IVF/ICSI Support Group

ya, sian on cafe world too... very boring le the games... yst my niece kanna hammer by her mum... omg... give birth to children yet throw their temper on them... she slap her thigh then smack her head le... i got nothing to say... crappy...
Happybb: I got 4 days hl after ER maybe I will ask for hl till Dec 29 cause I'm shifting to my new house on the 29 Dec haha don't need to take my leave hahaha
stickybfp... aiyo... she must be crying very badly... poor gal... if we manage to bfp, must really treasure them... cos go thru so much to hv them... so precious...

piggy... where uu shifting to? then u must be busy packing? hv time to rest?
Happybb & Stickybfp ;) packing my hb pack I just sit there do nothing hahaha .. Oh I'm shifting to kembangan area ;) hope is a double happiness for us ;)
nice, private estate ar?
happybb, our flats can fetch high price liao...
my dh planning to sell and buy a cheaper flat... old flats are cheaper...
Hi Happybb and Dandelion, thanks. Yes its a fresh cycle, I dont have any embies from the 2 last IVFs.

Happybb & Stickbpb, yours embbies turned out similar to mine. I am still nervous coz of past experiences. Praying real hard but trying to stay positive.

Stickybfp, i am hoping for the best. Embryologist informed that transfer should be coming Friday - Christmas at CARE! Dr Yu prescribed Cabergoline (Dostinex) 0.5mg for 8 days for OHSS. Hope it works!
stickybfp... old flats in which estate? tot older flats normally in matured estate, more exp? my dh lazy leh... say move house very troublesome...
Stickybfp: I didn't sell my hdb leh but I heard can fetch good price ;) ya do a upgrade so that we can ask my hb parent to shift in too ;) as for my parent they staying with my sister so just nice ;)

Sarah : all the best ur beautiful embyro will sure do well ;)
hi sarah,
same ar... we taking same meds... oh, all got minor ohss all can do et le... poor me cannot... haha...

hi happybb,
we planning to sell over 450k... then buy a flat for abt 320k... like that also good le... =) then i can stay home take care of babies without worrying ma... hougang ba
sarah... dun worry... this time will turn out well... u will bfp de...
me also prescribed with the same med...

stickybfp... wah... so high liao... good leh... i like the idea... take care of babies without worry... hehe... but u buying smaller flat cos 320k? got enough space?
Stickybfp : haha can understand but I just have to try to give in a bit loh Bo biam la ;) buddy good leh like that u can be tai tai stay home so good envy ;)
hi Stickybfp, are you experiencing severe OHSS symptoms? Mine is pretty mild just tolerable cramps yesterday/today subsiding. Where can i get Immunocal from?
stickybfp... ya hor... forgot... hehe... which area u looking at?

sarah... can get immunocal from og bugis... 1 box 30 sachets cost $100... with og card $95...
hi Stickybfp and happybb tks for the info. I am assuming 1 satchet a day. That is expensive. Does this replace the vit supplements.

Hi Stickybfp, i was told ER on Sat - Sun is Day 1. So, my transfer is end of Day 5. It should be Blastocyst stage.
Hi gals!
Hope everyone had a good Sunday!

Don't be disheartened. It's not over till the fat lady sings! Hope Bfp for you at BT!

Goodluck house hunting! If you need info let me know. ;)

I love instant noodle too! Hee! Especially midnight after watching Asian food channel. Always tell my HB I am like gremlin, everytime hungry at midnight!

Going for chilli crab later. Mmmm can't wait!!
bcube... it's a boring sun for me... think for stickybfp too...

wah... u eat at midnight ah... my dh won't allow... he say i getting fat le... which i know is true lor... haha...

chilli crab... yummy! u r making me crave for it liao...
Hi grumpus,

Wanted to check in with u if it's convenient for u to post a site which u posted before on the site selling the bra extenders and I do recall they sell those belly bands too... Wanted to check them out .. Any recommendations?
Thanks day! I will go check these out too.. Was actually looking at the elastic belly bands. How do u find these which u have bought?

Combi of getting too fat with an expending waistline plus the pregnancy ( that's an excuse .. Heh..) ... I m finding that my current bottoms are just getting too tight for comfort!
Gotta unbuckle when I sit!
Thanks for the well wishes Piggy.

Hi Val Lee, you can get bra extenders over the counters from Robinsons/John Little/Metro. You may even try the lingerie shops in your neighbourhood.

- I bought my belly belts (3 sets) previously from Kiddy Palace at $29.90.

- Mothercare belly bands brand - Bando @$40+.

- Maternity Exchange = http://www.maternityexchange.sg/gifts.html

- http://www.mylittleangelsmaternity.com/product_info.php?cPath=36_61&products_id=230&osCsid=28ec07bbb64fbce86f37161ee1e3aac0
I m Oli seeing dr Loh for review mid Jan, had intention for feb FET.. But shall see what dr Loh says. Plus my boss tendering mid Jan, likely hv yo delay my plan to march..

Which stage r u nw? Sorry I didn't follow thread nwadays
The ones which I bought are v.good for my jeans and it works well on some of my working bottoms. But I had bought some bigger size working tops. My waistline had expanded ALOT since ET. I hope my existing clothes can last me till wk11/12 & will start scouting for mat. wear after my oscar scan.
Me too! I would like to keep wearing my existing clothes and proceed to buy maternity wear only after the first trimester when things r more certain
I had quite a few baby doll tops & dresses, can last me till I pop. some rubberised skirt also can last me quite a while. I won't be buying any clothes till I burst them but I definitely need a maternity jeans very very soon
my elder kid will be 3 in Jan. Conceived naturally with clomid.
dun worry too much, just go with the flow and before u know it, all the jabs will be over.
When I first got pregnant, I made sure all the clothes I bought I can also wear afterwards....heh heh, big size so must wear loose clothes. I like the styles frm topshop, Dorothy perkins and river island.

Those expecting must be slim ladies. For me, even up to 5 mths, my colleagues cannot tell I am expecting. Ha.ha.
Yup, my kiddo already 3 Liao, conceived naturally but also after a Chris Chen episode and after 2.5 years of trying. Time for either brother or sister for him. Been trying for another 2 years...so decide to go for ivf.

Just wanna say, don't ever give up what you want...exhaust all means.
Hey looks like a few of us have our number 1 around the same age, my gal is born in 07.

Your first is also by IVF? A gf did ivf with chris Chen. 1st ET got successful, then couple years later FET twins.

I am sO stuffed! Had chilli, butter, white pepper crab! Can barely walk!
I had a friend who recommended we see the TCM doc at Jurong. After seeing the doc, she told us to get a report from Chris Chen. We went to see Chris Chen and realised he indeed has a lot of success stories. However, during our first few appointments, he told me I got pcos and that my husband need to go for op. We spent almost $1 k during the first few visits. My husband thought the whole thing felt very fishy (no offence to those who swear by CC) and discussed with me to stop our visits. After that we took it easy and we were blessed with a son in 07 (yup same year as yours!)

When I visited Dr Loh, he told me the reverse. That there was absolutely nothing wrong with the two of us and did encouraged us to try naturally. But age is catching up so decide to go for ivf.

Keeping my fingers crossed for this one.
Morning girls ;)

Nip: I went to see dr Chris Chen through the same tcm before too he also say I got pcos n need operation on me n my hb in the end we didn't want to go for the operation n stop seeing him cause no operation no ivf with him..
Good morning!

What a busy week for me... hope everything is going well for u girls!

Are all of you on HL? or did u all quit to be focued? Share with me cos am still considering which would be a better option for me.

Piggy, read ur post on insurance with GE. How does it go? What is premium like?

Good Morning Gals!!

I'm on my day 12 ET. This morning tested HPT with -ve result. My BT will be on Wed 22nd Dec. For me no hope ald.. =(

Lola: from my understanding for couple that do ivf is advicesable to buy this great easten ivf insurance.. The rates depend on how many embyro is transfer into u ;) once u purchase this policy even ur cycle is not successful there is no refund ;( every cycle u try u have to buy
