IVF/ICSI Support Group

Thanks Piggy, only GE has it? Wat is the premium? & how will I know how many embyro? Is tat to say I should buy after ER & b4 ET? What does it cover?

Nono honey : don't give up there r cases whereby is -ve but on their BT day is positive.. Some ppl just not sensitive to hpt testing.. Be positive
Good morning gals.

Heard alot abt Chris Chen, both horror and success stories. My cousin also went to him and conceived her twins in 2006. She had a few failed ivf attempts before that.

Do you think that he's asking for all sorts of operation in order to ensure ivf success? Who are the ones who have gone to him? Can u share ur experience with him?
Lola : not sure still got other insurance company that sell this but most of us here offer great easten.. After ur ET then u need to buy the nurse n doctor will let u know on ur ET day how many embryo is transfrer to u..The rate goes 2 embryos cost $176.55 n 3 embryos cost $889.44. Coverage wise maybe try log in to their website to see all the details
assisted reproduction programme insurane is the name of the policy ;)
Nono honey, I did urine test and was tested negative yesterday too. I was 11 day past ER and 9 days past ET. The sistas here told me it was too early to test. So don't give up, wait till 22nd Dec. Hope to hear good news from you.

Is HPT = HOme Pregnancy Test?

Meanwhile, I am also looking into my FET cycle in case(just in case) this cycle doesnt succeed. Am wondering if I should stick to the same doctor at kk or 'upgrade' to a different doctor or change to private hospital.

I'm trying to gather info on the different doctors that u gals are doing FET with and the costs. Will try to consolidate in a table form and share with u all later on. Pls contribute ur experience k. Thanks
morning gals,
how are all my buddies today?
me had eggs and bread for breakfast today.... =)
buddies rem to bed rest for a few more days... dun naughty naughty go shopping etc hor... jus a few more days ur can move liao...
stickybfp, so when is your ET?

And must we really bedrest? I've been on guai guai staying at home. But apart from lying down, i sit on the sofa, even sit on the floor lei. ANd I even walk up and down the stairs 3 times a day (no choice, must go down to eat, just made sure I was very slow in doing it.)

Nono, my BT is 27 Dec, dunno why so late. That is like 17 days past ET.
hi honey,
u got to change ur nick... change to yesyes honey... then will bfp... =)
me also from sgh le.... prob will bfp le... bt soon ma...
in any way, u be doing fet next cycle if this cycle no bfp?
hi dan,
international standard is bedrest for 2 full days la... in sg, our standard is bedrest for 5 days to 1 week.. =) ok la, u past 10 days liao le... can walk abt liao... at this time ur embbies stick to u liao....
Nip, where are you going? Whereever, enjoy and relax. So nice, I can only look forward to movies on Xmas eve. This must be the most boring Xmas ever, but if can bfp, all is worth it.
piggy, really? kkivf high success rate? actually thinking of going private since no govt grant for FET, but dunno which one. you sure bfp this time la, dun need to transfer liao. hee.

sticktbfp, dun scare me la, From day 1, i already nvr stick to bedrest, just move around less. ANd my bed is platform bed, must move up and down one. Aiya, nvm nvm, it was the doc who told me no need to bedrest, she even said normal activities. Whatever will be, will be right?
Your experience with CC is in line with alot of other comments from other forum ladies. My GF also went for an op before her 1st ivf. According to her, CC is very kiasu. BT almost everyday to manage her hormone levels, and during the cycle, very strict on her diet as well. She reckons that's why he has high success rates.
For me, I am not comfortable with all the reviews on CC, and hence did not want to go to him. But I do know his rate of success is v high lor, seeing my GF's success.

Have a great holiday!

My GF said she was adviced to bed rest for 4 hours in the
hospital after ET, and then told she can go about normally. Just no vigorous exercise, no jumping, or sneezing/laughing
too hard. But she continued going to work as per normal.
Bcube, that's the thing. Everytime sneeze I also scared cause cannot control. Ur gf also succeeded under CC? My cousin too. Fresh cycle? I'm thinking of going for FET with him if this cycle flop. He's one of those I'm considering. If not then maybe my own gynae at Mt E.

I wonder how much they charge for FET. Ladies, really need ur input on good gynaes for infertility.
Sticky buddy I'm still lying on bed n rot so shiok don't need to work but hoh boss just call me to do some report for him sian

Dandelion : ya girls here mostly r from dr loh n plenty of them successful ;) no worries I think he is a good doctor...

Bcude: although he got lots of successful but personally I won't recommend anyone there ;) just my personal view la
Dandelion : likely when u visit cc he will ask u to go through all the testing cause he will say he believe in his lab result more then he will ask u to go for operation to increase ur chance before he will do the cycle for u.. Give a try see whether I'm right anot hahahaha ;)
hi piggy,
good gal le...

hi gals,
whichever docs u choose or no matter how reputable they are... we got to be on our toes in reading up more and preping ourselves for ivf cycle...
sgh care didnt tell me to take egg whites or immunocal at all till my ohss was very severe... see the support they give is very minimal...
if not the gals on this thread shared their experiences, i would have end up in hospital dying of ohss instead of recovering from home...
rem, got to me proactive in taking care of ourselves... prep work before ivf is very very impt... diet etc will affect the results... for gals who took it happy go lucky and succeed, i can onli say they are very lucky gals... so not all of us are so lucky...
yap Sticky if this cycle didn't work have to con't lar. I'm 31 this year so not a lot of time left for me le.. glad to hear that u got freezing all 13 embbies :). i got no more freeze embryo ;(
piggy, I'm not with dr loh. perhaps can request to change. wonder how long the waiting time will be like.

agree with sticky. The hospital really gave me minimal info. I was not as lucky as sticky, had to stay in hospital for 4 days.
hi dan,
me started my egg whites for 2 mths before my ivf le... 5 egg whites every morning... very faithful... then during ivf, i did watever i can... swallow watever need to swallow... but i didnt take multi vit... immunocal, coq10, walnut, ginger tea, red date tea, good diet.... etc.... take more than 5 egg whites everyday.... wasnt easy though... still must mentally prep my positivity... be positive in all aspects and handle my very difficult and uncooperative dh... haha...
i guess we all went through alot... and deserve more... =)
hi gals,
3 cheers, my blood test cleared... but doc refused to do et for me this cycle... even though my blood test is a miracle recovery.... =)
then she ask me do a mock cycle, to see how my lining and the medication react.... chey.... i ask her skip the mock cycle and do the fet... i got no patience liao...
so will start my jabs again on my coming menses... should be ard 30th dec... then close to end jan do fet...
stickybfp... good news leh... think ur doc not doing et for u this cycle bcos u got severe ohss... it will get worse if preggy... she's trying to play safe...

nip... enjoy ur trip & relax...

piggy... u very guai leh... i not guai cos went to mil pl on sat for dinner... but think should be ok la... not anything tedious... doc say need to walk ard too...

dan... u w which doc in kk?
dan - i been having that af coming feeling since yesterday oso. keep freaking out when need go toilet coz my af due soon *freak out mode* oh yah also i been having a lot of watery discharge ( not the insert residue)... anyone know why?
lola... i was also thinking of resigning to focus on ivf as my job was stressful & requires ot everyday... in fact, i did tender but my boss returned me my letter and did an adjustment to my portfolio... still busy but not as stressful as before and my boss has been very understanding in me taking so much time off & leave for my med appts...

in a way... it turned out well for me cos i get to keep my job and mthly income... i had concerns on whether i can find a job if i can find another job soon after i complete my cycle or after i give birth (tat is provided i'm lucky enuf to bfp)... of course, there r lots of other concerns tat i had and it was a struggling time for me... was struggling whether to tender again even when i just started cycling...

weigh the pros & cons & go w wat u think will be the best option for u...
stickybfp... wah... u tempting me leh... but my dh dun allow leh...

he has been so guai since my et... auto go tabao for me... last time, he will wait for me to tabao for him lo... even if i go out & come back late, he will wait for me to tabao for him... lazy bum...
mock cycle is a fake cycle where u give u the meds and jabs for fet, but dun do et, jus observe the lining etc....
i been home for weeks... i so bored liao... really cannot tahan... sian.... not hospital is home....
