IVF/ICSI Support Group

ceraine, dun worry nearer O will grow fast fast! I ET 1 week after +opk coz d5 trsf... so if u doing d3 trsf, should be around 3-4 days then ET lah... coz after +opk still must wait for 24-36hrs then ovulate mah
ceraine, my this round also O early, CD 12 already +opk, CD 13 still +opk, CD 14 confirm O, follicle last check on CD 12 is 14mm .... the first dr. say abort but on cd 14 dr. loh say go ... so i go lah ... also my last 2 follies le .... but like wat dr. loh say it depends on luck so i go along with his suggestion and try my luck lor. The other consideration is time is not on my side so ... 博一博吧

Once confirm O, 2 days later is ET provided u doing D3 tsf
hi piggy,
Me like that lor... No maid, i so busy... With my niece i lagi more busy...

Hi ceraine,
Aiyoz dun tempt me early in the morning le... Later i cannot tahan i need to find coffee bean le... My side dun have lor...

Hi calzz,
Ny eyes green green...
I also wan ur breakfast... Haha...
Im sure things will turn out well. But if your case is similar to flowers, then you may want to think if you wan proceed or abort... Like my dh always say, if its yours, it will be yours.... God has plans for us.... Be clear what you wan then you wont be stress up.... Jiayou!!! Sat will have good news!
Good morning ladies, can I ask if anyone Kenna frequent urination ah? Yst was day 3 after ET n last night I went loo umpteen times, keep having the urge to urinate n when I go, only a little nia, so irritating. I cldnt sleep till 4.. I was contemplating if I can just pop 1 chloramine or not, anyone know if chloramine can b taken during TWW? The frequent urination cnt b pregnancy symptoms cos I think it's way too early so I guess Mayb I hAve urinary infection..,
but this morning I wake up till now seems ok le leh... Sigh
ya lor calzz...
Mac also dun have...
But got popeyes le... Haha...

Hi ceraine,
Feeling better le ma???
Prob the accu and ur egg whites the effects havent fully kick in... Should work... Maybe a few more days... U got till cd 21 for a good O le.... So should work...

Hi miracle,
U feel better le ma??? The side effects wearing out?
No more hot flush at night. I can sleep well. Now oni slight bloat... Think shld be bloat, not fat bah. Haha...
This 2ww is so much more comfy compared to my fresh...
Miracle, Back fr care. So today is d last bt, sat jab only. Angela said after today's bt, they can't do anything le cos by sat implantation wld hv taken place. If today's result not so gd I need daily jab. As usual, hope dun receive call from
Ning lah. Still no hl yet cos dr Paul didn't bring over, they say sat leh.
Miracle, Back fr care. So today is d last bt, sat jab only. Angela said after today's bt, they can't do anything le cos by sat implantation wld hv taken place. If today's result not so gd I need daily jab. As usual, hope dun receive call from Ning lah. Still no hl yet cos dr Paul didn't bring over, they say sat leh.
hi ceo,
i didnt have HL after et le... but doc gave me 14 days mc after my fet... =) for fresh after er, doc also gave me 14days i think...

hi miracle,
good to hear...
hi ceo,
the urination part is good le...
preggy sign is one reason
another hor is ur body getting rid of excess water, cos before et we are bloated ma...
urine more is good... if no burning session think is not uti...
so after et, we take a few days to get all the excess body fluid out....
is a good sign for ur body and for ur embbies...
Flowers, I was thinking c how it goes today lor n if no more than coming sat go KK for BT then maybe check with the nurse lor... I was so pek chek last night cos cnt sleep n almost hafta camp inside the toilet :'(

Hi stickybfp, KK gave me HL. Urine is good ah? But but everytime I go toilet only a little bit nia... So irritating... Sigh
hi ladies, can I ask how many months ( estimated) do I need to wait if I want to start a new cycle with Dr SF Loh (KKH). I took a 1 yr break last year from my previous cycle.Thanks
Calzz, now total I jab 4xpregnyl but if result no gd then I bs to jab till end of 2ww???? Hahaha u caught me! I didn't ask n this question didn't occur to me

I used to drink coffee everyday too! Then I switched to Earl Grey tea cause I read somewhere that black tea helps increase fertile cervical discharge. Then I saw Angela who said black tea is no good too and switched to green tea, only to read on the forum that green tea is liang! Haha! So now I don't drink any coffee or tea!

I used to love my coffee (we even have a Nespresso machine at home). So after I bfn, I thought this month can drink a bit since cycle may be messed up anyway so even lower chance than usual of striking, but I realised my stomach can no longer take coffee!!! It's too acidic for me now!


Can I ask you all whether you feel nauseous after you bfn? I am on day 10 of my cycle now so definitely not pregnant but I am feeling the slight nausea that I had during my 2ww. My basal temperature has also fallen back to its normal range (it was elevated in the earlier part of my cycle probably cause I was still flushing out my super high progesterone levels - last test was 206!!!) so am wondering if I should just go see my GP and ask her if anything's wrong.
no HL again? Think if sat still dun have, I will have to make a trip to TLC and get from him le. heee
So far you didn't get any call from Ning right? So yours shld be good. You din check with them your results?
I kena called once before ET and on ET day... haiz...think most likely I sure be called. Maybe I shld be on pregynl then be safe le. hahaha
Do you have bowels issue after ET? Always hear pple saying they are constipated. But I already poo-ed once in the morning and just had watery poo poo (hee....sorry for sounding so disgusting)
Miracle, my poo also very shun shun li li after ET. Lol. Loose stools. But I think coz I every nite eat 1 big bowl of fruits lah.
Ladies, I've got tons to questions in my mind..hope you all can help if possible..

1. I've got PCOS and was prescribed to take Metformin to control the thingy. After ET, nurse say continue to take Metformin but Dr Loh (in a rush, duno he got listen properly or not) say no need. I check from internet, and it says that PCOS will affect implantation so some patient continue to take Metformin. Is there anyone here who's also on Metformin before going thru ER/ET?

2. My back is breaking…aching like hell..is that normal during 2ww?

3. If this round not successful, how fast can I do FET?

4. For FET, need to take jabs/med again? And roughly how much? Using govt grant or cash?

Sorry to bomb so many questions at once.
make sure the fruits you taking are not liang.

2. i have back ache occasionally but yet to reach the breaking stage
3. have to wait at least 2 af cycles to start FET
4. If natural FET, no need med.jab. Medicated FET, med is needed, but jabs dependin on dr. Cost wise also depend on hospital. No govt grant. Can choose cash or medisave & cash
Calzz, this is wat Angela told me leh.

Dawn, Ning from care told me can take camomile tea leh.

Miracle, ya lor. They said dr Paul wl bring tmr cos he's going there but hope this time he remembers to bring lah. Haha... Tmr he goes care for shoe's et ba. Was told by Ning may get constipation but me dun leh. Like u I've loose stools n poo a few time a day. So I think we r normal lah heh heh heh
Thank miracle!

So what's the procedure for FET? I have irregular AF so should be medicated FET. If it's medicated then what's the procedure like?

Take med to induce AF, then wait for O then do ET? If I'm thinking of doing D5 trsfr, how long will the hospital thaw the embbies?
I had constipation before ET. So dr zou ask me take clear bowels else later after ET cannot squeeze out the poo. So i took Prune juice and try to clear as much as possible...haha..
now no need prune also can clear le....
The only tea i'm taking is red dates tea.
feeling so sleepy, later need go nap nap le.
Calzz, I think those u taking are ok. We cannot take local fruits hehe...

Shoes, talking abt dat. Yesterday my dh suddenly ask me durian not local fruit meh? Lol
Miracle, I feel so tired after coming back fr care. Had my nap le, now feeling hungry. Going to take my ai xin porridge hehe. Btw my poo think cos of my tcm med.

Lyn, so fast think of fet. Dun think dun think, must stay +ve
you are so berry berry....haha i duno liang anot. but looks okie ah..as long not local fruits as instructed by care.

you are with kk?
Yah will induce af, then will start on meds to build lining. On d14 go for scan, if lining good then can transfer. no, of days depending on which day your embbies are freeze. So far about 3-4 days after the final scan...
But d5 transfer can be risky...how many embbies are you left with?
You now 2ww right? ALAMAK why talking about FET? ((toink toink your head))
Lynn, depends ur embbie is how many days when the freeze. For e.g my frozen embbie was d4 so they thaw the day before d5 trsf.
Hi flowers, the gmail address dr Loh gave me first time when I emailed him in sept last year got reply leh. Subsequently I sent him two emails no reply le
yah could be the tcm med. usually i take dr zou med, i will poo very shun one.
I just took her med at 1130pm and at 12noon i go clear le. thats fast! hahaha
hubby came back from work to buy lunch for me...later need to run off le..wait for him go back work then i go nap.... else difficult to pass my days.
Your hubby on leave for 2ww too?

Yeah! I got confused for a while. I thought you were in your 2ww now and was wondering why you are asking about FET. Don't think about that lah!!!


I meant caffeinated teas. Camomile tea is fine cause it's not from tea leaves.

Calzz, pineapple, green banana, water melon eh.... Dunno lol but now I everyday oso eat durian leh, as wat shoes said, durian fr msia not consider local fruit lol. Oh dragon fruit oso cannot. I very safe de, only take strawberries, cherries, blue berries, apple, kiwi n now durian ;)
