IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hokkaido, I am already on stimulation. This is my 2nd fresh n all along my hubby is d one jabbing for me. Now on 4 jabs. I dun dare to do it myself leh. .
Hi hokkaido
Huh?? Wht does Hdb loan do with 2nd bb? I heard something abt free childcare.. Sure or not?? But why u say target at 2nd kid neh? For me.. I am having diffculty having 2nd bb.. Sigh.. Last time when i hv my son few years ago.. Only two mth maternity leave and no bb bonus for first bb.. Now first or 2nd bb already hv so much benefit..;) and yet i still hv no chance to make use..sigh..
Joanne, I think they think couples with 2nd child will need bigger flat and priority will be given to them. But think think, not all couple would wants a upgrade ma.....Reno, furniture for new flat need money right? Imagine already got extra mouth to feed, still wanna to upgrade flat meh? Not pratical leh. Me too, not even have the chance to benefits the maternity package. Hope can put to good use soon.
Thank you all ladies.
For some reason, I am not extremely excited coz I am still scared. Will wait for confirmation when I go bhcg. Once confirmed, I will definitely spread baby dust.

Dh is happy and wanna tell everyone but I told him to hold back.
<font color="aa00aa">Snuuggly, dun fear la, continue to test to ease your mind lor
Else just go ask for BHCG and rejoice whole heartedly. </font>
hi iloveshoes,
me still -ve today...

hi snuuggly,
buddy big congrats le...
wish u sticky sticky bfp le... =)
cheers for u... u made it...

hi hokkaido,
i think is 3rd child policy for hdb now... really hoping for them to work out something for 2nd child stuffs...
ya twins miracle...
<font color="aa00aa">Free childcare or heavier subsidy with childcare makes sense, and I think more childcare leave helps, or the option to take a few hours off each week paid to return home earlier to be with school age kids up to say 12 years old. My mates are now telling me how they have no time to be with their school age kids to help guide homework etc, and school teacher asking why parents not involved etc, its not the parents who DON"T want to get involved, but their jobs/working hours that prohibit!!

HDB loan etc not really practical as it doesn't apply across all. My firm in Australia gets option to go on mat leave for 1 year - few months paid, rest unpaid, just an assurance to keep their job. I think for many of us - that will be awesome. </font>
<font color="aa00aa">Sticky - Its a fine balance I guess - I really hope SG govt can do more to boost SG fertility rates - seriously, so many of us SGreans trying to have kids but facing so many challenges in having them!!

Another colleague in UK told me they get 5 days paid leave per year to attend to issues related to fertility - no questions asked. Imagine that!!</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Sticky - don't recall any one test negative and then positive BHCG in this forum but in overseas forum got. Something to do with late implantation...

Maybe some other ladies can recall better?</font>
Buddy, thank u thank u. I am just hoping it's not false positive. I am also waiting for your positive news and we sticky together. Did u test today?
<font color="aa00aa">All not going out today ah? I am stuck at in laws house so plonk myself in front of computer hahahahahaha</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Valteen, you are probably right ... I just can't recall - maybe someone like Nadia or Gan who've hung around longer can help answer that question better.</font>
Hi ilovesshoes
Yes.. I totally agree with wht u say... Imagine i am working full day and my son need to sleep at 9pm daily due to got to wakeup very early next day for school.. When i reach home if i ever to go on the dot, reach hm already six plus, have dinner at seven.. Fruits at 8 plus.. Not much time left to oversee his homework.. I am glad that i hv a best mummy to help me take care of his homework and revise his schoolwork in the afternoon when i am working.. Else his school work sure jialat.. Sometime i pity some mum who hv few kids at primary level.. How she has the time to cope with their homework when working in the day time if no one else help her? I think government shd encourage mum to stay at home like olden days and standard living shouldnt be so high so that hubby work alone is sufficient to survive... Also, to give more grant for us who r undergoing ivf due to stress in life and cant conceive naturally.. Is there anywhere we can write in to the government to voice how we feel? They may not listen to us but we must let them know our problem...agree?

Hi sticky
All is not over until hcg test k... Positive thots are very impt..;) will pray that u succeed and make it to bfp..;)

Hi snuggly
U got any symptons special recently? Got cramp?

Hi hokkaido
I see but the hdb loan is really not so practical to encouage child birth.. But if we hope can work half day when hv kids, we will also worry employer wun want to hire us woman so is another headache too.. Think we can only blame that our standard of living so high ba..sigh..
<font color="aa00aa">Joanne - SG's economy cannot permit moms to SAHM la, so I think having something like more paid child care leave not for 0 to 6 yo kids, but for schooling children will be helpful, or say, if more companies allow for flexibility to work hours will help. I have some global colleagues who work 6am to 3pm each day so that they can be home when the kids come home each day. That's something I think will be useful. Siong for the moms but a possible option cos in those families, dads see the kid to school/up school bus and mom can be home to be with the child more hours after they are home from school.

Think can always write to forum lor!!!</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Joanne - how old is your son? You are blessed to have a mom to be able to help raise him. =)

1 pm already, like serving sentence like that hahahaha waiting for permission to be released home!!!</font>
<font color="aa00aa">The Chinese calendar may be set to welcome in the 'Year of the Rabbit' but the new year could be auspicious for love cheats, astrologers predict, and those who want a younger partner.

Cheng said husbands and wives should keep watch for wandering eyes as their trusted partners look for stimulation elsewhere, although the coming year will also be lucky for couples planning to tie the knot.

"The Year of the Rabbit is an auspicious time for marriages, so I would expect to see a lot of people taking the plunge, including famous people," he added.

"Those who are single are likely to find girlfriends or boyfriends, those who are in relationships are likely to get married, while those who are married are likely to have babies,"

Sticky, yes surely we will. I definitely read even if negative on hpt can also positive in bhcg.

Joanne: i have no symptoms. Boobs not sore or anything. I only feel chest very tight. Like forever indigestion liddat and not much appetite.
Hi iloveshoes
Yes.. I fully agree with u.. Stupid childcare leave only till six yrs old.. They shd give more for mum with schooling kids right? Nowadays study is not easy somemore.. Unlike our days.. Kids r having more stress now.. My friend also complain and say that childcare leave shd till 12 yrs old lor.. My son is 8yrs old and i agree that i am bless with a gd mum who can help me teach him else how can i concentrate on my work right?? Lets hope government can give us more practical help... Wonder when will they announce the new scheme? Hopefully all of us can bfp soon so that we can benefit fr it..
Sticky/shoes, I think got sisters tested -ve but hcg +ve leh but I can't recall who le I know quite sometime ago de, d earlier batch...
Shoes: Yah, maybe more info columns on spreadsheet. heehee But anyway, I did not update on that spreadsheet, Saw there are a few names only?
snuggly, crossing my fingers for u. hope it's BFP

Btw, most of you are taking half boiled egg whites. Is it ok to take the hard boiled one? i can't eat half boiled egg...can't stand the smell &amp; taste. Been taking 3-5 egg whites since day 1 of puregon. feel a bit bloated...just like having pms :D
Ceraine, thanks
like long time no see u le hehe

Pravda, it's better to take soft boil egg whites, I mixed with Milo, doesn't taste so bad u may want to try. I only feel bloated on day 2 then no more le... Now day 4, dunno whether embryo growing well
<font color="aa00aa">Janice - thanks for the tips, I think I will start that soon too. Now I trying to do daily chicken essence but cos of CNY, been doing the bottled ones and it tastes so horrid!!! LOL</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Ahhh ok...anything else? Macham like looking for magic formula hahahahaa

My AF this time after OCP is really miserable, so quite concerned about lining
My af is also miserable. The pad is clean. But when wipe, i see red and clots. Guess ocp n jabs thins our lining......so im nt the oni one
Thanks sticky. This time has more symptoms then my last. Last cycle no feeling de except during 2ww having cramps n sore boobs.
<font color="aa00aa">Miracle - red bean soup also? I used to drink every am before school so now very scared of red and green bean soup hahahahaa

Yeah - so a little worried cos Angela asked me to go Dr Paul to scan next week cos she say my lining too thin. </font>
Shoes, u going dr Paul? I m going on mon for scan n I think every alt day till ER on 14/2. Nvr see him b4 dunno how is it, abit nervous haha
hi shoes
Oh no.. Me going take ocp follow by lucrin next cycle too.. Really af very jialat huh? Alot for how many days? Wah.. Hate af so heavy as feel so miserable neh..
