IVF/ICSI Support Group


So happy and excited for you ... so can your hus be with you during the delivery?

I really hope 10 months later I can also be like you ... counting down the days to my bb arrival


Thanks for your tip. Lucky you reminded me of going to temple to ask for answer. OK, I will go down to by wednesday to draw a lot.

So nice of your colleagues to be so understanding. There are about 15 people in my department and I really dun want them to gossip about this. Everytime, when they ask me when I am going to have BB, I told them next year then see how. If I tell them I will be doing IVF, they will sure laugh at me. So I have to think of other ways. Any suggestions for me? ;)

Btw, can I ask if we have to wait for the next menses to start before we can start with the 2nd stage of jabs?

Yah, I agree with you, women always so Mao Tun.... Haiz..
thank you for all the positive thoughts, i think i should think positively.. somemore last night saw the show on the parents losing their toddlers, feel very lousy again, as parents/parents-to-be, there are simply too many worries! OK, i will think positive, i am trying my best!!! LOL.

Yeah, nurse told me that she showed the beta to the doc and he commented that it might be multiples. Twins are ok, but I wonder how am I going to handle triplets!? Can't wait for my scan this Fri!

tomatoes, don't think so much already lah, must relax for the procedure!! just let ur gynae know your situations and see what he recommends. i thnk i was quite switched off during my cycle, gynae says what i do what lor... think it may helps cos mind not so stressed.

micky, so excited for u... next week can see baby liao! finally!!!! will u be resting before the op? or u work until the 'last day'??

jojoba, did u test today?? waiting for ur good news!

Chemistry, i also think a referral to proceed to IVF should not matter if ur hubby is not ard for that 'referral' appointment. more important for him to be around during the rest of the IVF appts!

CT, yeah ur collegues so nice, if i tell mine, they will sure start ask a lot of qns which i have no intentions to explain, or offer suggestions/secrets of conceiving which i think i would be even more well-versed than them! i just feel that people who have not gone through infertility issues would not understand how we feel lah and some of them give u some "strange" look when they heard it... think that's the last thing i want to get from them.

ahhh.. today i so lor-sor... :p
Hi Chemistry,

Sorry, i can't help you as i don't know anything about DOM too, anyways, it's just a tonic, alcohol with herbs, etc. So, i don't think there's any bad side effects except you'll get drunk
I haven't heard about not taking it after ovulation......

I hor never draw lots ley cos I scare wait the lot come out no good :p (hahha very mao tun again hor .. wan ask still scare) I hor only use the 'moon shape' thingy to throw to ask shld I go ahead this month ... Yes or No only ... yes for this month No for next month
I dun wan to have other advice that will affect my decision ... heheh

I have only less than 10 colleagues in my dept and most of them know I had been trying hard for a bb for the past few years liao so not so bad lor. In fact most of them encourage me to try so i'm quite lucky lor.

Maybe you can tell them u going for a surgery and will be on HL. Or you see what other suggestions the rest have ... maybe see wat westbb and micky do in their cycle.

I duno if we have to wait for next menses to start or not .. but I know you will have menses as usual so probably by the next stage you shld have your menses liao unless your cycle are long. What's your average cycle? I will be in my CD6 tmr ... i'll ask the nurse tmr and update you ok.
Hi Westbb

I got a feeling that yours might be multiples
So happy for you!!!
Must keep us updated after your scan
You not long-winded lah, can wait to read more of your postings
Must continue to stay in this thread hor... we sure will have lotsa of questions to ask you along the way

I also thought of doing the moon-shape thingy after I posted to you. This way, I will have a more definite answer (yes/no). Scarly draw lot and the answer is neither good nor bad. Btw, how to do the moon-shape thing hah, is it throw 3 times hah? or just 1 time?

As for your suggestion, I just took HL earlier this year for lap surgery to remove endo and fibroids. So it is gonna be a very difficult task for me to think of how to answer them....

Yah I'm quite lucky cos hor some of my colleagues also have the same problem as me ... hahah ... maybe hor my office feng shui no good :p most of us have worked in this company for more than 5 years and some of us got married almost the same time too.

I have a female colleague who got married a month after me also had been trying for many years liao. Another one managed to have her 1st one 10 years ago after laproscopy but till now still no news for 2nd one yet.

Another male colleague also trying for sometime liao ... his wife got pregnant once but had a M/C. Only a few months ago managed to conceive after trying a few years and will be delivering in Dec.

So I guessed since they are having the same problem, they are in fact more understanding towards this whole ttc thingy.

I reminded my colleague if I nver tell them i'm successful, ask them not to ask me when I return from my 2 weeks HL :p

Wat my fren tot me is when u pray right tell the god to advice you within 3 tries.

If the first time u throw is positive liao(1 close 1 open) then u stop liao ... if it's 2 close or 2 open ... try again until the 3rd time. If 3 time all cannot mean answer is no lor. i hope i'm correct lah ... i actually not very well versed in the praying thingy ... is only after I start this IVF program then I 'ling shi bao fou jiao' :p

You so cute
Ok I will go Bugis tomorrow and follow your method

If positive, I will also ask my RE for advice if I should & can start this cycle. Ultimately, his advice plays a very important part.

Wish me luck!

Ya agree ... most important is your RE advice

Dun worry too much .. once decision made go for it and dun look back liao
Hi CT, your temple thing gives me a solution out of my dilemma. I ever asked for ans there before for other things. Yes, me have been thinking and still no answ whether to go ahead with this. But my question is more on whether I want to put myself thru this. Gee, maybe I shld ask if I will be successful if I go thru with it. Is there a better way to ask? I was told before that you need to ask the "rite" question, or you won't get a clear answer, what does that mean?
got to sort out things this weekend and get those stuff which is still lacking. me expecting a baby boy, was thinking of naming him Ray..not Raymond though..just Ray..coz he is like our ray of hope!

me too pray that 10 mths later u will hv bouncing baby )or babies in your arms. baby dust to you! yes, my hubby will accompany me for the csection since i am opting for epidural..so that i can witness the birth of my baby boy

u and me same same, switch off during the procedure. me was like jabbing day after day andi did notreally go think abt it. guess it helps me to stay relax. yes i will be working only till this fri, next week can rest..but me worry abt work..sigh

Wow, so fast you are in CD6 liao. So u are still on the 1st type of jab ah? I always tot have to start on teh 2nd type of jab when your menses came. So I must be having the wrong understanding... BTW, do u have to get an appt for the scanning and blood test or u can just pop by anytime in the morning? Is Dr Loh doing the scanning for u or other gynae.

Hi Westbb,

I always hope to have twins... in fact all this while, I hope to have a "long-feng tai". Anyway, good to have mulitples. Make your $$ worth man.... kekeke....
Baby Ray is definitely looking forward to your kiss on his cheeks
Is it such a nice and meaningful name...

Your long-feng-tai is definitely on the way too!
Hi CT, thks for ur reply! All the best for your bloodtest and scanning tomorrow.... do keep us updated on ur progress!
Hi Gals

Back from KKH ... scanning looks ok so now have to wait for the bloodtest result in the afternoon for further instructions.


I duno abt asking the 'rite' qn ... I very blur one ... everytime I ask I very kancheong and I rem the last time I even forget to mentioned my name and address :p

Actually to me praying is just a Jin Shen Ji Tou .. utimately we still have to consider carefully all the factors and made the decision wisely with our hus.


Isit more painful to have epidural instead of GA for the csection? Anyhow, I think you are very brave. I must really learn from you. All the best for your delivery and rem to show us your bb Ray photos hor ..


Yap I'm still in my 1st stage of jab ... like very long liao hor
.. I have to wait for my bloodtest result in the afternoon to see when I can proceed to the second stage. Btw, the nurse in KKIVF will give you an appt for the blood test and scanning ... it's 14 days after your lucrin jab. The scanning is not done by Dr Loh ley .. i think she's a radiologist or stmg like tat.
think shld be ok to proceed, dun think too much.
epidural and GA same ..dun think i will feel anything. except that for epidural i will be conscious and can witness the birth of my baby. sure will upload my baby pic here..then all of u will be very encourage to go thru the procedure..the tot of hving a baby nine mths after.

i also hope that i can get twins..but lucky this time round is only one..if not i will get more complications. will ask my gynae next visit after c section must wait for how long then can try for second one..think is one year..
Hi CT, tomatoes,

Me too, won't dare draw lots. Not even the half moon thing, i used to do it but what if i don't like the answer, makes me even confused.

Tomatoes, Go there today, Tuesday! good day to ask. If you like the answer first time, then, that's it. Don't throw again
I went there this morning and very tempted to ask if i'll go for IVF next cycle or not, but in the end, i'm still scared to do it. Just pray hard. how do you gals pray, i mean, just say name, address, age, and wish?

Has anyone consulted a chinese fortune teller? or pwe-di (ba-zi) don't know if i spell correctly, usually they would know from the chart if we're meant to have a baby or not.

I'm also there (in bugis) this morning at about 8++ to 9. Today 15th so go there pray pray after my kkh appt.

Actually should say name and address then wat u want to ask but the last time I forget but I think ok lah ... heheh

i was there too around 10:30 am, it's so crowded today, i usually go there 15th and 30th.
i'll send you an email....
Hi Gals,

Brendon Yam from MOH has just sent me a final reply on Assisted Conception Procedures. Just thought of sharing this piece of info with all of you

"We are pleased to clarify that Medisave can be used up to three times for Assisted Conception Procedures (ACP). For example, a patient who has received three IUI treatments before but has not used Medisave, will be able to use Medisave when she goes for her first IVF treatment (or fourth ACP treatment). She will be able to withdraw up to $6,000 from Medisave, since this is the first time that she is using Medisave for ACP treatment.

We would also like to inform you that Medisave is allowed for all forms of ACP treatment, such as In-Vitro Fertilisation (IVF)/Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) and Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)/Superovulation-Intrauterine Insemination (SO-IUI) treatments. Hence, patients can also choose whether they wish to use Medisave for IUI. However, the use of Medisave for IUI will be counted within the overall limit of using Medisave not more than three times for ACP treatment. "

Hope everything go smoothly for you with your coming bloodtest results

Hi Berry
I can't make it today, so have to go there tomorrow or thu. I also scare about the answer. Haiz.

Btw, I have been to a fengshui master 2 years ago and was told that I will have difficulty in having BB. He asked me to go for checkup and try asap. True enuff, till now, still dun strike... he is so accurate that I dun dare to go to him anymore. But he told me I still got chance and he was even able to tell me the character of my child then. But he couldn't see when my bb will arrive.
tomatoes, thanks for sharing the email. finally they make sense.

my hubby and i also pray pray everday at home to the ancester since i started the procedure even until now. like what CT said, think it's a form of "jing shen ji tuo" for us.

btw, i had my first puke today. maybe i took my lunch too quickly, immediately after food, i felt uncomfortable already, then ten mins later, i puked my lunch into the toilet bowl... yikes!
Hi Gals

Jus called KKH for my bloodtest results and I was informed to continue with my Lucrin till the 07 Oct which is about 1 week++ more ... I'm a bit puzzled I'm in my CD6 now by the 7 Oct it will be my CD15 wouldn't I have ovaluted?

By then then stimulate my follicles? Micky and westbb, maybe you can help to clear my doubts. When did you all start the 2nd stage jab?
hi Tomatoes
that's a great news you shared.

Does anyone know whether there's any side effect to the jabs. Me going for it in Dec/Jan.
CT, i was converted to IVF/ICSI from SO-IUI so my protocol was different from u, I started stimulation straight away from CD2. Lucrin is to prevent auto ovulation right? Then you shouldn't have ovulated even if it's CD15?? Micky should be able to shed some light instead.

Melody, i think it all depends on individuals and what medicine you were given. I took GonalF and Cetrotide jabs, and no significant side effect noted, maybe some tiredness.

Thanks for your reply ... I've asked my doc and you are right, with Lucrin, my ovulation will be suppressed and they have to ensure that my hormones are under controlled before they can start the stimulation jab.

Sighhh ... like I'm into the whole process so long liao .. can't wait for the egg retrival and transfer ... hahah
Hi CT,

So it would be about 3 weeks of Lucrin? it's so long, i thought the whole process will just take about 4 weeks. The gonal-f is around 10-14 days, right?

You will not ovulate with Lucrin.

Ya lor so long hor ... I'm so anxious to get the whole process done. I think the length of the jabs depend on how your body response to the medication. i guessed maybe my hormones are still not under controlled so must jab for another 10 days.
Hi CT,

So after another 1 week of this jab, do u still need to go for blood test before starting the 2nd jab. I can't wait to start the jabs too, but think earlist I can start will be in mid-late Oct. Now i just hope I have got the rubella antibodies.
Hi Chemistry
Will you be watching the TCM programme tommorow evening? If yes, can you let me know what it talk about on Fri as I will be seeing my RE on Thu nite. So cannot watch that programme liao...

I'm not sure if I need to go for another round of bloodtest. 1st time I called teh nurse ask me to be in KKH at 8.30, if everything's ok can start the stimulation jab. But when I called again yday, another nurse told me I can come any time from 9.30 to 4.30 on 07 Oct to buy medication and start injection. no further test or scanning needed. I'm also confused but I dun dare called again lah .. paiseh like I very kaisu call and call.

Why dun you send an email to your RE to check which nurse's instruction that you are suppose to follow?

I never ask Dr loh as I think all these arrangement is usually done by the nurse. So far I only saw my RE once only ... I guess all these the doc will not be involved so I think this explain why the procedure in KKH is so much cheaper ...

By rite you should go for another round of bloodtest to determine your levels b4 start the stimulation leh. If not, how can they confirm that you can start the next stage of jabs...

Maybe you should call another time to tell them that you have received 2 different instructions from 2 different nurses and see what they say again.

Hmmm maybe I will call them again this afternoon ... sighhh ... but I think maybe no more bloodtest required only scanning.

I think I better call them later otherwise I will keep thinking and thinking .. better to be kaisu a bit to set my heart at ease. Hhehe

best is to call or email dr loh and check with him. He shd know your condiiton best.

Nurses at kkivf are knowledgable but tends to follow procedure too closely for it to be "customised" to suit individual needs.

I remember when I went to kkivf at first.. the nurses keep telling me to take clomid then the jabs. When I email to ask dr yeong, he say I shd proceed to jabs directly without clomid. To the nurses, their protocol is always 1st cycle clomid then jab. 2nd cycle then is jabs only for so-iui. So better clarify lor else even if u ask the nurse, u will still be thinking and thinking lol
poohy / tomatoes

I've called the nurse again and they confirm I will go down and get my medication to start the stimulation jab. No need to go for further test. Anyway, I will go down early in the morning so jus in case they need me to do anything.

I asked Dr Loh whether I need another round of bloodtest or not before I start the jab and he ask me back what did the nurse tell me. He said they shld gave me clear instructions ... I did not tell him the confusion I got but I think it's ok lah ... I'm jus kan cheong when can i get this thing done and over. Maybe i shld try to relax like westbb and Micky and take thing one step at a time.

u going for your 1st checkup today ??? do update us ok ... so excited to know the number of babies ... haha
Hi tomatoes

Sure no problem. Will watch and let u know. Hope you can get the gynae's "blessing" to start your jabs too!

Hi CT,

Good that u call to check again. For the 2nd jab, how long must u take that? Hopefully u will react fast and can go for the extraction faster. Tomorrow will be my appt at kkh. Very nervous cos I'm going alone. Hubby not in S'pore
Hi Chemistry

Thanks for your help

If your hubby is not around with you tomorrow for the appt, maybe you want to write down any questions that you have to ask your RE. Sometimes, we can to be too excited or nervous during the consultation that we tend to forget the things that we want to ask

All the best to you also and do update us after your visit tomorrow

All the best for your appt tonite ... I think u shld have no problem to start since the Lucrin jab may take up to 3 weeks like in my case.


The 2nd jab will probably last for about 10-14 days depending on how I respond. My estimated egg retrieval will be towards the end of 3rd week of Oct. Hope everything will be smooth

Dun worry abt your appt ... i was also alone when my case is referred to IVF. Btw, is your hus SA result out? Did you call to check?

Hi CT,

I never call to check cos I also dunno where to call. Have u ever get the SA result before the consultation? U know where to call?
