hi babymaking,

i read religious books during my 2WW. Of course I also watch tv programmes & work to keep myself mentally busy. time flies and very soon will be your test date.

stay positive & all the best to u!!

hi stumbled_by

thanks for the tip! i went to see my gynae last sat for injection but he did not mention that i am at risk of ohss. but i'll start taking more egg whites and the protein drinks you mentioned. thanks!

hi biscuit

i'm so sorry! big hugs for you!
that is my wish for everyone too -- that some day we will all be rewarded with a bundle of joy of our own.
you take care!

does anyone know what is the ideal level of progestrone we should have in our body during the 2ww? my blood test result from last sat (day 4 days post transfer and 9 days post retrieval) indicated that my levels are low. so now, in addition to the crinone inserts, i have to eat duphaston tabs 3 times a day.
do you know if a low level will affect the implantation of the embryos? sigh! now i'm worried!
hi teddybaby

I also took the progesterone test last fri but at KKIVF, they said they will only call if level is low.. i have not heard from them so guess shd be ok. I guess diff hospitals have diff protocols.. i do not have the crinone inserts like you as well. Dont worry too much, k?

Are you having any symptons? My cramping is still going on and off..
hi mandy

how not to worry leh? hehehe ...

i guess will just have to have faith that everything will be ok. blue_rabbit said that hers was 400+ ... 4x what mine was.

i do get cramps once in a while too. but the most painful is the bloatedness. i have difficulty getting up from the bed every morning.

you take care!

mine was at 90 abt 7 days past transfer and I was tested positive too. So I think you should be fine..most important is to think positive
My progesterone level was 169 on day 7. I tested positive too! I asked the nurse b4. She told me 60 & above is good.
Hi Ladies, allow me to ask few question regarding SO-IUI. I know this is 2ww thread. sorry...

Went to see gynae last week, got my hubby's SA result. It is worse than the first SA.
Density: 11 (previous is 24)
motility: 69 (previous is 42)
morphology(normal form): 4% (previous is 8%)

Gynae said the density and morphology very bad, borderline to go for SO-IUI. Suggested we try either SO-IUI or IVF. But we are not ready for the IVF yet. So, I will go for SO-IUI in June.

Anyone hubby's SA result similiar as my hubby? pregnant 1st attempt?
Anyone go through SO-IUI without taking Clomid?
Hi Stumbled, so u had done 4 SO-IUI and 2 IVF?? Yr gynae not prescribe u the clomid or u request not to take clomid? How is yr endometrial(uterine) lining thickness during yr u/s scan? For me my lining thickness is on boderline 7mm, so I dun want to take clomid because it will worsen my lining. Yr situation is quite similiar as me. Gynae said I got no problem, just my hubby's poor sperm quality and quatity. So will try 1st So-IUI on June then see how.
Hi teddybaby

I guess you must be getting quite excited as your beta test approaches! Do keep us posted. Hope both of us will have good news! Hey..have you tried taking your temp? I noticed mine has been higher than usual (slightly above 37)..dunno if it is a positive sign or just our reaction to the medication?

I will have to "tong" 3 more days than you cos my test is only next Tue..aiyo, seems so far away!
hi blue rabbit, winter and curious

thanks so much for your encouragement. i asked the nurse but she won't tell me ... just said that it should definitely be higher than 100. aiyoh, made me really worried!

don't know what i'd do without the support of the sisters here!!

i have been trying very hard not to think about it. just staying positive and praying everyday that at least one embryo will stick!

hi mandy

very scared is more like it. but trying to stay positive at the same time. =)
i've not really taken my temperature ... too lazy. i think the medication does have a bit of impact on our body temp. like you, my temp (when i remember to take) is about 37.2.

a few more days now ... i can hardly wait!
dont worry abt anything dear, all we can do at this stage is to stay positive, eat healthy, be happy as much as possible and dont worry for anyhting which is not in our control.

hi all,
AF came today, am v disappointed, but... well...am gonna ask gynae if can try IUI this cyle...anyone's done IUI at TMC?

Yes, I did 4 SO-IUI and 2 IVF - 2 IVF meaning one fresh cycle one frozen cycle. No more frozen embbies left.

Gynea didnt prescribe clomid during frozen cycle cos he will try natural ovulation first. If u dont ovulate , then next month he will give clomid. This was what happened during my IUIs. For the 4th IUI, I didnt ovulate. So he prescribed clomid in the following month. But for the previous 3 IUIs, I ovulated naturally....

>>How is yr endometrial(uterine) lining thickness during yr u/s scan?

Actually my gynea never mentioned about this. U mean can measure using the ultra sound scan ? When is it measured ? Some sisters here mentioned measuring the lining during IVF 2WW stage, but i have never done that.

What's the relationship between clomid and lining ?? I think i should have enough lining leh...cos I always see white deposit at my panties near to menses ;ppppp


aiyo...dont measure temperature and stress yourself up lar...just carry on with life..

hi everyone

good news to share! I took mt beta test earlier today (D16) and results came back positive! My reading is 518 and will be going back to KKH 2 weeks later for scan. My husband and i are so happy!
sooooooooooooooo happy for u...........

Do post your success story in the success story thread cos it will be useful to all the sisters who are stil trying.

Enjoy mandy its your turn now..........
Hi Mandy,
Congratulations!!!! Hope to see u join us at the IVF-MTBs thread so that we can share tips there
Thanks humble and blue_rabbit! Dunno why, but this time round (my 2nd attempt), i had mixed feelings about success and did not dare think too much. I had bought a hpt last night and i did not feel like doing the hpt as i was scared of a negative result. Imagine..i was so so suprised when i saw a strong positive almost immediately! For my first attempt, i also did a hpt but the positive line was quite faint.
I then decided to go and do my beta test earlier.

I am very happy the reading is stable as i had also gotten a positive the last round but pregnancy did not continue as i had a missed abortion at 8 wks..my beta reading i remember was 90+ then on D17.

The rest of the sisters, please continue to jiayou and dont lose heart, success will be yours too very soon!
How long were you on mc during 2ww? anything that you want to share with us that you think might hav helped?

thanks in advance!
Thanks everyone for the well wishes!

Humble, i rested 7 days after my ER, on top of the 5 days mc, i took 2 days leave. in fact i was quite stressed the first few days i went back to work that for a while i had forgotten about my condition. Food wise, i only abstained from coffee and cold drinks (although the latter i took a little bit).

I am still having cramps now and my breasts feel rather swollen.. my temp i notice i also is higher than usual. I think the implantation process is really not within our control..but on our part, what we can do is prob stay happy and positive and we just got to leave the rest to nature!

Didi, Jolene, Humble, I'm sure your turn will come soon!
Hi Mandy,

Thank you, really hope to be like you have a bfp....

I might be doing FET this month, so wish me tons of luck and need baby dust badly.

You take care ok.
Hi Curious / Humble / Teddybaby,

Thanks gals. Am busy collecting your baby dust....

Curious, how are you now, is your ms ok now?? Have u gone for your scan??
Hi Jolene,
Thanks. I'm ok. 8 wks plus now. MS subsided a little. But must remember not to eat too much, otherwise very very bloated & terrible feeling & later will hv to vomit. I've gone for scan 2 wks ago. Next scan will be next wk.

U must jia you hor! I'm giving u mental support!!
Hi Curious,
That is good. Just endure and it will be over very soon. So the next scan you will see the little one inside moving?? So envy....

Thanks for your support, i will jia you.
hi gal,
i will do IUI for my next cycle, cos hb SA no good, so suggest by DR. Can i know how many time of IUI u gal do the pass. high chance of succee of 1st time only? DR said cos my hb sperm can swim far, so IUI will put the sperm near to ovary,chances higher...

curious & mandy
can i know how many times IUI u been doing?what cannot eat aft IUI?
Hi Baby26

Welcome! I did ivf, not iui and succeeded on second attempt. Basically i think there is no specific food that u should abstain from but just avoid all "liang" food, caffeine etc..plus avoid streneuous exercise. Which hospital are you with?
Hi Curious,
Good, you are looking forward to see your baby. Keep us update.

Hi Ladies,
I can't do FET this month. Very sad after this morning's scan. Now feeling a little ok. Doctor found some polyps along the lining and must clear it away so suggest d & c. Sometimes really hate my body for giving so many problems. Should I go for 2nd opinion? But seems like it's a must since it's blocking and will interfer if really get implanted. But have 2nd thots about this mini op, heard tat af will be delay like 8-10 weeks, really disrupted my plan. sian lah. But wat to do, have to be patient.

Anyway, thanks for all babydust, i will store it and used it again soon.
Hi Jolene,

Hmm.... sorry to learned that. How are they going to remove the polyps, and how long to recovered after the D&C ?
Hi Jolene,

Is D & C the only method to remove polyps? Maybe check with your gynae whether there're other methods so as not to interfere with the AF timing. I can understand how you feel...I think your doc juz wish to maximise your chances of implantation. That's why he suggested to remove the polyps 1st. Do hang in there ok?
I'm sure the DAY will come very soon for you!

Hi Baby26,
I did SO-IUI. I'm just lucky I think....I strike in 1st attempt. There's no special food that shld not eat after IUI. But I avoid all soy products & chicken ever since I started TTC. All the best in your coming IUI!!
mandy & curious,

har..,sianz..liao.. i eat dang-gui with black chicken every week.cos someone said it help to "bu" our body...then eat bird nest every week.

i with NUH.wait my af come first, then do IUI next cycle.

what the different SO-IUI and IUI? need to inject,right?maybe i do IUI with clomid DR said my report actually good, jus cos my hb sperm can swim far,so IUI help the sperm to reach faster....
IUI & SO-IUI are using exactly the same procedure. Juz that SO-IUI needs a few days of injection & will stimulate a bit more follicles. That's all. HB sperm will be 'washed' b4 IUI. So only put in the good ones.
Hi Didi / Curious
I will be doing D & C next week, suppose AF will only come after 4 weeks, but it might take longer time. Sigh, probably 8 weeks. It's gonna to be a long long wait again. So sickening of those waiting time.
I am trying to figure out why the growth of polyps. Just started prenatal vit and fish oil. Does taking these will have polyps?? Went to see sinseh yesterday and he commented maybe taking fish oil will affect. So really in dilema, tot it's suppose to help?
hi sisters

i'm back to the forum! i've got the green light fr my doc to do my FET..feeling excited but worry as well.
Do you gals have any particular diet on this 2WW?
I read some where when they mentioned after transfer, we need to be on certain posture. Is that right?
Can anyone share what's gonna happen on the day of ET? thank U ; )
Hi Jolene, the D&c will be a day surgery thing ? really don't know whether can we take prenatal vitamins or not ? really lost
Anyway take care
Hi everyone!

I had my ET on Wed, 10/5. Is anyone here in their 2ww?
I'm not sure if the fish oil will affect the polyps. Maybe check with your gynae? If it's really the course, then stop 1st.

hi akandatang

i just did my on sat. How r u feeling now? Are u given crinone?

so far i m still feeling alrite, no effects leh. so kinda of worry.
