IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

Hi Ching, yes is my 1st ivf. U need to inform your gayne in kk, he sign the form, then u sign the consent form n u should be able to start when AF report next cycle

Hello all,

I was previously from this thread, am now into my Week14 pregnancy aftr 2xIUI + Clomid. Fetus is growing well, although I do worry from time to time, especially doing those abnormal chromosomal tests.

I have had a tough time combating with Morning Sickness day and night for the past 2 mths. It was really a trying period, it's worse than PMS as mood swing, weird appetite & habits, I was totally knocked down like a sicked cat. But the 2mths torture is all worthwhile as I'm into my 2nd trimester and slowly back to my normal self

So ladies, please make sure you eat well, maintain a healthy lifestyle and have a tip-top condition to "house" your precious little one.

Baby dust to all of you
Babyseetoh , I m going for 2nd IUI with clomid , want to ask how many days u rest after ur success IUI n did u still bd after IUI to increase chance?
Tks, same goes to you, keep yourself relax and think positively always.

We did BD on IUI day, although I knew there won't be much matured sperms as all were donated for the IUI procedure. I was basically a potota couch for the whole day after IUI and back to normal activity on following days.

My hb's troop wasn't that enormous tho, only abt 2.5million. In fact, after the 2nd IUI, doc reminded me if I were to do another IUI, HB has to abstain from sex frm CD1, which is around 2 weeks! *Faint* I was asking myself whether my hb's troops really that pathetic. I was taken aback and thought the chances of getting pregnant must be slim but you'll never know! All it needs is just 1 good egg and 1 strong sperm to fuse and glue itself on the uterine wall

Please don't forget to pray too!
Hi babyseetoh , glad to hear from you
when is your due date? Have you check the bb gender? hope that 2nd trimester will be better for you n I believe it will
take care n 'visit' us often
Hello Momo,

Just saw your reply... yes i am taking metformin and Provera to induce my menses. can i know how many days did the doctor prescribe? my doctor gave me 12 days and i should finsh my medicine by wednesday but i see spotting yesterday &amp; today... not sure if is menses? oh god.. coz when you take tablet, menses will not report the usual way... did you came across this? i tried to call the clinic but doctor is real busy.. i called the Pharmacy they said i can stop or continue... so i am really confuse now.. continue or not? And is this spotting consider menses? coz if is menses i will need to take clomid.. >.< Really hate to see govt hospital.. which you can't get a direct answer...!!!
I did HPT yest.. no preggy la... hai so headache.. really pek chek when you are dying for an answer.. now waiting for my doctor to call back... *sian*

Yes after the medicine.. 4-5 days menses will start to come.. it should be the way... not like my case complicate everything... btw which doc are you seeing?
Hi Ladies, been MIA for awhile. Tied up by work.

i read winnie's story also. i have a forum friend, she got PCOS too, with aid of gonal-f and clomid (no IUI procedure) she got triplets also (2 boys 1 girl) now she's in 2nd trimester
so jia you!

Think of the outcome... Everytime when I am scare I will tell myself.. Is worth it and think of the end result.. This is what we want... First Jab is always scary... U can do it gal... We are here to give u the greatest support...!!! Stay strong...!!
Hi Dragonhope,

Gonal-f is a jab?? Wow.. Ur forum Fren must be very lucky no nd to go through iui... After reading Winnie's blog guess is really tough to handle 3 babies at one time... So hope Ur Fren is well mentally prepare...
Hi Chris,

Thanks for sharing the story on Winnie's triplets! Was reading this while waiting for my IUI yesterday afternoon. Really touched by the story. Though i can imagine how tough to bring up 3 babies, think i will be very happy if i ever have such luck! One shot and tat's it. Can close shop already. Haha
Having said that, even 1 is good enough for me. Don't ask for more...
Now its again the waiting period... Really hope this 4th try will be my last one... So tired of trying!
Anyone doing IUI this mth too?

I will have my 2nd IUI this cycle, but now still early only CD5, on clomid now.
May i ask u have how many matured egg this cycle?
Hope we can strike this cycle!
Hi gals,

how's everyone? Went K K yesterday to collect my medicine for IVF. But realise that they delay my procedure for 2 weeks by asking me to take medicine first for a month, then start the Lucrin injection. So end up my procedure will only be done in mid Dec (estimate). Their reasons is there are staff leaving and many doc going on leave in year end. I am really surprise to hear this from a government hospital. They never do any planning? how can they just delay patient's cycle like that? We already trying and go through so much to be pregnant, and they just anyhow 'waste' our time like that? Really a bit piss off initially, but what to do, still need them to help and go thru this.
Cherrie, that's government hospital! i heard DR. SF Loh will be leaving KK to Thomson on Jan 2012. I wonder when government will extend ART grant to private hospital since government hospital cannot cope with it. Do we think we can write to MOH?

I really hope i dont have to que in government hospital, i dont mind paying pte gynae fee but i want that few K of government grant.
Hi BB2012,
During last scan, i had 3 decent size follicles and hopefully they "ripe" in time for the IUI. Yeah, hope all of us here will be the lucky ones this time!

Hi Cherrie,
Yeah, can understand how frustrated it is. Since the government keep emphasising on low fertility rate, they should have done more to help ppl like us! In fact, I think they should give more subsidy, not just for IVF but extend to IUI etc and not have so much limitations. If no subsidy, at least let us use more of our $$ in medisave. Afterall, the $$ belongs to us too!
Each visit to my gynae (private) already $200++ for normal scan and consultation. With the increased visits due to IUI/IVF esp over a period of 6-24 months, how can a normal couple cope? Think this will add additional stress to the couple...
From what i know once u come to ivf centre, u are all private patients...

correct me if i am wrong..

ok, last nite i did my 1st puregon jab
really took a long time before i have this courage to poke myself...
Anyway, has anyone got any medication after IUI?
I was given 1 for oral and another for insertion. This is my first time gtg medication though... still abit worried abt the insertion... i think it must be very uncomfortable after that!!
Govt Hospital is slow in everything... *pek chek* but no choice, if we want their grant we have follow their rules...


What insertion is that??? I am waiting for my AF to report (should be this few days)... after that going scanning.. hopeful everything will go on smoothly and by mid nov can proceed to do IUI. May i know which CD did you do your IUI?? Really scare my egg dont grow... if dont grow will have to abort the plan and wait for next plan &amp; cycle....
dragonhopes. i was told the IVF is about 8 - 11k, so after the medidave and grant, we just need to pay about 3k. But i am not sure if accurate...i can update you my procees as and when now
i also hear Dr Loh going to Thomson soon. As for the private patient, i am not sure if i am, i think should be since the fee is not that cheap

Hopeful, i did insertion (to asshole) after my 2nd SO-IUI last time, every morning and night need to do it, is only the part when you poke in a bit uncomfortable, after put it, is ok. I forgot the medicine name, but is to prepare your body for pregnancy and prevent miscarriage.
Hi Chris,

I did my IUI in CD14. Had a jab 36 hrs before that to stimulate ovaluation and ensure it takes place.
Had an earlier SO-IUI in Aug but was aborted halfway coz follicles not growing well. Was feeling very down then. This time, Dr increase the dosage. So works better for me i guess. I actually put on 2-3 kg in the last mth! Not sure if it becoz of this medication or my appetite is gd.. kept gg hungry and eat more.

Hi Cherrie,
My insertion is to vaginal.. only night time. Oral is to be taken day and night. Both got to do for 2 wks!
hi hopful, maybe is the medicine, i also realise i put on weight when doing injection.

Anyone of you on Microgynon before? not sure about the dosage , the KKIVF centre say eat for 1 month, but the pharmacist say eat for 21 days and stop. Dunno listen to who?
Hi Hopeful,

Insert to your asshole??!! sound scary... can i know insert for what??? is it after IUI you will be given medicine &amp; insert? well guess i have to get myself mentally prepare..

CD14 is quite fast wor... hopefully i can be the same like you...

Anyway good luck to you and stay positive &amp; calm...
Hi Cherrie,
Wah, you too! I was consoling myself maybe this is good for conceiving! Haha.

Hi Chris,
Insert into vaginal...its a round tablet. Like panadol size... At first abit uncomfortable when inserting. After that its ok. Yup, was given this after my IUI. Heard that this is to thicken the lining and cushion the womb in case i get pregnant (Hopefully!).
Hi all
I just did my 1st IUI today at TMC. doc said rest well for the next 10days. And going to do the blood test on 31 Oct. This will bring the result.
Tks for sharing ur stories and experiences, I really find it benefits me a lot...
IUI is not cheap though, it cost me ard 3.4k now, excluding medicine......
hi Carol,

your IUI is really expensive? any special treatment you have? how come have to do blood test? i thought only IVF need to do blood test to confirm pregnancy.

i plan to go TMC also, it is nearer to my house than Mt.E. Which doctor are you seeing?
Hi, I am new to this forum and very keen in this thread. I am going to Dr. Shiela Loh in Raffles Hospital for my IUI. Today first day of AF and going hospital tomorrow to take blood test. I am actually a patient of the famous JE TCM and also a patient of Dr. Chris Chen, as referred to JE TCM. Had my surgery by Dr Chen in March 2011 and tried to conceive naturally since May without avail. Age is catching up...got to try the fast way.
Hi Koala, welcome

I think Dr Shiela is good. My colleague under her when she still with KKH 10 years ago. My colleague succeeded at 2nd SO-IUI and give birth to twins
I believe you are in good hand with her.
Hi Koala, welcome welcome! but how i wish you dont have to join us here

What kind of surgery u did? My friend just embark an IVF with Dr.Chris Chen, got 8 eggs frozen inserted 3 eggs. hope she can succeed. but his procedure is kind of fast, within a month from injection to egg retrieval to egg transfer. Why u didnt stick to Dr.C C?
dragonhopes, i do not know about her cost now, my friend did it 10 years ago, and she got other implications like hormone problem, menses not regular, etc...so really cannot confirm the cost.
Hi all
I read from other forums. The average IUI cost ard 1.2k to 3k max. I don't have special treatment. Only taking supplements and folic acid everyday before the IUI and my hubby takes supplements and to improve healthy sperms tot. Each time, I need to pay ard 600 for the medicine. I am not too sure if it's normal, but I found it's quite exp though.
My gynae is Dr. Yvonne Soong at TMC located at 4th floor.
Blood test on 31st Oct is to determined if I am preggy.....
Hi all
Before I proceed w my IUI, I felt my breasts pain and check w my doc she said it's normal. I have done my IUI on last Fri (21 Oct 11). And I feel my breasts pain and a bit o discharge. Is it normal? The breast pain feel like befor ur period coming. Same feeling as period.... Can anyone advise how would u know if u r preggy after IUI?
Hi carol, there is really no way to confirm pregnancy right straight after iui. Read from forum that best is to test after 11th days but aso heard that we may get false results due to the medicine before iui. Hence, it be good to relax yourself now n wait till 31 oct. Any symptom can happen, so do not think so much. As long as no see red, u will have chance. I know is hard not to think abt it but you must try to relax yourself. We all here will pray for you
good luck n take care
Had my IUI on 18 oct but doc only ask me to go for blood test on 2 nov...
Last 2 days started having white discharge (very white powdery). Duno isit due to the pills I inserted..,
Anyone has similar encounter?
Hopeful, is it the pill melted inside and some leak out? I experienced the same last time when i do insertion but that is for curing infection one.

Dear all, thank you for the warm welcome. yah, I also hope I am not in this forum but will be positive. Really hope to conceive quickly.

Dr CC is very very ex and the long waiting time. He has no time to explain to us etc. Waited for 2-3 hours each visit and sees him only for 5-10 mins at most. I removed a tissue in my womb which is about 5cm, not fibroid and also cleared my tubes. about $12K! not considering the after visits, which is about $3k or so... Will not consider him for any IVF and IUI.

Not enough doctor's advice with his 5-10mins time. Not enough cash either.

Was referred to Dr Sheila from a friend's friend who conceived with 1 IUI! Awww...hope to have the luck
