Hi akandatang,
mine test date is next Fri too...so nervous right? I still have to go for my jabs till next Fri.

hi gals

So nice to find company here! Let's compile our test dates.

Here it goes, i may not know the test date for some of u so please feel free to add on:

akandatang - 26 May
persistent - 26 May
chloe - 1 Jun

akandatang, constantia18 doing ER today, and soon it will be Rachel! Wow, looks like the list is going to grow very soon!
Hi Chloe - yup, then there'll be Humble, Hui, TTBS, Strawberry etc etc....

Persistent - 6 more days!
hi gals

i've been watching the korean serial on "Da Chang Jin". Came across the chinese version of the "Da Chang Jin" song called "wa wa" by "Zhang Shao Han". Personally, i find the lyrics very touching, and if u read carefully, the lyrics seems to be describing how we and probably our embryos feel during the 2ww. Here's the URL to the lyrics, hope u enjoy them (please wait a while for the music to play)http://www.114sg.com/bbs/simple/index.php?t398.html
hi constantia

i did my ER on monday and ET on thur afternoon. Dun worry, if the embies are not ready, i am sure they will call u to inform u of a later date.
Hi Constantia18, I had my ER on Mon and ET on Wed so I put in 2-day old embies. I was quite surprised too because I thought all hospitals put in 3-day old embies(like Chloe) but I guess KKH is different.

Don't worry, okay? Just relax today and tomorrow and get yourself ready to welcome your embies on Mon!
OIC!!! Cause actually all the ladies with me doing ER yesterday have to come back on mon for ET. So I guess that's really KKH's way of doing things...
hi constantia

i came across some US websites yesterday, and discovered that some hospital do ET 2 days after ER, just like KKH. So dun worry, u should be fine.

Btw gals, does any one of u have any symptoms yet?? eg. craving for food, mood swing, nausea, etc?? Me dun feel anything at all, very very slight cramp, slight bloatedness, and nothing else. Normal or not?
This bloatedness is different from the usual ones...not gas/wind. It's more like water retention and my tummy became very hard and big and the area became very white.
Thanks Blue_rabbit.

Chloe - me no cravings & nausea. Mood swing? A little yesterday and it caught me by surprise and I started to worry if it's PMS and if AF might be coming.....cos I'm normally grouchy just before AF. I also got some cramping last evening so got worried abt that too. Ah well, I'll know soon enough....

Constantia18 - all the best for your ET tomorrow!
hi akandatang

i heard from other gals that when they pregnant, they had cramps as well, something like menses coming. So, it may be a good sign afterall. i got no symptoms, so dunno whether good or not... This 2ww is so long and draggy. Next fri will be ur test right? Good luck to u!!

constantia, good luck to ur ET tomm.
Hi Chloe,

I have no obvious symptoms as of now too...alittle aching here and there. Still have discharge that that really worries me....haizz. Been eating alot thu.

Hi Akandatang,
4 more days to go...can't wait. I have asked the nurse this morning if bloatedness is good sign and no bloatedness means otherwise. She told me not true cos if we drink alot of water we might not feel bloatedness cos we flus out the hormone even preg...that gave us some hope at least....
Hi Chloe, thanks...ya, i hope the cramps r a good sign.

Hi Persistent - thanks for checking with the nurse! Yes, that is a little bit reassuring. Did you check with the nurse regarding the discharge? I also eating a lot - not because I'm hungry but because I'm greeeeeedy!!

Are you back at work? I'm back to work this week. Hopefully, this week will FLY by!
Hi akandatang,
Yeap back to work today and so lazy. Like you, i hope this week will fly. hope its fri soon. To be true i havent been resting and sleeping alot for the past 2 weeks. I live like normal. Still go shopping etc. I think i have overfed myself to a great extend over the past 2 weeks. Hehe...
As for the discharge the nurse told me earlier its normal so i didnt really ask again.
Hi Gals,
I'll be joining u from today onwards... had my ET yesterday!!! So happy... I've put in 3 Grade 4 embryos, dunno whether is that good or bad...

Can I ask, did anyone do a complete bedrest for the 2ww? Can I sit or walk? Anyone has to go back for injection everyday?

Anyway, how do you feel during this 2ww? I really don't know whether should I have some hopes or no hope at all? Think optismistic or pessismistic? Quite difficult to express how I feel...
hi Constantia,
Welcome to the 2 weeks...will be a long and draggy wait but have to endure thru whether we like it or not

I did not bedrest at all the moment i walked out of the hospital since the nurse asked me to continue with normal activities except to avoid excerise. I did stay at home and rest more for first 2 days and on 3rd day onwards i started to go out...i also dunno if its good or alright to do so, so i can't advise you. I did my injections everyday at the hospital.

I also dunno wat to expect for the 2 weeks since my symptoms is on and off and "PMS" like....but i guess staying optismistic is really important at this moment. Jia Yu....
Welcome constantia18 to the 2ww. When's your test date? I'll update the 2ww list that Chloe started.

Hi Summer - how have you been?
hi constantia

Welcome on board! u remind me of myself right after i did ET, got so many questions in my head. But i was worse than u, i was very pessimistic at that time. No good cos will add stress to ourselves, so now i have learnt to take things one step at a time.

i tried to stay in bed for the 1st 2 days. After that, i will walk around the house. Din go out cos my hubby has put me under home arrest. i need to take 3 hCG injections, once every 3 days. Can inject on my own, so no need to go to the clinic.

So far, i dun feel much lor... dunno good or bad. Even cramps also very very mild one. heehee... i may sound a bit silly, but i actually envy gals who had moderate cramps after ET, cos at least show got some changes to the body. My body is very insensitive, i cannot even feel whether there is something going on down there!
hi akandatang

i m back online.. I m doing fine and as usual no symptoms at all!!!! This reali drives me nuts.
Like chloe, i do feels good for sisters who have some cramps or side effect, at least these signs
say something rite. No symtoms, how do i read how is my body doin??? hmmm.....

How abt yourselve?

welcome Constantia, wow! U have very good embryos. Well U luck. Me too try to stay a home for
the 1st 2 days, after that cannot tahan anymore. Need to go out and walk about. Come to the forum
regular and U will not feel so lonely

Thanks for starting the list, it will help us to see who is testing when.
Hi Summer! I don't have any significant symptoms - I have the occasional cramping but I worry that that is a sign that AF is coming cos I normally get pretty bad menstrual cramps. I also have very minimal discharge which I also get before AF. Aiyah, I'm just hoping for the best.

I've been quite paranoid lately. I went back to work this week & hv been moving ard quite a bit so everytime I feel a discharge, I go to the loo 2 chk if it's AF! Can't help worrying leh, it's in my nature!!!!

When is the test date for you & Constantia18? If you like, can add on to the list below.

akandatang - 26 May
persistent - 26 May
chloe - 1 Jun
Hi akandatang,
2 more days to go! i have the same worry that AF will be coming...haizz. i also have slightly more discharge today. On top of that i have bad constipation. I have no choice but to squeeze ..so worried will have adverse effect. My tummy grew abit but not sure if its because i have been eating too much lately...
hi all, after tis Sat, i will join u girls here...

akandatang & persistent, ur test date is getting nearer
quite excited for you...
Persistent - haha, I also m wondering if my bigger tummy is a result of eating too much!! I told my husband that if we find out that I'm not pregnant then I have a lot of work to do to get rid of my fatty tummy!!!

I was thinking ah, the hours between doing the blood test on Fri & waiting for the call from the nurse will be yet another agonising wait!! This entire treatment is teaching me a lot abt PATIENCE!!

Will u be testing on a HPT before the blood test on Fri? I'm thinking of doing that on Fri morning. The nurse told me the earliest I can do a HPT is Thurs or Fri. Hvn't decided if I'd do it yet.

Rachel - all the best for your ER and ET !
Hi Akandatang,
I am hesitating whether to do a HPT before blood test. Might jst wait for the result on Friday. Practice the art of patience...like you say, but again i might not tahan until that long..hahaha... I still have the bubbling from underneath, so much to worry aiyo...

Hi Rachel,
All the best to your ER and ET too...
My test date will be on 8 June... still a long way to go... but will wait patiently for it... so excited yet worried now...
Yup, the photos quite interesting but did the doc show you how they put it in? mine never... and anyway, wasn't concentrating enough lah... bladder is just too FULL!!! :p

why do u need to inject HCG? mine was progesterone... you know what's the difference?

Hi gals,
anyone has any problem with the stomach? I'm actually not very sure... sometimes it feels like cramp... sometimes it feels like stomachache... yesterday and the day before keep having diarrhea, make me think it's my AF too as normally I've that before or during it... quite worried... anyway, normally how long will AF come if really not pregnant? Just want to prepare myself for the worst...

Anyway, this is the up-to-date one, Rachel, come quick and add your name to the list!

akandatang - 26 May
persistent - 26 May
chloe - 1 Jun
constantia18 - 8 Jun
hi akandatang

i'll be doin the test on the same day as U and that will be 14day post ET.
I was abt to ask U and persistent, will U try the HPT b4 fri? Now that both of U
have past 14days, U can try the kit.

me too thinking how to past the time fr the blood test till the result is reveal???
aiyo, very 'fan' leh. On one hand, want to know the result, on the other hand, so scare.

Akandatang, Persistent, R u goin to take leave on that day?
hi gals

akandatang and persistent, so excited for u, start counting down already? All the best!

constantia, me not taking progesterone jabs. My dr gave me progesterone oral pills and vaginal inserts instead. He said just as effective and minus the pain. Today is my last hCG jab. i recall akandatang mentioned that for kkh, if u have more than 15 eggs, they will give u progesterone jabs and if less than 15 eggs, they give hCG jabs. akandatang, did i remember correctly?

constantia, i think it is not exactly a diarhhoea. Most likely becos ur body needed to pass out the extra gases. Dun worry, it is too early to have AF symptoms, u just finished ET!

Me still no symptoms yet... only tummy rounder and bigger, which is most likely the effect of progesterone pills and inserts. really dunno whether there is something going on down there... The feeling is like hanging in the air, dunno whether anything good or bad has happened down there...
hi summer

i have added u in the list:

akandatang - 26 May
persistent - 26 May
summer - 26 May
chloe - 1 Jun
constantia18 - 8 Jun

wow, 3 buddies doing the test on friday!! Good luck!
hi persistent

your symptoms on constipation and more discharge are good signs. just go slow when passing motion.
Hi Summer,
Thanks! I do hope its really good sign but its difficult to go slow esp when u feel something stuck there..hee...as much as i tried i still cant avoid the force so really worried now.

Hi Summer,
Like you, i dare not take the test any earlier. Will just leave it till Fri. Don't think i will be taking leave on Fri also.
thanks for that... didn't know no. of eggs will affect the procedure...

anyway, gals, so happy for all 3 of you... me still have to wait for next month... although time really flies today already my 3rd day liao... I've been quite a good girl and tried to lie in bed as much as I can... (maybe except surfing net and talking to all of u
) but dunno whether does it help or not... can I ask again... anyone know when exactly does the embryos start "sticking" to the womb? and how long does it takes? Just curious lah...
hahaha guess I've got a lot of questions ...
hi constantia

They will start to implant 2 days after ET. heehee, i think it has started without u knowing. As for how long to complete, i guess about 7 days??

i feel so deprived of outside food. Had been eating home cooked food by my mother since ET. Well, my hubby does not allow me to eat outside food, so wat to do? But today, really buah tahan liao. Insisted to eat old chang kee curry puff! Hubby bo bian had to buy for me. Eating it now... Wow, delicious!!!
hi chloe

i m using crinone which works like the tampon, insert into V and pump out the gel. It can be quite messy.
Are U using something like this? I'm looking for sisters who r using or have used such gel before cos my
experience with that at the 1st wk is there are whitish yogurt like form leak out after sometime.
Dun noe whether anyone experience that
Hi Chloe,
You start to crave for food huh...i have been craving for soup until today it suddenly stopped. Don't really feel well today...dunno is it PMS or supposed to be a good sign.
hey pesistent

think urs is a good sign, cos for no reason u crave for soup! Soon, very soon, u will know and this could be it!!

As for me, i crave for curry puff becos i am very sick of home cooked food that is so blend and unexciting... oops better not let my mother know. Dun think mine means anything cos only had ET last thur. Still too early...
so good can eat home cooked food... me only dinner is home cooked food the rest of the meals are bought outside... don't really like that cause prefer home cooked food... it can be the same everyday but i can still eat that...
anyway, good what home cooked food are more healthy...

Oh the embryos stick so fast? good lah... next week can go out liao...
so bored at home (although everyday still have to go KKH but still bored lah) really hope everything works...
hi constantia18

wow, yr HB so nice to stay at home with U for a week. So sweet of him, U dun hv to feel bored.
As for 2nd week, time will pass very fast as well and with yr daily visit to KK, U can take the
chance to go shopping. Good time to shop cos lesser people in the AM.
What is the jab that U r taking daily?
Hi Summer/akandatang,
Are you excited about tomorrow's arrival? I am for sure. checked with the nurse today and she said earliest i will know the result is around 2pm tomorrow in the afternoon....
ya... really sweet of him to accompany me... glad he did that or else I really will think a lot at home... anyway, me taking progesterone jabs now, does anyone know what's that for? Ask the nurse but just say it's good for pregnancy... in what way never say...
hi akandatang, persistent

ya, me too very excited abt. aiyo, was thinking abt it last nite, and couldnt go to sleep.

Persistent, U'r still on progesterone jab rite? Does the nurse jab at the buttock?
Mine is jab at the buttock and it will be quite painful to walk. How do U manage to go to office to work?

Hi Summer,
yes i am on progesterone jab for 16days already. Tomorrow final jab. My jab is at the buttock as well. The nurses are generally well trained in KKIVF, most of them are very gentle so i dun really feel the pain. Pain will start usually mid day for awhile but next day it will subside. Again it also depend on the amount of progeterone they give. I think the more progesterone u get the more painful it will be. When did u start your progesterone? Did you do a HPT already?
