IVF/ICSI Support Group

happybb, I didn't know we share the same gynae. She's pretty nice right?

Thanks Minako.
Haven't heard from u for some time. HOw are u doing?

Congrats pinkbubbles. When was ur ET? And yes, did u do hpt before the beta test? My bt is next monday but did hpt yesterday (negative at 11 days past ER and 9 days past ET)

<font color="aa00aa">hello hello!!!

Pinkbubbles - congrats! You're with CARE yeah?

Sticky - thanks for reminder - am going to up my protein everyday as well! Seems like seriously a LOT of things to eat everyday!!!

Let me go shower and catch up past discussion!</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Janices, I'm cycling in Feb but asked to start only after CNY so that I can use CNY to "kick back". Cool, so you'll be a few weeks before me!!</font>
dan... ya... she's quite nice... quite comfortable w her, therefore, din request to switch to dr sf loh... were u assigned to her too? or chose her? she seems quite young though...
shoes, your start after FEB meaning suppression? but yours is FET? should be faster than me. me going for another fresh leh. so when do i need to up my protein huh? starting bureselin or now? me currently still having menses leh... funny thing is angela asked me to drink stout last 2 days, to thin the lining... now me super heaty from the 2 cans of stout LOL
happybb, i was assigned to her. yah, she looks very young but if u look down their list of doctors, her name appears as the 3rd name after dr loh and another female doc. So i assume she's one of the better docs there.

Once, when i went to collect my report at clinic d, i saw another doc who was not the least helpful. Fr tt day, I thought I was actually lucky to get dr marianne.
Calling for Grumpus, pinkaddict, piñon etc..Sistas who underwent FET...
Is it normal to hv midcycle spotting.. Brownish/very faint pink around ovulation period? Does it signify hormones haywire?? Is Tcm needed to Giao back body?
I m at cd 17, still faint opk n had spotting today
<font color="aa00aa">Janice - Yup, only surpress in Feb, I'm doing fresh actually. I think I will mati if I am asked to drink stout cos I don't take alcohol!!</font>
shoes, ic... so i guess i'll be about 2 weeks ahead of u? haha i drink de but not stout. actually i drank alot of whisky during my thailand trip... hahah i confessed to angela, then she said since u like to drink i let u drink for these 2 nites. i asked her y not red wine or others instead of stout LOL...

so, when do i need to take the chix essence and up protein huh? during suppression stage, which is buserelin?
<font color="aa00aa">Janice - yeah, 2 weeks ahead of me or 3, cos I did ask that she be around to do everything for me haha...didn't want to clash over CNY la.

Think can start bu now? no harm right?</font>
shoes, oh ya, she said she won't be around during CNY cos going holiday with family. ah... meaning my er/et she won't be around? i am on growth hormone jabs, so cannot wait de, else wasted
I've read before that some ladies get spotting around ovulation and is supposed to be a good sign. But note that it shd be very brief type of spotting and shd not be last for days type. Seems like ovulation shd be here very soon. Prob the hormones r still high after yr fresh cycle.
Do continue to monitor and good luck!
<font color="aa00aa">Janice - oic, she told me she will tweak my cycles using gynera lor. Not sure when she is back - ask her? </font>

I also drank stout leh..heh.. first time in my life drink stout after angela's advise..and surprisely quite enjoyed it... :p

just to share with u, during my ET, angela was out of town... but all went well... Christine was the one who handled my case.. she is also very experienced.
Pinkbubbles, Congrats!! Grab bb dust from you!!

Dandelion, I am silent reader.. Nothing to contribute @ the moment as still deciding whether to do fet after Dec af or Feb af.

Faithbb, af come liao?

Piggy, eat pineapples is angmo ways of ttc. Chinese believe to keep womb warm so better to avoid. Juz like those ttc books say drink green tea improve fertility but tcm say green tea cannot touch.
<font color="0000ff">Shoes,
I am also on Gynera now to regulate the cycle before my ER in end Jan, near to CNY! Didn't know that Angela is going away...hmm...wonder if she will be around for my ET then?</font>
Good morning! Now otw to Care for my jab.

Shoes, later I ask Ning. I think Angela now oso not around leh.

Pandawife, did u hv heavy flow after dat? Suppose to be right, to shed d lining? I didn't leh, now my af lessen le.
Yes came already last saturday.
Finally,release my stress.
Gonna to start FET in Jan'11
Hope it won't be clashing during lab cleaning until 3rd Jan otherwise I've to postpone to Feb.
Pray hard NO NO crash...
Piggy, my HR colleague ever told me, 5 days n above cam ask for hl leh. When I was with kkh, I was given 2weeks hl after ER. Maybe u can chk with Yr doc again?
Janice thanks ya I remember she told me is two weeks hl n not mc for ivf now they issue me with mc stupid
I call the nurse n I told her should be hl but she say usually is mc not hl but she will change for me la
<font color="0000ff">Thanks Dan! There are many gynaes using CARE. Mine is Dr Paul Tseng, who is also the medical director for the center. They estimated that it will cost $16-18k for the fresh cycle. Not sure about FET though.</font>
Wanna check with you gals regarding the egg white?
Can eat raw or must be half-cooked?

I am taking 3 raw daily and was wondering can take raw or not? Think my ER around 12Jan, so now can take raw or must take half cooked?

Hubby keep asking me" you sure can eat raw, dun anyhow take.." ask until I also feel scare scare le...
Bobzail: before ER u can take raw, half cook, egg pudding or even hard boil egg is up to you and whether your stomach can take raw anot but after ET better don't take raw cause later stomach cannot take it ;)
Piggy, haha gd gd better change ;-) so u now in 2ww?

Me juz did an expensive jab, $500+. Hee was ask to take immunocal but they selling $200/box, I told angle I buy outside so pie say
Janice: ya I'm on my 2ww together with Happybb &amp; nip ;) we all did our ET on last Friday.. Get the immunocal from OG.. With OG card u still get 5% discount ;) they selling $100 compare to $200 wow double price ;(
Shoes, Angela wl be on leave till 12/2, which is my ER day leh.

Pandawife, Angie said usually it's other senior embryologist do d procedure de leh, Angela do planning/scheduling, Is it huh?
Piggy, ya lor I heard from d sisters here saying OG $100. B4 I pay Angela told me they selling $200, I think she knows... I ask her outside hv or not n cheaper? She said could be... Hehe
Janice, I got my immunocal from CARE, and after reading posts from here, then I realized I paid double for it! I always pay 4-digit figure bill at CARE, even when I thought I had paid all the big bills, my supporting medicine for 2 weeks yesterday came to 800+.
Pinkbubbles, ya lucky I saw b4 it's $100, my Dh said Mayb dosage different but I told him even so doesn't really matter. This is juz my beginning leh, d jab alone is $500+, n every mth I need to pay abt $1k for growth hormones.. =.="
<font color="0000ff">is there a supplier that we can contact for them to deliver? I very rarely go OG.
Hmm..will go read on what's Immunocal online.
Have to go Xmas present shopping now!</font>
hvn't seen yr reply on your bfp stories on wat you had eat and done during 2ww times n r u did fresh or FET cycle ?
Can share with us coz yr beta reading is sure bfp soon ar~
Bcube, yes I remember there's a website selling online.

Winnie, can we hv d web address again? I have lost d link...
Pie say
Faithbb, this is my 2nd fresh cycle this year. I would love to share my story with all of you, however, I think it is best to wait for my 2nd bt on thursday, then I will update from there. :)
pinkbubbles... u will hv good news for ur 2nd bt... hv faith in ur embbies...

piggy... wah... lucky u changed leh... mc &amp; hl very different lor... ur hl is also 2 wks fm er?

dan... ur et exactly one wk before ours... so u gg back to work tmr?
