IVF/ICSI Support Group

hihi, 3 days never access tis thread n i see good news.
snuggly, congrats
tis cny really bring happiness to u n ur hub.
the next good news will b from stickybfp.
i have been jabbing suprefact for 9days. i realise tat i got ewcm discharge during these 9days. n never ovulate as my bbt rovering at 36.2. my breasts r veri sore for e past 3days. wondering r these symptom e side effects of suppression jab? i read tat vagina suppose to b dried. but i m still so much ewcm. anyone can share wif mi their symptoms during suppresdion jab? especially those jabbing suprefact?
bluenosebear, u hav any symptoms like mine?
Valteen, oic. Thks. Actually I thot I save alot of money by asking my dr let me do natural fet instead of medicated coz I was thinking if my 1 embbie dun survive the thaw then wasted. Chey so I never save much. Only save the injection stress.
This morning, I dreamt of 2 sistas fm this forum told me they bfp thru fet le... I was so happy for them. But I dun dare to write their names here, I scare later the dream buay zun! Hahahaha.... Both of them doing fet in feb cycle de. Will reveal their names after they strike bfp ba!! Huat ah! Huat ah! Huat ah!
Stickybb, heh was early coz I went jogging.

Valteen, too late Liao. Alr started my natural cycle. Been taking clomid n aspirin.
good morning ladies
hav to drag myself up for my supp jab.
congrats snuggly! u tested bfp early so most probably ur hcg is high. hopefully u carrying a twins. tat will b double happiness. so u going for bhcg on tuesday?
Tks valteen, calzz

Serene, today is 13dpt so guess timing about right to test bah. I will go bhcg tmr, dun wan to wait till Tuesday liao coz dh not working tmr. At least he can be around to support me when results come out.
hi snuuggly,
=) as long as u bfp is good enough for me...
I very very happy for u le...
Me ar... Haha... See tomolo bt how lor...

Hi calzz,
My total medicated is $300plus onli...

Hi stickybb,
Feeling better today...

Hi valteen,
Go go... The weather jus nice cooling for jogging, afterwhich will be super shiok

Hi joanne,
No lor... All depends on lining i think... Cos my af ocp onli stop for 1 week instead of 21 days le... Afterwhich the next 7 days my flow is heavy... Heavy is good... cos can clear the lining....
Sticky: hope I can lift my butt and go. Have stopped jogging since ER. Gosh, I realize these 2 times when I ate half boil eggs, I felt like throwing up. Dun think I can stomach the egg whites if need to. Yikkie!!
Snuggly congrats wor.
StickyBfp- awaiting yr good news tomorrow.
Serene- I don't have the symptoms u mention. I having sore boobs, becos expecting af to come ba
Congrats! Am happy for u!

I am holding out to POAS. Its 9dp2dt and am not optimistic. I put on 2kg from all the hormones (I rarely put on weight), tummy look like 4 months preg,but other than that no symptoms. Boobs are not sore (infact, like deflated?!?!) since stopping prog jabs (still on inserts & oral though).

Will wait for your good news! Your bhcg is tue?
Snuuggly, Congrats!! Confirm bfp liao.. Spread some bb dust to me hor!

Bcube, be positive.. Jiayou!

Stickybfp, Waiting for bb dusts too!

Stickybb, wat stage are you now?
thanks blue,
i really wish i can spread bb dust tomolo...

hi bcube,
haha... wait till u meet me... my tummy like 6mths preggy no joke... is over 100cm... not preggy but also get mrt seats de... haha....
my bt is tomolo... yst i test is neg, today havent test... but no more 1st morning urine liao... aii....

thanks buddy snuuggly,

i'm new here.

i'll be starting my first ivf cycle in apr. i'm with dr sf loh at kkivf. is there any cycle buddy in apr too?
Perper: welcome to this forum! I am wif sf Loh too. I just failed in my first cycle two weeks ago. Am seeing him in 2 weeks and see if I can do again two cycles later. If so, we can probably be cycle mates! U hv just started on ivf journey?
Hi calzz
Wah.. Time flies for u..;) me still waiting to start after soooo long.. Sigh.. Will start cycling next month so think u will bfp first..;)

Hi snuggly
Woah.. Really congrat to u..;) so happy and envious u..take care for now k..;)
Hi stickybfp
Hmm.. I see.. Sigh.. Dun care liao.. No matter wht still hv to go thru the af.. Just let natural takes its course.. Btw, all the best to ur bt tomorrow k.. Hope to get more bbdust from u after get fr snuggly..;)

Sticky, are u using your strips? Dun think too much into it. I think the strips buay zun one. Anyway tmr bt liao, will bfp de. Have faith.
