IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

Dream - i hv super light brown spotting today, think really no hope liao.

Just called TFC, they advised me to do blood test today, n see Dr Loh tml.

Good luck to your BT also!!

Saralyn: not yet...in abt 2hrs time...still working from home now..though i can hardly focus..having to force myself to just think of work n nothing else...

Ginapy: Could it be the IB which everyone is talking about? I rem DHM mentioning that...she had the brown spotting but in e end is IB and she's now happily preg...i was in fact hoping for such symptoms but i didnt see any...so was thinking no chance ... So u brought forward ur blood test to today ah? good luck to ur BT! Hope that BFP is waiting for you ..... don't worry too much...at this stage, we already tried our best liao...hoping too much or preparing ourselves for the worst is not going to help...the best is not to think abt it..i rem i was so hopeful last mth cos of my BBT...but in end, it still came one day late...was so super disappointed... Jia you!

By the way, how long was your usual cycle? mine was 35-36 days...
Lil Ponyo,
So happy for u! Hope u can strike naturally this cycle!
Rest n relax TOTALLY for ur trip. BD more if u can.
Hv a good trip Tom!

Good luck later!!!

Dun give up!
It maybe IB... I had brownish spotting for 5 days b4 I tested BFP. I hv blood stained too.
Go for blood test to cfm b4 throwing towel.

Spraying and showering all baby dusts to YOU!!!!!
Best of luck for YOU too!!!!
Am praying hard for YOU too!!!
Sigh... I want to cry... My results are negative... I was so cautiously hopeful cos af isn't here yet.. But I was so shocked when I step in n e doc told me he has no good news for me.. Arg! How can this happen.., I am so sian now n juz feel like crying ...
Oh no Dream!!
Oh I feel so sad for you.. eyes also watering already... :*(

Are you back at work? Maybe should take urgent leave to go home.... :*(

No... I took half day leave.. But I am already crying my eyes out at e bus stop now.. I hadn't realize how disappointing it is... I am going down to airport for a walk ... There is no way I can go home with testy eyes.. Mil is at home.
Dream: is good to just cry and go for a walk too. You will feel better after that.. I cried non stop when I failed my iui too. Worst thing is those jabs n medicines I took for the iui messed up my body.. I got to rest for 2 months..

Remember you néed to be strong after today an start again. One fine day we will get our bfp for sure.
guess by 5pm earliest today i will know my BT results oso, if not my tomorrow morning at the clinic.

I simply dont have mood now to work oso, dun hv any single hope that i could BFP.

Thanks for all e support ... After a long bus ride to e airport, I am feeling calmer but tired.. Disappointment is still there but there's nothing I can do.. Dr Loh suggest I proceed with iui again next mth but with injections fr 2nd day to simulate e eggs .,. Cos I only hav one this time... But forgot to ask if it is a daily injection..

Ginapy & Lachesis : hope u hav better luck than me! Good luck n baby dust !!

Hugzzzz..... Squeeze u tight....

Hope u feeling abit better now...

I know no words can comfort or cover the disappointment that u r facing now. I really do hope that u can recover from this failed cycle fast to be strong again to go for the next cycle of IUI, if u planning to do so.

Pray that nx cycle is a successful one n remember, the little bundle of joy is waiting for u at the end of this TTC journey...
hi ladies, my BT results are out. My heart sank.... BFN!!! haiz, super disappointed, 4 good size eggs, DH sperms above average. What went wrong???

i told hubby i feel like giving up liao, tired of all these. At the back of my mind, i dun wan to go through all these procedures again.

Good luck to all of you who are in 2www.
Ginapy and dream: *hugs* hugs* I can understand how u feel cos I have gone thru these too . I Cry cry for few days , pick up myself and move on .It is difficult but u can do it ya . Be strong . Did the doc suggest the next step?
Thanks ladies! Since its BFN, I cancel doc appointment scheduled for tomorrow.

I dunno what I should do next. 2nd try of SO-IUI or nothin at the moment. I'm clueless n mind totally blank.

I'm not ready for IVF or simply dont even wan to do it all.

What do u ladies think? Help me decide!!!
Dream & ginapy,

*hugzz*.. Sorry to hear about the results of the blood test.. I know it's really tough.. Give yourselves some time to cry and get over it.. After that, hope you pick yourselves up and move on k.. Gotta try and stay positive..


Try not to think so much k.. Don't have to rush.. Give yourself a little time to get over this first.. When you feel better, you'll think better and can discuss the next step with your hubby.. Hang in there k..

Hugzzzz too....
Since it's only 1st try, give IUI another chance if u are not ready for IVF.
When I failed my 1st IUI, my eggs did not respond well to purogen n had to abort it halfway thru'. I was oso at the crossroad at that time too. 2nd IUI or straight to IVF. I decided to give IUI another chance. Dr had given me the dose that almost to IVF stage.

Side track- maybe chg of gynae, chg of luck? I chg my gynae n got BFP after 2nd attempt of SO-IUI.
Dream and Ginapy: If you can't decide now, just rest a while. just go with your heart.Jia you!!
Some doc will explain why failure of iui occur and provide you with some options.
Dream and Ginapy, so sorry to hear that. Big hug! We understand as we have all been there. Stay strong and your turn will come soon. Just think with each cycle, we are nearer to our goal! Sometimes, everything seems right but still no BFP. Just like my last failed IUI with 2 eggs. I didn't cry but I went for retail therapy instead and bought 5 pairs of shoes and a bunch of new clothes!!! Strangely, it worked and I felt better! Hope you will feel better soon

Ginapy, you can consider taking a break this month. Enjoy your time with DH, be relaxed and try naturally. You will feel energised to try again the following month. And for the next feel days before ovulation, you can enjoy things that you may avoid such as a good workout, coffee and a glass of wine! My doctor told me 2-3 IUI is a good try before considering IVF.

Thank you ladies for your well wishes. I will do my homework and work hard from tonight onwards!
morning ladies.. i am back in office today but feeling so drained and tired with sore eyes.. i must have been so mentally and physically tired that i dozed off at 9plus with my eye mask (to cool my sore eyes)and woke up only after midnight..

honestly, i dunno what e heck which cna cause IUI to fail.. Like Ginapy, i have no courage and am not prepared to move on to IVF yet.. so i guess i will move on to IUI again this month...hope i can recover mentally over the next few days...

i think i will stick to Dr Loh for a while more before considering whether to change. Honestly, Dr Loh has a smiley face but he's very businesslike. he only spent less than 5min with me..with no explanation on y it fails..just say there is only 1 egg this mth so let's go ahead with IUI with injections to stimulate more eggs...but does hvaing more eggs mean it will succeed? my tubes were previously checked with Dr Ann Tan..but he doesnt suggest re-checking cos he assumed she wld hav checked correctly...i wld die if it ends up to be tube prob..

DHM: Who's ur doc? Is he exp and hav long waiting time?
oh yah...for those of u who are like me, secretly takiing BBT during the whole process, please cast it aside totally!
I was asking the doc yesterday why are the results still negative when my BBT are still so high...he said it is affected by the medicine which we are taking..

so much for all the false hope..wish i had sticked to my original decision of not taking BBT..the higher are my hopes, the greater is my disappointment.
dream: glad you are feeling better now.. all the best to your next cycle!

well.. if you have more eggs, the chances of success will be higher right? anyway, it depends on alot of other factors too. =)
Thks, Saralyn.
To be honest, when i first got married, i didnt want to have a baby till 2yrs later. At that point in time, i thought being pregnant is not difficult. Had i known earlier, i wld have started immediately. We took our own sweet time while trying naturally and now here i am...back to square one..
i heard from my colleague that the success rates for IUI isnt really very high...so i was hoping i have a chance to be one of the minority...again, it failed...sigh...right now, i am so pessimistic...thinking i may even fail subsequent trials of IUI & even ivf...
But honestly, after this lesson, i dont dare to be that hopeful in susbequent iui trials...
i was the same.. my husband even suggested we go for a check before we start ttc or got married.. just because i was lazy and though we shouldn't have any problem since we were both strong and healthy at that time.. but after afew months of trying, i got impatient and decided to go for a check and got the bad news. sigh.. If only I have went for the check earlier the damage will be lesser and maybe i would have prepared myself much earlier for fertility treatment..

anyway, dont lose hope.. let's jiayou together..

regarding the success rate of iui, yes, it is very small.. my gynea suggested me to go straight to ivf coz he said no point i go for iui since the chance is so slim and i need to take a break of afew months after each iui.. why dont go for ivf.. once and for all.. do it, high chance, and i rest for the next few months..
ok...i didnt know there is a need for a break after each IUI..my doc didnt say so. cos i am asked to try IUI this month again..
Is so ironic..I went to see Dr Ann Tan previously and even suggested if i could be suffering from pcos (cos my colleague does)...she says no...tat's why it put me at ease...now Dr Loh says he suspect i am having a little...although all blood & hormones tests are fine..i just wonder...why cant there be a confirmed diagnosis..

I am 33 this yr...i hope i hav the stamina to try out IUI 3 times at one go...n if i dun succeed, i will hav to decide wehther to go for ivf before 35...

it is jsut so hurting that it is so difficult to conceive when everyone around me isnt having the problem...including my younger sis in law...and now my younger bro is also getting married....if his wife conceived very soon, i will be even more pressurized...
HI ladies, I was posting on the other thread but wanted to say hi here to everyone.

I was on here a few months ago - tried IUI and it failed all times. So I can certainly understand the disappointment some of you are going through getting BFN.

I am scheduled now for IVF this August and I start my injections next month.

Wish you all babydust and strength for us to get through this journey and I'm sure we will!
dream: no no. you can do immediately the next month.. my gynea said i got hormones imbalance after my so-iui and thus, i was spotting non stop.. he gave me some pills, which i think is bcp, to take for 2 weeks to stop my spotting..

sigh.. well.. i guess we are the unfortunate one who are facing some challenge in getting pregnant.. but look at the bright side, we are fortunate in other area too..
Dream, I think it is a case by case basis depending on your body and womb to have a break between IUI. I went for my 3 IUIs one after another without break (although failed them all). But now that my IVF is confirmed for Aug, doctor said it's a good time to take a break until then. I know it's hard but try not to stress and be down too much because that will also affect getting pregnant. Most important is to stay relax and positive and good news will follow.

Hopeing for One, you are another Aug IVF buddy to me and some of the sisters here too! All the best!
Hope u feeling better now...
So u planning for 2nd IUI? Were u on Clomid or injection the last cycle?

My gynae is Dr Fong Yang.
His website: www.mygynae.com.sg.
I could say his rate is comparable with other private gynae rates. Waiting time really depends on that day. Longest I waited was 2hr. Shortest- 1 min.
He is soft spoken, patient n reassuring. He knows his work well, maybe he is fertility trained. He was in SGH CARE b4. Heard that he was from KKH too. Not sure abt that. My sis-in-law intro him to me. I oso got to learn more abt him thru forum. There's a thread of him in SMH too.
Dream dont give up. Continue to Strive hard. Guess when we worked for it, we would treasure the little one more... Hugs.... M close to giving up too And changing doc too but hub told me to give doc and ourselves chances. We would be rewarded.

Saralyn m in same shoes as u. Years back hub said we both wanna do post grad and save more money before having baby. Who knows when we achieved but baby dreams so hard... He wished that he didn't say we should wait. Now we would have a 7 years old kid but can't turn back the clock. So just have to press on.

Ginapy : a friend recently shared her Ivf story with me. It was tough but she got twins. Don't give up on iui yet. If Ivf is not an option. My doc suggested iui 3 times before Ivf. Jia u!
After our marriage , we said we wait for 1 year later then we start family planning . As my hubby often out station , so we seldom tried for one even after first yr. I had an eye op at the 2nd yr and my DH has knee op on 3rd yr . So the chances of conceive was lower . On 4th yr, we finally go for pte conception check and so after 4th year of marriage , we are still childless .
Hi all, thanks so much for your support!

I will become more positive n m looking forward to my 2nd SO-IUI next cycle.

I always tell myself, I hv my 4 year old son wif me, n if God really wan me to hv 1 child in this life, so be it ba! This is Fate. But I will try within my means for my 2nd & 3rd child.

Wishing luck to everyone! Jia You!!!!
Thks for all e encouragement.. Really appreciate it n it made me feel much better to know there r pple who understand wat I am going thru.. I will press on .. Though a fren suggest me to go straight to ivf

DHM: during e last cycle of iui, I had pills ( not clomid but sth similar which does not thin e lining). A day before iui, I did a self injection. Is tat wat u hav as well? All doc can perform iui n ivf or only fertility trained docs?
Ooh, there's another type of pill beside the famous Clomid? I din know that.
A day b4 IUI, I hv an injection too. Its called Pregnyl. Inject to muscle. It helps to release the egg from the follicle.

Not too sure all Dr can perform IUI but I only know its better to get one who is specialized in infertility issue.
When I was with my previous gynae, I dun think he perform IUI or IVF. Even the 'an-tai' med he use, which is duphaston (v common in sg) is different.
Because I still hv left over Duphaston from the prev gynae, I asked whether can I take that instead of Utrogestan. Want to save some $$ mah, :p
The nurse told me that Utrogestan is 'stronger' n more effective than duphaston. And I did my own online research that UK has actually stopped Duphaston.

But dunno how reliable is this source.

At that moment, I feel that I'm in safe hands of a infertility trained dr.

I was with TCM too. One year+. Brewed med to drink every 2 days, rest one day. I dun mind traveling all the way to the west (sound like Journey to the West 西游记) to get my pulse read n drink the horrible med.
But think my body really v stubborn. Not responding at all. Till I decided to go for IUI/IVF since naturally can't work.

Actually b4 seeing Dr Fong, I was with KKH. I went there because to get subsidized rate for all the tests, like HSG, SA. I was on clomid session too. I dun like the Clomid 'system' there.
They simply gave u the med, n ask u go back and BD on those days. Then go back for BT. If not successful, increase dose n try again.
I feel its really a waste of time doing it blindly.
When I told Dr Fong abt this, he agreed with me that that shdn't be the way to do it. And guess what he disregard the 2 cycles that I had 'been thru' cos there was no scan done.
I was like, huh?!?!... Start Clomid all over again??!!!
Then he suggest Inj Purogen which is the next step. I agree to it cos I want to get BFP fast. So went ahead and try.
1st cycle, jab everyday and follicle too stubborn, dun want to grow at all.
2nd cycle, increase dose and got BFP.

My experience is not as 'colorful' as some other sisters here and hope this bring some insight to you.
DHM: thks for very for e patience to write a long msg to share..I tried clomid for 3 mths but not successful n hence dr Loh suggests I move on to iui.. But mayb e pills which I am taking doesn't help to stimulate eggs. Cos I only have one. So for this mth, he suggests I go for injection on e 2nd day after af... Hopefully, it helps to create more eggs.. I used to be worried abt having twins.. But now I dun care... As long as I can hav my kid

Ur doc sounds nice.. So far, e two gynae whom I hav been with are very businesslike ... They dun really explain much n always in a hurry... Mayb see how... I will try a bit more first..
Girls.. Lets not look back and regret.. Look forward and try ourbest.im sure we will be rewarded with what we went through.. Jiayou everyone!!

Have a great weekend..
The purogen, ideally, has to start CD2. Ironically, I started on CD3 for my previous cycle.

Of cos, too many or too little is no good. That's y close monitoring is needed for this. I guess a good gynae shd hv the patience to sit down and discuss about your care and concerns.
No point paying so much to see someone who only treat us like any other cases.

A child is a gift. It really not up to us, sometime, how many we will have. Be it 1, 2 or 3. Be glad and grateful if we strike

Best of luck!!
yes.. i agree with DHM. the docs that i have seen always in hurry to rush here and there.

I always think if i are fated to have 1 child, i wld be contented. Even in the end, I still can't have one, i still have my hubby with me

As long as we are healthy, nothing is impossible.
enjoy ur weekend!! Many sales ard the corner
Hi ladies, afternoon! hope u had a good weekend...
Today is my CD2 and i just went for the purogen jab this morning...Doc also showed me how to do it...and with the pen, it seems much easier and less frightening..at least, for the next 3 days, i can do it on my own without having to involve my MIL (cos she was a nurse).. doc told me this method has higher chances than the previous cycle when i was just taking medication..but only 10-15%...
so keep my fingers crossed and start another round...
I was on purogen too. What's the dose yr dr starting u at? Yes, the pain is quite minimal. A trick to it is, wait for a while for the med to 'thaw', say abt 30 seconds. Dun jab immediately when u took it out from the fridge, will be more painful if u jab it 'chilled'. Alternate sides everyday.
A trick that the nurse advised me is that, after the jab, exercise to circulate the medication.
Think the exercise part is helpful.
Wish u plenty of luck this cycle!

Sthg to share with the sisters here.
Went for my 2nd scan today and guess wat!
I hv 3 little beanies!
2 of them is abt 8.2-8.4mm, the 3rd one which took all of us surprise is at 6.4mm. Its quite small and hope it will catch up with the rest soon.

Another 2WW b4 I can see them again.

Hope this good news will help to motivate those who are hving IUI or gg to hv IUI soon.

Babydusts to all!
I am so surprised but excited for u!! So you are having triplets! Wow Wow! Congratulations!!
Now must really take care and drink more tonics hor...keep us updated again! there are so many 2WW to go thru...hahha...ur DH must be very excited now...

the dosage given was 75. Doc didnt tell me abt the thawing part...okie...i will do it..cos i dun like pain...wat sort of exercise do u do?? like rotating ur arms?? keke...tat's the only thign that came to my mind...pls dun ask me to do sit ups..
i am planning to do it around 7am...before i start washing up and prepare for work..
Think 75iu is starting dose n be prepared to get adjusted if follicle not responding well.
I started my dose at 100iu, no response n adjusted to 150iu then hv response.
I inj at my tummy area so I did some step up aerobics exercise. That time, my mum throw me her stepping exercise thingy to me so I make use of it. The CD aerobics hv abdominal area exercise that need some twisting, so I juz make use of it loh.
Everytime I do, I will perspire alot. By perspiring, I guess blood shd b circulated.
Do some exercise that make u perspire abit. The most impt thing is blood must be circulated.
yah...maybe that's the reason why he ask me to try self injection for 3 days before going to see him again on this Fri. woa....but exercise till perspire? die liao...then i dun need to work...looks like i prob hav to wake up at 630...otherwise no time to bathe...i dont think i am capable of exercising till i perspire...cos i dont perspire easily..guess i would go for cruunches...and also reduce tummy at the same time
Haha... Wont die lah...
As long yr heartbeat got increased b4 n aft yr exercise is gd enuf.
Prob u do some light one b4 work n when u got bk from work, do some light jogging loh...
DHM, congratulations on your scan results! Oh my gosh, I'm so excited for you. Please take care of yourself. Now I understand that there many many 2ww to go through after BFP and they are equally if not cause more anxiety! Your success story really motivate me. Take care! Catching even more baby dust from you!

Dream, all the best in your new cycle! Fresh cycle, new hope!

I went to a family gathering recently and met 5 cousins and their spouse and each of them has at least 1 kid! And the older aunties keep asking when are we having kids. Oh man, it wasn't easy!!
Lil Ponyo: i can understand how u feel...certainly not easy...i usually tell them i am still saving money for milk powder..wait till i have saved enough..hahaha..
jia you also!

DHM: actually, i don't like jogging...i always end up feelign itchiness...think that's due to blood circulation but jus that i can never overcome it..i will find some ways to exercise,,,maybe climb steps or crunches lor...
Lil Ponyo,
Pour babydusts all over u!!!!
Yes, I agree with u that attending this type of gathering just dun feel good!
Well, tell them or tell yrself good things worth the wait!
I was like u, flying here n there b4 I resign n become SAHW. Those mummies with children envy my 'freedom' n while I envy them being mum. Juz feel that once the time for u to strike is here, nothing can stop it

After TTC-ing for cmg 3 years, I got my blessings.
Guess yours is not far from now...

All the best for yr IVF in Aug!

Thanks Dream.
Hey, you can try brisk walking for 20-30 mins!

By the way, I have a question for the sisters here. I'm thinking of starting acupuncture to help. Do you have any recommendations? And usually how much is a session? Thanks!
