IVF/ICSI Support Group


My menses is 3 days late. Juz to play safe, I tested 3 days ago and it was a BFN. Could be FF gave me a wrong O day. If my O should be on CD22 instead, my menses should come on this Sun.

I will wait till Sun then. Btw, I have no preggie symptoms and this cycle feels the same as any other cycle... could be I ovulated late this cycle lor.


You are right .. the down regulation jab may delay the menses but anyway there may be chance that you are preggie also
Westbb / Jojoba

Do you all have any side effects after jabbing the stimulation drug?

I'm experiencing giddiness ... I duno isit the drug or my flu?

Actually, I am very sure I am not preggie.

Now that I know that it is due to the jabs, I feel much better now

More likely could be dued to your flu. Are you resting at home now? You should rest more and drink more fluid.
Hi Tomatoes,

I've posted it after your list. Basically, it's the same as yours, chicken, ginger, vit C, all dairies - milk, cheese (which i love), wine, perfume, lipstick, no taro after ovulation, there's even some menu to follow but difficult.

Your delay must be bec. of the jab, you ask the doctor if it still doesn't show up in a week. That's why i feel confident with CD2 jab, at least i've done with the period before i start, well, it's another protocol.

Take care and drink a lot of liquid. Maybe the body is adjusting with the medication.

No ... I'm still at work as I'm afraid my boss will not be happy since I'm going to have a long mc very soon.

If you are sure your are not preggie then hope your menses will come asap .. cos I think you have to had your menses b4 they start teh stimulation jab.


Thanks .. I will drink a lot.

I think it should come by this Sun. Juz called the nurse and confirm that my cycle will be haywired because of this jab. So have to bear with it lor.

Btw, have you seen a doc for your flu oredi? If really have to take mc to rest, then go ahead and take. You need to be in top health before your egg retrieval. Dun risk your chances
Hi Chemistry,

Pls. don't believe and follow everything i say about diet, this is what i've read and i don't know if it's true or not. Cottage cheese is also protein, right? I just don't drink milk, cream, butter...

You can get protein from fish, chicken (i don't eat this), tofu, nuts, and importantly eggwhites, my RE told me to take 4 of this everyday. Hope this clears.

We just eat everything in moderation. I'm thin, so i really don't have problem eating high protein now.
Hi new to this forum

I've tried 5 cycle of clomid and it helps to regulate my menses from 40 to 30 days with ovluation but no preg news. Worst still, it makes me gain weight of 5 kg. I cannot afford to grow anymore b4 preg. Anyone has this side effect issue? Should I continue clomid?
Hi Piyoyo,

welcome! as far as i'm concerned, clomid should be taken only for 6 cycles. The best is try 3 cycles consecutively, stop, then, try again. I didn't gain any pound with it, maybe it depends on the person. Good luck!
CT, sorry for late reply... have been feeling v tired after work recently so didn't logon and read postings as often. i don't remember any significant side effects with the stimulation drugs perhaps some tiredness. i think the s/e varies from individual to individual. how's ur flu? better now?

chemistry, i wonder if those protein bars will help in getting protein? i tried to eat those last time but i can't stand the taste and the two opened bars are still in my fridge now.. my nurse also suggested protein drink, think some hospital pharmacy sells them in packet drink form.
Hi Westbb,

Thanks for the info. I will go and look for the protein drink at the pharamacy tomorrow!

BTW, how is your pregancy going on? Do u still need to go for any jabs? Any morning sickness?
Hi berry

Thanks for sharing.Doc is so confident that I'll preg on 5th Cycle. Nothing has happened. Recently, I took blood test on day 2 of my menses. Wondering is it for IUI purposes? How much does it cost then?
Hi Piyoyo,

I'm going for an IVF/ICSI and I did a blood test on CD2 to determine if i have sufficent ovulating homones. Probably it is same blood test, but it doesn't mean gynae is going to send u for IVF/ICSI or IUI. Maybe u want to call the clinic and ask the purpose of the blood test.

I'm feeling better after taking some medication but my throat still not very well. I dun really dare to take too much medication ... afraid it will affect my egg quality. Actually I'm very worried that my flu will affect the quality of the eggs ... sighh nvm I think it's all fated ... if it's mine it's mine

Hi gals

I never follow any diet which you all mentioned anyway I think it's too late since I'm already in the stimulation stage.

Btw, jus wonder for protein intake, when shld we start taking, I mean at which stage? I have a protein drink can i take it now?

Don't worry, afterall, you will produce quite a lot of eggs with the stimulation jab. Definitely won't be all goos quality ones. They will select the better ones for the IVF/ICSI.

As for protein,I think u should be able to start now. Does the protein drink taste horrible? I probably get some at kkh during my appt this week. BTW, did KKIVF advise u what nutrition u have to increase your intake during this period?

The protein drink I have is from GNC ... it's called Liquid Spirulina. I bought it sometime back but did not realised it's a protein drink until recently

According to the label, Spirulina is a blue green fresh water algae which contain 65% protein.

It tastes good .. like a lemon lime drink. But I duno if it's alright to consume during teh program.
chemistry, i'm starting my 8th week soon, and will be going for another scan this Sat. yes i still need to go for the progesterone oil jab once every week. have some m/s, although i'm not those who keep vomitting, but just keep feeling lethargic and not in top form throughout the day, and many times i just want to lie down and switch off totally.

CT, don't worry so much liao, since u already started the stimulation stage then just do whatever u can now to be in good shape
i'm not sure if it's ok to consume that protein drink but drinking algae sounds quite yucky to me now :p cos usually those protein drink i saw in hospital is chocolate or vanilla flavour type, hehe
Hi CT,

You're not late yet, the high protein diet recommended is to be started on gonal-f stage, so just eat a lot of protein now. We will definetely have a quite number of eggs with this jabs, but we should help our body produce good quality of eggs too.

Do you still continue with lucrin and gonal-f AT THE SAME TIME? bec. my friend had lucrin and gonal-f together. How much is one box of lucrin?

I'm not sure of your protein drink, i've heard it's choco, vanilla flavor as mentioned by westbb.
Hi CT/westbb/berry,

Today i went to kkh pharmacy, they don't have the protein drink leh. They have this meal supplement known as "Ensure" which I tot is for slimming. The protein not very high too.

My hubby also recommend me this protein drink from Nature Farm. He say it's made of wheat and some algae. Will check with Dr Loh during my visit whether we can take such protein drink.

BTW CT, do u feel bloated with the stimulation jab? Just now, I went kkh for counselling and the social worker said that when she was so bloated during the 2nd jab to the extent her waist-line increase by 5-6 inches.

Thanks ... I'll take more eggs and high protein food these few days.

Btw, I'm still injecting Lucrin and Puregon at the same time (KKH uses puregon instead of Gonal-F) The Lucrin is not expensive ... it's about $96 for 28 days jab.


I dun feel bloated with the stimulation jab jus a little bit of cramp on and off ... tats why I'm also worried duno if I'm producing enuf eggs or not.
Hi CT,

Don't worry, doesn;t mean u are not producing eggs if u are not feeling bloated. I think the rest of the gals who have gone thru IVF don't experience that too.

So now, u have to do 2 jabs daily? BTW, is it a must to jab in the morning?
Hi all
Was discharged yesterday. Little baby now home as well.

was inserted a catherdra (real discomfort) to drain out urine before the op. was wheeled into the theatre at 10.30am and they started to verify all details and misc. Anthesatist was already there waiting for me, was put on drip and subsequently the epidural. the feeling was so numb, cannot move my toes a single bit! thereafter, gynae started the op (i cannot see coz they put up a green cloth to block). in few minutes, the baby is out! started wailing and doc said he is doing fine, weigh more than than 2.7kg, but doc said weight is good!

bb pic too big, how to upload?

Congratulations! So happpy for you ... can't wait to see your bb photo!

You have to resize the photo smaller than can upload ...
Micky, GONG XI GONG XI!! How are you feeling now? Coping well with everything? I want to see ur bb's photo too!!
Hi Micky, CONGRATS!!! So you at home doing confinement? Looking forward to see your bb's photo.
I was about to ask forgetmenot if you've delivered.
Hi Micky,

I'm so happy for you, CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Hey, you mean even if it's caesarian, you're conscious, i thought it will be under GA, you don't feel any pain at all except after the operation? Take care.
Hi CT,

You will/should have a scan to know the number of eggs, right? Since you started lucrin, how many scans have you had?
Hi Micky,

Drop by to say a BIG CONGRATS to you!

Finally your 9mths is over and you cld see your cute little BB.. really envy you

Take good care of yourself and have more rest!

We look forward to hear from you soon!
Hi Micky,
CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!! so happi for u...now u can carry ur bb in ur arms liao...
how r u feeling?
take care...

dun worri,ur turn will be here soon...
enjoy the moment now..cos when ur bb is out,u may miss the time when the bb is inside u...

btw,do you noe if u are expecting a boy or ger?
Hi CT,
I've also signed up for the IVF pgm at KKH. However, the nurse informed me that I have to go for HSG test. Just quite puzzled why is it necessary? How much did u pay for the test? When'll u be going for your scan? Hope everything goes smoothly for you!

Hi Micky, congratulations to u!!!

I was asked to go for the HSG on the same appt I'm referred to IVF ... I also duno why but i guessed in KKH they will want us to go thru all the test to determine the specific infertility factor.

As I'm a subsidised patient, I paid only $59 for the HSG, non subsidised rate is about $130.

I will be going for my scan tomorrow and thanks ... I also hope all will be smooth for me.
hi forgetmenot,

Long time no chat! Hope u r doing fine.

Me also very curious to know whether is a ah-girl or ah-boy.. during my last visit gyne rejected my request to scan..
So i gotta wait for my detail scan in few weeks time..

Will keep u updated!.. But seldom see u in posting lately leh.. where to find u ? Oh ya i recall i got your email will email u if cant 'see' you here
Hi CT,

I just came back from my appt at kkh. I will be starting the jab on coming Monday. The nurse ask me to go back on Monday and they will teach me how to do the jabs. I actually tot they will teach me today and I don't have to go back again.

Oh ya, my FSH results turns out quite high (for my age), but Dr Loh say still within the safe limit, but he will have to increase the dosage of the stimulation jab for me. Dr Loh also say that chances are quite good for me and kkh has the highest sucess rate (near 40%) in 2003. Sound really encouraging. I checked with him on the health supplements and he say can take as long as it is not chinese herbs.

Do update us on your scan tomorrow.

Glad that you can start so soon ... wat is FSH result? U mean the hormone test huh? I nver did the test on the month I start ...in fact I think I did it a month or two earlier. But i think it's fine lah ... he did tell me I'm normal and he's giving me the standard dosage of stimulation drug.

I've also checked with him thru email about the diet thing but like you say he only mentioned to avoid the Chinese Herbs.

Very happy to hear the high success rate in KKH .. btw, how old are you? I think our case is very alike .. our hubby have very low sperm count. Is your hubby going for storage?

I'm looking forwrad for my scan tomorrow ... hope I can have enuf good quality eggs.
Hi all
Thanks for your well wishes. me recovering very well, but at night need to feed baby, now 60% on formula and 40% on breast milk (whicj i pump out - very tiring to pump but hard for b to latch on so bo pian). Wound is not as painful as i thought. in fact, since discharge me did not take the painkiller liao.

Here's little baby picture!
Hey Micky,

Your bb very cute!!! He got a very boyish look! So far, how are u coping with your confinement? Does your wound hurt?

Hi CT,

I dunno what FSH is but if the result is high means harder to ovulate. He said results may be affected by chinese medication. I dunno if DOM or Bai Feng Wan which I'm taking is having an effect on it.

I'm 29 this year. Dr Loh commented that I'm "very young", so chances are good. Actually, I feel damn old liao. I actually planned to have my 1st child before 30, but now I can only hope to have my 1st child at 30.

Dr Loh didn't ask my hubby to store his sperm leh. But he did a physical examiniation on my hubby to check if there is anything wrong that caused the low sperm count. He say our last few visita are all attended by female gynaes and they are probably to shy to do the examination. kekeke...

Hi CT, thks for your reply. I called up KK to make the appt for the test but they told me I have to wait for my next cycle as I've already had BD during this cycle. So most probably will commence the pgm next mth.

Hope you'll see a lot of follicles during your scan tomorrow. Remember to update us of your progress. Good Luck!!
