Hi Enerus,
Sorry, i just read the thread this morning. Hope you have a good & nice trip and enjoy yourself ok? Relax....

Hi Enerus,

Please do not despair, hope you will enjoy your break and be all well and ready for your SO-IUI in June. I think it's great you have plans for the future, it gives you direction. I'm trying naturally these 2 months first.
Hi Curious & Wilma, I think i will also just try naturally for this 2 months.

BTW, do you know any good recommended TMC doctor in the west side? thinking to bu for this 2 mths before SO-IUI.
Hi Enerus,
You mean TCM? I heard many ladies went to see a popular female sinseh at Jurong East. But not sure if she is good. I've a list here, last time extracted from another thread. Still keeping it but haven't tried any of it. Check it out....
<center><table border=1><tr><td>

TCM-309757.xls (24.1 k)</td></tr></table></center>
Hi Curious, Thanks for the list.

I went to see the JE sinseh before. She is the one diagnose that i have PCOs. But need to wake up very early in the morning to get a Q no.
take care dear, u sure will be preggie soon so take a break and go for a second honeymoon ok?

tomorrow is your big day, how are u?
loads of baby dust ur way.....
dear all,

no good. yesterday i couldnt wait so i took the Home pregnancy kit. was negative. i was so sad that i wept. anyway, like enerus, my menses DID NOT COME AFTER 15 or 16 days after supposedly 'ovulation day'.

SO this morning i took the blood test without much hope, true enough, i received phone call from nurse saying it was negative.

i cried again. must put ICE over my eyes lids if not my poor eyes will be more puffy :~(

I have tried twice in IVF. Once is fresh cycle and this time round is frozen cycle. I have no more frozen embbies. Somehow or rather i had many eggs (~20) in egg recovery, but in the end not so many embbies were made, thus subsequently only 2 in good conditions were there for freezing.

Is it the fault of the lab(embrologist) or myself ? No one could explain..Should I change doc ? I am with NUH.

I have to make the decision whether to continue my IVF journey or just rely on TCM. What do u think ?

I know in Spore the govt only let u use MediSave for up to 3 IVF tries, because they argue the success rate for subsequent cycles arent that great. What do u think ?

I have no known problems. As for my hubby, his sperm is not that good. Pls advise !!!
Hi Stumbled_by,

I'm very sorry you're going through this now. I've no experience with IVF yet so hope other gals can come in and advise. I've also not tried TCM. One thing we have in common is i'm equally baffled why IUI didn't work on me. I just had my lap so everything is supposedly cleaned up, had jabs to shrink my womb to normal shape and had at least 2 mature eggs on the IUI day itself, gynae didn't say hb's sperms bad until cannot do IUI and yet in the end, i still failed.

Please do not beat yourself up over this failure, rope in your gynae, hb and maybe if you consult TCM physician what your options are. What do you think?

Our TTC journey is a long and winding one, maybe its God's way of making us treasure our little ones when they arrive. Let's press on....
Hi Stumbled, Sorry to hear that. I can understand how you feel. I also cried and cried when i received phone call from my nurse saying is negative. Nevertheless, life have to go on and I told myself i can make it and pin hope for the next round of IUI/IVF.

Maybe like me, give a break to yourself and try naturally...maybe less stressful this way.

I am also thinking to try TCM, more to bu bu health cos I think maybe my womb is weak after the lap.
Hi ladies,

For SO IUI in KKH, may I know the following:

1. When do you start injecting(poking) yourself?
2. How many days of injection?
3. When do you need to go back for scanning?
4. If husband cannot come personally to KKH, can bring semen there instead?
5. Will your gynae does the insemination process?

How many days in advance do you collect the needle and medication for injection?

Thank you.
Hi AAbaby,

I had done mine at KKIVF and using 1st protocol.

<font color="0000ff">Re: When do you start injecting(poking) yourself?</font>
Ans: KKIVF has 2 protocols for SO-IUI. 1st protocol - clomid day 3 to 7. Then puregon jab fr day 5 to 9. 2nd protocol - puregon jab all the way. If I'm not wrong start from day 3 to the day when the follicles are right size.

<font color="0000ff">Re: How many days of injection?</font>
Ans: As mentioned above, duration depends on how individual body reacts to the medicine. They will tell patient to jab for 5 days 1st, using only 50iu (minimum) if it is 1st attempt.

<font color="0000ff">Re: When do you need to go back for scanning?</font>
Ans: Scanning on day 10. Gynae will review the scanned results and advise accordingly, whether to continue with the jabs for how many days more, and when to return for another scanning.

<font color="0000ff">Re: If husband cannot come personally to KKH, can bring semen there instead?</font>
Ans: Yes, can produce at home. But must bring it down within 1 hrs time. They will give u the timing.

<font color="0000ff">Re: Will your gynae does the insemination process?</font>
Ans: No, your own gynae won't be doing the insemination. There're a group of 4 gynaes - registrars etc specially trained in this. Either 1 of them will do it.

<font color="0000ff">Re: How many days in advance do you collect the needle and medication for injection?</font>
Ans: On 1st day of AF, call KKIVF nurse. They'll advise you when to come down to buy medicine. I went on the next day, ie. day 2.

Hope these are sufficient.
My gynae is Dr SF Loh too. But I only saw him twice only. Another gynae, a registrar, did the insemination for me. That time when going back to see doctor for review, also may not be Dr Loh. Any dr on duty will see the patient &amp; advise whether to continue jab etc.

Yes mine is successful.

I tried 4 IUIs, equally baffled too. i am supposedly to be 'problem free', except for my hubby's not-so-good sperms. so IUI is supposed to clean up sperm right ? Since it didnt succeed, i moved on to IVF. When I first embarked on IVF last Nov/Dec, I thought I DEFINITELY succeed , cos i always think i am the one with no problem. But gosh, the last stage of embryo sticking to uterus/womb seems that difficult. the prostegon gel doesnt seem to help leh..

if i asked my gynea, i dont know what he will say. To him, it is just trying another time, because IVF is the last step and there is no other options already. that's why i doubt i will get much info from my gynea.

As for TCM physician, i find she seems overly optimistic too. Just 'tiao2' your body, make it ovulate. then after ovulate, is to hold the embryo...I didnt try for acupunture though, cos she said it is more for ovulation. Unless i want to try acupuncture.

Enerus, what TCM doc do u go to ? Mine is Eu Yan Sang Specialist Clinic. It is equally expensive as gynea, if not more expensive.
Hi Stumbled, i didnt go for any TCM doc at this moment. Looking for one now. I also thinking to try acupunture. Do you have good recommendation?
Hi all,
Is anyone here in 2ww stage?

F.Y.I. gals,
you can post your questions and discussions pertaining to tmts and docs in cycle buddies, ivf/icsi/iui-support group threads where you can meet more people. Lets keep this thread for discussing matters pertaining to 2ww so that it will be very informative for those who are searching info on that stage.

Hope you gals are ok with that.
Hi Enerus,

My TCM doctor is at Eu Yan Sang. She does acpuncture but I heard u have to go down quite frequently for it. But Eu YAn Sang is quite ex, my Chinese medicine alone cost about $250 /month, if I were to pursue acupuncture then...cost a bomb..

Anyway, if you have no problems with ovulation, then acupuncture may not be necessary. Cos the doc said chinese medicine is more effective than acupuncture...tats why I didnt pursue ;)


No problem. 1 last post to answer Enerus ;P
i mentioned our support group threads and the new thread IVF/ICSI-cycle buddies. Are u planning to do ivf or iui?
Hello..anyone else in 2WW now? I just did my ET on sat and beta test will be 2 May. Would be good to have company to go thru this together..
hi mandy
i will go for ET tomorrow.
so let's jia you together.
are you going back to work soon or you resting at home for the two weeks?
i'll be resting at home. my work is very stressful so i think it's better that i just stay at home. i hardly ever get a chance to "shake legs" for two whole weeks!
you take care and good luck!
hi ladies - can share what u do during the 2ww to keep yourself occupied (besides work!)? I'm just thinking, if I make it to the 2ww, it'll be the loooongest 2 weeks in my life! I read fr some sites &amp; learnt from some ladies that bed-rest for the 1st couple of days post ET is recommended. What do u do during those few days? How do you keep your mind fr thinking 2 much abt the beta test &amp; all that's going on in your body during those 2wks?
Hi teddybaby

so envious you get to rest during the entire 2WW. I'm going back to work on Thu. Work is also stressful but i cant afford to be away so long and i think i'll be even more stressed if i return to more work if i'm away longer!

Hi akandatang
I did not confine myself to total bedrest and the nurse at kkivf also recommended going around your usual activities except not to engage in strenuous activities. For the past few days i have been playing a lot of mahjong..hahaha.. other than that maybe watch tv. I went out as usual for breakfast etc.. anyway, i read someway the embryoes will be free floating the first few days and think implantation will only happen after.
thanks Mandy - ya, I read the embryos actually 'break out' of their outer shell on day 5 &amp; start implanting so if they put in 3-day old embies, the embies will be 'free floating' for the nxt 2 days!
Hi gals,
I'm on my 2ww too altho i've not done IUI or IVF yet... just wondering what do you think about exercising during 2ww? i'm thinking of going kickboxing but really don't want to jeopardise my chances... i've been ttc-ing for 3 years and had a m/c in dec...
I slept alot on the 1st 2 days after my ET, watch VCD, then back to work alr. It helps to take my mind off abt the coming result. Everything is as per normal and don't restrict urself to bed all the time, it's bad for blood circulation.
hi mandy, teddybaby and athlete,

just came to drop in an angels to be with you gals, have an excellent 2ww.


Let me know if you gals want to start a list like the previous batch, I m not starting one yet as some of you may not like to be in the list. Let me know if u want to. take care all
thx blue rabbit 4 yr reply. Nah, dun think I cld lie down the entire 2 wks! Was gonna chill out just 4 the 2 days post ET. Gd time to catch up on movies &amp; gd books! thx 4 popping into these forums 2 share your experiences!
Hi gals,

I am new to this thread... am also on 2WW after IUI on sat and due for HPT on May 2nd? It's not my first time on 2WW but definitely most relaxing of all.

Hi Puipui,

You are positive news to all of us who are TTC. Can you share with us what symptoms you experienced during 2WW, if any?
hi hopeformiracle,
i have no symptoms too.... what to do.
my bloating reduce a week after transfer, i guess i must took too much egg white for several days. sometimes, i blame myself for taking too much of it.
Hi hopeformiracle

Dont despair, as long as AF is not here, there is still hope. Good luck to you for the beta test! did you do a hpt?

I'm experiencing on and off abdominal cramps ..not very bad but the feeling is like an impending AF..anyone has this as well? I did my ET on sat.
Hi hopeformiracle, Mandy &amp; biscuit....

I've been through IVF and FET but didn't manage to conceive at both attempts. However, I have friends who've been through it and experienced no symptoms and tested positive. Not everyone display preggie symptoms, so dun be despaired ok?

All the best to you!
on and off abdominal pain could be a sign of ohss. Drink lots of fluid to flush the medication out of ur system.

keep us posted of ur results.
pls relax &amp; think positive ok? i didn't hv symptoms too during my 2WW. Only towards end of 2WW, my tummy grown slightly bigger than usual. That's all. And I tested positive. So pls continue to think positive.
Good luck!!
Hi ladies, I read from somewhere that green tea can help to boost fertility. it would also help to double up the conception odds. Does anyone come across it or experience it. Just want to know how true is it?
summer, hopeformiracle, biscuit, mandy and teddy baby,

Have waves of positive vibes(((((((((((PMA))))))))))))
Loads of BABY DUST
Its my pleasure! U can check out the archived pages in this thread to find more info on the symptoms during 2ww. Good luck!
Hi humble
Thanks for the baby dust and positive vibes!

Hi blue rabbit
I dont think it cld be due to OHSS cos I had very few eggs retreived (only 4)..ohss when happens when you have too many eggs right?

Hi hopeformiracle
How is your beta test?
Hi everyone.

My quest for motherhood started in 2000. After laproscopy op and 2 failed SO-IUI, doctor suggested that we try IVF. Then, while we were considering this option, I conceived naturally, and became a mum this year.

I wish I had known of this forum earlier as it would have been nice to know that I was not the only one struggling and to have buddies to encourage each other.

Some of you may conceive this time, and it may not work out for others. But please do not lose heart. It will happen one day.
hi everyone!!!

good luck to all in their 2ww. hope that the time will pass quickly and good news await everyone at the end.

my ER was a bit of a nightmare. cos i was so bloated, they injected albumin. also bladder not full enough altho i drank so much water, so they had to put water into my bladder. so uncomfortable! but at the end of it, i'm very happy that they managed to tranfer 3 day 5 embies in me. =)

hi humble

thanks so much for the encouragement! i hope that you will have no problems when it's your turn!

hi mandy

well, since my boss also give her blessing, so i might as well take the opp to rest at home! but then again maybe better to go to work sometimes cos it will take your mind off.

i haven't been feeling very well lately. my tummy is bloated and very tight. and i have breathlessness, even just getting out of bed.
i'm also getting the cramps that you mentioned ... so i hope it's nothing. dun worry ok? let's jia you!!

hi hopeformiracle and biscuit

please don't despair ... wait for the results of your blood test. like the saying goes, it aint over till its over. good luck and lots of baby dust for you!

hi northern light

congrats on your little bundle of joy and thanks for sharing your story with us!

maybe u feel bloated cos u are at high risk of getting OHSS... ?

drink a lot of protein drink (Ensure and ProMOD), it will absorb the excess water due to high E2 level.
hi gals,

i did iui on 11 Apr and now in 2www, as the days go y, it gets harder and harder. how you gals cope?

i can;t concentrate at work either

hi teddybaby,

thanks. well, i didn't make it this time eventhough transfer 2 grade 5 and 1 grade 4 embryos.

i really wish that all of us who put in the effort will get what they want one day. jia you.
