IVF/ICSI Support Group

berry, thks for the clarification :)

jojoba, congratulations!! did ur gynae say ur HCG is good? mine was abt 360 when i tested about 17days past retrieval. i also decided not to test HCG again cos gynae said not neccessary, but after a week, i cannot 'tahan' liao and went for another test while i went down for my injection :p how many did u transfer? when are u going for 1st scan?


My jabs are still manageable as the needles are short and thin. But the days are moving so slow... Wish that I can quickly move on to the next stage of jabs soon....

Sometimes, I will think that what if after going thru' all these, I still get a BFN, then how?... Haiz...my turn to feel depressed now

How are you doing also? You will start the Gonal F this week right?
Hi tomatoes and CT,

Is the jab really not painful, i'm still scared just thinking about the needles.

You are both doing it from KKH, right?
Hi Berry

It is like ant-bites only. Dun worry

CT is doing her ICSI at KKH and I will be doing @ Gleneagles.

I understand how u feel ... I'm experiencing the same thing too ... the days seems to pass so slowly especially my lucrin jab lasted so long ... it's 3 weeks already ... sighhh

This thurs I will be going for another round of scanning, if my womb lining is thin enuf I will start the stimulating jab liao. I'm also very scare of facing the result, duno can handle the emotional stress or not. Now just hope everything will be smooth and I will have sufficient follicles after the stimulation jab.
westbb, my hcg is about 390. Gynae didn't say good or bad, but I think is within the reasonable limits. I did mine 15 days post transfer. I transferred 3 embroyos. My first scan is next Friday. Very worried because I have got some very bad cramps about 10 days post the transfer.

tomatoes & CT, I think we are all very brave to go through all these. It is very tough but I am sure we can all make it though.

May I ask how long was your Lucrin Jab? Isit for 2 weeks or longer?

And btw, did the gynae mentioned about the qulaity of your embryos transferred?

May I ask how long was your Lucrin Jab? Isit for 2 weeks or longer?

And btw, did the gynae mentioned about the qulaity of your embryos transferred?
Hi Gals

Jus saw the papers ... tonight on Channel i news at 8.30pm, they will talked about new development on IVF treatment.
tomatoes, it's natural to feel "what if still fail"... me too felt like this and very helpless. i guess what we can only do is to try to look at the positives. Try not stress yourself too much over this ok?

jojoba, ur hcg results look good... any hunch whether u will be carrying twins/triplets?
i also got occasional cramps that are quite bad post transfer, maybe it's normal??

CT, all the best to ur Thurs appt! thks for the news on tonight's programme, i will catch it!
ur results looks fine, dun worry too much. mine was 211 12 days post ER, and i think it is suppose to increase dbl fold every day or two. so maybe yours could be a singleton too. but of coz if two, that would be good! yes, the progesterone jab u taking is painful. i had it starting from week 4, twice a week till 12 weeks. buttock full of holes. bear with it...

CT / tomatoes
dun think too much, just concentrate on relaxing. chances of success is 40%, which is pretty high.

thanks for the info. will definitely catch it!

went for my gynae scan this morning, amniotic fluid level looks good and doc said bb getting cramp inside and is curling all over, so funny.
3 more days to go and i will see my darling baby boy!
Oh, i missed the show tonight, just open my computer now. Please just share with me if there is anything we still don't know about IVF ;-)

Did you go for Amnio test? or down syndrome test? Will you get a confinement nanny? I'm being Ke-po.....best wishes to you.

Oh, didn't know you're doing it at gleneagles, must be successful, with our two moms-to-be from there too. And one from Thomson. Hope one soon from Mt. E. (that's me)!

Went to my RE today, everything's set on my next cycle, BUT i have to go through with this rubella test again which i failed last time. I don't know if that vaccine i had is now in my blood, if not, have to wait again. Don't know why it's really a big deal.

She suggested to eat and eat more of protein, esp on down regulation stage - calling CT & Tomatoes..
May i add that she said I (or we) should not be worried with the survery results or successful IVF hospital as it was done two years ago. Mt. E. now has a different embryologist. (Or maybe other hospitals too) If i'm not wrong, it all lies in the hands of the embryologist. He/She must be good and knows the job well after retrieving the eggs. I ask her about it as i'm planning to get another good embryologist from CARE. But she said no need.
I'm in the mood of posting tonight....

Just saw from News tonight about the PEN like injection for IVF, is it the one you're using, CT and tomatoes? How much is it?
Saw the news on the new injection pen. Was surprised to see my IVF/ICSI gynae and nurse on TV too... so cute, will go and tease them when i next see them. I used that injection pen when i was in Thomson, it was not yet officially launched then, but i must say it was indeed very easy and quite painless to use and u can have many dosages in one pen so u don't need to have so many boxes in ur fridge too.
berry, westbb,

the pen looks like the puregon pen i used. Hmm... thought its been ard for quite some time already ? Its pretty painless and idiot proof

or are they refering to administration of drug for down regulation ?
Hi berry

You didn't miss much about the news last nite. It just mainly talk about a pen for injection which I think has been around for sometime. KKH has been using it and they lend it to their patients for injection. I dun know why they said it is a very new product.

Yes, me doing my IVF at Gleneagles but that doesn't mean it's a guarantee success for me. Ultimately, it still depends on our body. Which hospital to do IVF doesn't matter at all.

Hope everything will go smoothly for you so that you can start your IVF/ICSI soon
Hi CT/Tomatoes,

I got my blood test and homone test results today, which is ok. So nurse say I can start this cycle liao. So happy. Can't wait for my appointment now.


Yes, u will be using the injection pen for the 2nd type of jab. The nurse show it to me during my last visit. All u need to do is turn to the right dosage and inject, that all. The needle is as thin as the 1st type of jab.

Hi Micky,

All the best to your delivery. Guess it will really be a wonderful moment when u see your baby.
Hi Chemistry

So happy for you that you can start this cycle. So when are you seeing your RE to start the jabs?
Hi tomatoes,

Thanks. I should be able to start the jabs on 18 Oct 04. Wll be seeing the RE next week. So far how's your jab going on?

indeed kkh has been using the puregon pen which comes with the medicine cartridge. We still need to load the cartridge in one time at the beginning. The news keep talking abt pre-filled pen... maybe the new pen is pre-filled.. dun even need to put in cartridge.

Or else it may mean that previously only kkh is using the puregon brand pen. Now the new launch is from gonal-f which is a different brand.
Hi Chemistry

If I jab on my own, I feel the pain. But if my hubby do for me, I feel painless leh. So I try to ask him to do for me every morning now.

Hope we all strike on first try
Hi gals

I've started my stimulation jab today ... Poohy is right, in KKH we are using the puregon pen which is of a different brand from the Gonal-F other clinics may be using.

Chemistry, we do not have to mix any medication .. the medication come in a small glass tube where we just have to load into the pen and adjust the amount and inject. It's very simple to use also jus tat every 3 days you need to load in a new cartridge. The medication are very expensive, each cartridge cost about $468 for 3 days injection .... total total I spend $2K++ today !!

Btw, I'm quite suay to be down with cough and flu this 2 days ... the nurse told me that I have to ensure that the flu do not get worst otherwise may have problem continuing the ER ... very scare.

good that u r starting the puregon finally. Its indeed very exp. Soon will be able to do the ER. Hey not sure but does taking vit C helps with the flu ? Try to rest hor ... it would be such a waste if the flu got worst. Try not to go shopping or crowded places too much cos flu bug flying ard recently.
i did not do the amnio test since i am below 35, in fact me only 27 this yr. MIL doing confinement for me.

pen type of injection looks more easy to handle. when i did my gonal F i hv to mix the powder into the soln, and with that ampoule bottle that small, i always very scare. i think OR (ooctyes recovery) will come first then ER (embryo replacement) lei..

thanks. good luck! with so many successful case here, you will succeed too.

thanks.u going in glen e as well? which doc?

indeed the skill of embryologist determine a large part whether the IVF is successful. i was also concern when my gynae said he is opening his new clinic in glen e at that pt, coz i trusted the embryologist in NUH, but he told me some of them following him over, that's y i also follow.
but now i think most hospitals embryologist shld be very skillful, so Berry, dun worry too much.

Congrats on starting your next stage of jabs. Your ER is 10 days away and should be enuff for you to recover by then
Dun worry

Recently, there is a very strong flu virus floating around and has been striking most of my colleagues 1 by 1 (I got it before I started IVF and I passed to my hubby then). Go straight to the doc if your flu is getting worse.

Take care!
Hi Micky

I am with Prof Christopher Chen @ Gleneagles.

Btw, wish you have a smooth delivery tomorrow
hi micky,

must be very excited.. going to deliver tomorrow. wish you a smooth delivery.

hi CT,

try to take lots of water and vit C and rest well. hope you strike soon.
Hi CT,

Please DO NOT take Vitamin C withouth approval from the doctor, here comes Dr. Berry again, i read from the "fertility diet" book that we should avoid Vit. C, so i've stopped taking this too even if my RE prescribed it to me, i follow everything that i read/hear, whether from a good source or not. This is just one of the million things i've stopped. Just drink more than 8 glasses of water, and maybe take lemon/orange or the green bell pepper (which has the highest vitamin C)

Hey tomatoes,
I've heard a lot about Christopher, he must be good, you're in good hands.

Are you into DOM now? i am, but having second thoughts on this as it has alcohol. I have a good news for you, we might do it at the same time, i'm just waiting to take my rubella test on monday, and if it's good enough, go, go, go.....I'm a worrier, i feel that if we start around that date, our transfer or retrieval might fall on a holiday in November. Have you counted and estimated it? maybe ask the doctor what IF it falls on holiday, is it true that here in Sg you have to pay double on hospital bill, doctor's bill, etc if it's a holiday?
Hi berry

No doubt Prof Chen is good but ultimately still depends on my body. So I am not too happy about it lor. Just hope that my body will grow good eggs and be receptive to the embryos. Keeping my fingers x.
CT, I read that you are doing IVF in KK.I seek your help to answer a querie. I am currently seeing a senior consultant in KK for fertility problems, and was charged seperately for consultation fee and vagina ultra sound scan (It was my first visit so far). I dont remember having to pay extra for ultra sound scan when I see a private gynae (Its included in the consultation and he always perform ultra sound scan each time I see him). Does your doc perform ultra sound scan on all visits ? Do you have to pay seperately ? Many thanks in advance
Micky, very excited for u leh, tomorrow can see and hold ur bb boy already! when are you checking in the hospital?
Hi All

Thanks ... I will take care of myself and fight against my way to the OR and ER. Now jus praying my follicles will be beautifully stimulated and produce many eggs.


I'm also very excited for you ... good luck and all the best for your delivery tomorrow.


I've only done ultrasound scan once before I'm been referred to IVF. If I'm not wrong in KKh, the scanning is charge separately one and done by a rediologist instead of a gynae. But maybe the scan is a more detailed one.

Long time no chat with you!
Wish you all the best and have a smooth delivery!

Must share with us your BB's cute picture with us okie

Take care and practise your breathing skills ..haha..
Hi Poohy,

Thanks for explaining the injection pen thingy. But how do u load the cartridge to the pen? Does it required transfer from another bottle or just replace a cartridge just like those pen cartridge (1 to 1 replacement type?)

Hi CT,

Glad to know that u have started the 2nd jab. Is it painful compared to the 1st type of jab?The medication really cost exp! Did they say that they will claim this amount from Medisave later if the cost for OR & ER etc is less than $6K? So when do u have to go back to KKH to scan again?

Hi Berry

Yah, i'm on DOM now. Almost daily, taking 1 tablespoon each time. I tot to stop probably 1-2 days before I start the jab. Think it better to "bu" my body cos my appetite is very small wan, take only 2 meal daily, scare not enough nutrients in the body leh.

As for the procedure at kkh, it's a fixed price (like delivery). So even if it falls on weekend or PH, there is no additional cost.


Do rest well tonight. When the baby is out, u will prob have no time to rest well anymore! Do update us on your delivery process!

The puregon cartridge is like those pen one which you jus have to change a new one in.

The jab is ok .. almost same as the 1st type. I will be going back again next Thurs for the follicle scan.

btw, I doubt you can claim medication under medisave, from what I know it's only for procedures only.
Hi CT,

Many thanks for the prompt reply. I am puzzled as the scanning was done by the gynae, not by a radiologist. To me, the scan done was a simple one, same to the ones I had at the private gynae (I was not charged) but I have to pay close to S$50/-for it at kkh. The bill worked out to be more expensive than private practice...puzzled..

I've checked with a friend who also happen to have her 1st visit at kkh with a senior doctor, but she was not charged for the scan.. I have checked my case with kkh, they have yet to revert.

Meanwhile, CT, for your case, do u still see a gynae, does he/she include the scan as a routine during your appointments ? Are you being charged ? Sorry for asking so many questions at a go... Many Thanks in advance. U take care and I wish you all the best

What about others here who have been to kkh for consultation, care to shed some lights on this ? Million thanks !
Hi CT,

Many thanks for the prompt reply. I am puzzled as the scanning was done by the gynae, not by a radiologist. To me, the scan done was a simple one, same to the ones I had at the private gynae (I was not charged) but I have to pay close to S$50/-for it at kkh. The bill worked out to be more expensive than private practice...puzzled..

I've checked with a friend who also happen to have her 1st visit at kkh with a senior doctor, but she was not charged for the scan.. I have checked my case with kkh, they have yet to revert.

Meanwhile, CT, for your case, do u still see a gynae, does he/she include the scan as a routine during your appointments ? Are you being charged ? Sorry for asking so many questions at a go... Many Thanks in advance. U take care and I wish you all the best

What about others here who have been to kkh for consultation, care to shed some lights on this ? Million thanks !

I do not have to pay for my scan now as I've started on my ICSI program and I've paid a service charge of $684 for all the scannings and services that are supposed to be done during this period.

The one I did after my 1st appt in KKH is done in the dianoistic imaging on 1st level. The scan cost about $40 after subsidised. Non subsidised patient will have to pay about $118 for this pelvic scan. I did both the abodomen and vaginal scan and I think there will be a detailed report given after the scan. if you see the doc on the same day, you may have to wait about an hour for the report.

Sorry I couldn't advise you more as I've not scanned by a gynae before ... hehehhe
Probably the other girls like poohy may be able to help.
Hi CT,

So how much u pay for the cartridge for 2nd jab? The scanning package is quite ex too. Any idea, how many scanning we have to go thru thru out the entire procedure?

Hi beanieqq,

My scan was done by the gynae. It was also charged seperately. Guess every clinic has it own practise. I understand some clinics (eg Thomson Womem's Clinic) do charge them seperately too.
Hi Chemistry,

For the DOM, why only 1 tablespoon? i'm taking it one shot, maybe around 4 tablespoons, sometimes, i mixed it with water so it's not so hot on the throat. Okay, i'll continue it again. Thanks.
Hi berry

Can you share with us what are the food that you have stopped? I wanna learn more about fertility diet


so far this is the first time I have heard that the u/s scan done by your own gynae during the same consultation is chargeable. Which clinic did you see your gynae at ? which gynae is it ?

At normal clinic (eg clinic D) normally there is no u/s scan machine. So gynae will refer us to diagnostic imaging dept to scan.. but that is chargable separately.

At both the AMK clinic and TPS, u/s scan is included in the consultation fee already.

If you r really in doubt... maybe u can clarify with the nurse the next time u r there.

hmm btw, without subsidised rates, if you go as a private patient to kkh to see a senior consultant there, the consultation can actually be equivalent or more expensive than a private gynae.


ya like what CT said, just take out the empty cartridge, put in a new cartridge that's all
