IVF/ICSI Support Group

bluenosebear, hee.. i hope so..
tks for yr wishes..

Serene, *hug hugz*... yeah, once cysts gone, will bfp wan.. cheer up!

<font color="aa00aa">Serene,oh dear, nvm, better to err on conservative and wait out this cycle. Cycts do go away, I had one too when I did SO-IOI.

I'm just back from Dr Tseng, lining is clear, so later heading to CARE to pick up meds.

Miracle - Dr Paul also said lining is expected to be thin with OCP &amp; Buserlin. He laughed when I told him so many things to think about!</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Janice - not heard E2 results yet leh. Cos they didn't fax the results to P's clinic. So only ASSUMING!! Drop by after lunch to see.</font>
Shoes, you sound busy leh ... aiya so long nv chat with you... miss u leh

Have you been zzzz-ing alot these days? .... haha I thot you don't have to zzz alot wan 'cos you are always wakey at night .... when you start stim I think you have to zzz even more :p
Piggy: No ET coz doc retrieve 9 eggs, 2 matured and none fertilized. :S
Then i ask Dr why the scan had at least 3 more than 16mm but only 1 mature (the other matured in the lab). He says the scan measure the size of folli with the water content, cant see the egg itself.
I probably will go try Dr Zou. :p
shoes - E2 result will only be known after 3.30pm. as long as its below 100, u can start stim. All the best!

why I can post here today is becos I had terrible backache since yesterday! couldn't sit on my office chair for long before the ache starts again.... *sigh*. seeing Dr Paul this sat, so exciting!!
Serene-Sorry to hear that. Hugzz.
Then the cyst would go off on its own??
Try to tiao within this period before U embark on short protocol.
For short protocol is very fast de.
NVM, I know the disappointment.
Though not my cycle buddy, but U are still my buddy de. From IUI to IVF.
Shoes, if E2 ok when u'll start stim? Ok de lah..

Winnie, cos tummy getting bigger? Haha exciting huh? Like my dh said lucky he's handsome hehe
Trouble: In that case then i think is better for you to go see Dr Zou for acupuncture to Tiao your body before you try IVF again... Ladies here will also advice you to take more protein foods to improve your quality of your embryos..
flowers - princess very notti! during my scan on mon, when doc wanna scan her legs, she kneel on them, when doc wanna scan her face, she use her hands to block her face!! I think backache is normal during pregnancy, just have to cope with it cos it'll get worse during 3rd trimester

bluenose - I have back support in the office, doesn't help at all

janice - tummy indeed getting bigger &amp; I have to wear maternity wear liao, now really limited clothes in my cupboard that I can fit in hahahaha
winnie, wah envy you leh your princess so active ... I also wan princess ... hehe but still ttc-ing

you take care ok and now you can 大大方方 wear maternity wear le
winnie-Heard from my pregnant friend that there is this support kind of wear to ease the beack pain &amp; it helps. Due to work, she needs to walk alot. She brought in mothercare.
Maybe U k give it a try.
hi ektin, some of us here will mix yakult w immunocal.. but best is to cool down yakult first before mixing. Coz prior to ivf/icsi, we hv to avoid drinking cold stuff.
vio, TFS

Leor...let's fight!!! wkwkwkkwkw.

btw, i didnt take anything during my stimulation. only ate hard boiled egg white (3 eggs/day for 3 days...cannot tahan the smell lor, hahaha)and Manuka honey (on and off...).

OK...will try the soft boiled eggs...hmmpffft...

serene...dont give up *hug*
ektin, please bear in mind that immunocal is heat sensitive. Cannot mix with warm or hot drink.

Btw, i mix with yogurt drink or fruit juice.
ektin - u can mix immunocal with any drinks but no warm or lukewarm water cos it'll kill the nutrients. only room temp water

flowers - she's indeed very active! I was telling the doc during scan I can forsee a lot of sleepness nite coming my way! hahahaha actually prince or princess to us doesn't matter, we just wan a healthy baby, guai guai listen to us we'll be very contended liao. princess was a added bonus to us

now I have to wear maternity wear cos tummy &amp; hips too big to fit into my usual office wear liao

bluenose - I think its the pregnancy support belt, heard from other seniors before. will see if I get to go out shopping this sat or not
Hi good day to all ladies,happy new year! I am a silent reader in this forum since last year, thought of i can skip not to be ivf member, unfortunately my second iui failed again, af just reported an hour ago...so sad! Now have to prepare myself for ivf start from next month, any idea what should i eat to have better body before ivf start? Thanks
Thanks ladies for the comfort. I cried in the car while on the phone wif my hub. Sigh.. now waiting for the blood test result. Dun think my doc will let me continue even if my hormone is suppressed : ( He told me the cysts will most probably flush out together wif my af which i hav no idea when it will come. He is planning the short protocol for me. Meaning tat cd2 of my af, i will start the gonalf for 3 to 4 days. then another type of jab which work similar to suprefact. Tink short protocol take abt 2 weeks in total. With today's incident, I really in doubts how my body will respond to these jabs. What if both long and short protocol are not suitable for me. Then i wont be able to do ivf: ( Oh no my mind is running wild again. Can feel my eyes getting hot wif tears again.
Hi Moo, welcome to this forum n ivf journey..
IVF is nt easy as there will be many emotional and physical changes but u can always turn to this forum for the sistas here are so encouraging and theycare also gg thtu the same thing so u r nt alone.U may start to prepare ur bosy by taking folic acid, prenatal vits like blackmores conceive well,gnc prenatal,vit c and also acupuncture juz like some if the sistas here..and yes a supportive hubby to get u thru all e way..
Hi valteen, thx for the wishes..i do hope u will bfp too!

Vio/ bcube: all e very best for ur bt on fri n sat respectively..i m so excited for the both of u..the wait is really long..mine is on tues..nw i gt no more sore boobs n my bloatedness reduced a bit..my last prog jab was ystrdy..dunno gd sign or nt..haiz..all this worrying is getting to me..need shopping therapy..
Winnie, haha... now you can start shopping again for your maternity clothes

Ektin, i mix with milk powder... taste ok, like milk shake

Serene, don't think so much... things will work out fine... don't give up
Thxs rashal for your useful info, where can i buy those things? I am now still continue my folic acid, where do you do your ivf? Mine is under dr loh. Yes all sistas here are giving very big support and encouragement than hb. So i need all of you and of course many many bbdust from mtb.
Serene, calm down..for nw, proceed with wat dr has prescribed for u..who knows with this, u can bfp..we will all support u..dun cry cry okie..later u cant concentrate on the road while driving..mayb u can go spa or watch movies to make urself nt think so much..itz nt the end..our quest for baby will continue as long as our mind n body can take it..jia you!
Hi moo, u can go GNC stores for their prenatal vit, guardian and watsons for blackmores conceive well..u may wanna take brands chix essence too..for acu, u may ask nadia or e rest of the sistas here..i m with dr loh too and in 2ww..very nervous
rashal - dun worry abt symptons. I got no sore boobs too but my ohss only subside when I was 8 to 9 weeks preggy. some seniors here bfp with absolute no symptons. u can test with hpt 3 days after ur last pregynl to prevent getting false positive
Thx for ur assurance..mayb i will test hpt on sun
Were u on pregnyl too?
Congrats on ur lil princess..it feels gd to hear ladies on bfp
Aft ivf journey..grabbing babydust from u..
raahal - I was on crinone insert 2x a day, utrosegan oral pill 3x a day, baby aspirin 1x a day, progynoval 2x a day. I was also given 2x 5000iu pregynl. after hearing my positive BT, all my ohss cramps is worth it! I went for early BT at D13 cos I cannot stand the wait anymore hehehe (CARE count ET as D1)
ThAnks rashal, no symton maybe better, mine both 2ww, all kinds of pregnance symtons i do have, thought i make it liao and even told dh before bt, but my af came before heAding for bt...faintz!

Serene jiayou jiayou..you can make it!!
flower, i'm starting my cycle only in apr.

sun, my boss is understanding but she's also facing resources issue, so i guess nobody can help me...
me too delayed for quite some time until finally decided to go ahead. SF Loh also asked me not to delay liao, he commented my eggs are lesser compared to last time. This made me very worried....
ceraine, Oh really! Hope it will maintained it for a few more days. Haha!

Yes Pravda, let's fight fight fight and BFP BFP BFP :D
Serene: Hang in there...Short protocol may work afterall...Now just relax...tiao ur body for the time being..We will be here supporting you...take care...
Serene, you must jia you k! Don't be sad…everything will be alright de. Just continue to take protein and go for accu, you will bfp de. Jia you! Hugz

lynn, dun scare yourself lah...u have aching feel leh...sure got eggs lor. Don worry k.

Btw, when u go in for scan, ask them help u write down the follicles size for you. So that u can have a reference.
