IVF/ICSI Support Group

I bought mine le. And still enjoying the baking process...

okie. then at least weekend no need wake so earli. Check with you, whats your timing for crinone inserts?
Janice, how r u? Sorry, due to over bloated, i can sit for long or stand for long. Coz it will cause me seriously backache that's y didnt log in. Am going for P bt tomoro le...so fast hor.
Miracle, usually u insert ard 8+ in d am then night time 1030pm or slightly later. tmr not sure le cos dh said tmr wanna go care super early zzzz...

Leor, lol me tmr oso bt. Today better le, yesterday so giddy. Today my colleague call me said I sound better, more jin shen than yesterday lol
janice, u must take care ah. Eat and sleep well also

Oh no, my backache coming back. Need to go rest le. U also rest early hor for tomoro BT k
okie can....

Zojirushi breadmaker HAQ10
you can go google. They are quite compact, and the loaf is small, about 8-10 slices depending how thick you slice.

I become very worried as after 13 day of puregon my folicle still very small. Wow what should I do?
And for kkh do they only do ER when folicle reach 17Mm
As I already have 20'eggs
cos follicles above 16mm will have high chance of having matured eggs. No point harvesting small ones and end up no eggs in it.
You may comsider increase protein and go for accu, it does help with follicle growth. hows your lining?
Hi miracle
So sad as have been jabbing 200u of puregon for 7 days followed by 300 for 3 days, 400 for 2 days and now have to continue jab for another 2 days for 400u. And the biggest is o ly 12.5 and the smallest is 7 only. So feel a bit down when I ask the doc to check with dr loh and my hb so angry and left me alone there to wait and this is his first time accompany me for us after jabbing puregon. Really feel like aborting the whole program.
Hi bluenosebear
I have been taking 8 egg whites for the past few days but as for accu I really very scare as I have phobia as my aunt collapse after accu and went vegetable door few years b4 passed on.
Hi stickybfp
Yes is my third scans today and having 10 on each side and it range from 7 to 12.5. As got very worry tat it will turn into cysts as I still feeling sharp pain on my left ovary occasionally
I wish all sisters under 2ww bfp and pass the babydust to all of us here. Realise tat these 2 days the threads is moving very fast.

BFP all of us
Hi Babybaby,
Sorry to hear you having a bad day. It is tough to hear news that things seem not going as planned. What did Doc say? Did you notice a growth after upping the dosage to 400 from your last scan? Don't give up - might as well go ahead and finish the balance 2x 400 jab and see how the follicles grow. Miracles are all around us. <jia-you>
hi baby,
dun worry...
ur egg whites all raw or half cooked?
some gals react slowly with jabs de... still got time to jab... rem, ovulation takes place from day 14 to 21... so u jabbed 13 days... still got time for ur eggs to grow... dun give up...
when the dose is rite, eggs can grow very fast, like 2 to 4mm per day... =)
me egg also small small... small than urs... and we started jab on same day le... i accompany u...
u not alone...
dh are less sensitive de... is ok de baby, he didnt mean wat he did... dun be upset...
*big hugs* squeeze squeeze.... heehee
Hi ron8129

The doctor said there is no cyst growth but I still have sharp pain occassionally. Ya the doc has consulted dr loh and the dosage will remain as 400u for today and tomorrow then fri reviewed.

Hi Val
Ya no news from snuggly yet but think hers will be twins since her hcg is very high. Hope to hear from her soon

Hi stickybfp
I really admire u. As u r indeed a very strong lady.
i thank you and the gals for asking abt snuuggly...
she's not in a very good mood currently...
i seek all ur understanding, she'll be back when she's ready to let your noe the development of her baby and herself....
for now she is still ok... dun worry...
Hi stickybfp

So u have start your fet. Hee hee hope I have not remember wrongly. Ya maybe u r rite as I dun O easily as my longest cycle is 18 mths. anyway hope this cycle wont be cancel.
hi baby,
my last scan was less than 10 after 11 days of jab... *faintz* then now increase the dose.... i didnt realised that u my buddy ar...
hi baby,
i believe urs will not be cancelled...
=) u dun need all ur eggs to grow le... got a few like 6 to 10 is good enough liao... even 1 or 2 also ok le... u jus need 1 to bfp ma...
me gg for one cycle soiui... =) but we be in 2ww together.... next month then i do fet...
during 2ww, think u got to tahan me complain and jump at every symptoms...

My hubby and I also had an argument once during our IVF. It was after my ER and over something really small. He apologised later. But the argument made me realise that our hubbies, though they are not the ones injecting themselves and feeling the discomfort, can get stressed and anxious too. And guys don't usually communicate their feelings, even to their wives. Your hubby is probably still learning to cope too, hence the outburst today. I'm sure he is fully behind you and will support you through this IVF.
Don't give up. Jiayou!
Baby, as wat sticky said u only need 1 to bfp. My 1st cycle I hv 9 retrieve n only 3 fertilize n this time with so many jabs I've 13 yet only 5 can be used. But I only need 1 gd one to strike ;) Dont let all these affect your mood n try to stay +ve. I know it's not easy but it wl help in the growth too. Hv a healthy diet n sleep by 11pm. It is when our hormone is generating.
hi baby,
yay... i like shop for baby stuffs together... heehee... prob next week i am due for soiui... this fri i doing scan, when ur next scan?
feeling better le ma? u sound better....
ur dh say sry le ma?
Hi Janice
Thanks as now had already hit ohss so a bit worried.
Ya now my eyes is already half close when using iPhone good night N sweet dreams
<font color="aa00aa">Baby - A doc I consulted before told me each IVF cycle is a trial and error for the doctors - cos everyone react to different stim drugs differently and different dosage - so now docs know that you need more stim drugs than the standard 200IU which KKIVF prescribes to everyone. Dr Zou did say that one advantage of going private is that the monitoring is closer - i.e. they can make adjustments and react faster.

I find that in KKIVF, if you insist and make a fuss, you'll get more attention - so I would continue to go back for review and seriously think of giving acupuncture a shot. I honestly trust Dr Zou, so you may want to consult her?

All the best in whichever you choose - am sure the follicles will catch up!!!</font>
Morning everybody.
Hi shoes
Ya I can understand that the cons of the government hospital . Hee hee still very scare of accu, cannot overcome the fear.
