IVF/ICSI Support Group

winnie > i am sleepy in the day and beri alert at night wor... haha... dh keep ask me go sleep but cannot leh... somemore hungry also in the middle of the night...
Other than gg kkivf for P test, hubby say stay at hme. He always ask "can go out meh?" i just smile and walk away.... Haiz

Yah lor..... Hanging on

U count frm er or et? Cos if follow wat kkivf state on paper is frm er.

My left pelvis and lower abs hving this nagging "suanness" on off Since yesterday. How abt u? Hws ur tummy construction? Backache better?
I oso... Too lazy to on tv..if DVD, i'llbe so engrossed n will think of it during bedtime.. Affects my sleep..
Diana's testing should be based on ER.. At least u hv d luxury to test earlier ... Me can't lor.. Die die must b 3 days post last jab.
Saigou ure hubb yah... Tell him if faint line, will need a retest next day or two to monitoring d darkening lines...
<font color="aa00aa">ceraine - poor u...the suspense really terrible isn't it?

I found the 2ww worse than all the jabs for sure</font>
Tats what i told him!!!! Then he say i will be affected n keep thinking so best dun test. Diaoz!
Actuali u can test tml morning before u jab tat last jab! Then at least also got 3 days mah
miracle and ceraine > dears i count from ET not ER to test.... i do ER on 7th Oct... do ET 9th Oct base on the D17 is 25th Oct because i remember 26th Oct i had interview....
Still alright lah.. 3 more days to go... Thou I hv a naughty thought to test before my last jab Tmr morning.. See hw's my determination...
I m Gona get a big big scolding fr u gers.. D Thot of next fresh cycle, no FET, poor frozen embbies occasionally flashes in my mind today.. But I m quick to tell myself snap off from it!!!

Hmmm.. Quote him examples of Sistas who Bfp with light jalan jalan.. I woud feel after implantation, shd b okie.
I hv no chance to raise it to hubb... He is so busy at work n home nearly midnight everyday. How to go jalan.
Feels my undies n shorts tighter Le. Hv occasional, really bare occasional twitching. My Rhs seems to be more sore than Lhs..still having backaches on off. Lie on Lhs too long yesdae n felt pain at upper back n aches on breathing. Today guai guai no DVD so I can lie on back to recover . Yesdae I had a shock. I was in toilet,coughed once n at d same instance, felt a sharp pulling pain at lower Rhs pelvic, n nearly black out. That was like 2+ am and I am alone at home.
Haha.. I think I'll start gancheong on tues night...n will hv weird dreams again.. Haha..trying not to fix a date to test to minimize d 期待。spontaneous testing might be better choice hor..

If Tmr test.. That will be 玩玩.. Scare I can't take d results light heartedly... See how lah... too early Le, 9dp3dt (day 12 fr er)
Wah u very scary leh!!! So late n hubby still nt hme? U careful leh. U go test leh then mayb gv me courage to do so. Lolz

Mine always Lhs de. If Rhs also ache, then will be both sides together. I still wondering y issit always the sides aching leh, i so scared ectopic..... Stupid me right? Haiz. U hv more aches at pelvis or lower ab?
Btw, dr Zou say if there is still bloated feeling day 8-10 (ET as day 1), chances are higher...
Do u hv a burning sensation in tummy??
K.. Me go pei mama dinner...
of cos i remember you leh... hahaha...

Are you doing natural or medicated FET?

For Natural FET:-
Scan at D2 of AF for cysts.
2 more scans for the next 2 weeks, then use OPKs to test for LH surge. Once surged, to take trigger shot same day or the following day. ET to follow 5 days after.

For Medicated FET:-
Scan at D2 of AF for cysts.
Same day to start suppression jabs for next 13 days till D14 of the cycle. Start Aspirin &amp; Progynova from D2 - preg BT. Scans &amp; BTs on D9 and D14 to see if lining is good enough and if E2 and Progesterone levels are acceptable. ET on D18. Progesterone supports to start from D14 all the way to preg BT.

These were my protocols at CARE.
Hope it helps u
pinkM - talking abt cysts, just now when Angela is scanning my precious she say I got fibroid

shoes - I'm treasuring all my sleep now!

diana - I cannot nap too late if not at nite also very alert

miracle - actually 2nd half of 2ww can go out just have to be careful. I was given the green light to go back to work, went back for one day &amp; got hit badly by ohss then stay home for another 2 weeks
Hi PinkM,

I didn't know that there are 2 types of FET in CARE! I am with TMC-TFC. Just completed my ER. I have 12 embbies frozen. Need to wait until Jan for FET.

For the Medicated FET in CARE, don't you need to jab yourself again?
PinkM, why on the day2, there is need to scan for cysts? Do you mean cysts will develop during this period?

Winniepooh, what is your symptom for ohss when you got back to work?
I also went back to work on D13pt, cos too bored at home already. Since decided to go back, so tested HPT on D12 so that I know what kind of mood to bring to work and how careful to be...

Is the fibroid in the womb? Maybe can remove when delivering baby? This fibroid just grow from nowhere ar? It wasn't there before today?

I think all clinics have natural and medicated kinds of FETs. KKH calls the natural FET natural thaw while CARE calls it regulated FET. Cos these 2 kinds of FETs suit different people with different conditions.

Yes Medicated FET, I need to self-jab daily suppression meds. D2 need to scan for cysts cos menses just started, need to see if all will be clear to develop this cycle further with meds. If there are cysts, usually won't continue...

You were over-stimulated that's why need to do FET in Jan?
Had ure dinner?
My Lhs sore sore too..don't feel it when lying down but once up n walking, can feel d heaviness, soreness n pain..
Hmmm. I m having a mix of everything, at different intervals.but d twitches has lessened Le...

HahaZzz u guarantee me Bfp yah to giv u courage to test :)
I don't mind.. Keke..

I feel like going jurong pt Tmr
Me yah, sometimes d belly button area will hv pulling pain, but coming more fr external than internal. D pelvic area suan suan too...but I hv burning sensation in stomach today..
D Medic officer I consulted say it's perfectly normal for sides to ache as d ovaries r enlarged n slight swollen.. Aiyoh, din worry abt etopic okie.
Can u walk per normalspeed now?
sunstillshine - I was fine during that 1 day at work, it was the next day (d9p3dt) I had on &amp; off cramps, then d10pd3t I had terrible cramps. it was so pain I gone bfn liao!
Hubby prefers me to rest. So i just obey lor.

Makan le. After eating always feel so bloated n kept fart fart.
Same here, when lie dwn okie okie but when walking can feel the ache and the heaviness. So usualli perfers to lie dwn.

Are u still feeling bloated? U go test lah! I manage psycho hubby get me another hpt le! Hope he realli will go get. I v tempted to test tml too. Shall we????? Nw oso need hpt buddy!!! Lolz
Thanks for the info, sunstillshines and day. I'm still thinking whether i shd go to a pte one or govt one. The 7k have for pte have to be paid at one go?

By the way, what are the thgs i must lookout for in choosing the clinic for ivf? Sorry, really clueless abt it n hv been trying unsuccessfully for a bb ..
How's d oil n gas industry doing? I gave up an opportunity in oil &amp; gas for biomedical n so many ppl say I stupid :(

Duno bloated or put on weight. My waist getter more 粗了。
Does lucre has expiry?

Joanne, how long did it take for them to call you with results? Or are u saying nothing wrong they will not call?

I am supposed to call kkivf on day 1 but my day 1 is tomorrow ley, got open? If can, I also hope to collect jabs on same day of bt which is on Monday. Also must collect letter from dr loh coz to allow me to bring the needles along for travel.
pinkM - I did ask Angela today how come Dr Paul never mention abt fibroid when I saw him during my 5 weeks scan. she say maybe he doesn't wan to worry me so never say. not sure if its inside or outside my womb, too sian till never ask
<font color="aa00aa">Oil &amp; gas always stable and good!! not too late to switch careers!

Snuuggly, the letter to travel can collect from the reception next to the cashier too
Faithbb, dun scare me le.. Is Dr Zou on long leave or Dr Loh? Cos from wat i koe is Dr Zou on leave from 19dec till end of mth. Where you get tis info from?

Joanne, I gg Dr Zou on Mon &amp; Thu next week.. No chance meet on tue liao
Yen: it is better to check out the different protocols that pte and govt hospital are using before you make a decision.
No, you are not paying 7K at one go. You only pay upon each visit the qty of medicine and injections you need.

PinkM: yes, I am over-stimulated. I have 51 folicles retrieved but on the 3rd day past retrieval, we will informed that only 12 embbies can be frozen. I am very worried about the survival of the embbies. Not sure if they can survive throught the thawing process.
Faithbb, according to Dr Zou.. my cycle will extend for tis mth as i ovulate late.. I may skip cycle in nov. If tis is the case, I will postpone and start fet after Jan menses. Then can have more time to tiao my body.

If he is not ard and u still decide to proceed, Dr Loh will Most likely assign another Dr will do et for you so no need to wait for him or switch doc-in-charge. I won't switch doc cos I believe in his magical hands!
Hi snuggly
Actually u dun hv to call kk for bt apptment.. U still hv the bt letter? U can actually go straight down on mon morning, put the bt pp on the tray at bt place inside clinic D.. They will call u to do bt when is ur turn.. Dun worry.. As for result, maybe u can asks the nurse when doing bt?

Hi faithbb
Doc Loh also not in office since 19th dec same as doc zou??? As i thot the sister here say he only not around fr 7th feb to 13th feb 2011. Thats why i think is better for me to postpone my ivf to start on jan so that wun worry that my er et schedule will be done when doc loh is not around.. Think my er et will be next yr end of feb ba if my af dun delay too long then come hopefully..;)
Ceraine, hehe juz back fr movie... Oil n gas is quite niche. now abit slow but think projects wl start again June next yr ba
Hi PinkM, Congratulations on your BFP! hey do u usually sleep late? Thank you so much for your sharing. I feel so warmed from your sharing. how many weeks are u now? how many frozen embies do u have and how many did u put in. sorry for so many questions. I don't think I'm really stressed but I suspect that it could be due to my age and thus lining and follicles not ideal.

Hi Mina, thanks for your encouragement!
Hi Joanne
Ya I also confuse dr loh had mention that he will be on leave in feb to settle his kids in Australia. Only hear tat kkivf lab will be washing from 19 dec to 31 dec, never hear he will be onleave will call tomorrow to confirm
Dec is a happy mth with many long weekends so tats y Dr Loh &amp; Dr Zou are taking long leave. If this is the fate then i will accept it and let my hair down to enjoy christmas and welcome 2011 with a fresh start!! I hope when they comes back in Jan, they will have more energy to deliver miracles for us!! Haha..
I sleep earlier now after BFP cos too exhausted. That day was awake late cos it's Fri nite mah... But before that I had dozed off for about 30 mins on sofa. This happens every night now. Don't even feel like getting out of the sofa and will eventually doze off there.

I had 16 embbies. Put in 3 in Jun for fresh cycle but failed. In Nov put in another 3 during FET. So now left 10 embbies.
I'm 5+ weeks preggy now

U jia you k? Wana hear good news from u!

I like your attitude!!
Ya now can smell Xmas around the corner....
Good morning sisters...

Shoes, going hk? Me juz back last week but to play not work hahaha.... Take care n have a good trip
Good morning buddies,
I am finally back online. I MIA for 2 days cos I came down with fever. *&amp;^%$#@! DH had to cold compress me the whole night to bring down temperature. And worse, I had diarrhoea. Everytime I pass gas, the poo comes out with it so I kept running to the loo. I still have diarrhoea now. I haven't gone to see the doc cos fever is gone. Sigh.

I think I may have been too enthusiastic with the durians??? I'm not sure what's the cause of the diarrhoea also.

I think I want to test on HPT tomorrow but I'm very afraid of false positive. And I still refuse to believe in 100+ positive until I see my ultrasound scan. I want to remain positive but not overly ambitious (in case, touch wood) I get let down.

*misses you too* LOL. Can sleep or not?? I'm starting to lose sleep at night, so can join you as sleep-less buddy liao. hahahahaha. ;P

You are a very brave person. I salute you. =) Wish I had as much optimism in me as you do! Don't give up trying. If you want it badly enough, it will be yours someday. Jia you! *hugs*
I don't want a sleepless buddy.. Lets be sleepy buddy instead ..
How r u feeling now? Must have been a horrible 2 days for u.u took how many durians /day?
Have more light food , porridges these few days k.. N take more rest.don't worry, you'll catch up on ure sleep soon.
Tmr is 11dp3dt Le right? Good luck dear...
Btw,diahorea n fever r symptoms of BFP :)

No sound no wind today yah?
Hehe...took bbt n hpt today lei...
Using those online strip. As expected it's bfn... I'll take it's as too early Le 9dp3dt.... No hard feelings..
But hor but hor... Hold it against d lights.. Seems to hv a watermark.. Or maybe my eyes playing trick on me..or probably a imaginary watermark coz focus too long.

Hmmm... Fast fast go test lah... I gave u d courage Le.
Joanne - yeh I know dun have to call for bt but for ivf cycle, I was told to call kkivf on day 1 when mense came to inform them, then 3 weeks after go collect the lucrin jabs. Perhaps they need time to prepare and update my records?
hahahaha you very funny leh. you're so zen abt everything. Fever and diarrhoea also signs of BFP meh?? Sure anot? My diarrhoea is like 5-6 times a day type leh. But I make sure I drink alot so that I don't get dehydrated! According to the ivf.ca website, on the 30th we can do HPT already. But I might just do it tomorrow! hahahaha Kancheong spider. =P

I wonder if miracle buddy is reading this. LOL. We psycho her to test also lah, since her DH already bought those HPT kits! Yours will be 1 or 2 days after ours right??

I dunno how to calculate how many days after pt leh. ET day is zero or 1 day?
Hope you are better. Not sure fever symptom of bfp anot. But if your temp during any time in the day still rather high.... I think 36.7 above then high possibility you are preg

Wats ur bbt for today. This coming week gg to be tough for 3 of us le......
Me zen?? U sure boh.. Haha...Have prepared mentally for a bfn today hence not disappointed.. But wed will I stay as zen.. We'll shall see...
Like Wat u say.. Stay positive yet not overly ambitious. Similarly I m hoping for d best whilst preparing for d worst...

But d laosai thingy got logic one lei.. Coz 2 frds of mine experience it.

36.62 in aircon room, but I sleep ard 2am n wake at 6.16am super auto!
Hmmm.. Hubb agree to bring me out for dinner later but guess I'll forgo the chance. Was seasoning fish, prepare d longan drink nia.. N my sides very uncomfy. Doubt I'll be able to tahan the 风吹雨打。。。later bug him come back or complain pain not worth Le..
So my dear... Have u made up ure mind??
Can't answer u as I m still too early to test. Off course.. I want it to be positive on hpt 3 days time.
Juz naughty n tested early

Probably other Sistas on prengyl jab before, n tested early n eventually can share their experience with u..

I will test on thurs then fri bah. I hope to dream of smething positive before i get to test. Or if soul gets bfp tml then i might get tempted????

Hws ur bowel? I knw sme sistas hv constipation while sme LS. I hv none. Poo poo daily leh. Lolz. The oni consolation i get is still hving activity in pelvis n lower ab. Today my right side hv aching.

Dun wan tink so much. I thnk by wed i m gg get nervous le.... Zen for 2 weeks le.... Time to get gan cheong le
