat. Dr Zou say bloat good!
wah you have all ah!!!....haha...I think E2 no jabs de bah....I sat go ask Angela le then tell you.

you 2ww now? Bloat good good... =)
Miracle, oh I thot dats my wei leh.

Hehe tmr I'll ask wats my lvl n see wat jabs I need. Confirm I'll hv pregnyl cos already paid for them wahahaha
Hi gals

Had been a few days didnt log in due to ohss. Wah so much to catch haha...see until i blur blur **blink**blink**

Once again, i like to thank you all gals for the caring and supports keke
Thanks a lot!

Am so much better le. But on off will still feel gastric pain and bloated.
sticky is right. You have high chance!!!!

today Angela also tell me next time can only transfer 2 embbies le. 3 is a no no even we insist le..... btw, how many are you going to transfer?
StickyBFP and Blue

Ya lor...really hope your words come true "BFP" keke...lucky much better now. Haiz so fast today is wednesday le. Cos going to start work soon.

After this ohss, i really fear lor...imagine, i usually wear t-shirt at home due to ohss, my stomach bloat until my t-shirt shorten and my stomach fall out lor...so big leh....very funny hor...wahahaha...lolz
miracle, ya lor...that bloat lor...can imagine hor...ET last friday same as janice. So until today consider how many days huh? Dun knw how to calculate leh.
today is 5dpt. You are bloated all the way since fri ET?

sure can see 3 frozzies one. Don't worry. Will they be calling to tell you how many fertilised?
<font color="aa00aa">miracle - yup, they will tell me and I am praying that my kids continue to be blessed and multiply healthily</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Miracle - was it you who was looking at Breadmakers? or was it Sticky.
A friend is doing a group buy for Krups, wondering if its good</font>
