Thanks Chloe,

Just trying my luck to see if got any good news for me. It's ok, will not take it too hard. Just hope it's not accurate.
So leave it to fate and blood test to reconfirm.

Jolene, don't worry. Wish you all the best
Like the other sisters say, hpt is not acurate, stay positive and wait for the test (i know its easy said than done). May be the hcg is released a little later in FET? what day post transfer is today?? I m going to pray hard for u today, take care dear! hmmmm hotel stay sounds great! n joy!
Tested yesterday, cant tahan but leh negative. So dun dare to try, might be negative again..... Anyway will know the result tomorrow.
hui, have you started yr IVF? I am planning to go for IVF too. But dun know whether have to Q or not. A lot ppl doing IVF or not? You are under Dr SF Loh, right? Do you have to choose the treatment date when seeing Dr Loh for registration?
Hui, As i know, there will be some counselling, consent taking by nurse/doctor/social worker. Have you gone through all this? Are all this able to complete in a day? Or I have to take few trip down to KKH?
CONGRATULATION....Chloe....must be very excited....so envy you...I just want one also cannot make it but you got 3....so lucky......You must rest more and take some food...you are eating for 4 leh....so do take extra careful....How I wish it's me.....ha ha ha...dreaming again...

Humble....how are you? Must be very excited for your scan right?

Ladies, I had decided to try one more time on August...I had informed my Dr...meanwhile, I will try naturally....maybe like my Chinese Sensei said, will have miricle.....Hope for the best......Wish me luck!!!!
i already done all the test left with HIV test for me n my HB n sign consent form.coz 1 year ago i sign the consent form but i nvr do the tmt so the consent form already shred away n i nd to sign again.
you can book appt with kkivf center for couslation with doc then u sign ur consent form there...blood test some can be done in a day.when u go dwn for signing consent form you'll get the form to book for counselling...
there will be HSG x'ray form oso..u nd to book appt for that oso..itll be in few trips..i may start to cycle on july/aug
Hi didi, My sinseh don't do acu...she only prescribe medicine. I find that she is very nice but so far I have not succeed yet, so I also don't know whether good or not....

Hui, where do you do your acu? I thought of doing too but don't know where to go....Please advise....I will start cycle on aug...that's mean you are earlier than me....
baby dust and positive vibes your way....keeping my fingers, toes, and eyes crossed for you!

Looks like a new bunch of cycle buddies are budding already for july/aug all the best gals!
Hi Good morning humble, thanks for your baby dust needed it badly.
It's been a terrible 2WW, kept waking up very early at 5am and can't sleep after.... This morning was worst, wake up almost every one hour until at last can sleep longer at around 530am. Guess I am very anxious like getting my exam results.

Thank you ladies for your encouragement and support, keep you posted.
Hui, thanks for yr info. I already did the HSG and all the blood tests. I think I will sign the consent form this coming Wednesday when I see Dr SF Loh. Because as per email-communication, Dr Loh suggested I go for ICSI because hubby's sperm result is suboptimal and he wants me to book treatment in Sept/Oct. But I plan to book the treatment in Aug/Sept. Will it be too soon??? hehee...
hui, Dr Loh very prompt reply one. I will join the cycle buddies after I confirm to start ICSI. I really hope that can be like Chloe...hehee, I very "tan xin" hor. Today I work half day... going off soon. Enjoy yr weekend!!
Hi Xinyu,

Is HSG very painful? KK told me that it takes about 1 week to know the result. Is it true?
Hi scf, I didn't feel any pain when doing HSG, but most of the gals feel some cramp during HSG. The doctor who did my HSG was very gentle and I felt very calm and relax. The doc showed me the result on spot (if not, you have to ask hor). But the detail report still have to review with my gynae. I booked my appointment to see gynae 2 weeks after HSG.
hi scf, i agreed with xinyu tt HSG is not painful as long as u relax.... for my case, i went to East Shore Hosp & results can be collected on the spot. Went to see gynae after tt & showed the nurse. Nurse said since report showed ok no need to see gynae.....
Hi Xinyu /
Mine is SF Loh too. This is your 1st attempt? He is quite good but i thought he is just a bit quiet. The counselling is good too coz the counsellor will guide u and you can ask her any questions. She also get you to be mentally ready. She helped me pour out all my anxiety and saddness that was contained in me for so long. In fact i cried during counselling but felt much better after that.

Hi Hui,

Yup i saw the article about Chen Li Zhen. I empathise with her coz I had ectopic pregnancy thru IVF. I was successful with 2 embryos but one of them was a ectopic pregnancy and the other one had a miscarriage after that. After so much effort and hopes, it was a double blow for me. I guess I was just as double "suay" as her.... But i am getting back in strength and hoping to try one more time again.
hi passion,

this is my 1st attempt.pardon me to ask u do u have PCOS?im trying ICSI think is a better choice..

no news frm u yet..how's the result?
Hi Gals,
Just came back. It's a negative. Beta value only 2.3. Embryo once again can't stick. Wonder what is the problem my womb lining or the quality?? Dun worry, I am ok now. Got to rest for 3 months and tiao my body first. The next 2nd attempt will be at KK with Dr Loh. Most of you under him right. Will see him in two weeks time.
Hi Didi, yes 2nd attempt is FET. So now rest for three months before starting my fresh cycle again.

You are starting your 1st attempt soon?? Wish you good luck.

Hi Rae, thanks will rest well, are you also under him?? Any comments about him??
hi jolene

So sorry to hear that ur FET is not successful. Do rest well for the next 3 months. Maybe can go for TCM acupuncture? i saw on the TV news that the australian found that acupuncture helps in preparing the womb for implantation.
Hi Jolene, I know how you feel....I also failed my 1st attempt....now waiting for the 2nd on Aug. Why do you have to rest 3 months? I was told rest 2 months can start liao....now I drinking chinese medicine everyday....hoping for miricle (natural)..

Hi ladies, can anyone advise where to go for the acupuncture?
Hi Passion, yes.. I am going for my 1st ICSI. Dr Loh very shy shy one..not dare to look at gal..hehee. But anything you ask he will answer lor.

Hi Jolene, rest well and take good care..Hug hug...
hi Jolene, my doc is Sadhana but on ET day, she's on leave so SF Loh did the ET for me....
there's a few successful pregnancies in SB for IVF under him...so i believe he has magical hands...
hi buddies...

sorri to hear dat..sayang ok..

jia you..

rachel n chole,
how everything doing?

oo..where u go? nvr see u post msg..
