IVF/ICSI Support Group

Bcube, eh... you at which stage now huh? i was ask to take now leh. juz started the decapeptyl jab today, will start bureselin on 11th Jan. Nurse told me immunocal is protein and build immune system for both me and my dh.

Any sisters can advice?
babiesbubbles... glad tat u r not giving up... jiayou!

piggy... i'm gg back to work earlier than u... ur bt on 30 dec, right?

hi stickbfp buddy...
Babiesbubbles: sad to heard that but u can try again right no give up okay.. U mention that u got 2 very good embryo transfer over n is ur lining okay ?? Because my doctor did mention that if ur lining is too O then maybe that's could be the reason that reject the implantation??

Stickybfp: buddy *waving back* heehee how r u feeling today ?? Btw u back to work Liao mAh or still on hl??
hi piggy,
me on mc and leave for the rest of the mth... =)
today i walk 2 bus stop to and fro... went with mil to seng siong ar... she buy stuffs to "bai bai" my fil tomolo... tomolo dh on leave to do all the "bai bai" while me stay home lorz...
i better liao... been running to the toilet to pass water these few sleeping nites... wake up 2 to 3 times to clear full bladder, which is good news for me..

how u piggy?
and u le, happybb?
and nip mia?
Stickybfp: Nip go for her cruise Liao la u forgot the hb give her a surprise trip ;) I'm doing fine just back from hospital blood test seem normal n just increase my oral medication to increase more on my progesterone ;)

Happybb : Yaloh my BT is on 30 Dec which is day 13 after the ET ;) still crossing my toes hahaha n how have u been doing ?? U got any tummy cramp anot huh?? I been having quite bad cramp since yesterday
dun agree le piggy... cramp or no cramp doesnt matter, most impt is can bfp... haha... ur starting to twitch at the signs liao hor... =)
i dun feel anything leh... is tat a bad sign? aiyo... how i wish can see wat is gg on inside...

my pantyliner is perpetually wet... issit bcos of the inserts?
babiesbubbles, it's really nice that u are taking it so positively. Yes, perservere! We're all here to support each other.

happybb, I'm on HL till BT which is on 27 Dec.
Alamak, it's really inevitable that we keep looking for signs but its kinda true that its hard to spot the signs. then worry abt everything. You cannot imagine how hard i tried to control but because of my lying down position, i sneezed so hard that I became worried. this 2ww is making me more paranoid then ever. Once, I stamped my feet at hubby then regretted big time for such big actions, ended up scolding hubby for making me pek chek. lol. and he actually felt bad abt it. so funny.
dan... i requested for hl till bt but kk only give me 2 wks leh...

u r lying down whole day? me not so guai leh... except when sleeping, i'm sitting most of the time...
happybb, I am usually not lying down, sitting most of the time, and sitting on the floor and platform bed, that's how low i go.

I'm also having problems with the progesterone inserts. INsert into V but when I poot, come out from the anus. at least twice liao, dunno how it travelled there...tsktsktsk
That's why lor. I'm also puzzled but i'm sure i inserted in the correct hole. hehe.

seriously, are they linked? or it came out from V but when I clean, I tot it came from anus?
hi sisters, just to share i got a bfn. bt supposed to be on friday, but my menses came (EXACTLY the menses date every mth), so went to kk this morning for early bt. cried my eyes out, but i tink just need time to recover and re-think what's my next step. to those taking bt this week i wish all of you success. thanks for sharing all your knowledge
thank you sisters
but i DUN WANT to see you again in this forum next time haha.. MUST bfp ok! will be taking a break from this forum for the time being
Janice, not too sure if CARE carries this growth hormone: http://www.norditropin-us.com/parents/ghd.asp
I believe u r on saizen which is more costly. I was prescribed noritropin and each tube cost me approx 330 or 360.. Can't really recall. Based on the dosage of 1 unit a day, each tube can last me approx 15 days. Just FYI.. I was on growth hormone at least a month before I started cycling and was injecting all the way till ER.
I was on the verge of giving up n was already discussing with doc bout the next cycle n who knows when he call both of us was surprise by the final bt results. So I would said I m pregnant for now n on more medication to support this pregnancy.
Thanks ladies. Yes it was emotional roller coaster for me so that my dh thought I suffered fr depression. I don knw but the result for the 3rd x was better than wat the doc expected. It has been 30 something n doc said for the 3bt if still 30plus we had to drop the cycle. I was cool bout it becos st least I knw wat to expect. He said wait for the mens to come n left. Somehow we felt that it's very unlikely it's going to increase much but who knows when doc call he said gd news then followed by congratulation. For now I m going to rest as much as I can n eat healthier n continue with new medicine.
Since it's early pregnancy I was told no shopping around. No walking too much n stresssin oneself.
Though it's +ive I have other concern like could it be ectopic pregnancy considering my bt rise was slow but I guess not much I can do but rest rest rest....

I saw other ladies here taking immuncol thingy. What exactly is that?

I m now on iron 1x a day, folic 2 tab 2x a day, n pregyl n progesterone jab n another oral medicine plus crinone. All these cost me 1k plus.
But to be honest it's a long journey n still very early days. I m a very low profile person. I don want to tell too many pple later got to update everyone then incase touchwood anything happen got to update Again....

My next appt to have a scan is Jan next yr. So it's like 2ww liao plus another 3ww. All bout waiting haha...

Anyway I sincerely hope those who had taken such a big step to enter this programme to have a gd result n a smooth pregnancy. For those who didn't make it don give up. Celine dion finally succeed after 6 attempt n my doc himself say 12x n he had twin boys.

Never say never. Jus don give up.
I didn't speak to my embroyo much until the results continuing turn out disappointing.

The night before the bt I spoke to my emb one last time. I called my emb little fighter.

I said to little fighter to fight to survive. Fight to stay with me so u can join us in this wonderful world. I said daddy mummy n jie jie are waiting for u n mummy will take care of u for as long as I can so it's up to u now to fight or let go n that's this much I can do for u for now.
Val, yes I am on saizen n on 4 months jab. Now jab all d way too. One bottle cost $300+ n last me 10days with 50iu each jab
Pinkbubbles, Congrats !!

Nur & babiesbubbles, hugs! Have faith and prepare yourself for FET/next cycle.

Congrats too!! At this stage you must stay positive and talk to your bb. Wat is your beta and today is dpt ?
I started off with a v.low beta too and I return to my clinic for bt every 3 days to ensure that beta steadily increases before my wk6 scan. For assurance, you may want to go back to your clinic to do your beta before your next scan too.
