IVF/ICSI Support Group

StickyBFP: oh SGH..no wonder ur protocol so diff...heheh...

hmm u gals mention on red dates..is it the drink we brew red dates with longan n woflberry..that's the one huh?

flowers&fruits: My FET shld be next week if lining is k..My scan is 14/2/11 a few days earlier from urs..;-)

Nadia, Ya ya...i keep having like egg whites discharge but i dont really eat much egg whites except drink immunocal wor...isnt telling u have too much proteins intake...haha...
Oh Dr Zou mentioned good to have discharge ah...after seeing this, i feel better liao....heehee....
Leor: not sure whether due to protein intake...but not to worry..lots of discharge is good...Got tons of eggs growing well..;-)
ineedmiracle: not sure 1 scan only or not..but if lining not good will have another scan..most likely they will ask to increase progynova intake mah...

we scan same day huh...exciting...so must update each other..hope both us have good news on that day...

flowers&fruits: me will be long leave during my FET....applied leave liao from 15/2...;-)

this mth many sistas doing ER & ET & FET...;-)
Hi Nadia,
All the best to you

For the rest of the ladies too..
Yah doing fet in feb too. So excited abt it.

Angela planned 2 scans for me b4 et. And its 6 days apart. So i guess she is in ctrl of my et date. Unless my hormones and lining decided to play prank. Haha yah we must update each other!
Hi Ladies..

I have tried clomid a few times but failed.
Want to try IVF..
If i go KKH now and start q-ing now.. do you all know roughly when i can have the proceedures done? in time for rabbit baby?

Thanks for trying to console me. but I don't think it's too early lah. You tested positive abt the same time isnt it?
I don't want to get my hopes up. Will take it as BFN and just have to get used to it till sat....So when the bhcg result comes back. It will not be a shock...
Bcube: it was still a -ve for me on 11dpt but I was still optimistic coz it's really too early. On 12dpt then I see faint line wor. I guess because my hcg level is high, that's why detected earlier. So hang in there!
Flowers, sure u can pm me

Mm1, my Dh did for me, 3 mths jab till ER. M now on buserelin, saizen, gonal f n menopur.

Bcube, i think it's too early to test. Din give up hope yet
To all sistas who wish me luck...Thank u so much...I will hope and pray all of us graduate this year...Our journey must be a WIN WIN one..hehehe....

Thank you for all the support....Jia You Jia You...

ineedmiracle: oic..urs is 6 days apart...hmm so diff then kk hor..nvm trust CARE..all will be well..yes we shall update each other..

Bcube: dun give up yet..u r still in your journey towards BFP..so dun give up till BT...stay positive...
Hi stickybb,
Very long never come to this forum liao, just heard about your news... *hugzz* Dun give up trying k? BFP will come to u soon! Me starting treatment in Apr menses cycle.. Coz will be doing hysterscopy d&c next week... Lets jiayou together!
Janice, i sent liao .... but hor I duno if you will receive the mail and if you receive and reply i duno if I can accept PM ... 'cos nv explore that option yet...
Bluenose: I am not ready to work!! *sobz* My staff going maternity leave soon and my boss just told me she is extending her maternity leave to june. I am going to die
I was away for 2 weeks and had already had more than 300 mails. Night conference calls starting too, sigh.
snuuggly, Aiyah 2 weeks on leave is like that. But no matter what U still need to face it sooner or later ma.
But U must take care, becos now preg liao, try not to be too stress.
I also can't imagine my 2 weeks at home, hwat would happen to my email inbox, & I can predict pple sure will call me at home.
Hi queenie, Yup this is my first time! but I did so iui twice. I soo looking forward to start.. Haha! So yours most likely end march? I am hoping for my af to report end march but if af delay abit, it will be early April..
I am currectly taking pre-natal, folic and royal jelly, not too
sure if that is enough?
Bluenose: yeh cannot run. This is the first time I refused to check mails during break. It was indeed a good rest. I will try not to be stressed but oh well. During your 2ww, dun pick up calls la, though I know its hard. My close colleagues knew I go ivf so they dun bother me much.
I will try to hint them, but I fang bu sa. If they don't call me, I also will feel abit weird. Like CNY period, they did not disturb me, instead I call them to ask them, whether they are ok or not. Hehe
Aiya, I likely would be like U, going out after stay at home a few days.
Mayabe try to stay 1st week at home, 2nd week on & off meet up with friends. Hopefully friends are free to meet.
That time when I'm on HL for ovarian drilling, also on HL, but think only 1 week +, already quite restless when end of HL.
Think this round will try to relax. Already bought alot of DVDs to watch during that period.
Me not on ocp or any medication.. In fact waiting for Af to report this Friday or around n I'll start my natural FET..

Thx so much for your well wishes... I hope to graduate too..

Oh, I gave up red date.. Scare too heaty Le..

Btw, any1 knows when dr Zou be back??
<font color="aa00aa">Hi HI

Nadia, Miracle - I have no symptoms besides tiredness, no discharge and all. Oh no! Tmrw E2 BT, then Dr Paul the day after to check is can start stims.

Janice, I was at CARE at noon, so definitely missed you</font>
Shoes, ya lor miss u... Morning we went dr Paul then to CARE. Ning told us to go after going dr Paul. Suppose to hv another scan Tmr but dr paul said no nd wor. Actually Ning said they quite worry if scan on fri but since he's experience, we will listen to him...
Hello all,
happy new year!
Just dropping by to say HI to old friends like miracle, shoes, suyana, ceraine and all cycling and doing ET/FET.
Good luck and tonnes of baby dusts for you all!

Iloveshoes: dun worry u will alot of discharge when u start stim hehe... Urs is fresh cycle mah unlike mine..;-) ... Jia You Jia You... Hope to hr gd news from u..;-)
