IVF/ICSI Support Group

StarNight, I tried stopping the pill yesterday and I feel nauseous again this morning. Are we hving the same pills? Take only at night before sleep and will cause drowsiness? I took it for 2 nights and indeed I can eat better for the past 2 days but I try not to rely too much on the pills...so over the weekends will stop taking if unnecessary. He says the pills is to help with my appetite and sleep.

I think I stop durian on D9-10 past transfer. My hcg level on D13 is 134.9. D15 is 338.8. After tt, no more BTs.
Do u start feeling itch again?? I do lei... Been mixing cranberry/pink grapefruit with Immunocal n that should take care of UTI if any.but it's not really an itch though.. Duno how to describe that feeling. N I constantly feel as though there is discharge but actualli dun hv lei.. Juz a wet wet feeling.
Yesdae experienced pain at naval area.. Is it cramp?? I Duno... Same pain as during puregon jab..
Right after ET I m okie.. D bloatedness only kicks in 2 days later..with total loss in appetite.. Oli got better these two days...
Tossing n turning in bed has never been so challenging( other than my spine operation). Yesdae night had hard time getting off bed , toss n turn due to super bkache.. really 无力。
I hv itch on off but nt tat serious. I do feel wet wet discharge but i thought was my inserts and yah wet feeling but nothing de. ;)
Your sharp pain could be your embbies implanting? Yesterday evening while walking i had a sharp pain near lower ab but few secs and no more le. I assumed it as embbies clinging to us tightly, growing their 'roots' ;)

Hmmm then i will test on hpt ard d15 bah.... Thx
grumpus and syrah, if detect hbs on week 6, then in between week 6 to week 8 for the next scan, do we need to look out for anything unusual? Usually if see hbs on week 6, week 8 shd still be able to see again right? I can't help feeling worried, if everything is ok....

Other than bleeding, severe cramps, nothing else to look for right?
Hi ann
Hugz.. Lets try our best again k.. I hv two mc after my soiui too.. Until i hv forbe to scan by gynea as always scare of bad news again..;( but i never give up too..
Jiayou k..

Hi sister
Hv been trying hard to contact clinic D but no one pickup..;(Can anyone advise me wht other number they hv? Hv only this number 63941495.. Help!! Btw, anyone can also advise how long the ivf consultation last if go in the morning?? Thk u all..
Mine is 46. Though pass the 30 level but im still worried. High doesnt mean a sure bfp but low can cause unecessary spotting and worries...... but other than this im quite zen abt this 2ww. Mayb hubby really help me alot so everthing realli smoothly.
miracle, mine is only 43.2, even lower than yrs...so u shd be fine
Hubby support is really v important. Just stay zen and relaxed and bfp will be on the way. Agree tt low P level may cause some spottings, but as long as not too heavy, with injection and oral support shd be fine
Take care!
miracle, I am currently on duphaston support only.

hopeforbaby, I am on inserts. I am not sure on jabs. I think test the day before shd be more accurate.
after hb are seen, yr risk for m/c goes down tremendously. of cos there's the usual cramping, spotting that u shd look out for.
i dun want to scare u but there is always the possibility of no hb even after hb is seen. it usually indicates some developmental defect in the embryo and really nothing can be done abt it.
even for myself, every single time i go for scan i will hold my breath until i can see the hb.

it gets slightly better towards mid pregnancy when u can feel bb movement then u feel more assured. but then again there are always other things to worry abt
Grumpus... 5 days yah? Which is exactly my BT days wor..
My last jab is this Sunday..

No worries on d P level.. Kkivf didnt prescribe u more supports means it's sufficient Le ure current supports...
Duno if it's implantation pain... As long embryos implant strongly n cling tight tight...
grumpus, u really hit the nail on my head! I also think there is a possibility of not seeing hbs on the next scan de. V worrying at times.

1st tri is the most fragile and worrying I find. I dun kw what else I will worry again at the next stage. But at this moment, I really looking forward to each scan...at times even contemplate to look for my own gynae for scannings but I am sure my dh will scold me...and hv to learn to be more relaxed about the whole pregnancy...

Now can only hope that the days pass by quickly for the next scan.
Grumpus answered your question. Same as her, I'm holding my breath till next scan. 5 wks wait is a very long time. I have no hunger this morning n that gives me worry too. But yesterday I had a massive puking session that resulted in a sore throat this morning. Will just have to take all these small little signs as assurance that all is still well.
syrah, when I dun hv MS, I worry....then hv MS, I will feel uncomfortable. Like what you say, we hv good and bad days, but really feel worrisome on good days...
Imo kk oni gives minimal support. Even if i get 31 they will probably say good. They hv too many patients so they usually dun hv tat personal touch to our anxiety. They just want hassle free patients. Even though we are the ones paying for all the extra support, they can just brush us off.
sesame, syrah,
some mtbs invest in a doppler so they can monitor their bbs hb at home themselves.
i've never used one so i really dunno anything abt them but something for u to consider.
sesame, Dr Loh prescribed the yellow pills (to be taken at night) & Vitamin B6 (to be taken in the day)
Felt not much effect esp the Vitamin B6. I just hope MS & fatique will go away soon...
That I agree thou.. But buddy.. Muz help u ease ure anxiety.. Haha..
I hv a 28cm wound running from braline to front, where d ist rib is. Felt it tightening n uncomfy today . This might explains d naval area pain ..oso worried as d tummy gets bigger how to tahan d pain as ddfinately d fleshes there will be
stretched...this coupled with d backaches fr my spinal operation.
Worried I might not b able to go bk work following wk.. To withstand d long hrs of sitting..
grumpus, that is interesting...but I think the doppler is not cheap..

Starnight, I dunno what is the B6 for? But I find the yellow pills to be taken at night works for me esp on my appetite and sleep.
I can't sleep well last night again when I did not take the pill.

miracle, agree! If you need v close monitoring and personal touch, kkh is not the place. Pte practice will be much preferred. But if multiple pregnancy, then got no choice but to stick back to kkh.
Haha dun worry. Im still feeling zen and relax! Actualli my 2ww was not as stressful as i thought it will be. Another week to go. We 3 will bfp and be muumy in july/aug 2011 de. I still hv 3 more durian, guess will get hubby to finish it.

Then when ur tummy gets bigger, your spine can support??? You really must take care hor. Extend ur HL lor. Soul snd i still can rest the whole of dec.
But on the other hand, if multiples, the more we need personal touch frm gynae mah. If gynae gives the support well, a mummy with multiple can usually hold the babies closer to full term.

So i guess you will stick to kkh bah. Cant we hv a case with kkh but the whole pregnancy with own pte gynae then if realli deliver earli, then at least still can go back kkh? Duno you get what i mean anot.
miracle, yes, I am sticking to kkh due to multiple pregnancy. I really hate the waiting time there. Each appt can waste the whole of afternoon there waiting and only see Dr Loh for 10 mins or so.

To me, their protocol is the same de...not much of personal touch and close monitoring lor.

I get what u mean but I prefer to hv the same gynae to handle my case single handedly right from the start.
pinkM - I got mine from guardian pharmacy. actually not much help, I feel walking around in office helps more. it'll get better as ur precious start taking in ur hormones
You can switch your appointment with Dr Loh to The Private Suite. Supposed to be shorter waiting time there.

Hmm Doppler... Maybe it's worth checking it out.
miracle, sesame,
panda has that arrangement. she goes to her own pte gynae but has a case file with kk as back up in case she really hv to deliver early.
if she goes to full term she'll just stick with her pte gynae.
syrah, I understand The Private Suite's queue nos more controlled so quite difficult to get a slot we want. Will switch over after my week 8 scan cos I need to hear the HBs at room 5

Let me kw if u hv check out the doppler
Maybe we can share share...haha..
pandawife, hmmm... i guess it's the med ba cos me too feel tummy big big
this is actually what i drag cos it's so difficult to lose weight
i'm officially due in mid Jan, but can deliver anytime from early Jan onwards. So another mth or so more to go.
grumpus, if deliver early Jan is good lei...can celebrate full mth ard CNY period and your new born can get APs at the same time
Double happiness. Do drop by here after u pop to chit chat hor...we still need yr help and advices

dont worry about losing weight.. hehe.. take it tht the hormones are preparing our body for pregnancy..


i am with Dr Paul Tseng at TMC. However, due to the high cost of NICU in pte hospital, he advised me to go KKH via referral from polyclinic to register myself as a subsidised patient. This is to cover the critical period of 28-32 weeks... during this period, babies might wanna come out, and the chance of going NICU is very high.

In KKH, the cost of NICU is tagged to your choice of room, hence if u are a pte patient in KKH, the NICU cost will also be pte rates. The only way to keep the cost low is to get in as subsidised patient.. BUT as subsidised patient, you cannot choose doctor. You will be seen by Medical Officers on duty when u go for checkups.. n during delivery, any of the specialist on duty will deliver for you.

I agree the waiting time at KKH is very bad.. i went for 2 checkups, spent 2 half days there just waiting... quite waste of time...and very tiring...esp when u r carrying a big tummy.
Pandawife, thanks for the information. I am a pte patient now with kkh, so if suay suay need to deliver early, the NICU cost will not be any cheaper...I think the insurance that I bought will not be of much help also.

I will consider he options and discuss with dh as the pregnancy progresses...

Thanks and take care....hope all your 3 precious will pop ard X'mas period
sesame - I also bought the ins cos transfer 2, but I was tempted to tell hubby dun buy the ins cos I know the most I strike is only 1, buy toto also not so zhun both will implant hahaha
winnie, when is ur next bt?

hehe.. i will be there next sat morning.. probably about 11am.

this will probably be my last visit there until i pop.. after tht will be after pop liao, bring babies go and visit angela

ning very funny..she says i must inform her when i "explode" ...coz my tummy so huge..hehehe...
panda - next BT is this sat, next sat not sure have BT or not cos I got oscar test the following mon. but I'm usually there around 9.30am cos the lab come & take blood at 10am, so if no scan by 10am I'll ciao already
How come soul gets to rest till end dec? She in teaching also?? Envious.
I m trying to rest my back as much as possible. Better today Le as it's bright n sunny outside.
Will be strenuous for my spine if preggy.. Juz hv to 走一步,算一步。。。。船到桥头,自然直 lor...
I used to worry too much over this issue.. But right nw, take a step at a time n hope n pray for smooth pregnancy with successful Bfp.

Oh.. That's fast! Another mth plus... Wow.
Ure in-laws n parents be helping u to takeoff of ure 3 darlings?
