IVF/ICSI Support Group

Minako I also dunno can reach on time a not. Must sneak off from work. What does cd2 or cd3 means? I know what it refers to but what does cd stands for? I dun even know what af stands for though I know it refers to menses
Hi snuuggly, pls refer below for the usual term mention here. let me know what else you not sure.. ya?

cd = cycle day
af = aunt flow (menses)
dpo = day past ovulation
er = egg retrieval
et = egg transfer
fet = frozen egg transfer
3dp2dt = 3 days past a 2 day transfer
good morning everyone.

shoes, long time no see. angela is really nice
dat's y my dh wanna switch to Care after 1st visit.

i am jabbing growth hormone now and will be starting on my 3rd cycle which will be late Dec. i guess by then it should coincide with CNY for my 2ww le.

do you know when is the center closure? my company will be closed for 10 days so i thot it will be better so that i will be away from office for so long. hmmm... i better get a schedule from them when i go and take my med supply.
Hi mina
Sorry that now then reply ur questions.. No.. I didnt stop taking seafood and chilli since now havent start ivf.. But i never like tea and coffee so only drink milo with anlene daily.. Havent buy ensure yet..zzz... Me now at doc zou place.. Going on tuesday again.. Hope can see u this time..

Hi snuggly
Congrat that u r starting ur ivf now.. Envious...
Can tell me the FET procedures from beginnings to ET?
Wanted to know how does it goes along in order to prepared myself to go into it...
Hi PinkM, Congrats for your bfp! It has been a long time since I have last spoken to you. Not sure if you remember me!

Janice: are you starting your FET in late Dec? I have completed my ER on 20 Nov. Due to the risk of OHSS, ET will have to be scheduled to Jan. This is my 1st IVF.
Yen: Hi, I would like to help but I am with TMC as such the protocols with KKH or NUH is different. But I must say that this forum is a good place to share and learn from others!
sunstillshines, nope i am going for fresh cycle. this is my 2nd fresh. only get 1 embryo left from my 1st so no point going for FET. i think my ET should be around Jan too
Hi ladies...is there any foods tat can help in improving the lining?If lining is not gd,et can't be done right?anybody has experienced this b4...can share?thanks..
Thanks, sunstillshines. I want to try ivf but worry abt what the whole process entils. What is the total cost for ivf at tmc?
Janice: then, what happened to the only 1 embryo of yours? Did you do the transfer of this only precious immediately?

Where did you do your 1st IVF?
Joanne - I have not done bt wor. So who knows? Btw how long did it take for them to give your bt results? Is there like an optimal result or some readings that I should look out for that will says I can't go ivf?
Yen: I believe you saw the latest saga on the newspaper about TMC-TFC. Now, the clinic which I am going is still suspended. They will not take in new cases. I am already the existing patient when the saga broke so I am able to go ahead with the IVF progam. As of today, I have spent about $13K. There is a govt grant so I only paid $7K. This is the amt including my regular scanning until ER.

YOu may like to find out more about the different protocols that each clinic is adapting before starting your IVF. Dr Cheng from TMC-TFC is my 5th gynae already. Hb and i decided to stick to him eventhough the saga broke out about a mth ago. It is really a hassel to go and look for another gynae and start my story again.... Personally, I find that he is very skillful and has a lot of experience in this area. Also, the supporting team there are friendly and hospitable.
You have now fully recovered after your ER and now you are on NorE ? Yes, they will send u a letter saying when is your next FET.

I m also with tfc and despite all the mixup news flying around in the media, I m also staying with Dr Cheng. He's a v.assuring & patient dr plus his nurses at tfc are fantastic. Costs will depends on the gonalf dosage,no. of jabs required,eggs retrieved, etc etc etc. So far I did spent about 16k+ for my stimulation & one FET cycle.
<font color="aa00aa">Janice, yeah, she told me that center closure during CNY, will also be my 2ww, I am not comfortable with that even though she says that by the time if I need additional help or support, I can always go to TMC A&amp;E and get them to page Dr Paul. I thought about it long and hard and decided not to - docs are also human, need holiday, scarly doc go away during that period etc, I just dun need that additional stress la. Plus starting after CNY will mean I force myself to rest and slow down during CNY - can only be a good thing...I HOPE lol

Pink M, still waiting for Angela to resend chart to me since I asked for the delay.

Winnie - Angela was really sweet - told me no need worry, she can change her leave dates. I told her its ok la, don't want to mess with her dates too. :p</font>
Thanks. Sunstillshines and day. I read abt the mix-up by tmc. After this incident, i guess the staff wld be more careful and there shd not be any repeated case. Sunstillshines, u mention abt govt grant. I thought we wld not be eligible for any govt grant if we do ivf at pte hospital? Do we have to pay everythg in cash? Or part of the payment can be in the form of medisave? I am reading up more info before i go for it :)
pte doesn't hv govt grant but we still use our medisave of 6k(first attempt)and it decreases by a grand with each subsequent attempt and we can only claim for 3 attempts.
Yen: Sorry... I should use the word "medisave" instead of govt grant. hahaha... medisave is still our money... the $6K is from our medisave.

The $6K from medisave was used on the day of my ER. This amt is use for the expenses incurred on that day of ER.

Medisave can also be used in pte hospital.

Thanks to Day who has been giving me a lot of tips on my process of ER.
Sunstillshines, my precious is still freeze @ kkh. i also dunno what to do with it. I started my journey in July and failed in Sept. Suppose to do FET in Oct but think it's a waste to put in juz one and the one and only one may not survive the thawing.

Went to Care to see Angela and know that i've problem with my growth hormone. now started jabbing and will be for 3 mths. will start my cycle in Dec which is my 3rd AF

Shoes, ya lor you are so so busy u must take the chance to slow down and relax. for me i was thinking since my company close for 10 days this time, i wanna coincide with it so i dun hv to be away from off for so long.... i'll ask them abt the schedule 1st then see how ba
Do u ever tink of changing dr at kkh?
If u wan to start FET in Dec cud we change dr to transfer for us instead of waiting dr loh..
He said he on leave fm 19th to end Dec so he cnt do transferring on tis period but if we change dr to do tesmsfering then is ok ba rite?
Will u be considering of changing?
Hi snuggly
Not sure whether is there any specific reading in order to proceed ivf.. But if something wrong, they will call u.. Btw, r u collecting ur injection at the same time when u go for bt? Me will be going on coming mon for my consultation finally.. Take care..
D freezing cost for kkh last a yr.u might consider to hold n Inform kkh to dispose nearing d deadline. Else they'll auto deduct d $$.

I have 2 embryos frozen n both are grade 3.have no intention to freeze if realli unsuccessful... I'll likely go for a fresh cycle next... But d nurse and embryologist encourage d freezing..
Haha dun dare to tou tou go out leh. But wan to toutou test however tink too earli le...... Today oni d9 after et (d12 after er) still so longgggg
Bored?? How come? Ure hubb not home lovey dovey with u huh..
I sleep ard 3+ am yesdae waiting up for hubb.. Was so tired n napped 1+ to 4+ today. Hubb went bk work again,
Tmr too :(
No good hor, throw us alone at home.. Can go gai gai lah.. Short 1 for dinner???? N buy more HPT...Watch Korean drama?? I kept crying yesdae.. Too touched Le..

Hmm.. Seems like u r itchy already? Tmr is day 13 for u hor..
Duno where is soul.. She Mia 2 days Le..

Paging, paging for Soul, soul, soul....pls report to control station!!!! Misses u darling
<font color="aa00aa">Janice, you work in manufacturing? Cos I know they are often the ones that closes the longest.

Winnie - very obedient neh

Miracle - almost there, almost there</font>
U sneak out???

I feel like eating BBQ chicken wing!!!!!!
Anymore construction work, drillings, heavy works going on in ure womb womb??
miracle > u can de u can de... i am here waiting for u to join me... jia you jia you...

i went for two BT D13 and D17... BTW... i got tou tou test on D12 lah... faint +ve and D13 test again haha...
Hubby at home ah. He do hsework, nw cooking dinner. Got dvds but dun feel like watching.

But most sistas count frm ET leh. My d13 is frm ER. I trying to sweet talk hubby buy me another hpt. He say waste money.... Haiz..... Now oni hv 1 on hand must 省省用.

Soul must be busy watching scv... Glued to tv le

<font color="aa00aa">Cerine - During 2ww I didn't get to stay in too long, cos had other things and people to attend to ...such as my husband's side of the family who didn't know about this.

BBQ chicken wings - go CHOMP CHOMP!! lol

Janice - oic...very fast one la, less than 4 weeks to Christmas and your adventure will start!</font>
