everyone, jia you!

hehe i will be the first to report here tomorrow morning. I will try and catch all the Jia You and good luck you gals have sent.

hi gals,

i think my bloodtest was suppose to be today...yest my clinic nurse called to ask me to come down this morn but i told her my doc mentioned friday and not thursday..so i think we both blur..in the end she said, since he said friday then friday lor..aiya, still have to wait until tomolo..

but anyway i cheated by testing myself first but it was a negative leh..somehow i know my chances are rather low this round coz my doc said my lining was quite thin..so i guess tomolo will jus be a confirmation of my negative result.
Thanks Enerus, I will do it this way when I do my IVF as when I do it standing up felt that it the cream didn't go in all the way. Btw Good Luck, you are getting the results tomm, let us know the good news
Hi gals,

Sad to inform but expected for me - AF has shown her face. Now having some minor spotting so expect it to come on full swing tomorrow. I will pause a while and maybe try naturally these 2 months cos hubby wants to give iui a break. I wish Enerus and Pui pui good luck tomorrow! This thread has given me much support and i will still be checking here frequently to be updated on everyone's progress.

Have a nice evening!
Could the spotting be of preg and not AF? I am not sure dear! Good that you are thinking ahead already, take care please...........
pls monitor the flow these few days. humble maybe right. if it's lighter than usual, or stop and come again, it could be a sign. take care!
Hi ladies,

I also sad to inform that i tested BFN today. I'm feeling very sad and upset today when i saw the result. Neverthless, i still pin hope as my AF havent arrive.

I think i can only test HPT in another 3 days.
Pls don't feel sad yet since your AF hasn't reported. Why not go see your gyane for a bHCG blood test? You'll know the results in few hrs time and it is very accurate. Better than you wait and worry for another 3 days.... Juz my opinion though....
Oh dear enerus,
Plse dont stress yourself, i think curious idea sounds good, you can try the bhcg test and put your mind at rest cos the HPTs are not always reliable and it can spoil your spirit.

Take care wilma and enerus

I am new to the thread. Is it 2 weeks after ovulation (IUI) already ? If it is ,your menses should come (if it is coming)

Cos for my case, be it IUI or my first IVF in the past, my menses came PROMPTLY 2 weeks after ovulation.

What I want to say is that, since it is a few days passed your expected 'date of arrival'(3 April?) and u didnt get it, it mayb bcos u are pregnant..but of cos, now u need more test to confirm.

feeling excited for u!

When did u start experiencing stomach cramps ? in the 2WW, after 14th day ??
Hi gals,

Thanks for your concern. I'm having the real AF right now. Guess i gotta face up to the facts. I do agree with the rest of you that Enerus, you shouldn't give up hope yet! The HPT is not as conclusive as a blood test. Compose yourself and do not brood over the HPT ok?

Welcome stumbled_by, i agree with you, my menses came promptly on the last day of the 2ww since i'm not preggie....grrrrrr

Have a nice day everyone!
Hi ladies, Thanks for the encouragement. I called my nurse and she told me that she will check with my gynae whether to do a blood test. Cos i dun even have a faint line in my HPT.

Hi stumbled, I experience cramps a few days before my 14th day. The cramp is lesser now. Actually i was also puzzled with my conditions.
hi gals,

thanks so much for all the support..the result came back positive, 350.5. so will be seeing my dr at the clinic lata again.. its been a very stressful and worrying trial these past 2 weeks but u gals have been there to support me..really hope tat u all will push on and perservere as well.
sorry to hear that. but pls don't lost hope ok. I'm sure you'll be blessed with your own babies!!

congrats! your gynae is at KK? today is your day 17?
Hi Curious, I think you are right. I think i shld go for blood test. HPT is not so reliable.

Like puipui case, HPT show negative but blood test is positive.
Hi Enerus,
Yes...must think positive ok. Sometimes during early pregnancy, the bHCG is not concentrated be to detected in the urine. Blood test is the most accurate. I went for my blood test 1 day b4 the actual scheduled day...it was CD27 & blood test results showed my bHCG was 200+. 2 days later was 600+.
hi everyone..im new here..married 4 yrs still trying to hve bbs..planning to do IVF but no confidence in success the 1st time..longint to have one..any advices frm those who have done before?oo ya..since my gyn change to a private im like a soul wandering rnd kk for a gd gyn like him..any advise?thanx for the help
Hi ladies, i am going for my blood test later. Tomorrow i will know my result.Blessed me with a lot of...lot of baby dust.
Hi puipui
Hope you still can remember me...
Really happy for you. Please do take good care of yourself.......Have a smooth 9 months ahead.

Don't lose heart, one failure doesn't mean anything, Jia you okie and we will hear good news from you in your next round. Remember to rest well.
Congrats Pui Pui ! Yesterday came back pretty late so didn't log in. So nice to see a BFP here!

Enerus, we'll be rooting here for you and keeping our fingers crossed for your blood test results today. GLad you made that move

Curious and Winter, thanks for your encouragement. I will not give up yet
Will start planning for my next cycle , intend to get OPKs.

Welcome wannabmum, you will not be lonely here, it is a great support sharing place no matter what you're going through.

Have a good day everyone!
Sorry to hear that. I believe that one day we will strike. Ok, dun lose hope.

Congrats and have a smooth 9 months.

Jia you jia you. Waiting for your news.
Hi Pui pui, congrats and may u hv a smooth 9 mths ahead...

Hi Wilma, dun be sad, hope all of us will get preggie and share the news in this thread...

Hi Enerus, jia you.
hi gals,

thanks so much for your well wishes..its been really tough but with sisters like u all, time went pass much faster..

wilma, dun give up, im sure u will be able to strike 1 day..im rooting for u, jia you!

curious & didi, my tis 2nd attempt is under dr foong at gleneagles..yesterday was day 15..i had my 1st attempt at kkh and had triplets but ended at 23 weeks due to complications, gave birth to all 3 boys naturally last nov..but i was quite upset with kkh, felt tat they didnt look after my pregnancy well enough and didnt take my symptoms seriously..my husband and i felt tat they gave up quite easily and jus kept asking us to terminate the babies..it was quite an upsetting experience.

so i decided to go pte instead..i pay much more but i guess its worth the money... im jus happy tat i can put my sadness behind and start anew..
hi msh,

my gyne was dr shiela loh..she is quite a caring dr actually but too bz liao..waiting time is atrocious, always min 2 to 3 hrs..then see her for only 10 to 15 mins..when i had complications, she referred me to another doc who was a muliples expert..onli thing i dun like is tat if u have any problems in between ur appt dates, have to go down to 24hr clinic..and other gynes will attend to u instead and most of the times, these docs are junior doctors..so not very good one to one treatment lor.

congrats! Glad to know u got pregnant again on 2nd attempt.


Is the stomach cramp feeling different from menses cramp ? I seem to get cramping feeling but i dont know is it because I am 'counting down my days' (nervous cramp) or it is the normal monthly cramps (PMS)..sigh

hmm..must think postive ;)
thanks pui, i understand what you mean by the junior doctors.. i have a problem with them too... sometimes i think... aiyah.... every one start by being a junior.... i'm sure our favourite senior gynaes too..... but then some of the juniors really inexperienced lor.... can tell from their facial expressions sometimes.... hah

anyway noted what you trying to share.
Hi ladies, i had received my blood test results yesterday and is a negative.

My AF is not here yet; it already past 6 days.I am very confuse with my conditions now. Does anyone have such experience before, care to share with me?

Should i still optimistic with my condition? my nurse told me that i can take med to "activate" the mense to come or let AF come naturally.
I also have this AF not coming on time ever since after op and on injection to stop my menses. My usual period is 28 days but it took 1.5months to come and it's only upon medication to induce.
During than I have the same feeling as you, feeling optimistic that might be pregnant and at the same time so desperate for it to come so can start. My doc told me the medication will not affect pregnancy if we are pregnant. So I took it and it comes after 5 days or more, it will not come earlier. You could check with your doctor your worries and if you could take this med to save time while waiting anxiously.

Jolene, today i have some brown discharge/spotting so i guess maybe AF is coming.

I would like to thank all of you for the support and encouragement was giving to me during my 2WW. I will give a break to IUI and going for a holiday trip in mid may.

I think after that i will give a try to SO-IUI in June.
