IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hahaha..Janice, I'm drafting out my plan A (BFP) and plan B (BFN).

I read the article about PCOS having implantation issues and my heart sunk. So far no symptoms, no bloating..only constipation hahah..but I'm trying to stay positive still and talking to my babies everyday. Really really pray they will stick. If not i'll go kkh to kick dr loh in the butt hahahah…

Miracle, no lah he not in 2ww hahaha. He cook le then go work. But every morning he's rushing, so bz in d kitchen. Tonite he had dinner appt, me going to b super bored.
Miracle, Janice: wah your DH so nice buy/ prep lunch for u .... i make my own lunch lor .... hehe so lazy make 1 big pot of soup and thats my lunch n dinner ...kekeke
Miracle, yah..i'm with kkh. D5 transfer will have higher chance mah? I've got 17 frozen ones. I think mine froze on D2.

Hehehe..thanks everyone. I'll be positive!

Me eating durian everyday too…so yummy…!
Lynn, plan b is shopping le ;) me too no symptoms juz side pulling which may not b gd leh. Most impt now is to relax, watch tv, come here chat chat...

Miracle, I juz took 3 n realize they r raw then I stop taking lol... Lazy to go n bake it leh.
Hi Lynn, u just made me laughed out loud literally...abt kicking dr Loh & Wah u got so many frozen eggs ah... Envy leh... I only got 3 send to the fridge nia... Haha

Hi ineedmiracles, eat brazil nuts for what ah?
hi gals,
my lunch...
i made wholemeal bread sandwich with scramble eggs, apple baked ham, lettuce, chesse and tomato with abit of mayo and butter, chilli sauce and chilli flakes
ok done,is considered healthy so far...
i resisted ur temptation... think whole sandwich is abt 400 plus calories... i eat half onli... =)
Flowers, no choice leh else no one to cook for me le. I dun dare to order tingkat cos some of d food cannot take. After a few days of training he's getting better lol...

Oh wanted to put bovril for my porridge, realize got folic acid in it too leh
flowers: I did my ET last thurs. Can do hpt already? or still early hor..i have 4 test kits in the bathroom..everyday can 'hear' them calling out to me =p

Janice: I want to go for mani, pedi, massage and facial..shiok.

Oh yah..basil nuts helps with implantation isit?
so many days for O- CD21..wah..mine is a cd30 cycle lei.

oh, yah from the way the "african describe", as long didnt reach 16mm...down the drain.
yah lor..bosses wont be so understanding one..mine hint hint le

hmmm..yes,i've to start tinking of that possibility..but i have faith in my follicle....
Lynn, me too miss my massage but cannot do it till 9 mths later leh hehe... Ya I learn fr d sisters here brazil nuts help implantation.
guess mind is day 3 or day 4 transfer bah coz the doctor say ET 3-4 post O...
good..in that case probably wont clash with my monthly report i i O only next week ..
yah..things will work out fine..i have to be positive
ceraine can take durian

ceo, brazil nuts helps in implantation

hi lynn,
nice... enjoy ur durian...
my doc allow next cycle fet after failed fet or fresh le...
ceraine, your boss only hint hint , mine out right complain to my colleagues lor ... but this period we must pretend to be deaf lah, kenot hear ... lol
Miracle, lol then wl we b overdose? Conceive well, folic acid then milk powder then prune juice then bovril lol

K k sweet dreams
lynn - I have PCOS & have no implantation issue, I started my cycle last aug & BFP in oct. I was not on metformin, only prob I face is I was over stimulated

janice - 2nd week I ate bovril with my porridge, just eat in moderation lor
What are the consequences of overdosing on folic acid?

I only know that excess levels of vit A (from animal sources) can be toxic.
hi dawn,
my royal jelly from ys organic bee farm...
is royal jelly with pollen
i find retail royal jelly super exp...
online order cheaper by nearly half the price... but they dun guarantee no breakage during shipping la...
the baby dust shop got sell royal jelly with pollen i think... try their web..
hi dawn,
is really not possible for us to overdose folic acid till the body cannot get rid so dun worry...
if so, ur body will tell u something is wrong de... dun worry...
Thanks, Sticky and Winnie!

I sometimes eat oats with Bovril for breakfast for a whole week so when Janice sounded concerned that Bovril contained folic acid, get scared. Heh


Ok, will pm you later.
Ceo: Jia you…just need 1 to BFP! I was telling my dh last nite, duno can put in 10 or not..if not stick to me then i can have 10 babies like 十兄弟。Then will be such an uproar, sure will have sponsor for milk powder n diapers hahahha…My DH say before that happens u must save up to pay off the insurance first, cfm super exp one.

Flower: now that u mentioned it, it's true leh! No wonder constipation lah..i was still eating it happily hahaha..but once started cannot stop leh.

Sticky: congrats on moving on to next stage. Jia you!
dawn, i got my royal jelly from nature farm. sometimes they got good promo.
too bad i hv slight pcos so the royal jelly is now sitting in my fridge. i tried getting my hubby to take, but haiz, guys wont guai guai take those supplements one.

by the way, what is bovril ar?
Thks Lynn! Now waiting lor... Today is day 4 since ET. Dnt feel much leh...

O ya anyone taking doxycycline after eggs pick up day Ah? I've been instructed to complete seven day course so m taking it now even though ET liao.. Won't affect much la hor... I guess if KK ask me to take then surely it's safe to take la hor
Peko, yupyupz

Ceo, i also took antibiotics after ET as my dr said I had a little bleeding. But was only given 1 day of med. If dr ask u to take then ok lah.
<font color="aa00aa">Hi me back - went Dr Zou then went to look at breadmakers, shop at Forever 21 and now back! End of freedom!!</font>
hi all sisters,

can I chk to increase lining ..other than immunocal, egg whites , accup .... what else can we eat to build up the wall of lining????
<font color="aa00aa">Dawn - still crampy, but the desire for freedom is more!!! hahahahaa

Janice - yeah,going to kuai kuai stay home</font>


If I go to CARE often during my 2ww, I think I'll be so tempted to walk around Paragon!

Hubby and I are thinking of just doing our FET at CARE and not go through our gynae. I think we paid at least $2.5k more for our fresh cycle because we had to pay our gynae's fees plus Dr Paul Tseng's professional charges.

We'll probably give CARE a call in May to ask if CARE would like us to do other tests (since we didn't start with them) before doing our FET in June.
