IVF/ICSI Support Group

hi pink martini,

u now D12 from ET? FET no HL huh? when BT than? kindly advise as i will be doing my FET next yr Feb.

I BFP lo...
Just now I meant I tested on HPT on D12 from ET, ET being D1. BT on D14 and HCG was 615. Im 5 weeks preggy now. I was given HL from ET to BT, I'm from CARE. U?
Good luck to u!
pinkM - I gatecrash on D13 cos D14 is sun, I still remember after BT I went home to sleep cos dun wan to sit around doing nothing & wait for Ning's call. after that call cannot sleep liao hahaha
congrats... icic
how many emb u transfer? so next wk u will be doing the scan liao lo..

i was thkg of taking 2 mths leaves to rest at home after ET-FET. I oso under dr loh...
Rest well for the rest of your 2WW. Yes, don't let the symptoms bugged you at this stage. Keep positive and talk to your embbies.

Yaya!..I found that after the discharge of that horrible huge chunk, the watery discharge is coming back again. That huge chunk is definitely a stopper! Gosh..seems that everyone is raging against war with sleepy bugz. I am now worried..my work requires nite conference too.
and Dr Zou kept telling me to do something about it when I go back to work!.
Cos u didn't do HPT mah, right?
I did & emailed Angela, Ning & Angie the pic & asked to do BT on D14 instead of D15 as scheduled cos DH not working on D14. Ning took my blood on D14 morning & collected all support meds on the spot. Only afternoon then I called to ask for HCG count when I came back to office.
I transferred 3 embbies. Next week or next next week should be scanning deepening on the climb of my beta now.

U gona take 2 months to rest after ET??
After BFP u mean?

yalor hopefully BFP .. cos during fresh cycle i went back to work after BT. even tot its not the cause of the MC. so i tot i shld rest more to sercure the emb.
pinkM - I no courage to do hahahaha, actually wanted to do one day before BT but thought next day BT liao. if bfp then I do for hubby to take photo
sesame - tks, but im always the 'cold' type. ppl wear one jacket in office and I hv to wear double.
Been mc for 2 days since gg back to work this week. Today nausea was really bad and keep on like want to puke all the time but nothing comes out. Dunno it's my cold/phlegm or MS.

btw, Vit C can get over the counter mah ? like those Redoxan ? safe for preggers?

Oh, what is Oscar test ? we must take at kk ?

Pandawife- so happy that u gonna pop soon. certainly not easy having multiples.
ckk, if you are sick now, try to rest more at home. It is v uncomfortable with the cold and MS.

I read before Redaxon is not v safe for preggers. Best to ask the pharmacist over the counter at Guardian. I got mine from my last gynae.

During yr 1st scan, Dr Loh will arrange the tests for you and u need to make yr appts at AMC centre. U will hv yr counselling there and at the same time they will fix all appts for you.
Since u r on inserts, everyday right? Need not wait few days after last jab like me.

Hmmm.... Winnie mentioned 3 days n grumPus 5 days.. If I test using online kit on wed will be be accurate?
Am thinking since I hv few online strips left wana start testing fr Monday onwards n everyday to see progression of line??? worried i can't take d result. If no line how? If hv, is it a true Bfp?
Or should I 乖乖 test on wed (12dp3dt, ET as day 0,3day past prengyl on sun) or thurs(13dp3dt,4day past prengyl) can't wait till 5days pass prengyl as that's my BT le..
I wana be mentally prepared for it.
Redoxan is effervescent kind... Better to take vit c in tablet form.

U received d $$??
I hv thoughts to clear my email just now.

Like d Sistas say it's a blessing to be able to sleep/nap during 2ww.. Must treasure..
I m Oli starting to enjoy my afternoon nap sinks yesterday n oki like an Hr kind, provided I am very very tired.. Else literally dizzy , burnout but cant sleep.

Hmmm... Hope next week.. We can face our 2ww calmly.. ESP wed -fri...
There is also less activity in my womb today.. Maybe construction completes Le...
You sound so stress. I read le i also very stress... Haha
I wan test when hcg is higher.....if there is....so ard tues onwards. Moreover i oni hv 1 hpt leh.
I tink you test frm wed onwards lor. Cos urs a hcg jab, so if test on mon/ tue may nt be accurate.

Soul soul
Where are you??????
Ann, I was with MP sinseh during natural ttc but no result. He got very pretty wife who stand at the counter and a uncle who pack the herbs. She can speak many language. It's better if u do bbt charting. From the chart, the sinseh will advise wat went wrong during 2ww. We see him for over 1yr and he run out of advices for us so we stop seeing him cos tat time we have not decide to go for iui/ivf. But we do see some success pregnancy case.
hello everyone. i have been silently watching but now gg to start puregon jab oredi very anxious so have come out of the "closet" haha.. I would like to ask what additional supplement do you take during puregon stage? initially i went to Dr Zou for accu but feel very stress everytime go there dunno why since she very nice, so i have stopped.
Snuuggly, I juz left Dr Zou place.. No fate to meet le.. Ha! Will see her again on Mon @ 6.30pm. You can ask her to tune diwn the current if u feel pain. I always have mild pain tingling/numb sensation after she remove the plugs & needle.
Hi everyone. Glad we have a support grp in here.
I have been trying for a baby for the last 5 years. I did 1 IUI which failed. We went straight to IVF thereafter with NUH under Prof Wong. 1st cycle was terminated before ER as i was high on OHSS. We started the second cycle the following month. Both the fresh and frozen cycles were unsuccessful.

We took a break and we had a few recommendations thereafter to KKH under Dr Loh. My BT was today and again, i was given the unsuccessful news. The news gets harder and harder each time, its amazing having done this for the 3rd time already, it just doesnt get any easier.

My issue has always been during the 2ww/ implantation stage. I rested, watched TV, ate durians, stayed away from caffeine, got addl support of progesterone inserts from Dr Loh 1 week before BT --> they all did not seem to work. I still have 5 frozen embies, but i am taking my time to heal.

It seems that public docs have no time to see us, or our worries seemed silly to them, i dont know.

Everything seems bleak, but i have not ended my quest for that little bundle of joy. Am just thinking if i shld pay slighlty more to see a private gyne.

Can anyone tell me who is Dr Zhou and what does she do? Thanks and i sincerely wish all the very best to those in the journey.
Hi Nur, I should be starting mine next week not certain of the dates yet. I am intending to see TCM at Paragon, Dr. Zhong who comes highly recommended. I am a lil nervous too but will do whatever it takes to make this work.
Hi Sarah
So sorry to hear about your unsuccessful tries. Stay strong. I had a similar jouney.

My first try was in Feb this year. got pregnant but at 12 weeks no heartbeat and had to abort. 2nd IVF in June and didnt get pregnant. No frozen eggs for both IVF cycles. I am attempting 3rd try now. Loved ones say 3rd time lucky and i pray so hard that I will be blessed with a healthy baby or bonus if twins! Be Hopeful!
Hi SarahN
Where did you have the 1st 2 trials? I am really tempted to swicth to Christopher Chen of Glenagles if i am trying again. I may have sworn off public hospitals.

I cannot imagine being pregnant (never had this good news before after 2ww) and the feeling when you lose it later. I wish you the best in the coming cycle. 3rd time could be a charm for you.
Snuuggly, I agree too! Unless we do like blind dates, carry red rose for identification. Then we can walk up to each other & ask.. Are you from snuuggly from forum? Haha!!

Guess wat? After 2wks with Dr Zou, she remembers my name without me tell her.. slowly bonding liao ;p
Wow..long time never punched in here...seems like I just read good news!!!

sesame..first to you; OMG! CONGRATS FOR THE TWINNIES...i shd change my name to just 'Bella'..heeheee..

Winnie is a week ahead of me and sesame a week behind me, right?? I just wanna find out what symptoms have u been getting lately??

I'm having super bloated tummy due to Duphaston, is that good?

I got cramps today, at 9w, I think my uterus are really expanding and twitches here and there. Normal?

I just recovered from UTI!!! I didn't drink enough water bcos I just cannot seem to swallow plains!!!! Any solutions?

I cannot sleep on my left or right cos it seems like my kidneys are like full bladder!! aarrghh...

and I feel pressure on my abdomen, too...aarrghh..

miracle > bb is fine... i think bah hehe... but will noe again in another 3 weeks time on my next visit... nope i will go vivo tml to get the dress bah... i saw a few maternity shops there...
miracle > yes i saw alot nice one... hehe...

ya last sat she came and cook the food that is so smelly i tell DH that the house very smelly due to the food... haha... somemore she cook 20 ppl share for three ppl so got leftover she want to put in the fridge i told her if she put in the fridge i open and faint who resposible... end up she just warm up the food and next day she went back home my DH throw the food away and say the food she cook sucks haha...

my big day is on 4th Dec
Minako - tats great to hear. Today I kaypoh ask her bt us trip, hope she will open up and bond wif me

I intend to go mon n fri, so if u going again next fri, see got fate again anot.
Hi all
I just came back from KKIVF and am feeling kinda sad.
I am planning to do FET (Natural Thaw) this Nov but my scanning today showed (1)lining at 7(minimum lining must be at least 8), (2)follicles at 8 and 12.5 (Follicles didn't seem to grow-Follicles need to be at least 16)(3)Ovulution Kit showed -ve. Today is my Day 17.
Anyone with FET experience care to share?
Hi Twins:
This happened to me in Sep too. I usually have accurate ovulation on day 15-16 of my 28 days cycle. In Oct, I just didn't ovulate. Max lining also at 7 and no mature follicle. Every 2 days have to go scan, only to be told lining & follicles not enough. Then bring these news to TCM dr, Dr Zou also shake head say not enough. It was like that for 1.5 weeks then CARE decided to abandon the cycle. After abandoning I ovulated a week later. By then was day 20 something of the cycle. Concluded that I was totally stressed out with the constant monitoring of lining & follicles. Natural FET is supposed to be fuss free & easy. It ended up bringing me more stress. That cycle itself was 44 days! I did medicated FET the following cycle in Nov and am now preggy.

My advise to u is to RELAX. Soothe your flusters & worries with deep breathing & go do activities you've always enjoyed doing. You will ovulate very soon if you always had been ovulating timely every other month.

Good luck!!
<font color="aa00aa">hello hello...was so busy at work so no time to pop in. Hope everyone is well!

I've been scheduled to do my next cycle right after CNY, CARE offered me mid Jan but that would coincide with the center closure - though Angela assured me that it will be fine, I thought it will be best to also use CNY as a period to wind down. Quite happy to be approaching the big adventure again!

Pink M, read about your BFP with your FET, congrats to you
<font color="aa00aa">Just wanted to add that Angela is so sweet - she offered to tweak her leave and center closure to fit my scheduling - very touched &amp; grateful for her thoughtfulness :p I kept telling her its ok, that her family needs her for CNY too</font>
snuggly, i also book 6.30pm cos 7pm is full. But not sure if can reach by then cos worried may miss bus, the bus comes every 20mins. the cd2 test can take on cd3, no problem one de!

twins, maybe you are too stress tat y ovulate late. Best to occupy yourself with things you love to do.. GL

Excited you are starting again! Angela is really sweet hor... No matter how bz, she will always come say hi or rub my tummy whenever she sees me at blood tests. And remind me not to eat for 2!
Will u b on any special protocol? Any extra med or jabs?
