IVF/ICSI Support Group

ceraine, if you wish for extension of HL due to various reasons, Dr Loh can issue. That time when I hv spotting, he says can give me MC to rest, but I did not request.

Hi StickyBB
sorry i cant keep up with the thread on weekdays due to work commitment.

i guess our cycles would have been the same... I am supposet to start jab on day 2 of my dec cycle as well which is also suppose to due on 1st week dec and ER also mid Dec. Hope to run into you SGH as well. Can you and the sisters on this thread share your experience and advise on what to take to increase the chances and prepare you body for the whole IVF journey.

I am on 5mg Folic Acid and have my Obimin Plus from last prescription from Gynae.
Hi sisters, anyone seen Dr Zhong from Eu Yan Sang at Paragon. Please share your experience. I am intending to seek extra help for IVF procedure.
sesame - my oscar test is scheduled on 6 Dec when I'm 11 weeks. now BT is to check p level, beta & E2. have been doing this since BFP
winnie, kkh's oscar test - scan is on my week 13. Then there is a BT before that, forgotten which week it is, need to go home and check.
Wow, v soon, u r going to cross over to tri 2! So envy!!!!
Thank you sistas
Really thank you so much....
I will stay on this forum as i feel peer encouragement is so important to get us going..
Decided to rest and start FET in MAR
I want to change my lifestyle, loose weight and start TCM..Let KAMPATEH!!!

Today went to BAN CHOON CHAN in marine parade..(intro by my sis)

Any sista here heard of this name?
The chinese phycician told me my womb is "han" not warm.. if continue FET..ending will be same miscarriage.
Pandawife, okie dokie
i'll take it that the jabs are working for me... was thinking how not to gain weight hehe... since holidays i had been "notti", no control of food, even holidays taking forbidden food and drinks
. time to control again le hehe
ann, that's great! change your lifestyle and with TCM to tiao, you will be ready for FET

i think 1 of my colleague's SIL went to a TCM in Marine Parade but i am not sure is it BAN CHOON CHAN.
hi all,
Went to medical hall and bought all the dates (red/blue/black) for red date tea. end up i forget about logans.
Just want to check with all is it dried logans buy from medical hall or logans from supermarkets? I scare supermarket dont have.
Ann, I heard abt this TCM but I hv not went to him before.

So will he give u any medi/acu to warm yr womb?

TCM works for some ladies. In the meanwhile, u shd stop all cold drinks and wear slippers at home to keep yrself warm.
winnie, that is v fast. I still hv to wait for another 5 weeks.

Janice, no rice after 8pm. Cut down on yr carbo and exercise. U shd shed some kgs after that.
sesame, ok noted. So i go medical hall n get it. =)

Tonight will try use slow cooker n drink on sat.
Weekend i hardly drink water. Now trying to have a habit to drink 2l each day.
Yah... Soul oso teacher. Today never hear her ard here.....
Yawnzzzz just woke up frm my after lunch nap...... I think if go back work i sure cant get use to no nap le.

I kpo hor, you hv spine prob then nxt time delivery can use epidural?

Jiayou jiayou!!!!! I like your positive attitude!!!!!!!

Very fast going to clear trim 1.

Do you all fart alot during 2ww? Im like a farting cow!!!!!!
Sesame, I had been doing dat b4 my 1st cycle, cut carbo, at nite Dh n I only take soup unless has dinner appt n now I try to exercise everyday... But after d jabs, realize me like getting fatter esp my tummy
Qingwei, u can boil over fire for abt 30 mins and keep in a thermal flask. Dun nd to use slow cooker. Not sure will dry up later on or not?

Janices, Panda also says she put on weight right? Then perhaps its due to the jabs. No choice, got to sacrifice.
sesame, lazy to look at the fire. coz my dh will very naggy when i use the stove. Must watch the fire cannot run away.

I read up using slow cooker easier. i can set to slow so wont dry up ba.
Exactly 1week to my bhcg. Will probably test nxt tues/wed.... See hw it goes. Though hubby say wait till fri.

Realli ah.... Okie.... But the farting realli reduce my bloat. Although quite disgusting to fart anywhere... Can even fart as i walk lor. Lol.
Ya I also think better not mix. Anyway, I will just continue to fight sleeping monster.

After Utro, I feel high lor, like walking on clouds... Hahaha....

So excited for u!
One more week to go!
miracle, now I fart even when eating, esp when I hv finished eating. Haha...
After bfp, standard oral support, i.e. duphaston and FA will be prescribed. Unless there is spotting/bleeding, then proluton/progestrone jabs will be given. It will not be given daily.
pinkM - after utro I literally have to fight with Zzzz monster... so I requested to change. but today I forget to bring my duphaston out & got earful from hubby, he nearly paste a note on my forehead!
winniepooh, oral supports is important. Try to bring a set to your office and keep it in the drawer which can last for a few weeks. Then u won't forget.
Yeah today d11 le..... I really sleep thru my 2ww. Never sleep so much before.

Can i ask u.... In the past when you bfn, were there any symptoms tat will tell u.... Or realli till bhcg then will knw bfn? Im not reading into symptoms but just curious......

Haha.... Your fart is from 1+2 leh... Powerful leh! Then you fart in office hw????

Your Utro is oral or vaginally consumed????
miracle - he say he's incharge of morning & night, afternoon I have to depend myself!! but he forget when I'm extremely busy nobody help me with my work leh, I forget to take a few times already cos really busy until forget. by the time I remember already dinner time liao
Still say u not concerned abt symptoms...hahaha....
I BFN & BFP before mah, so I can tell the difference. When BFN, I felt activity inside womb area during 1st week and nothing in 2nd week except sore boobs. When BFP, I felt mild nagging cramps (AF like but very much milder) all the way in 2ww and even till now. So during this BFP cycle I felt confident that something is really happening even before I peed on a stick on D12...

We take our utro orally...
Ohhhhh.... Heee dun tease me lah. Wah like tat i better dun look at symptoms else wait no activity i lagi sian. U pee on d12 counting frm er or et? I wanted to try d12 but scared waste my one and oni hpt.

Then hang the pill on u le. You realli workaholic.

I tink utro if taken orally, very drowsy de
The sei seh prescript me 3 packet of chinese herb.
ttl i paid $60.
Take each packet per week..
I feel the price is reasonable..
He told me can use any stainless steel pot to cook no need buy those traditional clay pot.
Heard that traditional herb is better than powder form or pills..
The seiseh ask me to come back for review on my feedback after taking the medicine, cos he wants to know if my body will react to these herb..
Sound logical!
Think i will continue to see him.
The shop is like a old traditional medical hall we usually see in our old neighbourhood.
Heng near parkway shopping centers, so after see him i can go jalang!
miracle - wat to do, I work in bao sua bao hai pte ltd! somemore I'm still clearing those bad log left behind during my 2ww + 1 week mc.
Been feeling extremely tired for the past few days!!!! Just now was out for shortwhile and I felt so worn out after awhile and headed home and knocked out immediately. Urgghhh ! Really don't know how I can survive when I return to work next week!!! Oh ya, no longer bugged by the crinone residue discharge. Yesterday when I was doing big biz, felt something coming out and I got a shock... A huge chunky piece of residue came out and after that it was cleared. - cold sweats !
Me too!
This morning I discharged a huge chunk of crinone solids. It's so big, like a grape, I never bluff lor... And had watery white discharge too. So bad that I think I stained my office black chair cos white stain on black cushion, too obvious! So faster go put pantyliner & used wet tissue on chair... Yucks!

Wah the exhaustion from late afternoon to end day is no joke hor... Sometimes I dunoe what I'm doing at work like from now till knockoff...
Oh and gals, I read of a way to beat night pee... Just lean forward when pee-ing (the last bit) so bladder can be better emptied. It somehow helps me a little....

miracle, normally in office is soundless but got smell....then I will go toilet lo...v paiseh at times. Hahahaha..Hey, dun read too much into symptoms...not everyone is the same.
