Hi, i just had my ET done last Wed and now waiting for my "big day" to come. Another 11 days to go and its really tough. Anyway for past few days i have been experiencing "pre-menstrual" sypmtoms such as lower backach & breast pain etc with whitish discharge. Can any1 tell me if this is normal? My PMS feeling is not consistent cos it comes and goes off as and when.

Hi akandatang,
Congratulation to u for a successful ET, hope that u will be joining the IVF-MTBs thread very soon. I also have 3 embryos transferred and 1 implanted, so all the best to u.
anyone here has experienced a dull ache on the right side of lower-abdomen during 2ww? I just had a pregnyl (HCG) jab to trigger ovulation, and since then, been having on/off aches on the right side.
Hi akandatang,

Just realised we did the ET on the same day. How are you feeling so far? any Symptoms?
Hi Summer,

I am equally worried cos i am experiencing pre-menstrual symptoms...2 weeks is a long wait huh? I am 1 ml of progestrone jab daily. How abt you? Any medications?
Hi Persistent! Yes, we had ET on the same day!

Hi Summer! not on crinone. M on HCG jabs every 3 days.

Regarding symptoms. Boobs are a bit sore but that could be from the HCG jabs. I had on & off cramping the last couple of days with something that felt like tugs/pulls in my lower abdomen. Today......no symptoms at all! I agree with Persistent - 2 weeks is way too long!

I had a lot of pain after ER, in the ovary area but today, that pain seems to be finally gone.

Blue_rabbit - hi again! Thx 4 yr well wishes. Yes, I can't wait to join you guys over at the MTB thread! Praying daily! Congrats on reaching yr 2nd trimester!
Hi akandatang,
I can feel that my symptoms are slowly going away too (still have discharge and little aching thu) So contridicting right? symptoms i worry, no symptoms i also worry....haizz...

Hi Summer,
How are u feeling so far? Both of you back to work? I took another week off this week so will be back next week. Really bored to death....hee..

By the way i am back to my normal activities on 3rd day after ET...been going out etc....hopefully its okie....
hi persistent

so far so good, still very alive... ya, like U said, got symptoms, worry, no symtoms, oso worry.
i thk that's the nature of Woman, haha

i'm still on MC...try to occupy my time by watching TV, reading magazine, Zzzzzzzzzz etc lor.
But i cant sit, have been walking around although the house is so small
Hi Summer & Persistent,

I'm on leave till tomorrow. Getting a bit bored with myself at home. Haven't been out anyway except to the hospital for jabs and then back.

Yah, I absolutely agree with you guys - got symptoms then I worry if it's a good thing, no symptoms or fading symptoms then I wonder if it's a good thing!

Are there any particular food that you both are avoiding during this 2ww? OR are there certain foods that you are eating more of?
Hi akandatang and Summer,

I didn't really avoid any food during these few days except i cut down on seafood and chicken, in fact i have been feasting..hee..feel so guilty now. Not sure if its the effect of the jabs, i get hungry very easily. I guess avoiding cold drink is necessary since most chinese dr believe so.

I am really concern of my discharge cos i usually gets it before menses. Does any of you experience discharge now? ie wet underneath?
Hi Persistent,

I'm getting a little discharge but not much, ie, not very wet. Which hosp r u with? Did u check with them about the discharge?
Hi akandatang,
I am with KK. How abt you? Are you from KK as well cos i think KK either prescribe HCG jabs every 3 days or daily progestrone jab. I always feel wet but i dun get alot of discharge as well. Checked with the nurses and she told me white discharge is normal but not green....
i had SO-IUI and i'm suppose to go for pregnancy test yesterday but spotted yesterday morning. But till now still spotting, and it's very dark brown(almost black). anyone has the same problem?
Hi Crystalgal,
I have friends who had spotting when they are pregnant. Did your preganancy test tell you that you are preg yesterday?
Just dropped in to say
to newbies summer, persistent and crystal gal.

Hey good to see that u gotta buddies here ah!

hi persistent and akandatang

as i m using crinone, cant tell whether i hv discharge or not cos the gel sometimes leak out.
as for food well, i oso eat as per normal, just avoid caffine, raw food and eat more vege and fruits.
Hi Humble,
Thanks for the wishes
I'm still worrying everyday...Haizz...Time seems to pass so slowly...
I know this is the most difficult stage of all, and we will be aware of every passing minute. Dont keep thinking of it, do something you will enjoy to take your mind of it.
Hi persistent,
i din go for the test cos think AF already. anyway now getting slightly more and redder. so sad. just that i dun have spotting for so long b4 the full flow.
Hi crystalgal - did you call your fertility clinic? Did they say anything? Just a thought - do you have any home pregnancy test kits at home that you can try out?
hi akandatang,
no, cos dun think i am lor. so xianz... AF wants to show face, dun show face like that, dunno which day to consider day 1.
hei gals,
i'm still with the cycles buddies but want to find out how long is your mc for 2ww? my job is quite tedious and physically needed... so was thinking of getting a longer mc? do u think they'll give? thanks
hi akandatang, persistent

With your daily progesterone jab / hcg jab, do U go back to doc to do progesterone blood test?

everyday at home, kind of lost count which day is it... sian

last 2 nites couldnt sleep well, probably due to too much sleep during day. so now dare not sleep during day time
crystal gal,
sorry to know that AF showed. If AF is not full flow you should check with your clinic whether u r preggie. Cos i heard that some people actually will hav spotting after conceiving. Whatever be the result, be strong dear, we sure will hav our turn, its just not yet may be. Take care
Hi crystalgal,
Yeap i agree with Humble. So long as its not full flow, maybe should do a preg test. At least a home test to confirm.

Hi Summer,
Yes i did a prgesterone blood test on day 5days after ET to ensure the level is ok.

Hi Constantia,
We are given 5days of MC from ER but i took another week off just to rest at home, but can be quite boring doing nothing at home thu.
Hi Summer,

My HCG jab is every 3 days and yes, I went back for a progesterone blood test on 6days after ET.

Persistent - did KK call you to tell you if your level is okay or does it mean that everything is ok if we don't hear from them?!

Hey girls, do you intend to do test on a Home Pregnancy Test kit before your beta day? I'm wondering which day would be realistic to test.
Hi Akandatang,
KK didn't call me to tell me my level. They told me the following day that my level is ok and there is no need to increase dosage. I supposed if they didnt call you means everything should be alright.
hi persistent, akandatang

So which level is consider OK? Did U ask the nurse what is your level?

i had my and was told its very low, so worry again,
Hi Summer,
Which gynae did you see? I am seeing KK and they never review to me my result except saying its ok.
hi sisters

i've been using the crinone gel for the past few days and found that there always some remaining
left in my V. Its' like yogurt form, whitish color.. Is this normal? I do the insertion while lying on the bed
and rest there for some time before i walk around. Can some sisters who have used crinone gel
shred some light and share your experience on this?
hi persistent

that's good, your result should be at the desired level. Keep my fingers crossed for U.
i did my in mt e...r u still resting at home??
Hi Summer,
Thanks. Yes resting at home now but i have been going out..hee...feel so guilty but I can't walk for long cos i will have aching at my backside after sometimes of walking, probably due to the daily jabs. Will start work on Mon.

I was wondering if any of you have bubbles coming out from V? its like letting out gas but instead it came out from underneath? I always have this problem but not many people seems to hear of this problem
Hi Summer. The nurse didn't tell me my level. I'll be going in for a jab tomorrow - i'll ask her then. I'll also ask which level is considered ok & let u know tom. Don't worry too much okay? I know that's easier said than done but try and stay happy & positive.

Hi Persistent - no, haven't encountered that experience.

I started getting some on & off cramps again today....trying not to think too much abt them.

When do you both go back for your beta HCG tests?
I did 3 pregnancy test during my 2WW... first 2 maybe too early can't see anything, I got so disappointed. 3rd test was on the morning before I went for my bhcg test, I tested again and saw positive... can't describe how happy I was when I saw the 2 lines
Hi Blue_rabbit,
What symptoms do you have for the 2ww? Is it ok for you to share? Thanks!
hi gals

i had my ET done yesterday, now in 2ww. It is going to be a long wait... i have sensitive nose, so occassionally will sneeze. Seems like sneezing exerts the stomach muscle. Anyone knows whether this is ok?

After my ET yesterday, i had quite a lot of fluid coming out from the vagina, it is clear and looks like water. Anyone experience that? My dr assured me that the embryos will not leak out, and those fluid was wat he used to clean my vagina before the procedure, but i still can't help worrying...
hi persistent

yesterday i experience something like wat U describe, like letting off gas but its fr another place.
i oni have that for once. I'm on the progesterone jab and the pain fr this jab lasts for more than a day.
Guess the dosage must be much higher than the one we took before ER


thanks for yr help... reali pray that i will reach the desired level. R u on oral medication as well?
hi chloe

Welcome to this thread...read abt your experience on yr ET. Before i start my ET, i ask the embryist how
are my embryos, at that moment, her facial expression tells me all and she doesnt look optismistic.
She said she has tried her best and i guess it says all. My heart sank and while lying down, i told my embryos,
we have come so far, we shall stay positive and continue to fight strong. We still have a chance
hi summer

Thanks. Really comforting to have u pple around to give me mental support. i think i have more or less cooled down, now just have to hope for the best. May i know when will u be doing ur test? Besides passing out gas, any special feelings like crave for food, nausea, etc??
Hi Persistant,
I felt bloated all the time, my tummy expanded so much and nausea too. Then experienced pain and tightness in lower abdomen... all these symptons got worse on the 2nd wk. Doc Loh said that I hv OHSS and sometimes worsening of OHSS may mean pregnancy too. I was sooooo hopeful and excited when I read the email from Doc Loh.
hi chloe

i am as per my usual self. No side effect at all. I still on my 1st wk, so gonna hang around for awhile.
Are you goin to your doc for any injection or blood test?
hi summer

no, will not be going to the clinic until 2 weeks later. However, they have given me the pre-mixed HCG in the form of syringes. Will have to do the injection on my own every 3 days, was given 2 syringes, had one HCG at the clinic yesterday 2 hours before the ET. How about u?
Hi Summer, I checked with the nurse regarding the ideal progesterone level. She said anything above 60 is considered good.

Blue_rabbit - thx 4 sharing. I wld probably like to use the HPT to test on the morning of my beta so that DH & I will be tog 4 the result.

Hi Persistent - how are you today?
Hi Chloe,
Welcome to the 2wwks. I always sneeze when there is a change of temp too but i guess we cant help much. I will hold on to my nose so that the impact of the sneeze is not so great. I also have the same worry as in will the sneeze affect the implantation etc etc...lots of worry...

Hi Blue Rabbit,
Thanks for sharing. I didn't have your symptoms at all. I asked the nurse and she told me bloatedness is good.....Haiz..somehow i didnt have good feeling abt my case but will hold on till the test and stay positive in the meantime.

Hi akandatang,
I am still the same old self, no obvious symptoms except the discharge and always feel like eating (probably due to the jabs). How abt you? Your cramps ok?
hi akandatang

thanks for the info. my Day4 test was below 60, no wonder the nurse said very low ; (
reali pray hard that the level has increase by now

hi chloe

Ooh, so u have injection at home. That's nice, for me, i'll go to the clinic to do every 3days.
Good also as i get the chance to go out to jalan jalan ; p

Hi persistent

Good Morning, U r early
Hi Summer,
Yeap early cos i have to go hospital for my daily jabs... You are early as well. How are you feeling now?
Hi Summer - Don't worry, I'm sure by now, your progesterone level would have increased. You tested day 4 while I tested day 7 which is probably why my levels were ok. Don't worry too much, okay?

I had my last HCG jab yesterday. No more jabs till my beta HCG test date next Fri. I'm looking forward to testing but yet am apprehensive about knowing the results - know what I mean?

Summer/Persistent/Chloe - when are your test dates?

Hi Blue_rabbit - when you say bloatedness, what does that mean? Is it bloated with a lot of wind/gas?
