IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

I am at Dr Foong's clinic but not with Dr Foong.
Errr....I agree with the gynae that your friend is very young. Most of Dr Foong's patients are above 30, mid 30s - 40s. I don't think gynaes will encourage fertility treatment for your friend unless she or her husband are already diagnosed with a serious problem.

Hi egg factory, great to see your reply. I am not sure if her dh Gt problem. But they both are quite young.. Which gyne r u seeing? So should I tell her that gyne won't usually attend to her cos she is still young.. But it seems like she some difficulty in that area.. I am still hesitating if I should bring her with me not.. Worry that if she comes along and dr foong is not doin anything and she has to pay for the consultation fees etc.. What do you suggest here?
Hi Shirley
She has difficulty - meaning her period not regular or? Usually after one year of trying but no outcome then see normal gynae to do basic checkups and sperm test for the DH. Gynaes will usually prescribe Clomid if needed. Dr Foong is an IVF expert and deals with difficult cases so seeing him is a bit waste of money in my opinion...
According to her, seems like it is.. No outcome yet.. I am also at loss cos I am also having same problem.. I am slightly older den she is.. So you suggest that she should see normal gyne first before goingfor further treatment?
Yup.. if it's irregular period, gynae will usually prescribe Clomid for 3 months. If dun respond to Clomid, then move on to injections. Can also ask for sperm test especially if the DH is much older.

If period is heavy or painful can also ask for ultrasound scan to check the womb
Egg factory: do you know whose id Dr Henry cheng at husband?? I am still indecisive of which doc I should go to.. But for my cousin think will ask her to go normal gyne..
Egg factory: yup bishan.. Sorry for the typo.. Not many reviews abt him.. So I amnnot sure too.. You mention that you're at Dr foong clinic, which doc you seeing? How's your experience there?
Egg factory: you can pm me.. I provide you with my email? [email protected]
Maybe I should get my cousin to go to go to Henry usually normal gyne will provide clomid right? No age limit for this med right?
Hi Shirley
I'm with Dr Foong at Gleneagles. He is a very caring and patient doctor and I really like him. I'm not sure what he will do in you/cousin's case, so I can only share my experience with you. Because I'm over 35, after trying unsuccessfully for 6 months, I went to him for tests and checkup. For those below 35, it is recommended to see a doctor after 1 year of trying. We did scans, bloodtest and check fallopian tube (HSG) and continue trying naturally for another 6 months before moving to IUI and clomid. I failed all 3 IUIs and now starting on IVF. Hope this helps.

Hi Egg Factory, happy to see another sister here going to the same clinic. I realised most people here don't go to this clinic.
Hi Egg Factory
Of course, please PM me
Hi ladies,

How have all of you been? I have been very busy with work and my son.

Still no good news yet but definitely not giving up yet. Hehe!!

Planning for a Vietnam trip next month.. hopefully can have a relaxing time with hubby and maybe can have a MIV baby. Haha!!
Hi Lil POnyo & Egg factory,

I'm with Dr.Foong too. He's also my fertility doctor. Haven't done IVF yet since he told me to take one step at time. Now in the IUI stage (today is 14dpiui! No sign of AF which is a good sign). Yes, he is a nice doctor. Being seeing him for close to a year now. Everytime when I see him for Day 12 check, he never fails to stand up and handshake with me. very professional. He is also quite accurate in predicting ovulation (just that it doesnt work for us these months for various other reasons).
Hi Missbean, how wonderful!! All the VERY BEST of luck this cycle. Are you going to try HPT? Or you are going to wait it out?

Dr Foong stands and shakes our hands too. Like him so much. I always feel happier and spirits lifted after I see him. Me too, I've seen him close to 1 year already and usually ovulate around Day 12.
Missbean: that's great! Hope that ur AF will go for a long holiday round the world... Are u going for a blood test?? Do keep us updated ! Hope to hear good news fr u!

I thought I hav no iui buddy.. This sat will be my 14dpiui.. Will be going for a blood test at 11am before seeing doc at 1230.. Dr Foong sounds so good.. dr Loh on the other hand is always so busy n sometimes I find him distracted.. Anyway, keeping fingers crossed too...

Baby dusts to everyone !
Thanks all for the wishes. Hopefully my AF really goes to a holiday and don't come back to me anytime!

Lil Ponyo: I'm planning to wait it out and if I still don't get AF on Day 18, then I go for HPT. Crossing fingers! See how things goes. I get a bit nervous whenever I see him on Day 12. Because its like an exam day, all the hard work (injections, clomid) I take, will show whether or not it is effective on Day 12. I also get uplifted after seeing him. He's very encouraging. I remember that there was one time where ovulation is delayed and he advised on the date for BD. I was going for holiday in Rome and he encouraged us by saying " Do what Rome will do for you!"
Best of luck again, Dream & Mssbean! Hope to see good news on this thread!

Missbean, ha ha Dr Foong is so funny
Last month, it turns out that I'm ovulating on the day that my DH and I are flying to Australia for holiday. The doctor joked that maybe we should join a 'certain club' in the sky. It made us all laugh and relax.
Sob... I think I don't have any chances this cycle.. Though my blood test is only happening tomorrow, there is already a brownish tinted discharge tonight.. I can almost feel that my AF is coming...ARGH! Why is it just so difficult??? I thought I may hav higher chances with 2 follicles and legs lifted for 30min after iui... I really dunno whether I shd still see doc tomorrow. ... Can dr Loh really pinpoint e prob n wat I can do to overcome it?

Hugzz.. Don't think too much about it for now and have a good rest tonite k.. Can't be confirmed till you've done blood test tmr..
Dream, stay strong! Sometimes doctors can't quite pinpoint the problem. I failed all 3 IUI even with 2 eggs, regular ovulation, etc and so my doctor diagnosed us as unexplained infertility. It doesn't mean that nothing is wrong with us but it's just that given their knowledge and technology they don't know what is wrong. I concluded that it's because this is nature and I suppose we still can't beat nature. Let's continue to jia you and we will succeed soon one day! Hugs!!

HI Shirley, yes my cycle is like clockwork. I've monitored it for 2 years now using an excel spreadsheet (ha ha, I'm a geek!). It is always 28 days (+/- 1 day), I usually ovulate on Day 12 and so my LP should be 16 days.
Hi i'm new here.1st time Doing So-IUI and currently on my cycle day 15 with egg size of 11mm only really worried that my egg can't grow and have failed the SO-IUI even before the insemination
Went for my blood test yesterday and turns out to be negative, as expected. Dr Loh was telling me how under such circumstances, he would usually recommend going for ivf...sigh...never thought i wld have to step on this path...but no choice...so currently, i am planning to rest a month...try out iui again in aug...if it fails again, then guess i hav to go on ivf route..
Dream: don't lose hope... Persevere on... We all experience that ttc is not easy and to be able to go thru all these checks and treatments we are already a victorious warrior... All these experiences just make us cherish our litte ones in the future more... We might not have a reason now but I believe that by and by God will make us understand why.... hugs and jia you!
Dream: Take a good rest and for next few days, do something that you like (e.g. shopping, high-tea, etc).

By the way, do anyone know if HCG trigger shot will delay AF? I'm 17dpiui and very sure that I ovulated on the day of IUI as Dr.Foong did an U/S to confirm. No AF yet. Been feeling tired after work since 7dpiui and slept 2hrs earlier than my usual sleeping time. Painful and tender boobs. But been feeling AF is coming anytime since 14dpiui. So I wasn't giving myself too much hope and wanted to wait it out.
Dear Dream, sorry to hear that. Hang in there. This journey does gets tough sometimes but we will be successful eventually. Me too, I never in my life thought that I will be going down the IVF path but here I am. Just take it one step at a time and take care of yourself because your body and mind are the most important. Hug!

Dear Missbean, this sounds super promising. Tomorrow will be your 18dpiui!! Are you going to do HPT? You have so much discipline. I would be checking twice a day by now! Good luck and keep us posted!
Hi girls...

so long didn't come to this thread..

Dream: Sorry to hear that.. Jiayou k.. you girls are so strong.. I went through one failed SO-IUI and I decided no more coz I can't take the disappointment again...

Missbean: Good luck!!! Very promising symptoms you got!
hi ladies, as u know..i am planning to rest 1-2 mths before going for my IUI again.. as i read online, Dr Foong seems to be have some success for IUI..do u all recommend me switching to Dr Foong for 1-2 IUI sessions before going with De Loh for IVF?? Is it wise to switch to a gynae jsut to do a iui?
Dream: the standard guideline which I always hear is do 3 iui. If no result, move on to ivf. Maybe you can try changing.. Change of luck and you can get your bfp with new Dr and environment.. I heard Dr foong is a good gynea. He is one of the fertility gynea which my regular gynea recommended.
Hi Dream, both Missbean and I are with Dr Foong.
According to Dr and depending on your age, the success rate of iui is not that high. If I'm not wrong, maybe around 15% whereas a natural cycle has a rate of 10%. IVF rate is much higher from 35% to 50% depending on age. So that's why after trying 2-3 times iui and still doesn't work, it is advisable to proceed to IVF.
Sorry to hear that...
Be strong there!
Personally, I feel it's ok to chg dr. Chg of dr = chg of luck. This is wat I believed n did..
But standard is 3 failed IUI, nx step is IVF. So u thinking of doing 3rd IUI with Dr Foong? U resting now or waiting new cycle to start again?

18dpIUI... Can chk oredi. Normally dr will ask u chk HPT or BHcg on 14dpIUI.
Hope to hear good news soon!!!!
IUI is doing with oral med (clomid). SO-IUI is with inj.
Depend how bad yr ovulation case is. Some will take Clomid, some will take injection to stimulate follicles growth.
Scanning will be done to monitor the growth of follicles.
Once ovaries is ideal size, we will go for HCG jab to release egg (ovulation)
Within 12-24 hr, we will go for IUI (intra uterine insemination). This procedure is inserting DH's 'washed' sperm into our uterus.

Hope it helps...
Dr Loh initially asks me to proceed to ivf without going for 3rd trial. guess he couldnt figure out wat's wrong since the follicles are of the right size. I told him i wld like to try iui again for the 3rd time. n tat's when he suggested that i rest for JUl, try iui again in aug

I have heard about Dr Loh succeeding in ivf but i am not sure abt iui.. so i am toying with the idea of switching to dr foong just for 1-2 trials of iui before going down ivf... actually, i wanted very much Dr Loh to test again if i hav blocked tubes...but he says he doenst believe in wasting money...give the benefit of doubt to Dr Ann Tan that she has already checked properly...


But does ivf really requires best rest? if so, i will have to do it in dec. cant imagine taking a long mc during other months...
Saralyn: are u proceeding with IVF?

Dream: dun give up, ok . We can understand how u feel . We are here to give support to each other .

I am going for IVF but I still read this thread
thanks, dian tang...for the support...
right now, my mind is just in a whirl...while i said i would try naturally this month, i am already scrambling to see if i should also try seeing a new tcm...initially, wanted to see the tcm in AMK, then decides to take the effort to travel down to NTU (although i stay in amk)..then i read somewhere online there is another good tcm in bukit batok..now dunno who to go...at at the same time, also worrying whetehr to go for Dr Foong or Dr Loh for the third IUI...
i think i am really going nuts with all the worrying which i can hardly put aside... cos i am so worried about wasting much more time...
Dream:For me, I also had changed to another doc . I request the first clinic to print the test reports that we had did , Tink dong here and there also take up some time .
I thought of doing acupuncture but dunno where is good. Saw that most ladies in the forum went to c dr zou in amk . U going to the Tcm in ntu?Btw how old are u? I am 35 years old Liao .
Dream: take a break.. Enjoy this month and decide with your husband do you want to change doc and whether to Give iui another try.. As what dian_tang mentioned, some time will be wasted as you move from one doc to another.. Getting all your past records.. Make appointment.. See the new gynea and decide the plan etc.. Take a break.. Make your mind clear and you can think better.

Dian_tang: Yup.. Going to ivf in my next cycle in Aug..
Dian_tang: heehee.. Afew ladies here also doing in aug.. We are all cycle buddies again!!
hope we can get our bfp together.. Heehee.. I'm with Dr Loh. You doing long or short protocol?
Dian Tang: I am 33 this year but have been trying like for 2yrs plus, though not diligently every month since DH is a busy man with his work schedule. He is always tired and i feel so pai sei having to remind him that this is the time of the month to BD...

Is Dr Zou in AMK good? i initially already made an appt for her this Sun cos thinking of switching from clementi since i stays in amk and i heard she is good...but now i heard about ntu tcm...anyone knows which has higher success rates?

Is there a thread which i can join for ivf? just more for a better understanding of the process.. cos i have heard of pple having bed rest throughout and i am not sure if my work can accomodate for this...
Hi dream,

Actually my doctor told me that conceiving by iui or ivf does not mean that the pregnancy has higher risk.. It's the same as any other pregnancy by natural conception.. So think it's really hard to know whether you need bed rest.. For ivf, you will definitely be given 2 wks hospitalisation leave after embryo transfer.. Beyond that, it'll depend on individual condition..

You can join the ivf/icsi thread or ivf at nuh thread

Saralyn: yah..he did check my lining..since the first time of scan during the cycle (can trem on which day), my lining is about 8(dunno mm or wat)...and he says is good...he also say follicle size are good...so he doesnt really know why didnt i succeed this time round.. i also make an extra effort to abstain from cold drinks during this cycle and drink the logan packet tea everyday.. so i am really at a loss...cos i dunno wat else i can do or check to figure out the problem.

if i am going for ivf, i will go with Dr Loh since i read online about him being good and he is prob cheaper than Dr Foong..but i am tempted to try out my last IUI with Dr Foong but i wonder how Dr Loh would react if he realises it...

sigh...any other reasons why IUI could fail?? i try surfing online for an ans...but nothing came up..

I also need to decide where to do tcm...think i wan to switch from Clementi since i have been going there since last Dec...close to 4-5mths...but no results...
