IVF/ICSI Support Group


Thanks for sharing your BB's picture.. Its so adorable, i really cant wait for this day to come.

I also feel that all BBs look the same to me.. but some cld actually tell from the 1st sight who the BB looks like..

Rest well and when u feel bored come in and chit chat okie

Hi Gals

Just came back from KKH, I have about 10 follicles and Dr Loh mentioned they looks 'ok' ... he nver say good .. heheh
I will be retrieving my eggs on Monday morning and putting the embryos back on Wed. Will go back to KKH to have the HCG injection on Saturday night.


29 ok lah ... at least you are younger than me. I'm 30 liao.
Infact I wanted to have 2 child before age 30 but who knows ... sighh

But nvm I hope to be successful this cycle and have my 1st one next year. Praying hard for this day to come true
Hi CT,

That's good news! So u will still need to continue with the jab till Saturday is it? Did Dr Loh say how long MC u will be given after the op? Meanwhile, take care and must update us the progress okie?
CT, that's good news! last time i also have about the same no on the scan and on actual day, they retrieved three more (but not all are mature lor). so no more scans until next Mon already? Ypu must be very excited now, once u retrieved, everyday u will be very anxious to know how they have split. All ze best to u!!!

Micky, bb Ray looks very adorable and alert looking!
Hi all
Thanks. dun mind me thick skin, but i also think he look so cute! haha

wound is quite ok, but at times can hurt a little little bit. tomolo due for postnatal checkup, think gynae going to remove the staples (he did not use thread to sew up the wound), guess must be painful, scare scare.

by the way, my bb was featured together with my gynae (me back facing the pic) on last sat Business Times coz my gynae delivered his first ICSI baby since going into private practice earlier this year. it talked about details of thes test tube program.
Micky, your baby is very very handsome. Congratulations!!

CT, Congrats to you too!! 10 is a pretty good number. I had scanned 9 but on retrieval they found 10, so you really may get more. And by the way, I am 31 this year already. Seems like I am the oldest here.

I have went for my very first scan today and my baby (actually not call a baby yet) measures 4.3mm and heartbeat is detected. I am simply too happy for words. I am 6 weeks 3 days today and EDD is 5-June. I hope to have a baby as good looking as Micky's too.

Westbb, how are you doing now ? You must be in your 8 weeks by now. I remember you strike 2 weeks earlier than me.

Hope to hear more good news from the rest of the ladies here. Good Luck !!

Today is my last day of stimulation jab liao but I would have to continue Lucrin until Sat. Sat night will go for the HCG jab then Monday morning the retrieval liao. The nurse told me I will be given 5 days mc from Mon ... after the embryo transfer on Wed, I may asked Dr for more MC if required. I intend to take 2 weeks till my appt to check the result.

Jojoba / ICSI

Thanks ... I also hope to have more follicles on Monday .. Infact I think I have about 12 but some may be too small ... not sure also but the size for most of my follicles are about 17-19 mm.

Yap no more scan till Monday liao ... I'm also puzzled but according to the nurse I have responded well to the stimulation drug thus no extra dosage needed. In fact I'm happy with this as I dun have to spend more on the expensive drug ... heheh

Just went for my scan last nite. As 2 of my follicles din shrink enuff, I was ordered to continue my lst type of jab for another 4 days. But my FSH bloodtest is less than 25 liao. I will see him again on next Mon to start the Gonal F/Puregon jabs (hopefully can start then).

So envy you, can go for your egg retrieval soon, I think mine will be end Oct liao.

You take good care and keep us updated hor
Will keep you in my prayers when I go temple again
Hi CT,

That's good. As for me I think I have to spend more cos Dr already told me he's going to increase the dosage of Puregon for me.

BTW, is the egg retrival on Monday done in KK IVF centre as well? I will be at KK IVF centre on Monday morning to start my down regulation jab as well. May bump onto u leh...

Hi tomatoes,

For your blood test on FSH after the down-regulation jab, shold it be the higher the better or the lower the better? My FSH result on CD2 was 9.82. Dr said that's high for my age but still within safe range (i.e <10). Dunno why, i'm kinda worry by this result.
Hi chemistry

Sorry, I have mistaken. The blood test that I have done is E2 (Estrogen/Estradiol). For IVF patients, we must have levels less than 25 pg/ml as anything less than 25 is good for stimulation.

FSH is often used as a gauge of ovarian reserve. In general, under 6 is excellent, 6-9 is good, 9-10 is fair and 10-13 is considered as diminished reserve. Anything more than 13+ will be hard to stimulate. An elevated FSH could be an indication that our eggs may not be able to function properly in order to have a successful IVF cycle.

So for you, it is still on the safe level
jojoba, yeah today is my 8w5d and went for a scan today. can see the little hands and legs buds liao. was also very pleasantly surprised to hear the heartbeat and even saw bb moving!

CT, all the best to ur monday retrieval, keep us posted how it goes ok. did ur gynae say u will still be awake during the procedure?
wow, so nice to see your little nice inside you right? congratulations! so happy for both of you.

all the best for the retrival. think you will sure make it, and join jojoba and westbb in the mum to be.

still cannot tell bb look like who lei.

looking after bb is certainly no eassy task, my little Ray drink milk milk then sgtop, then after a while, wan again, he dun finish all at one go. make me sooo tired. me still need to express my breastmilk - now getting better liao. every 3 hrs can express abt 50ml in 15 mins.
also those nappy change, sleepless nights, me panda eye liao.
but one thing good, think i am making gd progress in slimming down, last weight check on fri was 56.3kg and my pre pregnancy weight was 50, so another few more kgs to shed. need to see gynae on my wound again on tues, will check y weight again then.
Hi tomatoes,

Thanks for the explanation. But my FSH is near to 10 which is bad. Hopefully I can react to the medication.

Hi Westbb,

Congrats. Your bb is growing well inside u!

Hi Micky,

Do take care of yourself too.
Hi Gals

My egg retrieval today was bad ... I was vomitting like crazy after the procedure. I'm also very very giddy ... the lady who did the procedure after me recovered much better than me and was able to go off earlier.

I'm also very sad and worried now ... I only have 8 eggs retrieved. The numbers are really small ... I really hope most of them will be fertilised. Really feel sad now ... things dun look positive

Dun worry too much... Maybe all will fertilise b4 you know it
Most important now is for your health to recover properly so that the embryos can implant

I totally understand how you felt after the GA. Me too was vomitting like nobody's business straight after my laproscopy. That feeling was really horrible.

Try to sleep more and the nausea and giddiness will go away

Keep us posted hor
Hi CT,

Don't worry. Did Dr Loh or the nurse say anything? I tot 8 is quite ok what. How may did the other lady retrieve? Anyway, u will just need 3 good egg for the transfers. Don't panic and affect your health ok?
CT, eight sounds quite ok lah, more importantly is how they progress later on...try not to worry too much liao, rest ur body well to receive your babies! Keep us updated about your eggs' progress ok.
Hi CT, dun be so sad! Probably all the 8 eggs will eventually be fertilised. Looking forward to hear your good news... meanwhile, take good care of yourself and rest more!
Hey CT,

I was reading the FF forum just now and there is a topic on no of eggs retrieved for IVF. Apparently, a few ladies there said that the best no of egg retrieve is 8-10 according to their doc. Too many eggs does not mean good as quality may not be there, for eg there was a lady with 20 eggs retrieved but only 8 fertilised. Hope this info will set u at ease.
Hi Gals

Thank you very much for your encouragement. I'm feeling much much better liao after sleeping for the whole day. The nurse told me 8 is not too bad cos some ppl only have 2 or 3 ... why I feel so worried is cos I saw most of you have more lah. heheheh anyway I'm feeling much better liao ... I have to learn to take things naturally who knows all may be fertilised or who knows I only have 1-2 but those few are the one that strikes!!! I have to think positive, right!


I nver got chance to talk to Dr Loh ... after he come into the procedure room we just say halo and I knock off liao. When I woke up, I'm too weak to do anything ... I jus keep throwing up and just want to go home as soon as I could. The vomitting was really bad ... like wat tomatos say it's really horrible. I'm glad that the ET this Wed dun need GA.

I just wrote an email to Dr Loh and he asked me not to worry and reassure that the embryolist in KKH are really good. Btw, your info really help to set me at ease ... thanks alot! How's your jab going?


Have you started your stimulation?
Hi CT,

Glad to know u are feeling better now. So will u get to know how many eggs can fertilised today? Where did u had the ER done yesterday? I was at KK IVF centre yesterday, but it was so crowded. BTW, is the jab they give to put u to sleep scary? Does it take effect very fast?

I have started my jabs yesterday. It's pretty painless and I'm doing it myself. Hubby offered to help but I too independent liao, but will give him a chance to "poke" me one of these days. kekeke....

Chemistry is right. The quality of eggs is more important than quantities. No point having 20 eggs and only few a good.

So your egg transfer will be tomorrow right? Try not to move around too much after that.

For me, yes I have started my stimulation jab last nite and now praying hard that everything will go smoothly.

I was in KKIVF at 7.30am in the morning ... I guessed you did not see me as I'm in the procedure room till almost 11am. The jab is not scary actually ... it's the side effect that is terrible. I fall asleep very quickly ... I think less than 1 min I duno anything liao. But then the side effect really depends on individual .. another lady who did the same procedure recovered very well ... I din see her puke at all.

Btw, I will not know how many will be fertilised. The nurse said I will only know tomorrow morning. Very anxious to know actually.


Ya I will rest as much as possible from tomorrow. Later I will go out to buy some grocery to put at home so I dun have to go out so often
Oh ya most impt ... I'm going to get a couple of the pregnacy test kit too ... hahhaha
Hi Micky,
Congrats on yr new born.

happened to see yr name here. Are u the same Micky from year-end MTB thread whose EDD is on 23Oct? If yes may be can let me know when is yr actual delivery date, wt &amp; name of yr bb. Coz if we dun see ur post a wk after yr EDD u'll be under missing catagory!!!
Or u can go to our thread again to keep us posted on yr bb's info.
Hi All

I an new here...hope you don't mind I join in.

Prof Ng Soon Chye from GlenE is my RE too. What did you think of him? I was diagnosed with Endometriosis and Fibroid on Mar 2004. Did a laparoscopy and Myomectomy immediately. Now back to the track of ttc after 5 months of lupron. Prof Ng said I shd react to clomid and will to ovulate so that I can do IUI but it turn out worst. My two follicle is growing so slowling...now I am on CD19 but still 14mm. Now have to call off. Prof Ng would like us to move on to injectibles with IUI next cycle but DH refused. He is worried that what if after all these injections I still cannot proceed to IUI.

DH want me to stop ttc with RE's help and want to try on our own. But I don't think I can do it without RE's help. I am so upset and wanted to cry (but dare not do it in front of DH). I will never be a mommy.
thanks. Yes, i'm the Micky that is from year en mum thread, will post my delivery there.

Is DH your hubby? Prof Ng is very patient and i think luck really plays a huge part where IVF is concerned. Is your hubby sperm ok? If yes, and u are still unable to conceive after maybe 12 mths of unprotected sex, then i think it will be good for prof ng to assist you. he is very experience in this area.
injectibles for IUI should not be a diff process, imagine most of us here went thru the entire IVF process, talk to your hubby and see what is his concern. dun worry too much, keep us updated.

any results on the fertislisation? 8 eggs is ok, dun worry. focus more on quality than quantity. sometimes all will be fertilised then cleave to be excellent 8 cells embryos. me give u moral support..JIA YOU.

milk supply getting a little bit more liao, haha. patience really pays off. went for my checkup again yesterday, wound recovering well, heng..
and my weight went down again to 54.9kg, haha, hopefully by end of 6 weeks after delivery (due for another checkup) all the extra weight will have gone off. me now left abt 5kg to shed.
DH = Dear Hubby. Yes Prof Ng is very experience in this area. Is your bb the first IVF baby they feature on their website? Congrat to you.

My DH concern is: he is worried that after injectibles, I still cannot ovulate properly. He doesn't want to see me going through the pain (though I don't mind) and at the end, the result is another heartbreaking news. He mentioned that he cannot take anymore disappointment. If he doesn't want to proceed (though I desperately want to)...I cannot force him.

unlike clomid, which acts indirectly to make your body produce more Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) to stimulate your ovaries to produce follicles and mature eggs, injectibles is VERY different.

The normal injectibles used in singapore are mainly FSH. That means, instead of trying to trick your body into producing more FSH, we are injecting FSH directly. In a SO-IUI/IVF or injectible cycle, the RE can adjust the dosage of injectibles based on your response. Thus if by cd7, the growth and stimulation of follicles is not satisfactory, the RE can then adjust the dosage of the injectibles right in that cycle to control the growth. So actually, it is really worth giving injectibles a try as the result is more within the control of the RE.

I had severe PCOS and do not ovulate (and had AF) on my own for years. I took high dose clomid+metformin and even if I managed to ovulate, it happens on cd21 or later. With injectibles, I managed to have more than 3 viable follicles by cd10. This is the vast difference in the result.

If you really wanna give SO-IUI a try, and your RE determine that your hubby's sperm quality is good enough for IUI, then its a good option. Do talk to your hubby... the process is pretty painless and things are more within your control. In fact, I find my SO-IUI cycle the most stress-free of all my 2.5 years of ttc.

My own personal opinion is that ttc naturally on my own is a tormenting disappointment month after month. This is especially true for people who do not ovulate on our own... cos we dun even have a chance a month... Just waiting for ovulation to happen is already a torture cos most of the time, months passed and no eggs were ovulated. What's more, age is not reversing but ticking on and on.

I agreed with what you say. When I ovulate on my own it is definitely after CD21 (no I am CD20 still not ovulating). So you conceive on SO-IUI? On the first try?

yup, I conceived on my first try of SO-IUI after trying natural and 6 clomid cycles unsuccessfully for 2.5 years.

Personally I think after u had gone thru surgeries, 5 months of lupron and just one failed clomid cycle after which, I find it may be a little pity to give up now without giving SO-IUI even a shot. Most people here can really assure you it is really pretty painless. Who knows, if being able to stimulate and ovulate good quality eggs is your main problem, then you may just succeed on your first try also. cos injectibles are known to be very effective at stimulating numerous and good quality eggs (unless you had a diminished egg reserve)

Its not such a bad idea to try TCM if you really wanna go natural.. but TCM acts in a slower manner. So you must be mentally prepared for the wait also ..
hi, just wanna to share my experience wif u.
I had a miscarriage b4 and afterthat was desperately wanted a baby asap and was real depressed.
After trying naturally for 5mths, I decided to go for clomid. Tried 3 cycles of clomid + IUI. First 2 attempts the follicles burst b4 it grows to 'desirable' size. last attmpt follicles looked ok and I proceeded to IUI but failed. Understand yr anxiety and yr DH's reaction. My hubby was real heart pain when he saw me crying everytime it failed. I couldn't hide fm him my dissapointment, I just cried &amp; cried everytime my menses came.
After mths of dissapointment I went for TCM. Agreed wif poohy it acts in slower manner. To begin wif my menses was quite irregular and my cycle was 45days instead of 30days. i was conceived after 5 mths of treatment.
Am not trying to promote TCM, me tot of IVF too prior to TCM. But DH wanted me to try natural 1st b4 making final decision. I would say sometime they just cant bear to see us suffering (mentally &amp; physicaly), therefore they will just 'reject' watever ideas we suggest rgding TTC. have a good talk wif yr DH. Tell him u REALLY wan to give it a try (TCM or IUI/IVF), and u need his support the most. My DH finally understand after a had a good talk wif him.
No matter which method u chose, must keep in mind it takes time, dun give yrself too much pressure. Have faith!!

***Babydust to ALL***JIA YOU***
yes. but my TCM sensei encourage me to take temperature everyday to monitor, need to bring the chart to her on every visit. Though she is TCM but she seems like quite favour in western medical oso. Like she will encourage DH go for sperm saying no point treat ladies then end up is the guys having problem lor...
I went to TCM under Eu Yan Seng @ paragon. forgot the unit liao, u call this nbr to check if u are interested: 67389796. My doc is Dr Xia Rong.
But frankly speaking the consultation fee not cheap, everytime i went for check up it cost me $100+ for 2wks+ medicine. Compare to my other friends' TCM, seems like the charges is a bit higher.
If u are interested in TCM, may be u can start another thread (dunno got existing one here or not) to discuss. Or u can PM me. found it not so nice to 'promote' TCM here... :p

Hi Gals

I have bad and good news to share. Bad news is I only have 3 embryos for tranfer today but the lucky thing is that all these 3 embies are of good quality
Not too disappointed as I know I can't expect much from 8 eggs but very glad they are all grade 5. Now I can only pray that either one or all of them will implant well as I do not have any frozen one left. My pregnancy test will be 17 days later ... 06 Nov 04.

Btw, I will have to go back for injection every 3 days and no medication was given ... westbb, did you have anything else to support the implant?


Jus to let you know, KK dun give HL. I was only given 5 days of HL on the egg retrieval day but I ask the nurse for it and they say maximum they can give another 5 days of MC (Outpatient sick leave).
That's good news! 3 embryos are all you need and further more, it is good quality. You have nothing to worry now

How was the procedure like for today? Were you given the photo of the embryos?

Now, you must be extra careful and rest at home.
Hope to hear your good news soon
CT, 3 top quality embies... that's very very good news!! I was given baby aspirin, progesterone pills and vagina inserts for the support (actually i still taking them even now), also go back for progesterone injection once every week. Don't worry about the difference in protocols, given KKH's high success rate, i'm sure u r in good hands! You must remember to have a good rest at home and RELAX ok!! Waiting for ur good news very soon!

Yap I have the photo of my 3 little embies ... the procedure today is very fast I think all in all it took less than 10 mins. It's really like like a paps smear.


Thanks ... btw, how do you feel after the embryo transfer? I do not have any feeling and is wondering if my embies are still in there :p anyway, will try my best to think positive and stay relaxed.
Hi CT,

Congrats! So now must take care of yourself, don't do too much housework...just laze around loh. So u took the additional 5 day outpatient MC? Anyway better than nothing, right. Govt hospital usually more strict in giving MC. BTW, how do they grade those embryos? What does grade 5 means?

hi TBL,

tried to PM you but your profile settings doesnt allow PMs. need to check with you more about your sinseh.

can you pm me your email address? thanks
