IVF/ICSI Support Group

<font color="aa00aa">morning all,

Congrats Snuggly,
Sticky - hope you are doing better today. Your can-do attitude is really admirable!

Miracle - Ning told you the same as what she told me about the lining hee hee. I too went down yesterday. Am heading down for my E2 BT tomorrow, praying that I get clearance for stims.</font>

Elo ladies...

Ineedmiracle: talking abt hot flushes...me burn like volcano yesterday...faint liao..tomolo popping 3 pills somemore...

any idea to get rid of it...
Good morning all ladies

lynn, do u have any white discharge? I got leh...wonder isnt normal or not. Anyone here can advise? Am still at puregon stage.
<font color="aa00aa">Nadia, miracle - I've yet to have hot flushes this cycle - but definitely feel exhausted. Went shopping with a friend yesterday and kept on yawning haha</font>
Hokkaido: yeh 3x a day during 2ww at 8am, 3pm and 12midnight. Sistas here tells me slightly later or earlier nvm. I insert myself coz easier, like putting tampon mah.
oh dear, i no experience in putting tampon....sua ku, never used before. You must guide me when the time comes lor. Was telling DH that he has to put for me but looking at the timing, a bit hard to depend on him. Haha, luckily got lots of experiences sistas to guide us!

Sticky, hope you are better now. I can see a brave warrior in you!
Hokkaido, the inserts is like small pill, put on index finger and puuuuusssh all the way in....lol

Sun: tks! I was given utrogestan to insert 3x a day. Not sure if same as progynova?
i was instructed to take the Utrogestan orally 3 times a day...but er...my timing always varies..haha...for inserts, I have crinone twice a day.

Slept so badly last night! Kept waking up every hour and guess what was in my mind? Deliberating whether to POAS or not! ARGH! Crazy! Bad bad move to buy the HPT.
<font color="0077aa">winnie
oh..then i'm abit slow in getting the hot flush. only started to experience it yesterday, and that was already 13 jabs done!
Last night was so hot that I have to remove my top and tie up my hair and i'm still hot!!
Maybe i will try to shower before I sleep, hope it will be better.

will clear tml de. Jiayou!
I will be going down next mon for my E2 bt and u/s. now I'm yawning at every hour.

you know something? I think I'm crazy. Experiencing all these side effects, I kinda of happy about it. Cos it seems like my body is telling me that the medicine are taking effects, and my body is reacting and I'm nearer and nearer to ET!...siao hor...haha

so we are going to be cycle buddies...yours is a fresh or fet? Yeah so many cycle buddies ard same timing as me!!!</font>
Gd morning everybody!

Shoes, u were at Care yesterday? I was there too wor ard 2pm.

Talking abt hot flushes, I hv been having hot flushes b4 buserelin cos of decap jab til now... Somach dun feel bloated but my wei feels bloated... Hopefully my 9 follicles will grow swee swee
Me also 1st FET. My af reported and cleared. On day1 of af i started aspirin. Then day2 of af started progynova. So now daily im on buserelin (similar to lucrin), aspirin and progynova. Im with Care.

You are with which clinic?
miracle: I am with TMC-TFC. So, everyday after af reported, you are on Buserelin, asprin and progynova? Are you taking any supplements like Vit C, Folic, CoQ10, Omega3, Ensure, Immunocal?
hi ... Time flies n u r already on progynova . Decided on AH and blastocyst ? When will your Estimated FET be ?

Shoes, miracle , ceraine , sun &amp; all the rest of the ladies..
all the best on your coming fresh/ FET cycles.

Congrats on your little princess. Had a drama bleeding episode 2wks back n was hospitalized for observation. Thankfully my little bb was fine. Got to know the gender too.. It's a boy!
Calzz, ya lor body aching want to go for 1 last one b4 ER. Dh now kept asking me rest dun go exercise too zzzzz

Now feeling nausea dunno y

Day, take care
janice, perhaps as long before O can massage bah... also help in blood circulation mah... heh... i think i will ask Dr Zou when i see her on thurs
Bcube..dun test yet k..wen is ur bt? Mine is on 15 Feb..
I too am thinking whether to buy hpt to test but valteen advised not to..so i m keeping my fingers crossed..
hi all, im new to this forum. has anyone done a growth hormone jab? i am told that i may need to do it for 3 months if my blood test shows that my GH is below a certain level. i want to know your experiences/costs/side effects. im planning to go to CARE.
<font color="0077aa">sun
I'm on folic, CoQ10, conceive well. Immunocal just started last night cos my progynova giving me bloatedness.
In fact I took less supplements compared to when I'm doing fresh.
Oh, I also taking red dates daily. Thanks to hubby who cook for me every morning. Now I'm also taking ginger tea at night cos to curb my bloating too.</font>
Ineedmiracle: hahah...i tink otherwise..afraid body and hormones overwork..then wait ET got problem...I am in fear..But hope all will be fine...Praying hard...staying strong....Hope by 14/2/11 lining k...embbies survive thawing...ET successful...heheh

Day: Boy..congrats...I am doing Blastocyst only without AH...cos Dr was saying my egg shell is not hard to do AH...so for now I am hoping for D5 trf...hopefully my babies r strong to survive...;-)...u take care...
Hi mm1, I m w Paragon CARE n on GH as well... Yes abt 3 mths. If yr dosage is d same as mine, per bottle is abt $280 for 10 days 50iu but during stimulation stage dosage will be doubled, 1 bottle for 2 days. Cost wl b abt $4k+. So far I've no side effect fr d GH, but from othe jabs...
ineedmiracle: k so I am not the only one..I tink the progynova...but at least the discharge wasn't as bad as during the Puregon Stage...but for me I still consider this discharge I have alot too...
Hi, rashal, points noted.. Will start taking supplements liao...
Hi, bingo.. m soo glad to find a cycle buddy.. somemore with same doc, same hosp &amp; same TCM..
I hv similar experience as u.. Dr Loh advice (back then in dec) was to start ivf with mar menses.. But mar menses ll end up in feb end.. I hv discussed with DH &amp; we agreed to start with mar menses which ll fall in mar itself, so as to give ourselves 1 more chance.. Tis ll oso give me abit more time to settle my work bef being absent for HL..
Is tis ur 1st time? It is for me &amp; hope we can bingo together juz as ur name encourages.. :)
Bcube..at least urs on this sat..mine is so long till tues..
N i ask kkh to gimme hl till my bt on tt day..u hv any symptoms nw?

Queenie, gd for u..hopefully wit the supplements they will help ur body prepare..the sistas here giv a lot of gd advice..i m also doing fresh first time wit dr loh..
lynn, I only sore at left side...think my rite side not functioning ah...

Nadia, Do u mean u will have discharge during puregon stage before also? Coz am having white discharge wondering isnt normal or not.
yah! puregon stage was so wet!!! so much discharge! hahahah
now still much better. But cos i'm oni on 1 pill. I will start 2 tomorrow. will see hw it goes....
i took progynova, cyclogest and lucrin...
got side effects... but if got hot flushes, got to stop red date tea for awhile or change to alternate day... else ur lining will be affected... and they do increase discharge.... hm... miracle i same as u... i hit all the side effects of the med... but so far so good... as for bloated... ya now and then, but immunocal still helps...
Janice - thanks! Do you do your own jab? How long did you do, also 3 mos? And what are your other jabs? Sorry for asking multiple qns
Leor: my discharge was tons...like egg whites during Puregon...The more eggs u have the more discharge..that's wat I heard...but I remembered Dr Zou mentioned..discharge is good...

StcikyBFP: u r doing FET too..;-)..urs is KKH?
miracle, must see ur body...
once u find ur body too heaty must adjust ur diet... else too heaty body will affect ur lining growth... like too rapid or too mushy...
if onli abit of hot flushes ok la... if u lie in bed and feel too hot to sleep means too heaty liao... once u stop red dates, u will feel better...
or u feel uncomfy to stop, change to alt days, reduce the amt... etc etc...
try be flexible in adjusting ur diet... for fet cycle, our body system between hot and cold will fluctuate de... so must adapt and change diet between days...
hi nadia,
mine with sgh... jus finish one round fet... so waiting for af come... then decide wat to do next... but will do one more fet sometime in apr...
Thanks sticky
think i switch to alternate day or cut down on my ginger tea......now addicted to it...one cup a day....think over heated le cos ginger tea + red dates.....jia lat
