IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

Hi ladies... It has been so long since I last logged in and some much has gone by...

Dhm pls take good care ya... Mummy of triplets must be more careful wor...

Dream all the best for your iui... Jia u!

Why must have full bladder for iui? The nurse at clinic ask me go toilet before iui.. Different from all your docs lay...

Have a great weekend! Best of luck to all of us!
Hihi it has been a while since I logged in... Seems like most of my cycle buddies are moving on to ivf... Just an update I was back from my trip from Taiwan in may with a bfn... Month of June also bfn...

But one good thing is that hubby is finally agreeable to iui for jul... Can I check are the hubbies of you ladies resistant to seeking fertility treatment? My Hubby emo alot when it comes to this and I dun know how to comfort also. To me its like if we need help then seek help kinda thing... But he just don't see it this way... Oh well...

I'm currently in clomid for cd 3-7... Going for my scan this fri t check follicle size... Baby dust to all k!
Hi chewybib

I was in the same shoes. 5 years ago I suggested iui and each time we would end up quarrelling and badly. Last year he nodded so we went Kk. But changed to pte doc and wondering if is good choice. Personally feel iui is not am easy procedure. Think Ivf even more. Kudos to those who r trying Ivf. Jia u k. At least he agreed now. U r one step closer to bb
Hi Jess, yup I think all infertility treatment is not an easy process... Actually I tot if givin up the iui this round... Though Hubby agreed he emo quite alot... I think he is still not ready. I'm afraid that if this is the case even if bb come will he wont have the bonding. Or if touch wood the bb come with defect will he be able to take it? Argh!!! Any advice ladies?
Went for IUI last Sat...but is a bit different from last month. I did it at Thomson Fertility Centre instead of Dr Loh's clinic. But what's different is that unlike previously, this time round was very fast adn not so much of a discomfort..not sure if it is cos my legs are elevated..and after the whole procedure, i was lying down wiht my legs elevated for 30min while trying to hold my bladder at the same time..DH's troops werent tat great..if i interpret correctly, there was 0% with round/oval heads and 97% with head defects...even after the wash, only 1% with round/oval heads and 96% with head defects...is this considered as non ideal troops??

Jessica: I am not sure why need to have full bladder too...that's wat the doc & clinic staff told me...maybe like wat DHM mentions, with a full bladder, it will ne easier for the catheter to pass thru the compressed cervix all the way up to the uterus.

Chewybib: my DH wasnt resistant against fertility treatment...maybe it is because we hav been trying (though not diligently) for 3yrs...but he isnt any younger and since i googled much more than him, he takes it that i know wat's e best solution...though i admit it can be quite stressful for him...just like how after we did IUI last sat, we wanted to try BD on sat night...we tried but wasnt successful (guess it removes all the fun out of it...) and we tried again on sun morning just when we woke up...but it wasnt successful either...so after that we thoguht...aiya...forget it lah...leave it to the just IUI procedure n keeping our fingers crossed....
Chewybib: Oh yah...have u trying talking to ur DH to understand e reason for his resistance?? if it is pure man's pride...then hav to learn to persuade him to let go...afterall, what's more important is to ur own bb..n this BB is still created by the both of u....nvm if it is thru fertility treatments...n furthermore, it may not imply that the prob lies wiht the man...it cld be us (female) having the problem and needs assistance fr the fertility treatement..

Jia you!
What my DH n I hv done is that we hv talked about our TTC journey on what we r gg to do nx if this or that fail. Prepare him in advance so he knows what are the help we can get.
Let him ventilate what in his mind and try to understand his point of view n his understanding of IUI.

Prob u can let him understand that some of us who can't conceived naturally is in need to get help. N as age increased, the percentage to get pregnant is decreased. If seek treatment early will achieved more than later.

I'm not sure abt SA. I only merely asked abt the result after IUI, n gynae juz say, sperm looks good. My DH only took the specimen n a written report. I din mge to see the report cos it was handed to the nurse once he came from the lab. I oso din mge to get a typed out report until now cos it's at MT E lab. Din bother to get oso.
U mean yr 1st time, u did without raising yr leg? My IUI sound like yr 2nd time. Wow, at least u mge to lie for 30mins with a full bladder! Kudos!
Wish u plenty luck!!!
I juz got bk frm my scan today...
3 of them are abt the same size now! I felt relieved after hearing that. The smallest one mge to catch up with the rest.
Dr advised plenty of rest n no housework, no long distance walking i.e. shopping loh.

Babydusts to all!!!
Hi DHM: Congratulations!!! Your bb are also working hard too! So can now look forward to the delivery of triplets!
yah...during the last month when i was doing IUI, my legs arent really elevated...i probably have them 90 degress but my heels are still resting on the bed...but this time round, at TFC, my bum & legs and elevated and after the procedure was done, my bum & legs are even mroe elevated...not that comfy actually..but prob helps the troops to move downwards faster... but previously, D lOh still had the scan tv on..but now this time round...in fact, he seems to spend much less time this time round...i just hope that there is still equal chances, if not more...keeping my fingers crossed...
Maybe change of environment = Change of better luck? Well, u hv done yr best now, leave the rest to God bah. Try to take more warm stuff, if u can, n relax and wait for good news now.. Dun get stressed, k?

Yes, they are working v hard! My gynae told me I might delivered by end dec. I do really hope both babies n I can tahan till Jan. But dr feels that I can't drag until Jan as he hvnt seen any triplets mge to tide over 35weeks.
Now I only can pray hard everyday
hopefully....but after last mth's experience, i don't dare to think too much and harbour too much hopes...so trying not to think about it and let time passes...ok...i will try to take warm stuff..cos i am actually quite fond of cold drinks & snacks...in fact, just bought a tub of sherbert last weekend...but guess i shall give it a miss till after 2WW....

Don't worry too much....i am sure your BB are as good as u....sure can tahan till Jan...most importantly is for them to grow healthily...
Thanks ladies for the advices
yup I think you all are right... Need to give him more time. Ytd I had a discussion with him and he gave the go ahead to the treatment. Though unwilling but I think he want to get it over and done with ba... In this process of working things thru himself. Now can only pray for good no. of follicles and good sizes

Congrats dhm
take care and hope to catch your baby dust
1/3 of your dusts will do!

Dream... rest well n have lots of Longan red dates tea

Jess are you doing iui in the next or this cycle?
Jia u dhm and babies m sure they can tahan until Jan. Relax and rest more.

Chewybib: m giving jul cycle a miss I think. M sick and was just taking medicine. Haiz after enduring 2 months of medicine free. Fertile period should be either when I m in china or when I just come back. Think would be very tired. M thinking of next cycle. But hub hopes we can try asap. So m at a loss too.
Happy for u that your husband is willing to go to doc. Give him some Time and ask him to go through process with u. He will feel for u and baby. May u have success soon!
Hi ladies, have not posted in a couple of day.

DHM, congratulations on your 2nd scan. Happy to hear that your 3 babies are same size and doing well. You are a motivation for me and you will have 3 dragon babies all at one go!! So exciting
When this year started, I was hopeful for a dragon baby but now that doesn't matter at all. As long as healthy baby is more than enough.

My AF is late for 3 days and finally came today. We knew from the start that this cycle is a long shot as we tried naturally. But even with that knowledge and mental preparation, it is still kind of sad to get AF today. Will rest my womb and follicles next cycle (not even trying naturally because I traveling for work) and then IVF next. Hopefully we will kick arse in IVF!

Dream, good to hear that your 2nd IUI went smoothly. Now just relax, don't think so much, do lots of positive visualization and good luck!

Chewy, long time no see/read
It is a positive step that your DH has agreed to IUI. Make sure he is well informed of the procedure, limitations and success rates beforehand so that he will feel more comfortable with it. Sometimes, I feel that our DHs do not have the same support as we do because we have girlfriends and even better this forum to share and support each other. Men may not have that kind of support so it is important to keep the conversation open and flowing. (unless there is a fatherhood forum that i don't know of

My DH is supportive of IUI & IVF. When we first started TTC, I told him that he needs to be very involved and well informed about the processes. I wanted him to read up, do his research and ask questions whenever see our doctor. We are a team and tackling this challenge together. It doesn't matter whether the problem lies with me, him or both of us. From our research, we know for a fact that the pregnancy rates for couples our age is less than 10% each natural cycle. For IUI, it's around 20% or less. So chances are low and IUI and IVF are our options.

Lately, we started discussing about plans if IVF fails. We are discussing possibility of never having children, perhaps adoption or if we are comfortable with donor egg or sperm (depending on where the problem lies). So far no conclusions yet but one thing that is for sure is that we are thankful we have each other.

Hope this helps!
Hi gals,
I've been reading this forum for some time and decided to post here. Cos I think it will be good to give support and get support here since friends/relatives around are the luckier lot that doesn't have fertility problems. I don't think they can ever understand the difficulties, pain after seeing AF and long journey we went through. It doesn't help when they are popping babies like nobody business.

Been TTC our hopeful first kid since Oct 2010. I'm 31years while hubby is 33years. My menses had been irregular and have very long cycles (up to 50 days). We've been seeing a fertility doc since Sept 2011 and went on treatment. Found that my ovaries are not working hard enough and not having ovulation. Went on Clomid from 50mg up to 100mg dosage for 3-4months. Still no luck as ovaries refused to wake up regularly. Clomid also reduce my lining and wasn't very ideal.

3 months ago, I started Puregon injections from D6-D10 alternate days for 75ui and D2-D6 for 50mg Clomid. I did ovulate, tried naturally but ended with bfn. 2nd round of Puregon injection + D2-D6 50mg Clomid did not work very well. Ovulation delayed, poor lining and tried naturally. BFN again.

3rd round Puregon of 100ui from D4-D10. 25mg Clomid from D2-D6. This time, doctor is happy that there's a mature follicles on Day 12 , good lining and timed that ovulation will happen on Day 14. Hubby and I decided to go for IUI given that we have waited long enough and invested $$ on it.

Did our IUI on 28 Jun. Done the HCG trigger on Day 12 (very stinging injection!) After that, its cramping for next two days on the right ovaries. Doc did an ultrasound before IUI and mentioned that Ovulation occurred 6hrs earlier, which was quite good timing for the procedure. IUI was very uncomfortable for me as doc says my uterus is quite curved and he has to spend more time and effort to find his way to the right destination. Hubby's troops was on the low side though. 11 millions after wash with 40% Grade A. Doc has put him on some medication to improve his troops if we need another round of IUI.

Doc says its about 15% chance for us. Today is 5dpiui. No signs except sensitive & swollen/painful boobs since 1dpiui. I always have painful boobs on bfn. So I'm not reading into it too much. We cross our fingers and countdown to the 2ww.

DHM: Congrats to you and u gave us some hope. Someday somehow, we will join u
Hihi lil thanks for sharing... So heart warming to know that you and your Hubby is tackling this challenge hand in hand
all the best for you next course of treatment ya

Jess take this time to rest and do things that we can't do while ttcing. I understand how it feels like to have your plans stopped by something... Be it work or sickness... Have to take a step at a time ya...

Ladies anyone does iui with frozen and fresh samples? If yes how many frozen samples do you all use? Haiz my Hubby suppose to go for freezing tmr but he forgot and boo boo go and empty his troop today... Haiz dunno in time to get 2 samples or not... Is abstinence for 1 day enough? ie freeze thurs and sat? Aiya so frustrating!!! I'm alreading in cd 7 and am needing all the prayer that I can get...
Morning ladies! Yes...i am taking it easy because i am no longer measuring temperature.. without temperature reading, there's nothing to read into and i didnt think much about it. But logging into this site has become almost a daily habit for me..

Missbean: Welcome! Looks like we are very close IUI cycles. I did my IUI last sat. so today is my 4dpiui..too early to judge anything...anyway, i was very badly affected last month after the results came out bfn..so now, i don't dare to think too much...all the best! hope that both of us have good results this month!

Chewybib:cant help u much..my DH uses fresh samples..and for that, the instructions on the paper asks for 2 days abstinence.. maybe to build up the troops...maybe u can google to see if there is any way of building up the troops fast...
Hi Dream,
Yes, we have close IUI cycles and in same 2WW period. Its good to have some support here since we are sharing the same experience =) I totally agree with you when we see BFN. Sometimes when I get a BFN (no matter how much I tell myself not to pin too much hopes), I still sob & cry out loud and ask why I am the chosen one to go through all this painful journey?

Yes, let's hope we will be the luckier lot this month.
thks ALL for the well wishes...
Hopefully can tahan till Jan, if not Dec. Juz hope they will be healthy n ideal weight by Dec.

At least he is gg with the plan now. Dun get too stressed up as it does no good to our body.
Sorry I'm not sure abt the frozen sample. I only know fresh sample muz at least 3 days abstinence.
Baby dusts all over u!

YES! U will get there eventually! Hope to hear good news from u soon!
hi ladies, any recomendations on fertility doctors? and what are their charges like? been trying for a few cycles after my laproscopy and no luck since.

congrats on ur triplets, DHM. jiayou wor.
Energetic snake,
My present gynae is the only fertility dr that I found thru my SIL n this forum. Hvnt been to the rest so I can't comment much.
Guess most of the private charges are about the same n comparable. Personally I prefer pte than to KKH.
My gynae charged $160 for 1st FERTILITY consultation n sub consultation is $55.
The 1st consultation is thorough history taking, v-scan and discussion on what he can do to help.
Scan ranges $65-80 depend on the complexity. U can visit his website www.mygynae.com.sg.
So far under him, I mge to get BFP on my 2nd round of SO-IUI. 1st cycle - din mge to go for IUI cos follicles not ideal size.
But I would say everytime I go, I spent the minimum abt $120...
Hi Dhm, can i check how much is iui?
Under what circumference that one need to do iui? You TTC for how long before u got your bfp?

IUI itself it's $200(excl GST). Sperm wash abt $200.
But it's the purogen that's ex.. I had 150iu shot daily for abt 11days b4 trigger shot, total it cost abt $ 1600.
I used to hv 35 days AF cycle but become erratic after my D&C at 2010. B4 my prev pregnancy, I oso tried abt 1year.

Seen TCM for alm 1.5years without any western intervention. Cos want to try 'naturally' but no luck.
Last year end went KKH for HSG, some kind of uterus scan to get myself prepared for IVF. Meantime, KKH prescribed me with Clomid.
I had 2 rounds of Clomid n I feel I'm doing it 'blindly' cos KKH doesnt do scan to chk follicles size.
I felt its a waste of time for me to be there n my age is catching up.

Then my SIL intro me her gynae n I came to know abt IUI.
My gynae actually suggested Clomid again but I refused. I want sthg that is 'fast'. We tried 1st round Purogen, follicles not responding to 100iu shot. Decided to increase to 150iu to try b4 I will go IVF.
With my limited knowledge, i think pple with ovulation problem n not responding well to Clomid n natural BD.
I did SO-IUI- that means injection -for follicles to grow - with intra uterine insemination.
Follicles r of good size n sperm are washed. It bypass the acidic cervix n sperm r directly inserted into yr uterus.
It's sthg like IVF without the 'hatching' of embryo in lab.

Hope it helps!

Is your gynae Dr Fong? Good & friendly doc? So you just did SO-IUI and you got pregnant? Do you still remember your total cost (including consultation) etc?
Yes. He's Dr Fong Yang.
Quite friendly, soft spoken, speak both English n Mandarin.
He only give u a stern look if patient is disobedient, ha!!
He has both clinic at Paragon n Tiong Bahru.
He operates mon n fri @ TB. Tue, thur n Sat @ Paragon.

Paragon's clinic is bigger n more comfy. GST is charged.
TB is smaller as it shared with a dental clinic, no GST.

Most of the time I will go TB n will only go Paragon if I really hv to see him on non-TB operation day.

Est cost of my 2nd IUI with 150iu purogen n scans n consultations n nursing charges is abt $2500.
Any blood test taken? Actually my sister & friends is seeing for pregnancy.. feedback are good.. but i am not sure about his fertility treatment... Tired of changing gynae... so really need to find a good one..
Well i have a PCOS - not ovulating well and have a haywire menses... last 2 cycle was 108 days & 73 days... gosh...!!! Guess i am too stress up...
Woah.. Yr cycle really long n haywired...
Maybe u r really stressed up with TTC...
IMHO, I feel Dr Fong knows his work well. He sees u as an individual. He will try his best to help u get BFP.
I feel quite safe in his hand.
He is quite humble too.. Ive seen a few gynaes b4 him, I nvr come across any gynae that will help to pull the leg prop thingy when his nurse is abit 'late' to come in n assist him.
He dun mind doing that as a dr...
My prev gynae will wait for his nurse to come in n done everything properly then he will examine u.. But Dr Fong is not like that. N I find it 'different'...
Getting a gynae that u muz be comfy with is v impt.

2 kind of blood test on 1st cycle IUI. Can't rem the test name.
Yes my cycle is really crazy.. I am CD8 today and i am on TCM treatment... so tot of seeing a gynae... east + west treament.. hopefully can boost up the chances...

Btw congrats on your preggy... 3 in a row.. must be tough ya... Hang on babe!
thanks, DHM. was tinking of seeing tcm to boast up as well. after my lapro, my gynae did not give me any medicine to help me improve my chances, just ask us to try naturally for 3 months and then go back for review after that, suggested us do ivf. damn demoralising lor. thats y need to seek another doc opinion see how. actually dr Fong was also recommended to me by my ex-colleague who delivered her son last month. she have good raves abt him.
Hi ladies... Seems like I'll need to abort this cycle after all... Hubby can't do the freezing in time... Haiz....trying naturally for this month while giving Hubby ample time to freeze... Oh well... Hopefully the clomid can increase the chance ba... Good luck to those in the 2ww
Hi Chewy
Our IUIs were all using fresh sperm. Is there a reason why yours needs to do freezing? Don't worry, just enjoy yourself this month, relax, have a drink and have fun with your DH. Who knows? You may strike and don't need to do IUI anymore!! Good luck!

Hi Missbean, Energeticsnake, Babykk and Lady chris, welcome to the forum!

I'm actually quite enjoying my break from TTC this July. I had a good workout today, sweated buckets and felt good about not worrying about excessive jumping or my womb
Lil... My doc says cos my Hubby's troop not so fantastic so she suggested to combine 2 frozen samples with one fresh one on the iui day itself to increase the chance... Oh well just came out of my day 10 scan... Have 2 eggs one 21mm the other 14.5mm... Doc suggested to bd today and sunday to see if we can catch the big one... I shall now pray big time for a miracle
Hi Laki Gal!!! I was just thinking of you recently

Sorry, I have not been on other thread much in the past few weeks because I thought my IVF is still some time away. But I was just thinking I should follow the IVF thread more closely from now on. My next cycle is in 4 weeks. Doctor told me to call him the day my AF arrives to make appt for blood test on Day 2. That will be the start of our IVF journey. When are you starting? Are you doing anything to prepare your body now? I will write to you on the other thread in case you don't check this one often.

Chewy, your eggs are big and promising. All the best of luck!
Thanks Jess and lil.... Dr told us to bd on fri and sun but till now I still haven't got my smiley on opk
dunno what's wrong... Now I'll just whack already la... Bd every other day till next tue... The let my Hubby abstine for his freezing... Haiz feels more like a robot now...

Good luck for all who is trying ivf
how's the progress for the ladies in their tww? Any good news?
Morning ladies...today is my 10 dpiui..was still feeling bloatedness adn cramping a few days ago but now everything seems back to normal.. while I didnt measure any BBT this round, i was hoping for IB...but again, there's none...i should really learn not to think anything about it or to harbour any false hopes..but is just so difficult..sigh..

Going for blood test this Sat and can only cross my fingers for the best..

Baby dusts to everyone!
Hi dream all the best for bt
some ladies do not have a single symptom during their tww and yet still get their bfp like anything... To early to tell ya...

Kinda miss Ann and min81 how are you guys doing?

Hope to hear some good news from this thread soon
Hi Chewy, stay positive and hang in there. We will be successful one day. Let's find some thing to celebrate and be happy about everyday until we get our BFP

Hi Dream, all the best on your BT this Sat.
Yes, Min81 BFP same time as DHM, right?
Hi Chewybib and Lil_ponyo,

Thank you ladies for your concern
I've actually quit my job.. This is my 2nd week of unemployment.. haha.. I've still been following this thread, reading all your posts actively


I had bfp in march but had a miscarriage at 8 weeks.. I'm actually going for ivf in august..
Hi Min81, happy to hear from you and that we will be IVF buddies too. Sorry, that I got you mixed up with Hope. She is the one who BFP with DHM.

How are you feeling? Enjoy your work free time and take care of your body. Come join us in the IVF thread too.

No worries about the mix-up

I'm actually feeling pretty all right both physically and emotionally.. Was initially happy about getting a nice break when I tendered my resignation, but started feeling insecure as it neared my last day at work.. Feel uneasy without income.. haha.. But my hubby has been very supportive and reassuring, so I'm just taking this time to relax.. Went for yoga lessons twice so far.. Heard it's good for fertility.. I've never done it before, so find it kinda torturing..haha..

Are you doing anything special to prepare for ivf? I'm actually not thinking or reading too much about it cos I'm really dreading the injections..haha.. Will worry when the time comes..

Hi everyone.. Just a Que requested by mycousin.. She is 23 year old and has been married for a year plus and till hubby's vit conceive.. Been to one gyne and received nasty (according to her) saying that she is still young (being 23).. So don't need to see gyne.. Prescribe her with lots of vitamins and do it naturally. Go back to him in 3 months time.. Second appt (again vitamins presribe to both her and her dh), doc commented that he doesn't wanna play god.. So she came to me and ask me which doc will attend to her? Her concern are she want doc to do something, blood test, clomid or injection to get her pregnant.. I thought of giibg to see Dr foong for myself and bring her there.. Do you think Dr foong will attend to her? Appt is coming in couple of weeksttime.. This will be my first visit to Dr foong.. Can someone tell me how usually Dr foong will do and ask?
