IVF/ICSI Support Group

Pink d: ya time flies n u r popping.. Gonna be a mummy... Exciting... Exciting... Yes our time will be soon... Very soon hopefully..;-)... Hv fun preparing for the new one.. Rest well too during ur leave b4 popping .. Lots of it.. Once baby come... Lots of energy needed .. Hehe

Hi, rashal, indeed the sisters here give out very good advices.. & r always very goid support whn everyone else dont understand wat we gg thru...
Good luck to u & of cos every lady here.. Wonder if any guys come to tis forum? :p
I hv not had iui before.. So I m reali fearful come mar.. Yup.. If af behaves itself, shld b last week of mar.. Btw, wat is pre-natal? & whr to u buy it?
Hello Ladies,
I have been the slient reader following this thread and i saw a lot of advices and encouragements.
I had heard a lot about immunocal in this thread and wonder why do we need this. I just started the stimulation stage and thinking what i should take to make myself more prepared for the next stage.
argh!!! just noticed that even my left tummy is having bruises!! the right side ones are so horrible! Is hubby not skillful in jabbing or my blood clotting?? haiz..
pinkd, ooooh you are popping real soon! excited rite... hope you have a smooth delivery
Hi ektin... Immunocal is a protein drink... Which is needed during stim... U can eat egg whites too if u do not want to drink Immunocal.. Immunocal does help in ur follicle growth n lining too... U can buy from OG...;-).. Best of luck dear

Innedmiracle: bruise... Ouch ouch.. Maybe u have to warm the bruises area.. Use warm towel...
all along i dun have bruise. Think next week see dr zou, she will be shock to see my bruise. haha... Will be starting intensive accu next week. When you seeing Dr zou?
Ineedmiracle: i will be seeing her this thurs.. Then nd to check when can start the intensive accu... I tink she c she will pity u... Warm ur bruise area it will help alot
Janice - thanks for the info
did you see improvement in the egg quality post growth hormone jab of 3mos? I'm quite worried about jabbing 3 mos daily!!
Pink D,
Wow... Popping Le!! Fast sia.. Congrats.. N thank you for ure bbdust.. Grab tight tight ..
But dun understand ure bb full term in 2 wks.. Then due shd be 2 wks mah.. Y 10 mar??

Miracle buddy,
Sayang Sayang ... Did u hit d veins? N press like 10sec on injected site upon syringe removal??
ceraine buddy
what do you mean press 10 sec? I actualli duno leh cos hubby is the one jabbing me. Everytime I will just close my eyes and yell. haha
Tummy getting big, so i assume skin also get stretched, so the skin surface is tight, hence when jabbed, i feel the sting and pain...
i have 11 jabs more to go... =(
Hi queenie, pre-natal supplement can be purchase from GNC, it helps to prepare your body for pregnancy. Maybe I have done iui before hence not so fearful towards ivf, kind of know wat to expect and how the injection feels.. actually not so painful, I am sure the sisters here will say the same too...

hi ektin, welcome and thanks for asking this question, I would like to know the benefits of immunocal too..
Hugs hugs... Jiayou.. U r near to ure dream.. All's worth..
But u seems to hv jabbed quite awhile Le right.
For me, I'll numb d area.. Jab... Remove jab.. Immediately press 10sec or more to reduce bruising..
U try if helps...
Miracle, ya I Agee with u, my tummy now very ugly with all d bruises...

Mm1, I've 9 follicles now not sure abt d quality yet. Fri another scan
jacy, i just went to kkh in early feb to queue for apr cycle

sunflower, i'm also starting my ivf in apr, we can be cycle mates
so will be valteen & stickybfp? anyone else did i miss?
i will choose the spot and he will jab. haha...so not his fault, cos i mark the place for him to jab. Since so many bruise, and every jab is pain, I already close eyes le. Just jab and yell and done. haha

If strike, it is all worth it....
I have to jab for 25 days. haha...marciam like jabbing for fresh cycle leh. Dr zou told me, some gynae wants to jab to suppress cos worried that I will have suffer from ohss. Maybe my fsh is low, so she worried my ovaries too active? need to suppress more bah.
Got leh, I numb with ice pack before jab, then after jab will press on it...but din press hard leh. will try tml and see how..

ugly hor. haha but im sure we invested so much, will get high returns! haha
Dun worry, this round you will have more matured follicles and more fertilised ones out of your 9 follicles. Jia you!
Hi pinkd,
glad that you still remember me. Thks.
Wow, you are going to see your little one soon. Rest now as much as you can as I'm quite sure life willbe diff once your little darling comes into the world.
Are you having a boy or girl?
Take care n see u around..:)
Ceraine: same here. I am also waiting for af to report. I have completed ocp last sat. I think it should be here soon. Your cycle and my are quite close.

Pink D: Time flies!!! Your due is in Mar! This is so fast! I thought you have just got a BFP not long ago. Congrats!
Miracle: why do you drink red date soup? My TCM did not prescribe any medicine for me this wk as af will report soon. As such, I become very consistent in taking Immunocal. Feel quite strange for not taking any supplements or medicine. hahaha.... I am getting abnormal now..
Good luck for ure fri scan?

Red dates/ heaty will affect wall lining mah?
I Thot d hot flushes r caused by d jabs... That can't b controlled.. Not so much with d red dates?? NO doubt red dates will cause heatiness but it's different feeling fr d hot flush?

Wah,25 dayszzz...
But at least all timed n controlled so easier managed on O..
For mine, hv to remind myself to stay relax thus won't affect o days..but d unconscious stress will b there as d date draws near bah..
I think we are seeking comfort in d vits, supplements.. That d more we eat... D better chance we r at on Bfp..
Like me.. Wana take it more relax, but at times feel guilty for not taking supplements.. Or feel not taking enff.. Jialat...
Red dates + wolfberries + dan shen tea helps in blood circulation, bu qi, bu xue, hence warming the womb and uterus.. Many sistas here drink this... Think dr zou also recommend. My body more liang, so drinking this will help warm warm abit lor.
Ceraine: Like you, want to take it more relax but when I think of the big sum of money spent and the growing numbers of gray hairs on my head, I become very scared about the FET to come....

Buddy, let's ganbata!
Sunstillshines, I m doing my 2nd fresh cycle. Dan Shen = 丹参

Ceraine, thank you ^^ fri's scan to determine whether ready for ER on next Monday...
Miracle- try pinching yr tummy, ask yr hubby to jab the medication in very slowly, when he jab the needle also do it slowly. After that press on it instead of rubbing in circle
Hope tis helps
if hot flush onli last now and then is fine...
but if u find the side effects of the meds significant, or u feel too hot to sleep or dunno y feel uncomfy means too heaty liao... definitely must stop red dates awhile... like alt day reduce the amt and drink by half... will affect ur lining de... when body too heaty, lining will become mushy and too thick...

thanks sunflower..

hi sun,
dang shen is the chinese herb... looks like ren shen... =)
Sticky.. Oh thx...

I add dong sim(dang Shen) too, to bu qi...
If I continous a wk drink.. My sole will b very pretty, smooth n no crack.. Once I stop.. Will see d crackline n roughness..
Prob coz I underwent spine op so body more Xu.. feels d Dong sim realli helps in bu qi n circulation..
sunflower, i'm wf dr sf loh at kkivf...let's jiayou & bfp together!!

this is my first ivf...very nervous & scared about the stress, dunno if i can handle it as my work is very demanding during this period. I guess even if i'm on hl, i still need to work from home, sian
wah ceraine u also stay up so late ar?
better go hug ur bolster..no no shd be ur dh & hv goodnite's slp

nitez everyone!!
Morning Sistas...

hopw's everyone today...I am feeling so tired and exhausted...argh...

Today will start the 3 tabs of progynova...Hope the side effects won't triple...hahaha
morn sistas!

can i ask how early do you test for ovulation? from which cd? my dr ask me to test from tdy... but tdy only cd10...
I would like to check, i have just failed the fresh cycle and menses just ended. Will be trying natural till FET, therefoe is it accurate to test for OPK for this menses cycle or the hormomes will still give a false reading?
I think day 10 should be ok, cos the Clearblue Monitor will prompt me to start testing on day 10.
Unless you O is very zun on certain day, eg day 14, then you can be confident to test only maybe day 12
bobzai, ok noted thanks!as for FET, better to rest 1-2 cycle for the hormones to flush out first (as advised by my dr last time)
Ya, think I will go for FET in Apr/May, but from now until Apr, will be trying nautrally, so if I use OPK to detect O, is it accurate now cos I jsut failed my fresh and menses just ended yesterday. Should I test OPK this cycle, will it be accurate?
