IVF/ICSI Support Group

Can someone advise me if a repeat bhcg test should be done after the first bhcg? I want to know if this is necessary to ensure everything progressing smoothly or I should wait till my date of scan on 22 feb?
Piggy: Why do you prefer Dr Zou? Not able to PM you.
My last cycle fail as not able to do ET. Very sad.. so now checking wat methods can improve the folli quality.
Janice & Vio, thanks for your encouragement. Sometimes after so many BFN really feel like boh chap but will try to control the cold drinks and coffee .... like that then won't have regrets rite

Janice so next week could be your ER & ET lor? Good luck
Snuuggly... No need to repeat bhcg cos ur lvl is high enuf... Just wait for the scan to see ur precious... If not, can use those cheap hpt stripes to test everyday... Can keep too.. Hehe...
hi nadia, as i dun hav to return in e afternoon to collect n learn how to administer e gonalf, i decide not to take mc from prof wong. i willl go n collect n learn e jab on next tue when i start my gonalf.

hi bluenosebear, sure we can meet up in tat day
but e bt n us usually quite early in e morning around 8-8.30am.hopefully u r still around when i go to collect e gonalf. will let u know again.
Morning Sistas....

Serene: ic...c u tonite then...

I am feeling so tired and exhausted...Cannot take it...eyes everytime wan to close only...hot flushes is no longer at nite..now it's like thrghout the day...argh...hope all will be fine within the next couple of days...
<font color="aa00aa">Nadia, hope you feel better with hot flushes, so far mine have been really mild, unlike the last round.

Heading to Dr PAul then CARE later today - if I get the green light to proceed. Turned on work computer and fuah...a LOT of emails .. BAHHHHH!</font>
iloveshoes: hope it will go down...but dun think so liao..now popping 3 tabs of progynova...my eye is so heavy...just wan to zzzz...unfortunately still werking..hahahha...waiting for next tues..can rest more at home...

Piggy: elo..it all depends on my scan on next mon..hope to hr good news on mon...if embbies can survive D5 and mon scan all k..my trf shld be on Friday i tink...;-)
Trouble: Why your first try cannot ET due to what reason if you don't mind sharing.. Girls here are all very helpful they might give you useful tips

I prefer Dr Zou is because i can feel the different after the treatment but as for Dr Tan all she know is how to intro expensive doctors to me and waste money to go for useless checkup
that's my personal view la ...
<font color="aa00aa">Nadia, I know what you mean about zzzz...I zzz many hours still feel tired!

Trouble - I've not been to Dr Tan but I like Dr Zou as she's got many years of experience plus she seems very well-versed with the various protocols in most centers and has a LOT of IVF patients seeing her everyday. She is also quite kind and motherly - I feel - and she personally calls her IVF patients up to follow up.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Nadia - Doc ask you to do D5 transfer or you asked? I enquired at CARE they told me wait and see but they prefer D3...hmmm</font>
Piggy: yup hopefully....I will definitelty come here and spread tons of baby dust to u and all sistas here...

iloveshoes: ya lor...so tired...argh...I ask for D5...;-)...will see whether embbies can survive till D5..Praying hard
wow...so many stories here

@snuugly...congratz on ur bfp
take care

I just did my first scan after 7 days of puregon. Got 13 in total...left 5: size 16.5, 14, 11.5, 7.5 &amp; 7. Right 8: size cant remember, 3 are size 7, and the rest varies between 11 - 13

Doc asked me to continue with puregon for 2 more days to see if all the 7-size eggs (5 of them) will grow bigger or not

Wish me luck... :D
Morning All...

Flowers, thank you... Hopefully er can be as per schedule. Today while jabbing for me he said my tummy not big, now I start to worry le. Yep yep better cut down or cut off all cold stuff temporary lah then no regrets later...
Me since started suppression I stop my everyday milk tea too but once a while did drink Chinese tea or green tea. Lucky I m not a coffee person

Shoes, all d best to your scan later ^^
I asked Angela abt D3 or D5 when I started they were quite firm on D3 transfer and insist D5 doesnt mean it's better chance, though online literature says otherwise! For my case, because very few eggs (only 5 fertilized), they had to do D2!
<font color="aa00aa">Bcube - i think someone asked for a D5 transfer with CARE on this thread, can't remember who...

Also read lit that says womb is best incubator...so I guess opinions really vary.

Janice - thanks! Praying that today's results are sufficient to proceed too.</font>
Janice &amp; Pravda: Good luck dearies...Follicles grow nice nice...and BFP all the way...

Bcube: if u hv less harvest..sometimes they dun recommend D5 cos the eggs may not survive...Mine only left 8 eggs...so it's a risk...but I am gg tru it..did a D3 trf during my fresh..so this time round I wan a diff protocol..;-)
morning ladies, did my bt. now waiting for us. hopefully get greenlight to start stim jab. jus now i took my weight. increase weight 0.6kg. wondering isst bcos of supp jab or cny goodies. keke..

hi pravda, hope ur follicles grow into ideal size n number. good luck to ur scan tis sat
remember to up ur protein intake suppose to help e follicles grow.
Good Morning everyone!

Pravda all the best to u ah! Your result very good leh
Wat is yr lining now?

I also did my scan today. I have about 22 follicles but still not at ideal size wor. Need to jab another 2 days and go back Scan on Saturday. Tentatively, my ER should be around 15/16 Feb bah.

R – 9.5, 10, 9.5, 10, 9.5, 9, 8, 7, 10, 6, 6
L – 10.5, 11.5, 9.5, 8, 8.5, 8, 12, 7, 8, 7.5, 8

Now my lining already 12mm scare will be too thick by the time for ER/ET…How how??
mm1, thank you

Leor, wow you have quite a number of follicles. i only have 9, tmr scan then will know the sizes ba...

i think got sister here (think it's stickbfp?) ever mentioned lining abit thicker it's ok leh...
hi leor, good no of follicles. quick increase ur protein intake. egg white or immunocal which help to increase e size of follicles
Leor, you have quite a number of follicles leh ... good good good

Btw sistas, can someone give me SF Loh's email ... need to consult him but couldn't find his name card .. thx
miracle &amp; nadia, thanks ladies...all the best for u too

Leor...i din ask my lining. A bit blur when i met the doc, wkwkwwkk. You have so many eegs..congrats! Hope they will grow bigger. I will also come to kkh on sat

Btw, anyone knows about the 'HL'. Will they mention IVF on it? I dont tell my boss/colleague that i'm doing ivf and i dont want them to know :p. worse thing, we're gonna shift to our new office around my ER/ET date (with no mover....hv to carry all those boxes, haiiiz). If i tell him i'm taking HL coz of IVF, he will scold me for sure....LOL.
Serene, i already increase my immunocal to 3x a day liao. Am also having 4 egg whites. Still need to increase ah? Then i will have to increase my egg whites to how many?

Btw, any idea to stop my lining from increasing?

Janices, DR only look more into my follicles size. I did ask her abt the thickness of the lining, she says it should be okie wor.
Yap is StickyBFP mention lining thicker it's okie de. But i still hope the lining can stay put @ most 14mm by the time for my ET man!
Good morning gals..

Leor, Janice, Serene, Pravda, u r on your way to ER &amp; ET soon.. hang in there... Besides having a protein diet, remember to continue keeping yourself in gd mood...eat well n rest well coz it will help in gd quality embryos.. if can, go for acup.. n try to go for stroll w dh...relax relax mah..
Leor, mi hv 4 half-boiled eggs everyday + 1 immunocal and 3 teaspoon of royal jelly.. n it has helped me in producing 21 follicles (16 mature follicles upon extraction). Thk ur diet is ok. Yes, lining thick is ok de.
Vio, thanks for the info. Me also take royal jelly powdered @ 500mg daily

Will up my egg whites to 6 and see how by this saturday. Hope everything go smoothly.

Pravda, Hope yours will grow big big round round and swee swee too ah! Let's Jia You together.
Bcube, yah, can understand..d waiting argh... hang in there n let's jiayou! It's impt to keep yr body esp limbs warm....or it will affect our womb..try not to switch on aircon. Wear long sleeves n socks is recommended esp if u feel cold too..

trouble, dun be sad..Good protein diet, Acup, relax &amp; happy mind &amp; body and gd quality sleep will help alot in producing gd quality follicles. Before ER/ET, try to go strolling..helps in blood circulation too.
Vio, thank u
. Currently only taking 4 egg whites n 1 immunocal... Think tonite I'll down 1 more immunocal. Gundi dh's comments this am makes me worry hmmm
i feel like crying. due to suppression jab, both my ovaries have cysts n quite big. sobb.. i need to abandon tis cycle. must wait for my af to come to start e short protocol. sobb.. bluenosebear, i cant b ur cycle buddy leh. i
Huggzzz, i know how you feel. So when will you be doing next?
Maybe a shorter protocol works for you. Never mind, don't give up. Take this time to further prepare your body.
Oh dear! Serene Hugs Hugs! No sad no sad...once cysts gone, yr BFP chances will be higher yayy! Think at the bright side k.

Serene: so sorry to hear...nvm rest ur body...do ask ur Prof wat can be done for the new fresh cycle...Ask Dr Zou for advice too k...Hugs to u dear..
