IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?


My gynae didn't give me any medicine as the spotting has cleared.. Now just waiting to see if my next AF is ok.. Actually, don't think that the queue at nuh is an issue.. I was told i can actually do it next mth if i want.. But since i gotta wait for one more AF before gynae gives the go ahead, i registered to do it in aug.. Happy with my gynae so far.. The session on ivf was like 3.5 hrs, very informative..


Yup just relax.. Actually i was kinda freaked out by the needles when they got us to try out the preparation of injections.. But i was just thinking, never mind, just don't think about it! Will just have to do it when the time comes, no point stressing about it now.. Just eat healthy, exercise and keep our spirits up!

Hi Gal, good to have another ivf buddy! Will check out the other thread that you mentioned.

Saralyn, hope you will find a doctor that you will be comfortable with for ivf!
Morning Ladies

Emily, d q is now up to Jul n ther shldnt b a problem for u if u wanna do in Sep or Oct, however hve u perform those IVF screening test? Coz it takes some times to do those tests. D medical report u mention is those IVF screening test? Is better for u to meet up w d doc in sgh first n from ther, d nurse can help u to book d q. Is better to book early but think d q in sgh n nuh is better than kk.

dian_tang, I'm in ivf/icsi support thread (http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/5/154014.html?1335161350), do join me ther

Now im tking prenatal supplement, taking ensure milk on alternate day, LRD on alternate day, occasionally tking EW n brazil nuts. However now im gvin my body a rest coz falling sick after taking those heaty stuff

min81, wow is gd to have d session on ivf n to c those instrument used, i only attend d briefing n it only bout 1hr n follow by Q&A. Any points that u can highlight to us on d ivf procedure?

Lil & min81, u cn check out dis thread http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/5/154014.html?1335161350
Frm here, u can learn more fm d other ivf ladies n recently ther many bfp cases
lachesis: Good luck to u too....how many days since IUI has it been? i can't view the website which you provided...but is alright.. i will heed ur advice and say no t HPT..

how fast...today is already the 13th day since i had IUI..going for the blood test on Thurs.. this morning, my temp was 37.01..the highest since i started taking a few months ago..i dunno whether it is a good news or whether i am jsut about to fall sick...i realised since taking the Progesterone tablets, i am always feeling feverish and last night, it was almost like having a cold.. in fact, just as i was reading my ebook on the bed, i suddenly had a dizzy spell..the bedroom seems to be turning..i never experience that...(trying hard nto to read too much into it..) and immediately told my hubby i am feeling dizzy and will sleep immediately..

keeping fingers crossed...

Good luck to all the ladies out there....hope that we can all promoted to mummy!
min: ok ok.. hope it will stable in the coming cycle.. =) take good care of your body for the time being..

dream: fingers crossed for you!!!! remember to come back and update us after your bt on thurs. Hopefully there will be another good news in this thread!! =)

lil ponyo: hopefully you will strike this cycle naturally!!!

talking about the fear of failing.. this is what my husband is afraid of.. he is afraid i can't handle it if we were to fail the ivf cycle.. he said i will surely break down n go into depression.. sigh.. that's why he is quite reluctant to let us try ivf.. and after hearing that, i think i am not prepared for the failure.. which is why i am procastinating to decide which gynea to go to.. sigh..

I really saluate you ladies, min, lil ponyo, depressed gal and dian tang, for taking this big step.. I really hope you all will strike before going to ivf in aug/sept/oct.. Jiayous ladies!!!!
Hi Gal,

Hope you're feeling better.. Remember to drink lotsa water cos you're taking heaty stuff.. Actually the session focused on the step by step procedures of ivf.. Prof wong stressed that any form of traditional medicine that requires you to consume something will have to stop when you start on the program.. The only one that can continue is acupuncture cos it is not harmful, whether it is helpful has not been scientifically proven.. The only diet restrictions are no alcohol, no smoking, 1 cup of coffee/tea a day at most, and no herbal medicine.. During the 2ww, he will not allow any travelling and exercise.. Even for walking, no power walking, only strolling allowed.. Must stay home and rest.. If bfp after 2ww, he will also not allow any travelling for the whole 1st trimester.. So maybe if any of you has travelling plans, might need to do some rescheduling..
Thks min81, ya nw kep drinking water n kep rushin for toilet haha.
Thks for d points, I will tk note of them. Actuali i didnt c any TCM so it shldn't b a problem for me

Oh ya, does bed rest needed coz some of those ivf ladies seem to spend most of d time on bed.
My DH already lazy to try naturally . So I only can hope for IVF . It took me much courage to decide to do ..
Min81: I dun mind the short and thin needles with pen . Still haven't try the injection with longer needle -_-
Hi Gal, thanks for the thread! Will check it out tonight.

Min81, your doctor is really good! Thanks for the tips! I happy to read that most of the stuff I'm doing already like no herbal medicine or caffeine. I travel a lot though so it looks like I need to sit down with my boss for a serious talk!! Good thing he is so supportive. (yes, he knows all about my iui and doctor's appt)!

Saralyn, don't be scared. My DH and I had a talk last night and he told me at least we give it a try and it's only 50/50 chance of failing. Whereas if we don't try, we already fail. So that helped me boost up my courage.

To all you ladies nearing the end of your 2ww, all the best! Baby dust! Baby dust! Baby dust!
Saralyn, to add to my post. I meant if we don't try IVF, we would fail is because IVF is the only option for our case now that IUI don't work for us. I'm sure it's different for everyone. I hope I didn't stress or make you worry
Gal, saralyn and lil_ponyo,

Hope the tips help
Actually it's ok to see tcm now if you want.. He said as long as stop the herbs a day before starting on the injections, he's ok with it..


Ya think you need to let your boss know your ivf plans.. We have to go through so much for the procedures, it'll be better to be on the safe side
Lil Ponyo: it is so good that your boss knows and understands... currently, i just had a change in boss and he's sitting in Europe.. I find it tough having to tell him i have a medical appointment here & there..sometimes, i take leave instead... jus tlike this thurs.. to prevent him from wondering why am i hvaing so many medical appts.. but i still dunno him well, i wouldnt want to jeopardize my position if i tell him abt planning for pregnancy...wat a dilemna..and it doesnt help that the waiting time is so long in Dr SF Loh clinic
today really bad luck..i had a trip...i was stepping onto grass with my heels and was specifically warning myself to be careful but in the end, i still trip and end up kneeling down on my right knee as i lurched forward...now i am so worried..hope that it wont jeopardize my chances..
Lil ponyo: haha no worries.. Im fine.. Agreed with you.. I told my husband we must try it even tot we might fail but at least i know i tried my best and no regret in my life.

You travel often for work? Where you normally fly to? My job requires me to fly too and very lucky i have a supportive boss who understand the stress in ttc n will not let me fly during my peak time. Do you have such arrangment too? Sometime i feel so paiseh to tell him peak time thus no travel when he really need me to..

Min: my gynea totally no no to tcm for me because he says it might make endo come back faster. Anyway i tried 2 months and gave up coz of the medicine.

Dream: haiyo!! Why are you still wearing heels??
Depressed gal: did u take the 'conceive well '? I bought it dur a sales but haven't start to take . Thanks for sharing the link to the thread .
Dream: if no pain in the stomach shd be alright .. Take care oh ..
Min81: wow prof Wong gave very great advices . Btw, the 'he' mentioned is it 'she' instead?
Saralyn: JIA you too!!
Hope everything is ok with u... Ya! Y r u in heels?!?!

Looks like a few of u hv decided to go for the next big step- IVF. I wish u gers all the best in this big test n hope everyone will graduate, even b4 gg for that!!!
dian_tang, i took prenatal supplement fm gnc however most of d ladies in d ivf forum is taking conceive well gold

DHM, thks n ya hope we all no need to go to dis big step *praying hard n hope to bfp soon
I am alright.. Juz a bit bruise on my right knee... Eh... I didn't think too much abt being in heels since not really preg yet.. N my heels aren't really that high..juz normal.. Actually, I am always quite clumsy.. Will tend to trip even in flats.. But I will take ur advice - if the results are positive tomorrow, I will switch to flats... Though going to be tough to adjust since I can't do without heels for work
dream - hands itchy this morning, and tested this morning with ClearBlue. BFN!, i guess this round i should be no chance. but my TCM still advise me to go to TFC this fri to take blood test.

Sad Sad Sad

Glad you're ok.. Ya best to switch to flats.. Best of luck for your blood test!


Oh then better listen to your gynae and don't take tcm medicine.. I'm also not taking them for now, just longan red date tea on alternate days.. I just try to eat healthier where possible.. I've switched to taking brown rice and wholemeal bread..


Sorry, not sure about your question.. You're asking if prof wong is male or female gynae? He's a male gynae


A blood test will be more accurate.. Don't think too much about it k.. Just wait for the blood test..
Saralyn: My doc also told me not to take TCM medicine.. i rem that amongst the chinese med, there's danggui...but yet, there are some sayings abt not to take danggui during 1st 3mhths...i also dunno who to believe..but accupuncture is still alright...but again depends on the type of accupuncture u r going..for mine, my accupuncture can only be done before ovulation...once after ovulation, my tcm wont do accupucture too..

Ginapy: Don't read too much into the HPT..the gers here have advised against it as it wont be that accurate...anyway, it could probably be too early to test...so i suggest, stop testing! hold urself back... my blood test is tomorrow...i havnt test...the only thing which i cant seem to stop is taking BBT...ahaha.. but why are u taking blood test with TCM? not with western doc??
Min81: takes for the luck...need it badly...havnt been able to sleep fully till alarm rang these few days...i always end up waking up at 5 plus, regardless whether i slept at 11 plus or 12 plus... will be nervous n excited tomorrow..keeping my fingers crossed and praying real hard...
dian_tang: Thanks! btw, i am taking conceieve well gold..

Ginapy: yes.. dont read too much into hpt.. they can give false results.. as long as don't see red you still stand a chance..

min: ya.. i stopped taking them already.. only tried for 2 months and i gave up on the chinese medicine.. sooooooo yucky!! Heehee..

dream: glad you are ok.. and all the best for ur bt tomorrow.. praying for you!!!
Glad u ok. But u still hv to treat yrself as if u are BFP during yr 2WW. Be careful too when u wearing flats too, some say too flat oso not good for our spine.
Pour baby dusts all over u for yr BT Tom! Best of luck tom!!!

Hmm, yr TCM ask u take BT? Think he/she trust BT than HPT. Take his/her advice lah... Wish u luck!!!! Baby dusts spreading over u...

Who else's is doing BT? Baby dusts over u too!
BFP luck will follow u!!!
Thks, DHM...i will bring ur baby dust with me tomorrow when i go for BT..

Wat's the diff between BT & HPT?

DHM: By the way, have u done ur scans???
Not yet, will be doing my scan on monday..
V kancheong. Firstly to c got heart beats. Secondly, to c the smaller sac grows anot..
Bo bi, bo bi...
thanks ladies, mayb i too anxious to know the results.

TCM - i went Thomson Chinese Medicine n signed up the IUI Acunpuncture package to further enhance the IUI.

BT - is more accurate than HPT cos they can detect HCG levels even earlier than HPT.

Dream - what time is ur BT tomorrow? Did u make an appt for that? i haven book mine though
BT = Blood test - use blood to chk exact HCG level,
HPT= home pregnancy test - use urine to chk whether BFP anot.

Is this wat u asking?
Ginapy: Do i have to make appt for the blood test? The receptionist of O&G was telling me no need...do u hav e number?

DHM: yah..pai sei...for a while, HPT didnt strike me...old liao...

i was still cautiously hopeful but right now, it feels a bit odd...not much feverish and i can almost feel as though below is expanding just like usual af...as though the flow is coming...sigh...looks like gone case for me...although my bbt for today is still rpetty high at 36.8...but guess prob caused by medicine...

Dream! Your BT is tomorrow! BABY DUST BABY DUST BABY DUST!! So excited for you!!!! And please wear flats! Glad to hear you're okay. I'm in 8dpiui, so only going for BT next Fri, 22 Jun. Trying not to think about it or get excited. :p

Ginapy - hang in there!! HPT not the most accuarate! Your BT is this Friday? Pasting the link here again.. Dream was saying cannot click


DHM - catching your baby dust in advance for next Fri... All the best for your scan next Mon!!

Depressed gal, Saralyn - when did you start taking pre-natal supplements? Is it too late to start taking now?
Dream: Good to hear you're okay. I'm also very clumsy. Dont worry, your body is more robust than you think! Good luck for your BT tomorrow! Baby dust! Baby dust! Although my boss and office are understanding, sometimes I feel bad too, like Saralyn, because I know he needs me to travel and I can't. Last year, when I realised that TTC was getting tough, I decided to tell my boss and colleagues. I was very open about it because I figured that I need all the support I can get! Now I think even our office in HK knows that I'm TTC. Ha ha! I don't care if it reflects badly on me because I still give my best at work and getting a BFP is my current goal. Maybe your boss will be more understanding than you expect!


Yes, I'm like you and also feel bad when i cant travel. I mainly go to HK, New York, Korea and China. Sometimes there are adhoc travels to other parts of Asia.

Maybe I should start taking Conceive Well too. Right now only taking Folic Acid. Where do I buy Conceive Well?

DHM, I'm also kancheong about your scan! Ha ha! Thanks for coming here to motivate us even after you BFP!

Ginapy, good luck on your BT too! Baby dust!

Lachesis, good luck in advance on your BT too!! More baby dust!
Haha.. DHM, i am also very excited for you.. praying it will be smooth sailing for the next 9 months and the 2 beanies are growing strong and healthy now..

dream: is just tomorrow.. don't think so much now.. tomorrow you will know the results. dont make yourself too worry. is not good if you have a tiny life inside you now..

lachesis: I started folic acid long time back when I started ttc.. only 2 months back i started on conceive well.. yes, it is never too late to take prenatal supplements..

lil ponyo: me too.. i broke down infront of my boss when he told me maybe is time for me to start a family... i couldnt help and cried like a baby infront of him immediately. I told him I have been ttc for some time and it is really very stressful.. after that incident (i am still very shy over it that I cried so badly infront of him! haha!), he has been very nice and will always ask me when is my convenient time to travel. =D

Am glad we have such a supportive boss and colleagues.. this really helps us to lessen the stress in ttc..
Hi ladies,
thks for all the luck & baby dust...i will bring all of them with me tomorrow...in fact, i am still wearing low heels today (already left e house when i read the msg from u all)...but will not walk on grass....walk on pavement n try to do it stroll....which is a torture to me..cos i usually walk very fast..then working from home tomorrow morning n leave at 12 for my appt...*taking a deep breath*...aiyo...is like waiting for O level results..

DHM: all the best to u too!! keep us updated! very excited for u too!

Ginapy & Lachesis: stay relax hor...dun think so much...time will pass very fast... that's wat i have been trying to do past few days...jia you!!
dream - praying for your BFP tomorrow & BFP for me on Fri.

i just double checked, no need to make appt for BT tomorrow, i will go at 830am sharp, then hopefully they will give me my results on that day too.

Me no more cramps already, but my BBT is ard 35.8 - 36, very low hor. But cant do anything much now but to pray
Ginapy: dun read too much into bbt... Juz my thing since I started TCM a few mths ago.. I asked doc before n apparently they dun really rely on it as there cld b other factors .. So dun worry.. Hope i didnt stressed u out..I heard tat e results will be out in an hr... Cos appt with doc at 2... But u know lah... E waiting time... I won't b surprised if I dun see e doc till 3...
Ginapy: yah...he asked me to ask e nurse to fix an appt with him tomorrow to see him..then after i told e nurse/ recep, the nurse then ask me to come down an hr earlier for the blood test.if af has come by then, then still see e Dr Loh but no need for blood test. maybe u call the clinic tomorrow and ask if u shd be seeing Dr Loh on Fri? i think his appts on weekdays shdnt be as bad as weekends...
Dream and Ginapy: Good Luck tomorrow. You can know the results by tomorrow. I remember i received mine in the afternoon which i did blood test in the am.My heart beat very fast when the nurse told me abt the results on the phone .
, Dream..Try to slow down your pace when walking

Lil Ponyo: you can get conceive well at pharmacy like guardians, Watsons, unity . Sometimes they have promotions and only cost 20 plus per box. i think the usual price is 40 plus.

Depressed gal: any side effects observe after taking conceive well?
Dian Tang: Need so many hrs for the results?? i hope i hav the results by the time i see the doc...my heart wont be able to take it if he just say hi to me ...ask me to go home for results...
thks, Dian tang...looks like a long wait for me tomorrow to even see the doc...how can anyone avoid taking leave when seeing gynae esp when the waiting time is so long... sigh...
Hi ladies, went for a scan this morning and confirm I have 2 eggs this cycle with a little 3rd egg (which probably won't mature). Hopefully can strike naturally this month! We are going on holiday tomorrow!
Lil Ponyo: Congratulations!! Yes! Enjoy & relax yourselves during the holidays and do "homework" every night! Wait for your good news!
But don't stress yourself...just enjoy yourselves...
