IVF/ICSI Support Group

leor & flowers, i hv been to the waterfront too. it's nice but try not to go when the sun is too hot as there is limited shades

hi vio, good luck for ur BT, hope u can hv BFPPPPP....

Vio: my discharge is white lor..so dunno is it pre AF or nt..mayb u can test on day of bt..u mention u gt no symptoms is it?
Leor, woodlands got waterfront meh? hahah i stay in woodlands leh but dunno got waterfront hehe so pie say. maybe this weekends i ask my dh to bring me there look look see see

Serene, u had already started your stimulation jabs? if you have started meaning doc already given you the go greenlight le. usually there's a BT done b4 we can start stimulation. did you do any BT?

Shoes, all the best to tmr's scan

shoes/winnie, indeed dr paul is not so scary.... actually very funny... i suppose to have another scan today and fri. then my dh asked me wat scan he did for me, is it those V type. i said yes and i wanted to say lucky next scan is fri, but when i said lucky... my dh continue for me "lucky he's handsome" wahahaha....

ur medicated FET got jabs? my AF din report lei ... so sad ... i got to delay my FET. now take induce medicine for 12 days than got to wait for AF to come.tat time u waited for how long?
janice, go go...go see see look look...u might like it. Just open to public not long only...keke

Yr DH so funny leh...lolz...
bluenosebear, dunno y the nurse said must wait till the bloodtest result then can collect gonal F. Anyway she told me as long as seeing prof, can request mc from him. But must let the nurse know b4 hand. Anyway i will b starting gonal F jab next tues. Mayb i will go down to collect gonal F and learn how to administer on tat day.
I dun feel stress but dunno y totally no ovulation tis mth. bbt still as low as pre O. I jus hope my af will come b4 next tues.

hi Nadia, thanks for reassuring me : ) r u going to dr Zou tomolo?? My slot is 7.30pm. But might change to morning if i taking mc tomolo. U starting intensive accupuncture?
Leor & Perper, hee..tks..

rashal, ic.. hmm...thk dun thk too much..but boobs sore is a gd sign..
yeah, mayb hor.. ya, no much symptoms.. onli gt lower abdominal cramping, but no discharge at all.. no sore boobs, onli bit bigger...occasionally feeling moody..easily cry since last week.. but no matter wat d outcome is on tis fri, i believe i will bfp one day if i continue to try...
Jok: my menses was way too long....60+ days nvr come..then i took the pills to induce menses for 7 days..on D11 then menses came...hehehe...so dun worry urs shld come once u finish the pill..;-)..Best of luck to u...

Serene: yup my appt is at 7pm tomolo...;-)..hv to ask Dr Zou when can start intensive..;-) u r sick ah dear?
hi janice, i will going for my bt tomolo. if hormone suppress enough, think doc will giv me the greenlight to start my stim jab. I wondered the ultrascan is to check for wat?

how come ur medicine only 7 days ... mine need 12 days lei ... alamak ... i take for 12 days than take abt 5 days than come.. haiz
Leor, perper & Janice

ok if go waterfront will go in the evening .. hee

what stage are u gals at now? ... so many sistas cheong-ing this month abit confuse le
thanks vio, nadia. yup hope to start my stim as per plan : )

ladies, my nurse just called me. She told me not to worry abt my af. Once my hormone is suppress enough can still proceed to stim stage irregardless of af. She also told me af will still come during stim stage.

nadia, think i will go to dr zou there at 7.30pm. see u tomolo : )
Vio: you can ignore KKH. Use hpt if you wish coz i used it. They also said I tested too early. *bleah*

Sticky buddy: dh irritated you again? He really nottie...ignore him...you still have us *hugz*
Vio: ok scared then dun test. Me skin very thick one...so ah..too impatient to wait.
I am feeling ok. Back to work today. Got abit of MS. Twins or not...healthy can liao...
Flowers, me at stimulation stage, tentatively er on 14/2 next mon if fri's scan is ok.

Serene, good good, you can start your stim le, 1 step further
I want to go for accupunture to improve my egg quality. It seems like alot of you in this thread have been seeing Dr Zou. Is she good? I am deciding whether to see Dr Tan in clementi or Dr Zou.
Miracle: I think AF reported today. Got to see it when I wipe myself with toilet paper. So not so heavy. Wonder if I should consider this as the day 1. Did you have heavy flow? My dr told me that this time, my af will not be so much.
sunstillshines, haha dong sim is in hokkien? actually if scared red dates is too heaty cannot poo, cannot put in 1 black date to help poo.

hmm... i told myself this cycle must take whatever i can but i only drink red dates once :s
Janice: haha... yes. it was from ceraine that I know the name in hokkien. hahaha...

My last tcm dr told me before that our body cannot be too heaty. She often tells me to avoid chilli and all things fried.

I have never knew about drinking red dates soup can warm the womb until yesterday. 2 days ago, I still eat ice-cream from swesen with a friend. Alamak!
sorry to hear abt ure failed cycle.
Depends on individual..my cycle after AF is a mess...faint O detected on CD 13 i think and draggged all the way faint to moderate, and back to faint again..and cycle repeats till Cd26 when i finally tested +ve.

Dr zou deems it as a poor O as the hormones are still messed up, and Dr loh feels no point to test....jsut BD!!
but the second cycle, pretty pretty...O back to normal.

You might wana test to monitor the after effects of jabs for 2 cycles. Once 2nd cycle stabilize, can start FET le.
good luck!!
sunstillshines, ever since i ttc, i stop all cold drinks and ice-cream le. especially now going thru the cycle, better to avoid them
Me also with Dr SF Loh! Also my first time leh.. Been delaying the treatment since beginning last year, until dr Loh said canot drag liao haha!

Is ur boss the understanding kind? Maybe can talk to him, see can give u less work during that period anot?
Vio- is my 1st fresh IVF & hope will succeed from this.
Serene- if u going to take the gonal f on tues then maybe k meet u. Becos I going for BT & scan le.
hi valteen, tks..
if bfp, will gif u all lots of bbdust. hee

sun & flower, try to avoid cold drink (bit is ok)coz it will not help in giving warm womb..mi hv given up my fav ice-cream & milk tea long long ago liao. After pregnancy, i will hack care liao.. for our bb, we mus try to 'ren'...

bluenosebear, ic..jiayou jiayou! Believe it, n it will come true most of d time.. eat well, rest well n relax...no stress throughout the cycle yah..
bluenosebear, try to keep yrself in good mood oso helps...coz it will gv gd quality embryos and qi flow will be gd too..hence enhancing d implantation stage. Most imptly, rest early b4 11pm n take it easy like normal situation...tat's wat my TCM doc hv been telling mi...
hi sistas,

I think I am going mad with this waiting for the bhcg....why cant they do a blood test earlier and end the suffering for us?!?! ARGH!
Even though I know my chance for BFP this cycle is low(with TWO UTI episodes and a BFN on 11dp2dt during this 2WW), I am harbouring a teeny-tiny-weeny hope that I might just be one of those really lucky gals.

But with no symptoms (other than sore breasts casued by the progesterones no doubt), and occasional AF like cramps (uh-oh....), cold feet (literally! Preg should have slightly elevated temp right?!), my chances are low lah...

Do anyone know, if AF will come if still on progesterone support?
progesterone may not result in sore breast, cos I dun have during my fresh cycle. I remembered you mentioning that your feet are cold, please do wear socks. Keep it warm. I'm not trying to scare you, but I had cold feet during my 2ww in my last fresh, and I actually ignored it. Somehow it caused me to shiver one of the nights, and I believe this is one of the cause for my bfn. Please please go wear socks and keep yourself warm, keep temp up.... Nothing is confirm till bhcg.
thanks, yes am wearing slippers at home, coz cannot dahan the coldness. And I am feeling cold!
Dr Google says progesterone do cause sore BB but not in everyone I guess. Sigh 3 more days to go....
Oh dear, why are you feeling cold? if slippers cant keep you warm, then soak your feet in warm water for 20mins. Warm water hor...not hot. Dr Zou did mention 2ww can soak warm water. Once feet is warm, the body will feel warm... give it a try.... and stay POSITIVE!!!!

Bcube: I wore socks the first week of 2ww when I slept. In the day, I always wore slippers. During 2ww, I had no symptoms, not even sore boobs. So no symptoms does not mean anything. I also tested -ve on 11dpt. 3 days will pass in a flash. Dun worry yourself.
