IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

Lil ponyo and dream, at least we are trying hard now so dot give up. I have 2 full month in this month and next. Friend's mil also ask when my turn. Like what dream say still saving and not enough money. At most they would say u can never save enough. Hope we can join dhm soon...

Take good care of urself dhm! We wanna hear more good news from u. My cousin has quad... 2 boys and 2 girls...
Thks Jessica!
All the best for yr Sat IUI! How big are yr follicles now?
Baby dusts all over u too!

Can't imagine how yr cousin manage with 4! Kudos to her! Good distribution of boys n girls.
Thanks so much for your comforting words, DHM, Jessica and Dream! Good luck on your IUI this weekend, Jessica! Yes, need to stay positive and persevere.
Jessica: Good luck for your IUI! Baby dusts!

Lil Ponyo: I previously went for TCM in Clementi (Dr Tan Kian Sing) which is recommended by my fren. Compared to these western doc, they are much cheaper. usually less than $100 and includes medication. But be prepared to wait which can easily goes up to 2hrs..and the appointment is quite full. so usually when i am there, i will already start booking for the next session. he is one of the recommendations by some of the forum though i have seen him for 6mths but still no results..& he cant spot anything from my symptoms.

By the way, has anyone of you tried to self inject purogen? I did it this morning..but just to confirm....when i tried to inject in by pressing the top of the pen, towards the last part, it will still emit a turnign sound before going back to 0 again on the meter...that's correct, right? Cos i dun rem hearing any turning sound when i was doing it at the clinic yesterday.

Lil Ponyo: You are right...in end i walked briskly while making my way to the trains station...hopefully it does help a little...if the sky is still bright when i reached home tonight, i will go for brisk walking..
Hello everyone,

Dream - yes there will be turning sound as you inject and the indicator winds down to zero. KKH started my dosage at 100, and I had a total of 7 jabs.

DHM - congrats on triplets! WOW! Well, they do say good things come in threes!!
So happy for you!!! Say, do they give you a copy of the scans? Should ask for it and keep, as momentos of your little ones' journey!

Jessica -hi there! Hope your follicles grow nice and big.
I only had 1 big one (19mm), despite a week of Puregon jabs, so hopefully it's good enough.

Ginapy - glad to hear you're feeling better. Be strong, okay and hang in there. Yes, we must be thankful for the blessings we have in life.

Going for my betaHCG BT this Friday... am hoping for good news, but preparing for the worse. This week I'm not feeling as bloated etc already... dunno if this is a bad sign. But no amount of worrying will change anything, so just take it as it comes. Took pm leave on Friday already, just in case it's bad news...
Yes, there will be some clicking sound as u jab the med in. There is oso sound when u dial yr dose. The only time there's no sound when u try to reset the pen if u hv dial wrongly.
Brisk walking is good too. As long hv exercise, can lah.

Thks. I do hope it's true!
Yes! Only 1st copy I asked, the 2nd one given 'auto' without asking. Guess it will be given auto everytime I go hoh?
Wish u best of luck for this fri test. My bloatedness oso came in full attack a day b4 I'm due for HPT testing. Maybe yrs delay too leh?

Babydusts to all!!!!

My gynae actually din expect that to happ too cos all along we tot only 2 eggs. But one decided to split to two. God's given gifts!
Lachesis:u did iui at kkh? I used 1.5 tube of purogeon. The rest was still in my fridge.
Good Luck!

DHM: Congrats on ur triplets.
Thks, DHM & Lachesis...Less clumsy this morning when i did my injection. If all injections are like tat, they arent too bad...if higher dosage means higher chances, then i wish the doc will up the dosage..

Lachesis: Good luck for your BT! Lotsa baby dust on u!
Dian tang,

Good that u r adjusting to it.
Doesn't mean higher dose higher chance! It all depend how well yr follicle respond to the med.
High dose will cause OHSS which may end up aborted cycle.
Listen to the gynae's order of the doasge, k?
DHM & Dream - thanks! Sigh.. the wait till Friday is taking FOREVER!! I just want to know, whether it's bad or good, I just want to know! UGH.

Diantang - Yes, did the IUI at KKH. Used 1.75 tubes of Puregon, left 1 dose in the fridge.. hopefully I don't need it anymore.
Hi ladies, I read on the IVF thread about taking immunocal. I googled it and it seems like a good antioxidant for general health. Are any of you taking this?

Lachesis, ya 2ww just crawls by. You're almost there! Less than 2 days! How about going out and watch a movie tomorrow to distract yourself? All the best on your BT!
DHM: Don't worry...i will follow gynae's instruction. I wouldnt dare to suggest to him either. What's OHSS?

Lachesis: I know what you mean...the wait is just so terrible....Lil Ponyo's suggestion is a good one...or how abt meeting up with some close frens and have a good dinner and laugh together? Time should then pass very fast. What time is ur BT?
Lil Ponyo, Dream - thanks for the suggestions! Yup will try to distract myself till Friday.

Dream - OHSS refers to Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome - that's when oo many ovarian follicles have developed in response to the fertility medications. As DHM said, if there are too many follicles they will abort the cycle.

I can drop in the clinic anytime between 8am and 10am for the BT. They will call me with the results after lunch...
hi ladies

i cant iui this week at doc
doc is out of town for emergency at home. by the time she comes back, timing should be over.

So was just telling hub that we need to count on ourselves. So just gonna try my luck.
Next month need to travel overseas for family commitment.

DHM : follicles are just 11mm.
Thanks Lil and Dream for your luck. Will keep them till i come back. Would continue to work hard and not give up.

Let us all work hard! A friend just told me that her colleague tried for 4 years and scheduled for ivf. One day before ivf then she tested positive for bfp. So never give up till the last moment girls!
Hi Jessica,

Oh so sorry to hear that you can't do it this week. Best thing to do.. just take it easy and don't stress yourself! Good luck!!!

Interestingly, the IVF clinic at KK is like a well-oiled machinery. They have clear SOP, and the nurses will brief quite thoroughly. I don't see my gynae during the IUI process - it's the on-duty fertility doctor. So even if my doctor is not available, the process still goes on. Not sure about IVF though.

Yes, never give up hope! There's only so much we can do, so just stay positive.

It's Thur.. tomorrow is the BT.. will keep you gals posted.

Oh dear, no replacement dr to do IUI? 11mm? Seem small to do IUI too. If really like that, try BD naturally bah. Hope it works for u!!!

I ever asked my gynae whether can increase my dose so I can hv good size follicles, he gave me a BIG NO look, ha! N he told me abt the OHSS risk loh, n that's how I know abt OHSS.

Good luck in yr BT Tom!

Baby dusts to all!!!
Thanks Lachesis

Would keep your kind words in heart.

May I ask whether iui can take place any time in Kk? More time slots to choose? My current doc has limited time slot as we need to collect semen specimen from parkway east hospital and typically iui is not advised in afternoon at my doc. But I feel bad taking full day leave so typically would take half day. Pls advise. Best of luck to u tmr!
I'm not sure abt KKH. My gynae do the IUI according to the follicles development.
For my case, I'm suppose to do it on a Sunday but clinic close on Sun. He mge to calculate the dose n follicles maturation for me to do on Sat instead. My specimen collection was at 10am, IUI at 1pm. I went bk hm n rest after IUI.
Hi jessica,

Actually the gynae will give 1 day mc for the iui procedure right? Then you won't have to use your leave.. I suggest you don't go back to work after iui, can go home to rest and relax.. The rushing around will be quite stressful..
Hello everyone,

Thanks for all the concern, and sorry I didn't post on Friday itself... b'coz it was a BFN. :*(

I'd taken pm leave so that I didn't have to hear the news in the office. Went for some retail therapy during lunch... then at 2pm called the clinic (They said they'd call after 1pm, but by 2pm I couldn't stand the suspense).

AF came today, having cramps, and it's Monday, so feeling quite crabby. Was really busy on the weekend as well, which is also why I didn't post.

Can't say I'm not disappointed, and was a bit sad on Friday. But DH and I know that success rate is low. Also, we also know there is IVF to try as well, so maybe that's why we weren't so devastated. Doc also did say maybe we just try 1 IUI first, then go straight to IVF if it doesn't work.

I don't think doc will be able to tell us why the IUI didn't work right? Am wondering if we should do the Sperm HBA test (to see if the egg and sperm are compatible at all).

Jessica - from what I observe, IUI is usually done at 10.30am or so. Hubby is advised to drop off the sample latest 8.30am. Sperm wash takes 2 hours, then wifey goes in for the procedure at 10.30am. Can be done any day except Sun. But min81 is right - you can ask for an MC for the day of the IUI so you don't have to use your leave.

In fact, for all the appts (for scanning etc etc) I ask for a timesheet so that I don't have to 'waste' my leave. I'm lucky that my bosses are very understanding about the whole thing.

So what to do.. just keep trying, hoping and praying and think happy thoughts.

Lil Pinyo - welcome back!

Thanks again everyone for the concern - feel so touched (eyes watering already). Good luck to all those who are trying... never give up hope okay?

Good afternoon ladies!

Dhm: Congratulations!!! Grabbing all your bb dusts!! Hope I am not too late.. Hope your next 9 months journey will be a smooth one.

Lil ponyo: welcome back! How's your holiday? I'm going for one next month end. Heehee.. Can't wait..

Lachesis: hugs.. Let's jiayou together. So are you trying ivf next?

Jessica: my previous gynea gave me mc for the iui day and like the ladies here, dh has to give them his specimen at 830. But I can only collect at 1130 and by the time I go to the clinic and do iui it was around 1230.

Ladies, I'm going to see a new gynea to talk about our idea of trying of ivf now.. My period came last Friday. Was devastated.. Sigh.. We tried very hard this cycle but.. Sigh.. This, Decided to go try ivf and made an appt with one of the gynea. Pray that it will be a good one. No bad news for us.. *fingers crossed*
Morning, gers...

Lachesis: Hope u are feeeling better now..I also asked Dr Loh abt the Sperm HBA...but he doesnt seem very keen on it.he told me if i wan to test can go and test on my own...not sure if he is a bit offended that i actually suggest solutions/ tests...anyway, i didnt persist lor..

Saralyn: *Hugz* *Hugz*..Are u feeling better by now?? Hope u can recover soon...i realise the more hopeful we are, the higher is the disappointment..

Anyway, i hav been doing self injection of puregon since last Monday. Supposed to drop by doc again today for a scanning.. IUI estimated to be either this Fri/ Sat..this time round, i learnt my lesson...dont dare to be too hopeful and just try to take things easy...afterall, after e IUI, is another 2 wks of waiting period...

Hang on there everyone! Hope that our dreams will all come true... *Baby Dusts* *Baby Dusts*
dream: Am better.. after seeing the doc and talk about it, all seems good for now.. Have to check my lining next week coz i told him about my spotting during the cycle.. We are planning to go for ivf in aug when i am back from my holiday. sadly, i have to go for long protocol which mean more injections. not looking forward.. sigh..

Anyway, good luck to your iui k.. dr loh is good.. Im sure you will succeed under him!
Hi Lachesis and Saralyn: Hope you are feeling better now. I understand that no matter how many cycles of this roller coaster ride we go through, getting AF is always devastating. But you will feel hopeful again for the next cycle. Stay positive! Baby dust baby dust!
My holiday was good! This cycle we are trying naturally so we know that it is a long shot. So during my holiday, I threw my rule book out the window and enjoyed a glass of wine with my meals, had lattes during brunch, ate oysters, etc. I figured, since the probability of BFP this cycle is so small, I might as well enjoy myself and do things that make me happy
My 2ww ends this Saturday. We shall see...
Also, I noticed that I've been dreaming about TTC, pregnancy and IVF lately. So far it's 3 times in one week! Last night I dream that my doctor told me his IVF success rate was 70%! And I was so happy in the dream! Ha ha! Even in my subconscious state, I think about babies!

Dream: I also asked my doctor about the HBA test earlier this month. He does not recommend it for me because whatever the result is, I already failed 3 iui and going on IVF. IVF will correct the problem of sperm binding with egg so there is no point to waste $ to do the test to find out. The one good thing about IVF is that it will override a lot of uncertainties, problem and questions because it is so manual. It does not solve the problems (known and unknown) but will just override them because nothing is left to nature. The only part they still can't quite control is implantation which they will need to leave to nature. Hope this helps! Good luck on your scan today. Hope your follicles grow big big!
Wah Lil, seem like u r njoying urself, tat glad. Prehaps ur dream is hinting to u tat ur natural cycle wk. Haha me bout d same as u, now forgo everything n start drinking cold drink esp coke which I didnt touch for 2 yrs. D feeling is shiok. Lol...

Anw i still hve 2 natural cycle before i proceed w ivf, hopefully i can strike within dis 2 cycles alt i knw is quite hard ;b
Hi hi I am new to this thread. Just did my soiui yesterday morning by Dr loh followed by acupuncture at tmc. Officially in 2ww. :)
Saralyn: Try not to think too much about the injections..think abt the higher success rates for ivf...if so, any injections will be worth it..

Lil Ponyo: if that's the case, seems like the chances for ivf are much higher...to be honest, i was a bit egoistic about trying ivf...cos i cant accept tat i cant be preg naturally..i was also worried how wld others think of me if they knew abt it..until a fren knocks some sense into me...she told me tat shd b e last thing on my mind..my main purpose is to hav my own babies..so now i am more acceptable to it...if i dun succeed within 3 trials, i will go for ivf as well...

i just went for my scan this evening...today is the 9th day of taking puregon injection..but when Dr Loh did the scans, he found only 2 follicles of about 12mm & 13mm...while there is a 3rd one with 8mm...he commented why are the follicles growing so slowly...it really got me worried but i dunno wat else i can do to speed it up..mayb my blood circulation isnt tat great..i dunno...he says that the ideal size is 18mm...i suggest wat if we up the dosage...but he isnt tat keen...he said cos he thinks i hav pcos (which i still dunno what it is actually), he doesnt recoommend having too high dosage n tat will end up having too many follicles and may hav to switch to ivf...he mentioned abt how one of his patient has 30 follicles and he extracted them out for ivf...

Now i can only pray that my 2 follicles will grow fast enough...he estimated that my IUI will be this sat and going for another scan again on thurs...

Mabel: Welcome! Good luck for ur 2ww! mine will only start this weekend...
Hi Laki Gal, ha ha I hope so too. I read somewhere on the Internet that vivid dreams is a sign of pregnancy but I'm not going to read anything into it. Don't want to think too much and get my hopes up! Wah, I don't know how you can tahan no cold drinks for 2 years! Hope you strike these 2 cycles too! I have a colleague who strike with twins naturally one month before her IVF. I think sometimes our mind relaxes after we have made the decision to go for IVF and that relax state is good for getting BFP!

Mabel: Welcome welcome! Good luck for this cycle!

Dream: IVF success rates is much higher than iui especially if you are under 35. Unfortunately I'm not
Anyway, forget about pride. Pride won't make you happy. A healthy baby to add to your family will make you happy! Laki Gal is right, try taking more proteins like eggs to help your follicles grow! All the best!
Dream, are you with Dr SF loh of Thomson? I also had slow growing follicles so he gave me 150 mu of gonal f. Dun worry they will reach the right size by the time u iui. :)
Lil & Laki_gal: All the best! guess once the plans are set, we can relax much easier..hope that both of u will be hvaing good news even before Aug...

Mabel: Yah...i am with Dr SF Loh...He gave u 150 for puregon injection? Did you have the injection everyday from CD2 till IUI? He is only asking me to inject 75ml and i have been doing that since CD2... What are your follicles size when u were doing IUI?

Maybe it is his first time asking me to do puregon injection and he wans to be a bit cautious..he said pple like me who hvae pcos, cant hav too high dosage and will result in having too many ....Sigh... i just hope that mine can grows to the right size before IUI...i read someewhere online that the ideal size is 1.8cm...
Hi gals,

Lil Ponyo - thanks, feeling better. Are you going for IVF or ICSI? I'm thinking of telling my doc to just go straight for ICSI and not waste anymore time!! And we're in the same boat - on the wrong side of 35 already...
Let's hope your dreams are a good sign! I agree, think that knowing that you're going for IVF takes some of the stress off, so who knows? Maybe can tio!

Saralyn - yes, most likely going for IVF next, ICSI if can go for that. Ours is a case of unexplained fertility, so the less obstacles in the way the better. :p

Dream - hope your follicles grow big big! Yes, ideal size is 18mm and above. When I was on my 9th day of Puregon jab only had 1 big one (19mm).. the rest were 13mm and less. Was on 100 units.

Mabel - Welcome! Think happy thoughts during your 2WW.

Laki: Wishing you lots of luck during the next 2 natural cycles!
Stay positive okay?
Lachesis and Dream, thanks! Hope so too but don't dare to bring my hopes up either.

We are doing IVF. Actually, I didn't know what is ICSI and had to google it! Ha ha! I won't read so much into my dreams
I'm also unexplained infertility. It is definitely less stressful now. I'm trying my best to be chilled so that I am in the right frame of mind for IVF. I asked my doctor what should I prepare for IVF. He said there is nothing because most of it is just mental.
ICSI is performed as part of IVF. It is performed when a small number of sperm is available & enables fertilization of an egg with even a single sperm cell.
Dream, he started me with 75mu of gonal f then response not gd so increase to 150 Until day of trigger shot. I also see him for the first time :)
Mabel: Do u have pcos also?? i am going to see him later on for the scanning again...The IUI is estimated to be this saturday...not sure if the follicles will be big enough..
Hi everyone...
How's everyone getting on?

Lil Ponyo,
U r cmg to an end of another 2WW. Hope to hear some good news!

How? How? How's the follicles now? Good luck tom!!!

Thks.. Ha, no lah, not too late.

Pls treat yrself as if u are BFP now. Dun strain yrelf and do everything at slow pace as much as u can.

Juz a cent worth of tots, I feel that by not drinking cold or taking anything cooling during 2WW is helpful too. Cos I feel that for us who hv TTC problem, generally 'weak'. So by keeping our body 'warm' helps to incubate the embryo during 2WW.

Babydust to all!!!
DHM: Hello! Hvant heard from u in a while...how's everything?? How's the triplets?

Yah...i think i probably i should cut down on cold stuff...cos i really live by cold drinks and deserts..especially in such a weather..

I went for a scan last night and so IUI is scheduled tomorrow.. There are 2 follicles, one on each side. One is about 17mm and the other is 19mm...hope that they will grow much bigger by Saturday..

Actually, i find the IUI procedure quite uncomfortable...cos i feel i am being "pried" open like a durian..haha! but i don't have much choice...just have to go through it again..but this time round, i wouldnt drink as much water as i did previously...my bladder was so full then that i was so worried during the whole procedure and could hardly relax..

but what's the reason for having to drink so much water??

Also, i am thinking whether to change TCM since i do not hav much luck with Dr Tan KS...read online that Tan Siew Buoy is quite good though she is so far... sigh....
Pcos is polycystic ovaries right? Very long ago one gynae said I have but subsequently my other 3 gynae, including Dr loh, never mentioned n never see it as a problem. Never asked me to do surgery too. But I managed to conceived my first child through my very first iui at 35 without any complications as well. But my cycles r always quite long. 32 to 40 days usually.
Hi everyone!

Hope everyone is all revved up for the weekend.

Think the general 'rules' for all of us ladies here are:
- Don't get too stressed up, try to take things easy (easy to say, hard to do)
- Treat our bodies as kindly as we can, as if we're already pregnant (no harm in being prepared!)
- Do whatever is necessary to stay in a positive frame of mind (avoid negative people, negative situations, be with supportive friends, log on to the forum more! Heh heh)

Went to see Dr Sandhana at KK yesterday. Due to my age, she is moving me straight to IVF, and it will be in August. Dr S said most likely ours is due to age (as in my age)... SIGH. Can't help but feel a bit of self-reproach for not starting earlier, but it's easy to go into 'should have, could have, would have' destructive thinking. Plus, I just found out that my colleague at work (who sits right across from me) is pregnant! While I'm happy for her, I also felt a deep sense of sadness... Had a good talk with DH about it (and cried a bit over it).. but feeling a little better about it now. Have to stay strong and positive, it's hard.. but must try.

Again, I'm really impressed at how the well-oiled the process is at KK IVF. A nurse (a very kind one named Veron who remembered me by name from by BT last week) sat down with DH and me and explained the entire procedure.

They even strongly recommended we go for counseling (FOC) at KK before starting the procedure to help us deal with the emotional stress and disappointment if the procedure doesn't succeed.

I had a tonne of questions for Dr S (did a LOT of online research), but she answered them all pretty quickly and easily.

Dian_tang -you are right. ICSI (Dr S pronounced it "Ick-See", much to my amusement) is done as a matter of course with IVF. And unlike some of the descriptions online (which seem to suggest that a random sperm is used for fertilisation), they will select the best sperm for ICSI.

Dream - how are the follicles?? Hope they've grown nice and big! I had only one big follicle, so for the IVF Dr S is going to up the Puregon from 100 to 300 units!

Well ladies.. enjoy the weekend. Remember to THINK HAPPY THOUGHTS.

Baby dust to all!
lachesis: U have forgotten to add retail therapy to the list of general rules...hahaha..
yah...i understand how u feel about seeing expecting ladies....till now, i still cant help taking a second look when i see any expecting ladies...of course, wondering why is it so difficult for me... hope that u are feeling better after a cry...like wat everyone says, crying is ok so that we relase our stress...but we must pick up very quickly so that we have the courage and stamina to press on... jia you!
I have 2 follicles last night.. (17mm & 19mm..) but the doc ask me to take the trigger shot last midnight and skip puregon this morning and tomorrow morning...IUI is tomorrow and i am not sure if the follicles will continue to grow after the trigger shot...if not, the current sizes seem too small, isnt it?? but there's nothing i cna do now other than keeping fingers crossed...

Mabel: I was previously seeing Dr Ann Tan but she said i do not have pcos...but Dr Loh says i may have a little since my menses period is long...my period is usually ard 36-38 days and honestly, i never really keep track of the cycle till i was trying to conceive...and i had thought that at least i am having AF every mth..then everything should be ok...but u shouldnt worry ...since u only had success previously, then things should work fine this round too...Jia you! for me, i failed last mth which is my firs trial...so hopefully i ahv better luck this time rouond...
Yr follicles sound good! Think high chance...
If I'm not wrong, full bladder is easier for the catheter to pass thru the compressed cervix all the way up to the uterus.
Yes, v uncomfortable! N I cant hold my bladder aft the IUI n went pee after less than 5 min on the chair.
Tot might gone case cos ever heard that its better to hold at least 15min. But I still got BFP even I went to pee.
But after IUI, I went bk hm n rest.
My DH made me lie down in the car with my butt lift up during trip home, ha! I oso continue to lift my bum even I'm at hm.
I juz do it to make myself feel better cos I pee-ed.
I oso read that it's not necessary to do that. But I kiasu lah.
Wish u lots of luck Tom!!!!!

A mini update...
I strained myself too much last wk cos went makan, shopping n did a little housework on Sun. Had a mini episode of reddish spotting on Mon.
Quickly 'flew' down to clinic to get help. Got a jab n scan. Babies r ok, heart beats still there. Couldn't find any blessing point, we guess it's due to the strain.
So upz my progesterone support n advised to rest.
So now, I only eat n sleep loh.
No more bleeding but occasional spotting, guess I shd b fine. Seeing dr again on Mon.
Dun blamed yrself for not doing earlier. U are doing yr best now n focus on this now.
Yes, Enjoy the weekend!!! Go retail therapy!

I was with Dr Tan Siew Buoy for alm 1.5yr, with no luck ;p.
She was formally Head of infertility in Thong Chai b4 she came out n teached at NTU n pte in Chinatown.
At NTU, crowd is lesser n appt is on time. Got discount if u had seen her from 5th time onwards. But Chinatown one v crowded n got to wait even u hv appt. Not sure how Chinatown's system work.
Dream: Stay relax dur the iui and good luck!

DHM: Take many rest ya..

I would be doing IVF in August after seeing the Prof , now doing the necessary tests . Got to do pelvis US again cos I did it in 2010
Wah I don't check the forum for a while and so much activities!

Dream, all the very very best in your iui tomorrow. Relax and don't think too much. Pretend you're just doing another scan at your doctor. After that, have a good rest on Sunday! Baby dust!!

DHM, oh don't be superwoman! Take care and take it easy. Good to hear that you and babies are fine!

Yes, my 2ww ends today but likely no hope as I got cramps on and off today like AF is coming. It's not here yet. Anyway It's funny this cycle even when I know my chances are low and I don't think so much about it, or get my hopes up, I still feel so sad. I was telling my DH that for 1-2 days each month I feel sad to the point of devastated and feel like giving up! Sigh...

Morning, ladies... Thought I wld drop a note before leaving home for the IUI.. Thks very much for all the best wishes.... I will try my very best to drink moderately n hold my bladder... Cos for e last time, I had taken too much water tat I
Couldn't even hold it beyond 3min... Opk was positive last night n hope is still in time...

DHM: pls hav lotsa rest....n u aren't supposed to do any housework... Rem... U hav triplets in u... So enjoy e pregnancy n juz lie back n b a tai tai...

Lil ponyo: dun give up so fast! U never know... N Thot they always say af symptoms are very similar to early preg symptoms? So as long as af never comes, is always gd news...

Dian tang: all e bests for ur tests... But hope tat u will hav gd news even before aug!

Baby dusts to all!!
