IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

Hi mish, yes is rearly a tiring journey. I tried for 4 years. Check everything but all seem normal. Went tcm n tried everything I could but no outcome. This year, went so-iui twice n failed. Going to do ivf when menses come this month. Not sure if able to handle emotion if fail again. Sigh. Sometime it just so demoralize
but good to hear success story like yours
you must be busy with your little boy now?
I dun ovulate regularly even though my menses are very accurate (33 - 34 days cycle), and the discharge is regular as well. I guess the only way to know if we ovulate is to use OPK.

I dun think IUI procedure is similar to HSG.. It is worse than pad smear to me, perhaps it is due to the fact that my uterus is not straight enough. Anyway, it is nothing when you compare with IVF ET, as I learn the experience from my friend. Just relax throughout the few mins, and it'll be done. The whole procedure from the doc come in to leaving me is only 5 mins.

After IUI, do not exercise (like swimming, jogging) for the first 3-4 days - that's what my nurse told me. After that, it is ok, but still I do not do these. We have been through so much for this, and at this final stage of IUI, why subject to risks?

For me, after IUI, since I'm not working, I've rest at home for the 1st 3-4 days. Then I start to go out, but did not walk or stand for too long... Maybe I too kiasu...

For those whom after check up and both DH & wide are normal, perhaps can try to go travel during the ovulation period... Best to go those beach resort and do nothing there... As for this kind of cases usually the problem is stress, travelling relax most couples, and there are many successful cases that I have read that once they are not stress, they strike! So Cherrie, you may wanna try this, and who knows, you will be lucky!

For me, DPO11 today, feel that my PMS is here... Counting.. counting.. AF due on 13 Oct.. Wonder when should I do the HPT.
Hi Ching,

Usually we try to rest in bed for the rest of the day after iui and no strenuous workout after that. But it's really up to u. My gynea did tell me that usually ppl dont go running when trying and he says no swimming during the 2-3 days after iui coz might affect swimmers.

Cherie, that must be hard for you. Surely will demoralize. Ivf is a hard journey too. Hope all will go well for you. You are a really strong girl! Can go through for 4years. Hang in there ok? Pray hard.
Serene , I tried go for holiday at ovaluation period twice but still failed
anyway, I m getting my mind ready for ivf soon. Hope miracle happen n I can strike

Also pray that all of you here will succeed from iui or naturally
good luck
Hi mish, I've been trying for almost 2 years. So quite quite kan cheong, coz dh age is catching up and I've got PCOS myself. But I know the more kan cheong I am, the more I won't strike. So trying very hard remain cool & calm.

lady_chris, I've not done hsg so can't comment. But my past 4 IUI so far was fast, smooth & painless. The troops went in before I even know or feel it. The only thing I hated was the clamping device used to open up down there. That's the only uncomfortable part I feel. And it helps that my doc or the nurse will crack jokes or chat with me when they sensed that I'm tensed. So helps me to relax a fair bit. Anyway, do try to relax & control your breathing to keep your mind in a relax mode & you'll be fine.

serene, BFP symptoms are very much like PMS. We shall pray hard for you it's infact a BFP ya! Good Luck!

ching2627, basically no strenous activity, including exercise and HOUSEWORK!!! Haha...I'm happy whem my doc mentioned housework & dh was like Zzzz. But when doc also mentioned less shopping for time being, it became my turn to Zzzz & dh was super happy! Haha...oh, and do not carry heavy things too! For me, I try to avoid any forms of exercise till I know the result. HTHs! ;D
HI ladychris, i think the medicine u had is metformin, i am similar case as u. PCos and thus on metformin.

now inducing mense, and starting so-iui soon

juz taken the screening blood test last fri

hope all went well and can strike...
oh ya... i already pre-am my DH... no hse wk for me after that... i want full rest 3 days...

please do not further mess up the house if u cant keep it clean
Hi Cherrie

As a subsidized patience with kk, do you need to wait very long to have a slot to start your ivf process? Not sure if private patience gets priority in Q. Do you feel comfortable seeing diff gynae each time? I am torn between cost vs. having a fixed gynae and if I need to wait longer..
hi Mc007, for me, i dun wanna keep seeing diff doc each time so i chose to be a pte patient. it really depends on u... and i think the cost will not differ alot
Lady chris , HSg is more uncomfortable than IUI, we feel cramp during the dye insertion in hsg , but feel nothing when insert the sperm during IUI, yeah the only thing painful is when they use the clamping device to open cervix. Wat to do, we only can ren in order to get bb. But IUI process is shorter than hsg
hi MC and MoMo, actually i not sure i under which category. haha. what do you mean by seeing diff doc each time? Whenever i go scanning, i will see the doc on duty, you mean not for your case? You will get to see your gaynae every visit including scanning?

IVF no need Q, once you confirm doing and inform the doc, and he will issue a form and you just need to follow up with the KKIVF, once you sign the consent form, you can just start at next menses by calling them to collect medicine.
Hi May,
thanks for the advice. Called up the clinic to ask too. They advise no excerise but can do light activties. I thought i can still do my normal activties. Blur me. Now pray that this IUI will be successful
ching2627> Yes, for me I will have cramping on the very next day after IUI. My doc says its normal. I've also goggled and read up and it's pretty common to have cramping after IUI. If you're still concern, perhaps you can just buzz your doc or nurse to get some assurance from them.
Momo I only tried once IUI last month failed n this month hsg, maybe will go one more round IUI next cycle. For me I don't feel cramp after IUI n the doctor said can continue normal activities,i only have few hour rest after thatmaybe that's y failed
Hi BB2012,

I only rest about 10mins after the IUI process. Rush to the toilet after that. My bladder is so full as we need to fill our bladder before the doc do the IUI process
ching2624> I only feel crampy on the 2nd day of IUI. And it has been consistant for my past IUIs. Sounds weird hor. haha!

Hmm...how come your IUI is done with a full bladder? Mine is a must to empty my bladder before the procedure leh. And I'll have to lie there for 1/2 hour with a pillow under my butt before I can leave the clinic.

MoMo, I did drink a lot of LRD tea w/o dangsheng as I wanted to keep my womb warm consistenly. I believe to a certain extent it does help. Infact I'm drinking it consistently on weekends when I can boil a big pot and drink throughout the day. Plus, my mum says its good for complexion! haha
May , I was told to fill bladder too in order they can scan n detect our uterus easier.. I wanted to go toilet but I still made myself lie down half an hour before go toilet, scare chances decrease.
I think good to drink LRD to warm our body , but not too much if ur body is already heaty type
Hi May,
What BB2012 said is true, so that they can scan & detect the uterus easier. Hopefully, the cramp will go away by tomorrow.
Where did you do your IUI?
haha!seem like I'm the only one who did with full bladder! But I did a quick goggle on it...the reason of having a full bladder is to help straighten the cervical-uterine canal and makes insemination easier in most cases. But so far ok for me leh. Hmm...maybe if I decide to go for another IUI, I'll definately ask my doc! haha

ching2627, I did mine at The Woman Specialist Clinic @ Bishan under Dr Henry Cheng. He's one of the fertility associates with CARE, a fertility centre. Can check out the web here. http://www.careivf.com/about/specialists.php

Do also check out their blog...I find that some articles & info quite useful.
hi may, you are not the only one... I did it with full bladder too... and I hold it for 1 hr 20mins after the procedure... dun dare to come down... wait till really cannot tahan then come out of the room!

Anyway, I have tested HPK this morning and there is nothing
And I have spotting now, so I guess my menses is here soon... So sad.. that it's not successful for me... but I guess that's life... we have to get on with it, and try it another time! What i am glad is that this time though not successful, I manage to 'collect' data about my body.. things like follicle size during ovulation, lining thickness, etc.. All these will help in my decision-making in the future... My appt is on late this month, so I will ask the doc if I should try another IUI or go straight to IVF...

Dun be disappointed with my BFN... There are many BFP with IUI out there!
Serene...oops! Typo on my end. I mean I'm the only 1 who did w/o full bladder. Infect I have to empty it just before I go in see doc for procedure.

Which cd are you at? Spotting might not necessary means bfn. Could be implantation bleeding or due to left over blood. No see red still got chance! Dun give up yet! Good luck!
Serene, how long u have been ttc n is this ur first IUI? So fast think of IVF?
Maybe your spotting is becos of the implantation n HCG is not high enough to be detected? Now u r on which DPO?
Hi May, haha, it's ok lah.. Actually I empty my bladder first... then suddenly the nurse ask me to keep drinking water before... that's really uncomfortable given that I so kaisu and "ren" the urgency for 1 plus hour! That time, scare that once I relax and urine, the sperm will come out... heehee... silly me...

I have been TTC for 3 years, and this is my 1st IUI. My case is I do not ovulate regularly, plus my DH sperm morphology is only 1%. Thus, IUI actually will not increase my chances very much. On my IUI day, DH post-wash sperm is 3 million. From what I read, min of 10 million is needed for better chances. And of course, lining of 8mm thickness is needed as well. These are just statistics... it does not mean that when you dun have these you will not be successful.

My HPK is the highest sensitivity one.. the 10 UI/mm.. and I use the morning urine... I feel that it's very heavy down there (usually before menses come, I will feel so), and I am super depressed (also due to menses coming). I dun wanna lie to myself, else I will delay menses coming (our body have this ability).. and that's not good. It's my DPO14, so my guess is later today or tomorrow the full AF will come. It's ok lah... cos mine is clomid-IUI, so only got 1 egg, and I know my chance is actually only 10%. I am 33 years old already... all my friends have babies, and it's very miserable to talk to them... So I dun wish to wait long... That's why I wanted to do IVF.

Sometimes I feel that I should not be greedy... I have a lot more than others in life... and there is only 1 thing that others have I do not have... so, I should be contented. What I will do is to try all methods, and in the end dun have, at least I tried my best...

I can understand how u feel. Life has improved alot over the last 5 yrs for DH & I and we are very contented with what we have except this missing piece - Babies! If i can at least have 1, DH & i will be very contented! Of coz, we don't mind more if given a chance.

Anyway, started my SO IUI cycle last thursday and have been giving daily injections. Hopefully eggs will grow well - big and healthy! The last round in Aug was aborted coz eggs wasn't growing well (end up with only 1) and doc felt the chance will not be too gd. Was so depressed then! Praying that things will go well this round...

I too feel abit neglected when surrounded with so many frens already with babies or preggys. Especially in the recent mths, heard so many gd news of ppl gtg preggy. How i envy them... The journey to having a baby is not easy, and it has never occured to DH & i that we will take so long. Went for all the possible tests and all results turn out ok. DH's morphology is abit low too - 3% but i was told by gynae that its considered "normal" these days.
Well, like what you said, trying our best too and hoping for one soon. Must agree its not just physically draining ($$ & time)...mentally too!
How long will we take to know the screening blood test results? Will the nurses call us? coz next appt is to collect the puregon liao when AF comes... Anyone knows?
Serene, have you considered seeing TCM? Coz I believe they are able to help to tiao your body which I believe it might help. Of coz will need a little bit of time. No harm trying. Once you get yours and your dh body ready, I believe the success rate might be higher. Coz even if you go through IVF, if your body is not ready for it, it might not work out also. My 10 cents worth. Btw, your doc got give your dh any supplements to eat to increase his troops? Coz my doc did give my dh supplements and we did see improvements after that. But can only see the effect after taking it for 3 months. You might wish to check with your doc on that.

Well, seems like we are all in the same boat. Just now I was stroking my baby niece-to-be who’s still inside my sis tummy…feels so good!! *beams* Then came the bombing question from my mum asking if dh & I have solved our fertility problem already. She knows we have gone through IUIs and had failed. I just told her if really don’t have, then I’ll treat my niece-to-be like my own and give her all the love lor. But I do feel a tinge of sadness when I said that. Yet, I can’t really show it out infront of them. But my sis was very sweet and say that she’ll give me all the bb dust. So ya, I’ll stroke my little niece via her belly every now & then lor. Hopefully can really get some bb luck!
Full AF came this afternoon.

Oh, I believe we have tried everything... DH on supplements, me on TCM, even acupuncture. Yesterday my niece (DH sister baby) just born.. see her face, and really look like my husband! And how I wish to see our own baby...

Anyway, I will continue to try. Tmr will go for blood test, as I do not have results for FSH, LH, etc... Hopefully, when I see Dr Loh on 27 Oct, all results will be out
Hello all *big wave*,

had been a silent reader on this forum for awhile and hoping to find more support with more people who are like me, seeking help in Plan B.

I've TTC for 2 yrs, hubby and myself cleared every single test for fertility issues at KKH with absolute no problems for conceiving. That left us puzzled, relieved yet sad at the same time.

We travel for pleasure often and had a few trips during my ovulation so I tink both of us gets pretty relaxed enough for baby-making, and i dun get much of work stress.

But still no good news

Thus we have just decided to embark on SO-IUI at KKH for a try. Previously tried clomid for 5 months, stopped for 4 months.

Day 5 today, just started on the injectables. Oh boy poking myself with needles is quite unimaginable for me but luckily I have enough fats at that area

Anyone also doing SO-IUI at KKH now? I dun seem to find much success stories.. am not very encouraged though my gf just recently conceived at her first IUI attempt. KKH is precribing me a 50 units daily.. is that normal? I heard it's rather low.
Hi Beany,

I am with KKH and did 2 SO-IUI but failed. Please do not be affected by my failure coz individuals are different. There are successful case for our friend in this forum under IUI too

I think KKH normally give dosage of 50 daily at a start, then they will increase the dosage depending the grow of your folicle when you go for scanning.
Hi Beany

Me me me... Starting next week when AF reports...
i am starting with 75u
finally found some "khaki" who going through this together...

Same like me, been reading for successful stories but again, all these depends on individual body and fate

baby dust for both of us and all those ttc-ing!!
ok i found this:
AF - Aunty Flow (period/menses)
BBT - Basal Body Temperature
BD - Baby Dance (s**)
BFN - big fat negative (pregnancy test)
BFP - big fat positive (pregnancy test)
CD - cycle day
CM - cervical mucus
DPO - days past ovulation
EWCM - egg white cervical mucus
HPT - home pregnancy test
O - ovulation
OPK - ovulation predictor kit
TTC - trying to conceive
hello, how's everyone?

my AF reported today. Just called KKH to start the IVF program, but the nurse say full flow then call them again. Anyway, i still got to wait till CD21, then can start the injection. It seem to be a long cycle. Excited but yet scare and worry too
