IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi CT,

In my opinion, i guess no need for bloodtest anymore since it's already 3 weeks of lucrin. But on second thought, they should check it again if your ready to go for the 2nd jab. Anyways, mine would be CD2, and not CD21, hope it's correct,at least i won't have 3 weeks of lucrin jab, the lesser jab for me, the better. i've ask the doctor and nurses several times and it's correct. Take care.


No I have not called for the SA result before. But I feel if your SA result not ready hor, they will most likely not refer you to IVF yet so will be like a wasted trip.

Maybe you can try calling Clinic D to check ... they should have your file there. If the SA result is out should be in your file liao.

According to the nurse they had based on my last bloodtest result to determine the date to start the stimulation jab ... sighh ... I think i dun think so much liao lah ... jus do as what they tell me to. Guessed they should know their job well .. I should trust the nurse and doc there

I thinks yours is using the short protocol which they can down the regulation almost immediately with 1-2 days but heard that the medication is more expensive, isit true?
poohy, my 1st scan is tomorrow. i am very nervous abt the no of babies too!

CT, tomatoes, Chemistry, good luck to ur upcoming appts!!
Hi Westbb

All the best to your coming scan tomorrow also
Must keep us posted after your scan! We will be very excited for you

all the best.. hey u must keep us posted ok!!! We are all looking forward to know the number of babies also leh !

so far u got any symptoms ? backache,morning sickness,cramp etc ? If yes, how bad are they ?
Hi CT,

Just called up the clinic this morning. They say the results are ready. But the nurse hor just ask me if i'm seeing the gynae today and confirm it is ready w/o even checking. Hopefully, she did give me wrong info.

Hi tomatoes,

How's your consultation last night. Starting your jab already? BTW, I watched the EYS program last night but it talks about bowel disorder (eg constipation and dirherra) and nothing on fertility treatment.
Hi Chemistry

Thanks for your help for last nite. I guessed every week, the topic is different. But you must watch tomorrow programme from 9pm - 10pm, channel 8. It actually 2 different shows. The first one talk about bb and the second show talk about a couple who suffered from infertility for 6 years b4 succeeded with TCM

Yes, I started my jabs last nite. My "brave" hubby did it for me at the clinic under the supervision of the nurse. He is quite good at it. But this morning when I did it on my own, I can feel the pain. Maybe I didn't do it rite. My RE also gave me a list of things not to eat and do during the whole programme. Haiz...

Btw, all the best to your visit today

Hi Westbb
How's your scan today?

Glad to hear you had started .. all the best. Your RE so good ah give you the list ... do you mind sharing the info with me?

Btw, did he tell you to inject the Lucrin for how long?

Of course I dun mind sharing with all of you
But I didn't bring the list with me today, so I got to be based on my memory:

1) Chicken
2) Multivitamins
3) Alcohol
4) All Chinese herbs
5) Ginger
6) Soya Bean products
7) Bean Curd
8) Bird Nest
9) Noni Juice
10) No Hair Chemical treatment ( Like rebonding, colouring etc)
11) No Heavy make up
12) No excercise

I think that's about all. Will add more later if I missed out anything
Actually I dun really understand why some of the healthy food like soya bean products also cannot take. I think I haven't heard of other REs asking his ICSI patients to refrain for this and that leh.

Btw, I be jabbing myself with Suprefact instead of Lucrin for 2 weeks b4 I go for bloodtest and see him again on 14 Oct
He told me the whole process is gonna be a 4 - 6 weeks thingy and I have to prepare myself for it.

Ya hor ... why soya bean cannot ... cham I've been taking quite a number of soya bean products and ginger lately.

Search me also!!??

But I think as long as we eat them in moderation is ok. Our body needs nutrition mah.
awaiting your scan results! hope u got twins.

good start. keep it up and in no time, u will be due for your OR and ER. Baby dust!

7 days more to go..really nervous liao, esp after seeing that Wong Lilin has given brith to a baby girl after 15 hrs in labor (so in a way i'm quite blessed that i do not need to go thru that, though may feel that i never get to how contractions feel like).
my bb weigh 2.8kg, which is a ave size baby. so maybe when due would be 3kg+-. gynae did say that my placenta is only 2 cm away from the cervix, and that area seems ready to bleed, ask me to be careful..scare. but hopefully all will be fine and i will get to see my baby boy next fri!
Ho tomatoes,

Great to know u started the programme liao. BTW, most of the food stated are those I like to eat esp chicken, cos I don't really like pork or fish. Guess I will still refrain from taking chicken when I start the program. Another thing, no exercise is from when onwards ah?

ok, now my turn to update my visit. Today, I got to see that terrible MO again but this time DR SF Loh was just behind her in another room. Anyway, my hubby's SA did not improve. In fact got a bit worst than the last SA. Dr Loh had referred usto the KKIVF liao, and today, I did a series of blood test... cost me $280+. BTW, CT/tomatoes, did u go thru the CD2 homone test? It was my CD4 today and I told the nurse I would like to start this cycle. She say still in time for the test and so I went for it. And she also confirmed that we can still go ahead with IVF if we insist even though we have no antibodies for rubella. But she advised it's best to get the rubella jab for preventive purpose if we do not have the antibodies. I will only know on Tuesday if my blood test and homone test is ok. If everything is ok, I will e able to start my jab on 18 Oct liao

I duno if I did the hormones test in IVF center or not but when I'm in Clinic D I did the test on my CD4 or 5. So i think they took tat result.

So you confirm starting this cycle? You have to go for the couselling soon then. All the best.
Hi Chemistry

At least you have Dr Loh beside the MO, so you have not made a wasted trip. I think it is good for your hubby to continue his vitamins and maybe, by the time when you do the egg retrieval, your hubby's sperm may have improved by then.

Actually I am in my CD27 today and will not be doing my CD2 bloodtest when I start a new cycle (Probably becos I had done it a few mths ago). I was only told to do a blood test on 14 Oct to c how I react to the Suprefact jabs (same as Lucrin) after 2 weeks. The nurse did tell me b4 that we can still go for IVF if we have no rubella antibodies. Juz need to be more careful when preggie that's all.

Btw, from what I read, Chicken does contain a certain type of hormones and when eaten, it may or may not affect our hormones. It because commercial chickens are given hormones jabs to make them grow faster and fatter, so they are not so healthy after all.

As for the excercise, light exercise is alright but not heavy exercise which will affect our hormones level also.

Hope your bloodtest results will come back alright and you can start the programme asap

Did the nurse tell u how long will you be on the down regulation jab ... I duno why mine is so long ... duno isit normal?

Dun worry, it is normal. For IVF, there is no fixed rules that we should only take the down regulation jabs for 2 weeks then proceed to the next stage of jabs. You may be reacting slowly to your Lucrin jabs, so you need another week that. Same for me also, if my levels are still high when I do the bloodtest on 14 Oct, I may still have to continue with my Suprefact. So I am keeping my finger crossed ;)

I dun feel tired after the jabs but sometime will have bodyache ... i think itshould be normal or sometimes it may be our 'Xin Li shou yong'
Hi tomatoes,

I hubby was on vitamins for 3 month liao. In fact, this 2 mths, he is less stressful but then the SA result was worst than the previous one. So did u test for rubella before starting the programme?

Oh btw, are the hubbys required to refrain from taking the list of food that u listed out?

Hi CT,

Yah me going for counselling on the 11th and then see Dr Loh on 13th. But then, if I need to take the rubella jab (*touchwood*), then may have to postpone the appts liao.
Hi Chemistry

I tested oredi and still have the antibodies
Actually, alot of factors play a part in the SA result. Like how your hubby produce the sperm ie. lying down or sitting... believe me, it does make a difference. Maybe when your hubby produce his sperm that time, that position might not be so good for him, so his result not so good. But do continue with the vitamins....it's also the least he can do to make the whole thing successful

The list of things to avoid are for us, not for our hubby. Actually different REs will have different protocol. So it is really not neccessary to follow my list strictly. Just eat in moderation lor. But I think it is good to avoid chicken and Chinese herbs for the time being

Hi Berry

Okie, will wait for your posting
went for my 1st scan this morning. guess have to disappoint some of you liao... no twins or multiples, only a singleton, even the gynae was a bit surprised. i felt both relieved but also wondering what happened to the other two?? we managed to see bb's heartbeat on the screen. it's really an amazing sight. EDD is 23 May 05. Will be going for another scan in 2 weeks time. can't wait!

tomatoes, i also find some of the food "banned" quite puzzling. in fact i took quite a bit of chicken and soya bean milk during the procedure for the protein. the nurse told me must take more protein to nourish the eggs' growth. i also took a lot of eggs, esp egg whites for the protein.

chemistry, hope u can start your program this cycle!

all the best for the jabs and ivf ;)


congrats.... so nice to see the heartbeat. Your bb's edd is abt 1 month after mine leh
do take care hor...


remember to update us on your birth story hor ;)


hope u r able to start successfully soon ...
Hi westbb

Congrats again! Singleton also good, less stress for you also

As for the food, I dun intend not to take all of them, but just eat in moderation. Yes, protein is very important for IVF patients.... so girls, eat more hor
Ho Poohy & Westbb,

Thanks. Hope I can join u all soon. Yesterday at KKIVF center, saw a lot of pictures of bb who are conceved under IVF. Most are singleton. The nurse mentioned that the chances of mulitiples is 5% for triplets, 15% for twins. Most of the IVF patients end up with singleton only. But she said it's better for singleton cos it more healthy.

Hi tomatoes, what will u be taking for protein hah?
Hi Chemistry

I intend to follow Westbb to eat lotsa egg whites and more of pork & fish. Of course must also eat more green veggie cos got folic acid. I also intend to cut down on carbohydrates and salt. It's gonna be difficult for me 'cos I can't do without rice and noodles but juz try my best lor...

Maybe I can lose some weight during this IVF programme. Hee!
Hi ladies,

For those who doesn't have rubella antibodies (which i doubt since all singaporeans have this in primary) let me know as i found ONLY one clinic here in Sg who still has it. Better to have it and wait for 6-8 weeks than be worried for the next 9 months.

For the food, there is a book in the library "the fertility diet" which more or less is the same as what tomatoes said. I don't eat chicken now, well, i avoid it. Same goes with ginger. I now eat more of beef, pork, mayonnaise, eggwhites, etc. i know my heart is not happy with my diet but i'll just be a semi-vegetarian again later. Like tomatoes, i now lessen my carbs, less rice, no bread, no noodles, no potato.

Here's more of the things to avoid, it's a big change for me, but i just wanna share on what i've read. Avoid ACETONE, i can't remember a single day in my life without manicure, now my nails are short and unpolish. No lipstick, unless i have to meet friends. I've bought organic shampoo, conditioner and soaps too. Do i sound funny now? On the day of transfer, remember not to have perfume, well, avoid it now. In short, if you see me, i don't have lipstick, make-up, manicure, hair smells nothing, no perfume....My friend who adviced me this (she's now a mom) was worst, she even bought a natural liquid detergent, no chlorox, everything is organic and natural.

Hope this helps, i believe that diet plays an important role in having a baby, i used to be a vegetarian, now, i'm changing my diet completely, i'm thin so i guess i need those fats. Above all, i believe that prayer is really important, everything is in God's hands now.

Congratulations! Right now, singleton is better than twins or triplets.

Good luck!!! I'll keep you in my prayers esp next friday.
Hi CT,

You're right, CD2 jab is just a different protocol (i've asked again the nurse yesterday), don't know if it's more expensive, i'm sure it is, but less jab is better, as i'm really scared just thinking of it. I will let you know the price later if i start it.

How come the blood test is expensive 280+, What are the tests? i did mine on CD2, i don't have any test that is more than $100. HIV/Rubella/Hepa is $80 only.

How about DOM? is it alcohol? i should avoid it too?
Hi berry

I think you can still have DOM b4 you start the IVF program. But stop when you start your jabs.
congrats again. singleton in a way also good, less complications. concentrate on building up your body and take more nutritous food. take care

sure will update my birth story...

JIA YOU. if me and westbb can get thru it, so can all of you. BABY DUST
Hi Berry,

Thanks for sharing. Oh my bill came up to $280 for the following test:

- Estradiol
- Hep B
- LH
- Prolactin

Dunno which one is rubella hor.

My hubby had to also go for some of the above blood test and the price had also included his test. Of the $280, $95 is for registration on IVF programme and counselling by nurse.
hehe... qns on food:
tomatoes, why got to cut down on carbohydrates uh?
berry, why cannot take ginger?

Cutting down on carbo is on my own accord. Just wanna feel healthier with less carbo. Can lose weight also. Hee! ;p
Congrats westbb!

tomatoes, the list of food and things not to do is during the program or before the program also cannot? perming or rebonding of hair before the program can or not huh?

berry, may i know what products will contain ACETONE? isit non-organic ones will contain it?


Acetone - to remove the nail polish, i use and smell that weekly on my manicure, so i stopped it now.

The list of tomatoes was given to her before the program, but better to avoid it now.

I can't remember why ginger, but the book explains it very well, sorry i have poor memory, i'll check it out if i see it again and will let you know.

Re the carbs, tomatoes is right too in cutting it down, i'm just busy now, i will post the website about diet for IVF later where they all agreed less carbs and more of protein.
I basically just eat anything I want but try to avoid Chinese herbs. Try to eat more fruits & vege. A balanced diet is important.

Micky, I am sure it will be a very smooth procedure for you. You just take a nap and when you wake up, your bb boy will be there for you to kiss and hug.

Westbb, congrats on seeing your baby heartbeat. It must be so relieve and at the same time exciting.

Some updates from myself. I have been tested positive. My beta is 398 (I think so, only remember very close to 400). But my gynae told me not to celebrate first until 2 weeks later. If he scan and see something and can see baby heartbeat, then that is safe. Keeping my fingers crossed for now.

congrats! so u shd be in 4-5 weeks now
Will u be doing any beta blood test before the scan ?
Hi Jojoba

Congrats!!! So happy to see another successful IVF case. Hope the numbers will continue to increase

take care, congratulations!!! we are all happy for you. Having lots of successful IVF here, it really gives us hope to do it.
Hi Westbb,

May i add that you are allowed and free to eat anything now, i remember these foods to avoid is for the eggs to be of good quality, that's all. And not to continue avoiding it during pregnancy.

I would also want to say about what i shared on the things to avoid that it's only the experience/recommendation of those who undergone IVF, what they thought had helped them succeed. I'm not saying that it would surely works, but just eat healthy and balance diet.

Thanks Everyone.

poohy, I will not be taking any beta again as my gynae doesn't think it's necessary. Although I will prefer to do it just to be sure that the numbers is going up. But nevermind lar...

chemistry, my symptoms started week 3 with cramps
and frequent urination, waking up at least twice every night. Now I have sore throat, cough. The usual flu. No nauseous though.

For this 2 week, I will have to still go to the hospital twice a week for injection on the bum. I think this is to make sure the baby stays on. This injection compared to the normal ones that we took ourselves is much more painful, but still bearable. Just that when I thought I am done with the injections, there are always more to come...
