IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

By the way, not very good with luck...Raffles Hospital's lab is closed from 21 Nov to end Dec. RH is where Dr Sheila is at. Argh! I just had my AF on last friday and went to RH (2nd day of AF) to have my blood test, check for hormones level.

Going for my review on 1 Nov, I am likely to run to SGH with my report and do my IUI in SGH instead. I cannot afford the four months wait. Will have to miss Nov and then Dec and Jan too (due to CNY in Jan), that means can only start in Feb.

I dislike doctor or hospital hopping but no choice. 4 months is too much

Hi Hopeful, will go to scan on this friday (CD14) then only decide when can do IUI. Hope got more eggs with big size, although i only take 1 tablet clomid each day from CD2-6
Hi Momo
I had 8 eggs detected during my scan. Each egg grows abt 16mm on D10. According to my doc, I responded well coz each day the egg will grow 2mm, that's why I did my IUI on D12 instead of D15.
Does anyone have breasts bloated and sensitive nipples after IUI?
Hi Hopeful
U done ur IUI on 18 Oct and doc asked u to do blood test on 2Nov?
I done my IUI on 21oct but doc asked me to do blood test on 31 Oct. Don't know why?
I had self-injection at home from D2 to D10. on D11 went to normal GP for another injection, this was for releasing eggs. And thereafter, D12 IUI procedures which was last Fri.
But according to my doc, she said 8 eggs are above average, the average should be able to produce 6 eggs.
8 eggs~! impressive..the most i got before was 6 the not all grow to expected size. good chance carol! just dont think too much and dont care too much about the symptom, relax and have peace of mind! baby will come
Hi Draginhopes
Tks a lot for encouraging message. Just one or two eggs strikes, that's all we need. The nos of eggs don't make any difference......
Let's hope we will have dragon babies heeeeee
hi, sorry if i am ignorant in this. I thought 8 eggs is too many for IUI? i thought doctor will advice you to go IVF is too many eggs to mature size? this is what KK has been telling me
Hi Cherrie
Oh no, is it? But my doc said average is 6 eggs. So strange, each doc says difference thing. This was my 1st time doing IUI, I don't even know what medicine and injection I took.
All I know is I had spent ard 5k ( including IUI $3.6k and medicine 1.4k) for this IUI.
and after reading all ur posting realized that my doc overcharged me. And Doc said 1st attempt usually not succeed coz ur body is adjusting external drugs etc. The succeed rate for 2nd attempt should bring higher chance.
I am looking ard now to seek another gynae coz too exp.
Can any suggest a female gynae in private clinic or hospital?
Hi carol,

where did you do your IUI? The amount seem a bit expensive. But if you succeed, anything is worthwhile
Don't think of those external factors, who know you will just succeed this time and no need look for gaynae anymore

All the best to you and keep us updated ya
finally... tonight is pregnyl night...
sat gg for so-iui
have 7 follicles but not all right size
wish me all the luck for saturday
Hi all
I did my IUI at Thomson Medical Ctr Level 4. Dr Yvonne soong.
It's true as long as as 1st time it works, don't mind paying extra money at all.... But after reading all stories from forums feel quite discourage coz succeed rate only less than 20%. When I ask my doc, she said succeed rate is 40%.
Moreover, I don't feel anything after IUI + I had so many eggs means not good. So starting searching another gynae now haaaaa....
Hi Momo
I did my injection at tummy area. Each jab need 2 fingers distance and must be consistent. E.g one day left the next day on the right etc. Try to inject ard the same time as well.
Hi Carol, i think you talking abt where you jab the puregon? Yesterday i asking abt the pregnyl jab.. hee... anyway i gone thru it last nite, can choose between thigh or buttocks... the one go in b4 me came out tell me not pain... so when the nurse ask me... i say where the prev patient jab then jab same place ba... haha

ideal only 2 but ok la.. yes, for iui cannot have so many follicles
btw, previously u gals talking abt inserting a medicine thru rectum. its called progesterone (cyclogest). Mine prescribed for 17 days after iui.
Hi Momo
I don't have any jab after IUI. Only taking medicine name Duphaston and Folic Acid. To be taken daily 10days later to see doc again.
When r u going to see doc to check the preggy status?
Hi all,

Just come back fr scan,today cd14, two follicle one size 19mm another one abt 16mm, had HCG shot, IUI on SUnday.
May i know after IUI, is sitting down consider rest or not? Or only bed rest consider rest?
Hi Momo

Good luck. Will pray for each other....
Me going to see doc next Mon to do a blood test... But I think I will just wait for another few days to be more accurate. 10 days after IUI a bit too short to know the result....
Hi Baby2012
Congrat. U r another step to succeed. For me I took a rest abt 2hrs lying on the bed. After sitting with little activities. Try not too carry heavy stuff and no housework pls.
Good luck to all who doing iui
me still got long to wait for my ivf. Starting injection in mid nov.

Hope all of us here be mummy next year n maybe we can buy bb stuff in bulk for cheaper rate. Haha
I had HCG injection yesterday afternoon around 3pm, i heard that ovulation will occur after 36 hrs, but my IUI is arranged on tomorrow noon, it is almost 44 hrs after the jab, wont it be too late? any advise? should i just trust my gynae?
Hi Baby2012
When I did my HCG jab, it was 20 Oct 11 ard 8.30pm and I had my IUI on the next day 21 Oct 11 ard 11.00am.
I heard that HCG jab needs to be taken after 24hrs to release the eggs. But look at my case, I did IUI less than 24hrs. Guess u just need to trust ur gynae. They r professional.
Gd morning ladies!
Last wk passed so slowly..can't wait for this wk to be over soon as well. 2ww wait is so toturing! Hope its worth the wait afterall...
Hi Momo,
Actually, i didn't have alot of bed rest (i'm quite an active person..cannot sit still too) only bed rest immediately after IUI. As for the rest of the days, i try not to walk too fast (used to fast pace walking) and try to sit whenever possible. Abit difficult though as my work is not desk bound and i have to travel to meet my clients. Also did some housework (like laundry and some washing) but minimised cooking at hm as i am used to cleaning kitchen after cooking! But managed to get HB to do the mopping instead

Food wise, i am a born meat lover. During this period, i ate alot of meat! including fish! Also, for the last few mths, i have already been conditioned by HB to drink a glass of milk every day before i sleep. Though its low fat high cal, i still put on 2-3 kgs for the last few mths.

While i know its difficult not to think of the outcome, i wish my 2ww can end quickly so that i can go for my bloodtest! Anyone knows how long to wait for the results after that?
i know i know... my fren went in the morning... 8 plus...
then KKH say will call her between 12 to 3pm
and guess wat... they call her 5 mins b4 3pm...
she said its worse than taking o level results
Wow! your fren is so lucky! Ya, if strike, this is even better than striking 4D or Toto!! I think i will cry if i hear the gd news..
MOMO, i did IUI yesterday, also waiting for 15/11 (AF due date), i m not going for blood test, just monitor myself. I just rest abt 2 hrs on bed then have normal routine activities.
What about you? this is my 2nd IUI, what about u?
Last two days i have ovulation cramp, today no more special feel, u?
me had my iui on sat
suppose to be 10.30am... but dragged till 11.25am
the waiting time is a killer

sat and sun i rest as much as possible in bed

sun experienced nipples pain
today back waist ache (this is one of my pms)

but now not so bad... left the breast thingy
