Dishearted - Was just thinking that yours should be BFP and true enough, positive positive positive yah! Wishing you a wonderful pregnancy and may the little ones stick like glue and grow & grow! Now, give me give me give me baby dust, lots of it! Perhaps change your nick to "Heartened". Pls let me know by post or PM me the following:
1. Which IVF doctor?
2. Short or long protocol?
3. Yours and your bubby's age?
4. How many follicles?
5. How many good eggs?
6. How many fertilised?
7. ET how many and frozen how many?

Was a bit blur when replying to your post on 8 Apr due to a severe quarrel with my DH that resulted in BFN of my natural ttc. Even the TCM doc picked up my stress in my pulse 2 days later. Luckily my advice was good for both pre and post ER esp for those with swollen abdomen.

cherish baby,
Im under Dr Eunice Chua at TMC.currently both hb n i are 34yrs.I have 21 follicles.ET 3 n 12 were frozen.I think most importanly is to stay relax.Good luck...
Dishearted - Starting 2nd IVF with Care Paragon, right now at BCP stage. Hopefully this time can get more eggs with good quality and plenty of embies too. Every meal trying to eat more protein, any recommendation on nutrition or how to achieve OHSS like you? I'm desparate so any tips will help!
herish baby,
actually i din really take in much protein food.But i totally cut off coffee,tea,chocolate n spicy food.Hope these help.Relax n stay positive.You will make it this time.Jia You!!!
MS Family
How u manage to pass the 2ww... everday my mind will switch to -ve thkg... so scared of the result... really mentally stress...
Hubby told me not to thk too much but naturally my mind will switch to the thkg... cos 'm bit clumsy person....

Do you come across these during the 2ww?
cherish baby,
how r u?On week 6 i was told to have twins after the scan.But one of the bb was w/o heartbeat.Gynea told me its either due to late implantatin or the foetus is not a good one.On week 7 ,i went bk for another scan.And it shows that the one w/o heartbeat couldnt make it.So now i m carrying singleton.And i m suffering from very terrible MS frm week 6.Baby dust to u.And h0pe to hear your good news soon.
Dishearted - Congratulations! Doesn't matter whether twins or singleton, either one equally precious after all the hardships you went through. Someone from this forum ever experienced gynea said no heartbeat at week 6-7 and was very surprised when at week 8, the strong heartbeat was there and a pregnancy was confirmed. Just continue to talk to both BB, asking them to grow & stick to your womb like glue and believe in it too and don't be too active yourself. Miracles might happen. I also wish to have twins. Yeah, terrible MS makes life hell but hey, I have yet to experience it so you are lucky to have it.

Just finished BCP & started suppression hormone and already my memory abit muddled. Yesterday asked DH to wash the banana before eating it with the skin! Catching your baby dust with a fine net and hopefully this time, can harvest more embies and be successful. Did you tell your MIL while undergoing IVF?
Phew ... It's a very heart-warming realization that there are many out there experiencing the same thing as me.
I started on my Lucrin on 11 Nov. Was on Stage 1 until 25 Nov. Started on my stage 2 on 26 Nov. The Puregon jabs are a little bit more painful than the Lucrin. I found pinching the stomach a little during the jab helped.

Went for my scan on 3 Dec. Had to empty my bladder many times. There were all together 19 follicles but only 1 was 18 mm in size. The rest were about 14.5 - 12 mm. Had to continue with the stage 2 for one more day. On 4 Dec, I went for the second scan. By then, 9 follicles reached the desired size (i.e. 16 mm and more). That night, I went for the pregynl jab after 8 days of being on Stage 2. The Pregynl was very painful. I couldn't walk properly at all. On 6 Dec, I went for my Embryo Retrieval.

Altogether, 19 follicles were retrieved and all 19 contained eggs. I was asleep through and only woke up the moment the nurse wheeled me out. I was fully awake by then and was feeling fine. I had a slight abdominal discomfort (very very slight) and was given two panadols with a cup of warm milo. I was thinking of steak and what not. Was super hungry actually. When I went to the toilet, there was staining. I nearly freaked out when I kept on seeing blood on the tissue no matter how many times I wiped. I didn't bring any sanitary pad because I didn't realise that there will be vaginal staining. Anyway, a few hours later, I had trouble walking upright. My DH was very supportive. He kept on plying me with Ribena drinks (I hate plain water) and I kept on urinating. Thank God I didn't suffer from OHSS.

On 9 Dec, I went for the Embryo Transfer. When I arrived early morning, I had to go for blood test to check if I am suffering from OHSS. Luckily I cleared it. I had to wait one hour for the result! Then I was led to the Procedure room. I was informed that 4 of my eggs put aside for IVF did not fertilize. My heart nearly dropped. Another 9 eggs went through ICSI. 2 were implanted. They were of grade 5 and 4. The remaining 7 were of grade 3.

I thought I was over and done with the jabs but alas no. I had to start on my Progestrone jabs after that. Sigh .... quite painful at the beginning but after one week, I began to realise which part of my thigh will cause lesser pain if injected. Usually, I would tell the nurse where to jab. I only alternate between the right and left thighs.

I had a blood test and a scan to check my uterus lining on 15 Dec. Scan showed that the uterus lining was 11. clear ...

Earlier today, I just had my blood test to check for pregnancy. Could have called the centre to check for the result but DH had a meeting and he wanted to be around to hear the result together so will only get the results at 4.45 pm later today.

The journey has been a long and tedious one. I have very lucky so far. DH's support has been very important in helping me to go through this. I pray that I will finally be pregnant after 7 years of marriage.
Hi Siti

Think I roughly know who you are. Hee! If I'm not wrong, the nurse called Siti yesterday and there were 2 of you all who stood up. Hee!

I have been going to the clinic for my jab also. My blood test will be on 29 Dec. I had my blood test to check my hormone level but was not asked to do a scan to check my uterus lining. Don't understand why the procedure was different...

All the best later ah. Keep us posted.
Hi Fellanie.
DH cleverly opted for me to participate in the KKIVF Trial project. That's why I had the scan.

BTW, my pregnancy test result is positive. I was delirious. I think my DH was more anxious about the result. His hands were super cold.

Am now waiting for the week 6 scan. I just hope that I will get through this safely.
HI Fresh,

Sorry, was busy yesterday in the later afternoon so din pop in to see the posts.

I had a few days of slight bleeding... nothing too alarming.... i think for about 5 days to a week or so... can't recall already...

but i think if it's not heavy bleeding, shouldn't be a cause of concern. If not, please do call KKH to check with your doctor of any concerns you have. Safer this way.

For that cycle, my menses was messed up.... AF came later then usual. I think was about 1-2 wks late... then after that the cycles were quite alright...

take care...
hi yong wei, develyn and boon boon,

really big thanks for the list of IVF specialists. I have given a call to SGH and was told I could start IVF process anytime as soon all relevant tests have been done for me and my hubby.

My hubby's sperm count is good but the motility is not so good hence previously my gynae at TMC has recommended that we should go with ICSI rather than IVF. As for me, since a missed pregnancy (blighted ovum) last September and 2 failed IUIs, I believe I should not procrastinate further but to start my journey of ICSI soon

My appointment at SGH will be on 20 Apr, to see Dr. Yu Su Ling. With so many positive news I read in the forum from you gals, I really feel more confident and excited now. Thanks and wish me well.
We are going to start on ICSI tomorrow, but the clinic is administering injection without having the doc to check on my wife first (no blood test, ultrasound scan etc.)

My wife is feeling very uncomfortable with this approach. But is this common?
Dear all, can anyone pls advise me asap if i am to start my IVF in end may. Any injection required for the cycle before? "Cos i was thinking of travelling. Thank you!
I am intending to embark on the ivf route and my RE advised that he does the ivf only at 2 ivf centers - TMC or Mount E. any sharing or feedback on these 2 labs? Much appreciated! Thanks!
BB_Aidan, if you plan to travel, I suggest do it after your trip. There will be constant travelling to the clinic etc and you don't know if the medicine is going to affect you.

I remember before the start of the whole programme, I went for a blood test and then after that I had to start jabbing for I think 13days, close to 14days. Again, that depend on case by case. Some need to jab longer, some might not. So it seems mine is the standard, 13days.

I am glad I did my ivf after my trip. Moreover, after doc implant the embroye back to your womb, you are advised to bed rest and travelling is a nono...
The chances of having tiplets according to my gynae is really low. Single baby is about 70%. Also according to him, if eggs are of good quality and mother is young, maybe 2 eggs are enough... for me, due to age, i had to put 3...
LK, tough or not is up to individual. I would say tough part for me is the 2ww + waiting for the next visit to scan if can see or hear anything. Thats tough.

Some people find it tough due to OHSS or due to the slightless thing... Maybe bloatness etc they also feel tough so it really depends how well you can handle it...

The jabs of course are not fun but I am so use to it now. For the sake of having a baby, I am sure many will bite their lip, go for it and endure it no matter how hard this journey is going to be.

Just make sure $$$ you are ok and when you need to rest you have helper to help you out... all these minor things have to be prearranged and discussed with your partner etc...
Just had embryos transfer with kkh on 21 Oct. Was pretty excited but the ohss symptoms is getting tough. Dr Tan extracted 28 eggs on 19 oct and after which my tummy been bloated like a big big balloon n I had constipation issue. Since then I lost appetite. I tried eating a little but ended up throwing everything out after a while.

Any gals having the same encounters?
hi Sherlyn did u consult Dr Tan regarding ur ohss symptoms? I had those after my egg retrieval in may. 21 eggs extracted and the pain was too unbearable that my embryo transfer was cancelled. but i just continued with frozen embryo transfer on the 19th oct. i suggest it is best to called ur doctor.
Oh I called the KKIVF centre to chk abt my symptoms, apparently the nurse who answered feels that these are pretty norm symptoms n will go off eventually, so long as continue to drink a lot of water n can pee, and with the advices I got from the forum, I endure n took egg whites, drink isotonic drinks. Since I dun hv much appetite, eating bananas seems to ease the pain. Today is my 7th day after retrieval, situation getting better, still bloated a little
good to know! oh so u have not gone thru embryo transfer right? i thought u already did lol! but anyways all the best! and babydust to u! ^_^
Hi Gum, yes went through the transfer 2 days after retrieval
so m nw on progesterone support till next week for preg test :D

Thanks for ur blessings n all the best to u too :D
Sherlyn, same here! my preg test is on the 31st. when is urs? ppl said bloatedness till preg test date is a good sign. i dun have any but dun wanna think much about it.
Mine is on 4th Nov for preg test..did read through some of the comments abt bloatedness, cramping etc but I try not to read too much into dat haha I noe it is difficult not to but I try to tell myself which is something very practical, different pple will experience different symptoms at different stages so I jus hope for the best outcome, same goes to you for 31 Oct :D
Hello ladies, just wanna share that I am nearing the end of my 2ww. Tmr I am going for my BT and should know the result by noon! So excited ! It's a long journey and it has been great having the support here ! Will be posting my updates tmr!
Hi I have reading the forum silently. Am 18dp3det and tested negative on urine test on sat(16dpet. should I ask for beta test?Please advise
Hi cluelessivf, I think we are cycle buddy also. I had ET on 16May. Beta test is on 31 May. So tempted to do urine test myself....
Hi all, new to this forum. I had my ET on Monday and now wondering how I should feel. Tummy is larger but not as bloated and painful as iui. I had only 1 embryo and unlikely to do another IVF so really nervous. Should I be feeling something? Also is it too late to start taking a pre natal vitamin?
Phew ... It's a very heart-warming realization that there are many out there experiencing the same thing as me.
I started on my Lucrin on 11 Nov. Was on Stage 1 until 25 Nov. Started on my stage 2 on 26 Nov. The Puregon jabs are a little bit more painful than the Lucrin. I found pinching the stomach a little during the jab helped.

Went for my scan on 3 Dec. Had to empty my bladder many times. There were all together 19 follicles but only 1 was 18 mm in size. The rest were about 14.5 - 12 mm. Had to continue with the stage 2 for one more day. On 4 Dec, I went for the second scan. By then, 9 follicles reached the desired size (i.e. 16 mm and more). That night, I went for the pregynl jab after 8 days of being on Stage 2. The Pregynl was very painful. I couldn't walk properly at all. On 6 Dec, I went for my Embryo Retrieval.

Altogether, 19 follicles were retrieved and all 19 contained eggs. I was asleep through and only woke up the moment the nurse wheeled me out. I was fully awake by then and was feeling fine. I had a slight abdominal discomfort (very very slight) and was given two panadols with a cup of warm milo. I was thinking of steak and what not. Was super hungry actually. When I went to the toilet, there was staining. I nearly freaked out when I kept on seeing blood on the tissue no matter how many times I wiped. I didn't bring any sanitary pad because I didn't realise that there will be vaginal staining. Anyway, a few hours later, I had trouble walking upright. My DH was very supportive. He kept on plying me with Ribena drinks (I hate plain water) and I kept on urinating. Thank God I didn't suffer from OHSS.

On 9 Dec, I went for the Embryo Transfer. When I arrived early morning, I had to go for blood test to check if I am suffering from OHSS. Luckily I cleared it. I had to wait one hour for the result! Then I was led to the Procedure room. I was informed that 4 of my eggs put aside for IVF did not fertilize. My heart nearly dropped. Another 9 eggs went through ICSI. 2 were implanted. They were of grade 5 and 4. The remaining 7 were of grade 3.

I thought I was over and done with the jabs but alas no. I had to start on my Progestrone jabs after that. Sigh .... quite painful at the beginning but after one week, I began to realise which part of my thigh will cause lesser pain if injected. Usually, I would tell the nurse where to jab. I only alternate between the right and left thighs.

I had a blood test and a scan to check my uterus lining on 15 Dec. Scan showed that the uterus lining was 11. clear ...

Earlier today, I just had my blood test to check for pregnancy. Could have called the centre to check for the result but DH had a meeting and he wanted to be around to hear the result together so will only get the results at 4.45 pm later today.

The journey has been a long and tedious one. I have very lucky so far. DH's support has been very important in helping me to go through this. I pray that I will finally be pregnant after 7 years of marriage.

Thank you for your post. I am just starting my IVF this week with the injection first and was thinking how would the journey be. YOur detailed journey gave me an idea. It may not be easy but we need to be positive. I have some questions and hope you all can help me to enlighten

1) When will the MC start? after the egg transfer is it? Is it for 14 days?

2) What do you all do these 14 days? are we supposed to be in bed at all times? Can we just go work after 4-5 days because i am afraid if i stay at home, i will think about the result and give me unnessary stress.

3) Do you eat any special food that give you a good success rate in having good lining and having more eggs.

Your adv is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
