IVF/ICSI Support Group

Yah..got aching feeling but what if the feeling is from the jab bruises? hmm..i think i'm really getting paranoid!

Just now my colleague told me say she's pregnant already! So happy for her and so envious also…haiz..jia you jia you!

Afternoon sistas!

I'm playing the waiting game at gynae clinic again. Later play waiting game again at dr zou clinic too.

Serene, short protocol may work just as well. Cheer up ya!
Lynn, remember u still scare of kena ohss…definitely will have good quality and quantity eggs waiting for you. Just continue up yr proteins ba. All the best to yr scan tomoro ah! 
Am going to up my egg whites intake tonite also. Hopefully the size can catch up quickly.
My bloodtest result was out. My hormones are not suppressed. In fact, it is veri high 14000. The nurse told me normally after suppress, the hormone level shld be less than 10. These 14days of jabbing are down the drain. All the pain, bleeding, blueblack from the jab and weight gaining are sacrifice for notting.
serene, will u be seeing dr? How come jab for 14days still so high leh...really have doubt hor...

But please dun give up. Jia you! Remember to question the DR why like that!
Serene, understand you frustrated, know wat u mean. dun be too sad over it.
My next cycle maybe will be like yours to do the short protocol. Havent decide to take the long or the short one. Doc say no difference for me but recom the short one. Maybe dun wan to give me the pain of long protocol again. hahaa.
After suppression, not sure if really less than 10, but i remembered mine was abt 46. Do you hv E2 results before suppression? Your lvl now is very high. High level of E2 could be due to the existence of cyst or low ovarian reserve. Yours should be due to the former since you mentioned your cyst quite big. Did dr say hw big and how many?
Dun be upset. Probably the cyst prevented you frm conceiving naturally. Removal of the cyst would probably increase your chance of conceiving naturally. Cheer up.
Also, stop any bee pollen or royal jelly if you're taking them nw.
Serene, what miracle said is true. your high e2 has most probably be your cyst. Furthermore, Prof mentioned it's big. Don't be stress. It may be a blessing that you have to abandon your cycle now and not much later. It's easier for all of us to ask you to relax. We all know how demanding this journey is. In the meantime, get your cyst clear. Your next journey may be a better n smoother ride for you.
Hehe we same case lah.. Initially dr loh encouraged us to ttc naturally.. But now he told us cannot drag liao, start 2mths after i remove my polyps! U starting in apr when AF comes rite? Think mine shd be abt mid-apr... I can still ttc naurally 1 mth before apr hehe..
Serene, dun thk d worst k.. look on d bright side k..i m sure things will work out well later with Dr's help.. u planning to c TCM too? Cheer up cheer up...

Rashal, aiyo.... 1 more day to go is quite 'torturing'... yest nite i told my DH tat i wished tdy was Fri... hee.. mi gan cheong liao, n he's still taking it veri easy.. i told him he wld nv understand hw women feel..

moo, i took supplements like prenatal vit & royal jelly (liquid type), DHA oils, CQ10 from GNC. Also, took 4 half-boiled eggs, 1 - 2 hard boiled eggs, 1 pkt of immunocal too. Its working well for mi as somehw i dun hv much OHSS with 21 follicles. All d best.. oh, remember to ask yr DH to take some vitamin n royal jelly k..gd for his soldiers.
tmr after my bt i m going jalan jalan n hv gd super sinful meal w my DH liao.. these 2 wk din really go out.. finally.. hee.. :p
Just had a good massage. Today I actually fell asleep while massaging. My massage lady even said I snore! so embarrassing. She saw my bruise and tried to rub to disperse the clot.
Anyway after the massage, felt so good. Planning for 2 more massage before my FET. Hope all these will help with my blood circulation.

tml bhcg? Jiayou! waiting for baby dusts! =)
hi ladies, thanks for e encouragement. i will preserve all e way till bfp.
hi miracle, i hav no cysts before starting suppression jab. e scan show i have 4 cysts on my right ovar. size 2-3cm. 2 cysts on my left. size also 2-3cm. the nurse told mi e2 high got 2 possibilities either ovulating or preggy. but i doubt so coz today cd34 n bbt is low. AMH result fine so ovarian reserve is ok.
if af dun come by wed, need to go down for bhcg. if af come, i will scan at cd2 to check on e cysts. if clear, will start e short protocol.
luckily u remind mi. i will stop my royal jelly till i clear my cyst.
if preggy, then also headache cos you've been on suppression all along...wont affect pregnancy?
hmm....2-3cm big leh...just hope all clear. Royal Jelly will make cyst bigger, so must stop =)I'm sure all will turn out well for you. Don't worry. Jiayou oh!
Lynn: nice mtg u just now... U will c beautiful follicles tomolo.. Not to worry..;-)

Serene: nuce mtg u too..;-).. Hope for the best... All will be fine.. Take care
Vio. Thanks for the info, should i start now or waiting for my ivf circle to start first? Where can we buy liquid royal jerry? Good luck for your bt tomorrow jiayou jiayou and send me your bb dust...
<font color="aa00aa">Flowers - Me doing ok - start stims today
PTL! Yeah, actually been feeling tired, so now start stims am sure will feel even more tired. I've put a brake to my work for now - though still have one or two calls - but hoping to concentrate fully =)</font>
Hello Ladies,

Thanks for all advice. I tink will start with yakult, if really cannot tahan then switch to fruit juice 
<font color="aa00aa">ektin, immunocal still quite ok to take, I'm struggling now with the egg whites - wondering if I can stomach raw egg whites or not heeeheeeheeeee</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Moo -Ah, not far off - hang in there!!!come in here and chat la, take your mind off things

Nadia - back from Dr Zou yet?</font>
Shoes, great great start stim le... Me gg for scan tmr somehow feeling kan jiong, dunno y... Take half boil or w Milo? At least warm warm not so bad.. I think w Milo taste ok then taking raw
shoes; you can try cooked egg white with brown sugar, quite tasty. or that is a container for boiling half boil egg, you can adjust the water level depends how many % you want it to be cooked, very easy to use.
Hi sisters
I will be on puregon tomorrow. Pray hard that the numbers of eggs are of reasonable no and the right size. The lining is of the right thickness. All eggs are suan suan
<font color="aa00aa">Val - she charges $25 for acupuncture, 20 mins front, 20 mins back.

Janice - am sure you'll be awesome at scan.

Moo - OO brown sugar, sounds cool. I am doing my 3/4 boiled whites now with soya sauce and pepper. Cos I overcooked the eggs hahahahaaha

Babybaby75 - yay for you!!</font>
Can I check with those sister who kkh we have to do us and bt before starting the puregon who does the us tell. As I overhead heard is 0 and 4 it is referring to lining or egg . Pls advise if is lining how to thin it as I have already drink stout on my af
<font color="aa00aa">Janice - wow...so u have both together! I see, now I wonder why I dun have glonal F added too. LOL.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">OK, 10:15, going to start trying to sleep - aka reading, tossing and turning until sleep worm comes ROTFL

Speak tomorrow ladies!</font>
Shoes: thanks. Thinking of just going for acu, as i am already getting tcm med from another place. Does dr zou know her patients are all on forum?? Heehee
Shoe.. Raw with eggwhite okie lah.. U boil water n add d white.. Stir fast fast to prevent runny whites. If it starts give u loose stoolsZzz.. U can boil d Milo over stove n add in d whites.. Short while.. This will enuresis d whites r cooked

Hi ilovesshoes,
I tried half boiled egg white too. Initially still ok, slowly cannot tahan. Keep on reminding myself, need to be patient :D
