IVF/ICSI Support Group

like tat, still got to take the med & jabs pay for it leh... go for str for fet better... no matter wat, still hv to do fet ma...

but u well enuf to go out already ah? how abt the gals from 2ww thread? anyone free?

ur niece at ur pl today?

wah... piggy... stickybfp tempted me, then u tempt me too... my legs flower liao leh...

actually, u gg fm one home to another home so not considered so notti lar... haha...
i alot better today liao... think i must start walking more liao... sian ma... really super bored lorz...
the 2ww gals, i meet up almost every week le... haha... think they go out with me also sian liao... lolz....
Faint la I only got 3 embryos freeze
out of 14 fertilize..
in sgh is worst, the doc today told me, they onli freeze grade 1 embbies.... all grade 2 they dun encourage to freeze.... or will not freeze....
hi piggy,
actually i never expect mine to be good de...
cos my eggs too much, and pcos... egg quality most prob not good... plus my dh sperm got bacteria infection... i suspect my eggs will not be able to survive till freezing stage... lucky doc ordered antibiotics around the sperm during icsi...
i am really thankful, at least is not a wasted cycle...
i post pics of my room on my fb... go see... haha... very messy rite... see my baby cot... so happy with it... =( but no baby to sleep in it... haha
Happybb, thanks for the advise. I am sure the ML will make a difference for me hence am not willing to just let go without much considering. But again, if I haven’t even conceive…what is the 4 mths ML?
Can be very disruptive to work if I don’t put it across to management about the TTC procedure.

Anyone here gone for the procedure without sharing with their company on the P&C decision?

Sticky, why is it so important to be eating egg whites 2 mths before the procedures? Coincidentally, I have started eating because of the protein. Anything else I should take note of?
What’s ohss?
hi Lola,
we explain bit by bit hor... cos the ivf process very long and complicated de...

ohss = Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
it happens when during stimulation stage of ivf, where u were trying to stimulate more eggs for retreival... ur ovaries become too stimulated and u got far too many eggs... ur ovaries become so big that it causes impact on ur liver, kidneys, womb and lungs... where they start to accumulate water and is very dangerous before or after pregnancy... this is the layman way of explaining la...

as for egg whites, when u are stimulated to produce more eggs... ur hormones rages and ur stomach produces alot alot of gastric juices and alot alot of intestinal gases get trap in ur intestines big or small and stomach... when this happens is no good... the gases get harmful when trap too long, also u feel terrible when its so fully pack with gases... so egg white, protein and lots of water helps to flush these gases out and to digest away the stomach acids...
wah... stickybfp... u r the first person 1 know w top grade embbies... 13 of them somemore... heng, i din do ivf at agh, if not, i will hv no frozen embbies le...

lola... i hv tot of giving up the 4 mths ml too... if i can conceive, wat is 4 mths ml? but then again, u r the best person to gauge for urself... is ur work environment suitable for ur ttc, etc?

for me, my boss knows i'm gg for ivf cos we will hv so many last min med appts, hl also confirm until the date is very near... but only she & our big boss know cos i told her it p&c... i'm lucky tat she is very understanding...

tink some of the gals her din let their co know on their ivf, maybe they can give u their pt of view too...
hi Lola,
u dun have to tell ur company abt ivf... at most u can lie and say u gg for fibroid operation etc... i believe that we have a right to keep personal matters to ourselves...

oh i took 2 mths before becos i was planning my diet, and egg whites is a very healthy and fatless source of protein... helps in repair and replace new cells, means will be good for the development of my eggs... and preping my body for the bloatedness... and it works... =)
Sticky, I am alarmed at how u girls are handling the OHSS so well! Omg, the way u described is so “scary”. U r not putting me off from the procedure are u? *hugs ladies* u r all so brave.
Sticky, every1 will have ohss? I promise I will eat egg whites many many from today! Try taking it with goma sauce. YumYum.
Did you start eating egg whites 2 mths before? So you dun bloat at all?
What other supplements ar?

Happybb, u are so blessed to have understanding bosses like yours. Then you can ‘put heart’ to focus on getting preggy! I assume your colleagues don’t know? So what you tell your colleagues?

Yes yes, share with me your experiences.
lola... which hosp r u w? maybe can check how the hl they issue will look like... i'm from kk... although hl did not state ivf, it did state reproductive medicine...

stickybfp... dark dark good ma... hehe... we at home so it's ok...
hi Lola,
mine is serious ohss so my case abit extreme... bloat la... like crazy but can recover by itself... while alot of gals get half my amt of e2 (level of hormones) already lying in hospital with treatment liao... i am not proud of not getting myself treated, but i think my mind was set to be very positive and focus... so jus focus on doing watever i can and trying to ignore the symptons... and no,not everyone has ohss and very seldom get as serious as mine... most is jus mild mild one... and will go away soon...
rem, soft boil or raw egg white... the egg white cannot be fully cooked de hor...

the gals here are great... they offer so much support here, more than the nurses and doctors... so as long as u stay active in this thread... u can overcome ivf...
lola... for me, my priority is to hv our own babies... actually, now is still peak at work but i insisted to continue with my cycle as scheduled cos age is catching up... each passing mth means a lot to us... as for coll, i only said i'm clearing leave since it's yr end now... when will u be starting ur cycle?
stickybfp... oh no... my egg whites all hard boiled or fully cooked le... haha... but i din take a lot... heng, got take immunocal... tks to this forum, if not i dunno got to up protein... for ohss, issit retrieve more than 20 eggs, then considered will hv ohss?
lolz... happybb, u so funny... how u survive with fully cooked eggs? ya immunocal is great....
for ohss is not how much u retrieve... is so much is been produced and ur e2 level
haha... tat's why i gave up on egg whites lor... but now, thinking of giving up my daily chix essence & immunocal too... wah... getting to much for me le...

really peifu u for taking so many mths of egg whites & immunocal... in large qty somemore...
happybb, i with Dr Loh, kk. Reproductive Medicine is quite apparent lo.
Can we can to indicate like what Sticky said? O & G? Dunno wat it means. :p
I scheduled for early next year. Still thinking about it cos am rather fearful of the procedure after reading so much.

Sticky, what you mean soft boil? Ya Kun that kind? Half boil? I eat fully boiled ones lei. Can or not?

Sky black black, I'll finish Yoga & head home.
Sticky, dont tease me la. Scared i not fit enuf to carry BB. i better start building up my physique & health lo. Then again, if i cant exercise, i feel very pek chek.

Wa, how to Ya Kun those kind? I rush to work everyday! Hard boil can eat on the way ma.

What's immunocal?
oh... me hor... put it in a soft boil egg maker when i wake up... by the time i finish bathing, the eggs ready liao... then i rinise my baby thermo flask with hot water... then crack the egg whites into it... then seal it and bring out to eat... no need spoon... jus drink it can liao... heehee...
but mostly i got my maid do for me... the thermo flask is great... cos it keeps it warm and fresh even till lunch time le...

immunocal is a protein powder to mix with cold drinks and drink...
lola... think the hl is std if i'm not wrong... cos i asked the nurses before... they said hl will be issued by clinic d and will not state ivf... but they nvr tell me got reproductive med lo...

just go with the flow... things will proceed very fast once u start ur 1st jab... before u know it, it's er then et already... the most terrible part is 2ww... haiz... really anxious to know the result lo...

was telling dh tat couldn't believe we hv actually completed the ivf process... now left the result only...
wah... stickybfp... u li hai leh... how u squeeze so much things in? my wardrobe is in my study room leh... urs is like my 2 rooms in one...

the baby cot looks cosy leh... got toys already... there's potty in the toilet somemore... hehe... ur babies will be claiming their baby cot soon...
all my niece stuffs lor... =)
the pillows and toys all my niece one...
in my kitchen got her steriliser, warmer everything... i already noe what brand of diapers, milk powder i wan for my baby liao... plus got my niece stroller here too... and she got more than 5 boxes of toys in my place... those plastic big boxes... haha
ur house really like ur niece's house leh... got a full set of everything... hehe... can imagine the scene of her sayanging & playing ur ur babies... hehe... she will be a doting jie jie...
just like how u dote on her...
Hi all,

Just thought I would give you all a head-ups of my beta result today, it is positive, but my level is only around 150 at 13dpt5dt. I still need to go back on thursday for a 2nd bt though, so will update then.

All the best to the rest having their beta bt this week!
You mean must eat protein even before the ER or ET? I kept thinking it's only after ER??
Pls explain!!

That's a very clever way of keeping the eggs warm. Is there any reason why it cannot be hard boiled?

And if one takes immunocal, then no need to stuff with egg white?

How much protein or number of eggs must I consume?

Aiyo....sorry so many questions. Am super blur now!
pink congrats... =) finally hor... haha...

hi bcube,
when the protein is fully cook, is not that easily to break down by the stomach.. thats y fully cooked eggs like hard boil eggs makes u feel so full... u need raw or soft boil eggs to let ur acid digest... the surface area and the protein molecules are smaller for the acid to digest... u got to take latest at the start of ur jabs...
Can someone explain what's the difference of b-hcg test and t-hcg?

My 1st n 2nd bt report was b-hcg around 34 something only and then my latest report was t-hcg stating 80 something.
hi piggy,
finally home? hows ur new place?
no le... my niece dun sleep over de... onli maybe nap over once a week or sometimes dun even have...
bought it so that i can be motivated and positive to go through ivf... heehee... cos mil pantang, so i say buy for my niece... then my niece recognise as her bed and will auto climb into her bed to sleep... =)
hi piggy,
i different from ur le... ivf was my choice... my dh not supportive de lorz... plus my life is very depressing de... =) so i need more than jus positive tots... with the baby cot hor, everynite i put my hands and on cot and fall asleep... makes me stronger le... =)

hihi.... wow, came in see good news le. Congrates Pinkbubbles

my 3rd AF is here le and will be starting my cycle. Angela said i've hard womb so i will be given decapeptyl jab tomorrow instead of starting OCP. Anybody cycling in feb? my ER will be on 12/2 which is almost end CNY.

Sisters, i starting buserelin (dunno what's this, is it suppression?) on 11/1, so when should i start the do's and dont's huh? hoping to start asap, now starting, very scared.
