IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

ya i agreed. I took BBT for about 8 months. I stopped as i really tired. So 'hardworking' and yet no good news
very demoralise.

And me too, like to slack at home instead of exercising. haha..look like we need to encourage each other to do exercise.

I am staying at punggol

dragonhopes, dun be angry...cool down cool down. Being angry will release a lot of negative hormones. I also trying hard not to flare up at the slightest thing coz to start with, I don't have really good temper either. DH always kena from me. I even attended meditation class before so as to keep myself calm. Haha..but sometimes I end up sleeping in class, coz too relaxed! It does help to a certain extend but needs long term practise which I'm too lazy to do so especially now that the class has ended.

Alamak! lady_chris! Again, I duno if we should high-5 again or not. haha...I realised we have a lot of similarities! Weekends are my carbo killers coz I love cooking. So end up everything I also want to cook & experiment and eat with rice. So tend to over-cook & over-eat!! Unfortunately, cooking is my form of relaxation in order not think too much on ttc.

I've checked on True Yoga. Indeed, they have pre-natal yoga, but it's really for preggs per se. Maybe can look at other classes. I'll find out more from my fren on the hot yoga thingy when she's back from holiday.


Cherrie!! Which part of punggol are you staying? I'm also a punggorian! hehehe...
Haha! I stopped too! At one time, i even bought the clear blue monitor with the expensive sticks. Cost me a few hundred dollars for the monitor and another $60-80 for the sticks! Even though detected the peak/ovaluation but after using for more than 6 mths, no results, so gave up!

When i was seeing Dr Xia Rong then (last yr for 6 mths), i was taking temp diligently. I guess my patience gave way! So frustrated after trying all sorts and means and no results

Kudos to you ladies for the patience!
I stayed near punggol plaza
let's all pray that we need not do so much soon
no more BBT, no more medicine n no
More accunpunture . Haha
Dragonhopes , dr zou did open, so no
Worry. They say they off work early on sat n today only start at 6pm
hi may and dragon, sorry tat i so long nv come to forum, i got work commitment, everyday not enough hrs to sleep how to login? when i finally login, i lost our thread, i cant find our thread... except the one with Dr Lim one. so can i join here to make more new friend, heehee...

hi all, i am Kate, cycle buddy of Dragonhopes, nice to meet all here... i am in 2ww with Dragon, 1 day behind her, today dpo5, last month do so-iui but failed, this month try naturally as my gyna not ard when my new cycle started,

Dragon, cool down, remember wat u told me b4, babies will come to u if u control ur temper well, so better control, if complaint got use hor, singtel long time not ard liao lor... hahaha.

May, how r u? new cycle new hopes for us... AF got come is better than AF not coming and not preg rite? so be cheer up, try natural by own self sometimes may surprise u! so be positive!
Kate kate~! **big big hug to welcome my buddy**

May joined this thread as our previous thread not active
here all of the ppl doing SO-IUI and IUI
Buddy Kate!!!!! So happy to see you here!!! Haha...ya lor, that thread all MIA-ed so I migrated myself here. Eh, you work so long hours, got time to BD or not?? Work cannot finish one...your health & of coz, making BB is a more impt task at hand now. Good Luck to You & of coz dragonhopes too! Hehehe...

This cycle going natural with TCM. Don't want think so much first also...maybe this year not a good year for me to ttc since this year I "fan-tai-sui". Hopefully when CNY comes, luck will change for the better too. Counting down...few more months to go.

Cherrie, we are distant neighbours! I'm also staying near to Punggol Plaza. Hahaha...next time can go NTUC shop shop buy groceries together. And hopefully we can have bb soon...then can have playdates!
May, dont think so much ya!

Is all just superstitious.My DH's friend even come to our house and help me setup fertility feng shui. anything la, so long it helped then i can teach u girl how to setup his friend if it is working, i should be conceived within 3 months..lolz..of course i hope and we shall see

then another friend of mine, ask me to look for those who just delivered one, went to their house and cook mee shuan then sit on their bed and eat it. i got a good friend just delivered, but her DH is an engineer so doesn't believe in all these, ask us to try again and dont believe those unscientifically stuff.
dragonhopes, but hor, when desperate, you'll start to link to all the superstitious thinking and actions liao. hehehe...though not scientifically proven, it's like a xing ling shang de ji tuo lor. Or rather, to be in denial mode la, make myself feel better. hahaha...I rem reading that Mark Lee also did the one eating mee sua on Zoe Tay's bed. But I heard that one is provided the person dun wan have kids anymore then can. Issit true? Coz my sis popping soon, hope to get some bb dust from her wor.

Yes yes! please share with us your fertility feng shui if you HUAT ok!
May, so we stay so near
ya if we both succeeded, then our kids can be playmate

Hi Kate, welcome to join us here n we shall share whatever info we have
let me do some self intro. I did 2 so-IUI at kkh n failed. Mostly will proceed to ivf when AF reported in oct.

Let's hope all of us here jiayou jiayou
Hi ladies, all of you seem quiet today. The weather is wet and so sleepy at work

Me just did some reading about IVF. And is so worry and scare of the procedure. Worry for myself going thru that soon
Afraid that if i failed, really not sure what to do next le. So lost
May, i really wish can share that over here
can even provide you girls material of it.

Cherrie, yeah! rainy day. Dont worry, one of my friend just started her IVF journey. I will get as much as information from her. She is with Dr.Christopher Chen in Gleneagles. now started 1 month injection, after that 14 days another type of injection. She told me the later one cost S$800 per jab. **faint**. injection itself already S$11.2k then all the blood test she and her DH did more than S$2k lo!
hello all! was busy earlier in the morning so only now can shake legs a little then pop by. hehe

Aiyo cherrie! don't read so much lah. Sometimes ignorance is indeed bliss. Know too much, end up scaring & giving yourself undue stress. And, must think that you will succeed! Come, repeat after me...I WILL SUCCEED!! I WILL GET A BFP!!...We will be here to support you all the way!! :D

dragonhopes, then I will be right here waiting for you to share ya! *winks*

Hey, that Dr Christopher Chen in Glen E, issit the same one that got some threads on him, who seemed to be in cahoots with the JE TCM one?
i agree with May, we did too much research end up adding stress to us. Look at those who strike within a few TTC month, they know nothing. i got a friend dont even know when AF is due and she's pregnant.

About that Dr, i read about him also. i did advise my friend to seek for second opinion but she and her DH quite insist. So just let them be.

i seen JE TCM also, she also ask me to see Dr.Christopher and told my DH his SA is not good, all troops die or no head no tail. Then we went for SA test, eventually the result is more than good. So from there on, we dont trust her. FYI, my friend's DH did an operation by him also.
oh!....so is the same one!! Coz my bff also went to her before. She's not married la but see her for her irreuglar AF. Also got referred to this Dr Christopher Chen. Super duper ex and told her all the negative things. So I told her to seek 2nd opinion elsewhere. Now she also never go back there already, coz so happened that my sis fren's fren also went to her. Guess what? Her dh got the exact same diagnosis as yours! i.e. Troops no head no tail. *duh* And also got referred to the same doc! So she went to seek another opinion, true enough, there is absolutely nothing wrong with them! And apparently if you do not go to the doc she reffered, will kenna scolding type. Yet, there are still people going to queue and see her at 4am! Strange leh!
Hi May and dragonhopes,

Thank you for the encouragement. I will be brave, and i shall repeat after you. I WILL SUCCEED. I WILL GET A BFP. hahahaha

Ya, i wen to the JE TCM before. i go queue at 5am...siao hor? She refer us to christopher too. We went for a check and so ex. Ya, Dr Chan say something wrong with my hubby too. End up we find that is too troublesome and expensive to follow up, so we give up. But i heard my hb's friend got success stories with the JE TCM la.

I am doing my IVF at KKH. With the medisave and government grant, the nurse told us we need to pay ard 3k in cash. Hopefully can be within the budget.
Yes Cherrie! That's the way!! I Like it! hehehe

Not siao la. When you really want something, you'll do anything. If now you all tell me got a miracle doc that gives guarantee results but need to queue at 3am, I confirm go lor. Hmm...but I just find it very dubious how come all almost same negative diagnosis and next thing is to see Dr Christopher Chen.

In that case, mind me asking. If without the medisave & govt grant, how much is the total for 1 cycle of IVF in KKH? Coz I read somewhere that the cost varies between $9k - $14k depending on the amount of drugs required to stimulate the ovaries. And the cost maybe higher if there are excess embryos to be frozen or other procedures to be performed e.g. assisted hatching. Though I'm definately not ready for IVF yet, I still want to give myself an option lah.

My ex-colleague also went IVF at KKH. Succeed at 1st attempt. Now got a cute 18 month old bb boy! So I'm sure you'll be able to succeed too! Loads of Good Luck to You!
Hi Cherrie,
i would like to know if you choose any specific doc at KKH for IVF?
I thinking of going IVF instead of trying for 2nd SOIUI.
Thought of going to DR SF Loh but heard that the cost can be $18K before CPF & grant.
Hi May and Melody,

When i am at the briefing, i was told the cost between 9k - 11k. Hence, after the medisave of 5k and government of 3k, i only need to pay 3k in cash. This is what have been told to me. And yes, we need to pay for storage of excess embryos. I have heard good feedback for Dr Loh. But queue in KKH can be crazy. I am not seeing him, i am seeing another dr but i can wait for 2 hours to see him. So cannot imagine for Dr Loh. Actually i am also not sure if will be the Dr i am seeing performing ER and ET for me or only the doc on duties that day will do it. I will definetly share with you gals my whole procedure when i start the IVF in Oct.

Hope i can be as lucky as your friend to succeed at 1st attempt
oh. BTW, the dr i am seeing in KKH is Dr Tan Heng Hao. is a young chap. But i do not have positive feedback about him. Maybe neutral. I don't know why need to wait so long to see him
He did not really provide much advice to me. After i failed 1st SO-IUI, he asked me go IVF already. And when i ask him if problem lies with my folicle as i only grow to 17mm when i Ovaluate even with the help of injection? and he just say 17mm is good enough and say he also dunno y we failed. Sigh, what a lousy answer..haha..but i just too sick of changing now.
Cherrie, dun worries too much, if u think ivf is best bet then just do it! i done ivf before in last year but failed, after 1 year of rest, i start on so-iui this august but failed too... now i try on natural, as my gyna not ard when my new cycle started, some background of me:

i married near to 5yrs in this coming Dec, TTC for 4yrs liao, start to try on my 2nd year of marriage, 1st yr (2008) of ttc on my own calculation of days, 2nd yrs (2009) of ttc go see NUH gyna to do scaning and check up, finally realise that i got endometrosis, 3 cyst in total located near my ovaries, do lapascopy to laser it then try on my own again but still failed. 3rd year (2010) tcm at jurong chinese sinseh and go NUH, under Dr stephen chew, try ivf, but failed. 4th years (2011) NOW! go to Dr lim, through this forum, trying iui in August failed again, try on natural now, if not success! will try on so-iui again on NOV.

any question u wanna ask regardings IVF, i may provide u some answer based on my experience last year. heehee... but will not be able to answer ur question fast enough as i quite busy with my work this month, so may reply next day or wat! sorry!

yeah may n dragon, u r right! i really got no time to bd, i everyday work till 7am to 10pm, no strength to bd too, i oni managed to bd once this cycle, on cd13, my 'o' day. so leave it to fate lor...
btw, i live in punggol too... hahaha, may n cherrie, we r in same neighbourhood!!! next time our kids can play together, then we chit chat beside the playground! hahahaha.... ideal dream...
Hi Kate,

Thank you for the info. Ya ya..i got question on IVF
can i list down if you dun mind

1) The briefing told me i start injection in D21, does it mean i no need to do anything from D1 to D21?

2) ER and ET will only be 1 to 2 days in between? Meaning if i need to take leave, i should start from the day i do my ER?

3) my menses will not come till 2 weeks after ET (if i fail la)?

4) Is it necessay for me to take 2 weeks leave after ET? you think is advisable? If not, how long you think will be good that i should rest?

5) I heard that ET will just like IUI procedure, is it true?

haha...sorry for so many questions...really helpless on this procedure.

yaya, we all can sit at playground to chit chat while our kids playing...hahaha...wow....so happy to just imagine..haha

BTW, y do you need to work so late? is a very long hours. Not possible to talk to your boss?
cherrie, i dun want to comment on ur gyna professional, but according to my gyna, Dr Lim @ Mount E, he say 17mm is not mature enough, should at least size of 20mm then is good. if he know that u have slow growing eggs problem, he should advise u to do iui again, and this time round, he should give u a higher dosage of gonal f and higher dosage of pregnly to push ur egg to grow faster and ripe faster. so that ur eggs can ripe on time for ur ovalution. last year, my ivf have the same problem like ur iui, my follicle grow very slowly,ard cd12 still like 12mm, 10mm, bo bian, my ivf doc increased my dosage to maximum which for those ladies over 40 yr old doing ivf one, till cd 15, i got all my follicle reach at least 18mm and above, but i failed ivf, doc say may bcos he too late then push my egg to grow bigger, therefore many of my eggs not mature enough to use. afterall, i during retrieve of eggs, i got total 18 follicles, but oni 6 eggs due to slow grow in early stage, out of 6 eggs, oni two survived after 3days so in the end i failed with no frozen embro. my doc told me, if i wish to do second ivf, he will increase my dosage once i started so that i wont missed the boat of eggs ripen on Ovalution again, based on the 1st ivf experience. i told my new gyna who do iui for me, he give me a higher dosage of gonal f, this iui, my follicle s speed of growing is good, a day b4 Ovalution, i got 4 follicles, 3 is size of 20mm above!

i think u better go for 2nd opinion, dun listen to one gyna. jia you!
Kate, what's your gonal-f dosage dr.lim gave you? cherrie, do you have PCOS? our dr.lim always prescribe metformin to PCOS patients and 2 forumers success just taking metformin and 3 injections not even IUI procedure.

i have a file for IVF procedure. please find enclosed.<center><table border=1><tr><td>

IVF-5778727.xls (23.0 k)</td></tr></table></center>

not sure how accurate is it, maybe Kate can verfiy
Hi Kate,

Thank you for the advice. Now i know more about the growing of folicle. I am not on the gonal f, i inject puregon. But i realise most of you here inject Gonal f, not sure is it beacuse i doing in KKH and KKH got their own way. They did increase my dosage when i do my IUI but i not sure is high or not. now i got a bit tempted to try IUI again...lol...coz i also dun wish to go thru the IVF process. Shall think about it again

BTW, do not mind if i ask, you mentioned that you have 3 folicles of size 20mm for your IUI, it look quite promising. Did Doc explain y you fail?
Hi dragonshopes, i not sure if i have PCOS, i did all the check up in KKH and doc never mentioned this to me before. But i am quite big in size. Not sure if this is the problem.

I think my problem is my folicle. When i do injection, i can only grow to 17mm, i cannot imagine those months that i am trying naturally.
cherrie, my boss go business trip for 3 months, i am left alone to settle all his shit, should be clear most of the shit by this month, next month should be more free time, unless he email me and arrow job from overseas to me! omg!!!

below is the answer i can provided:

1) The briefing told me i start injection in D21, does it mean i no need to do anything from D1 to D21?

ans: u better dun bd, many gal bd then preg but too early to know on D20+ so they continue with the hormones jab to suppress ur hormones without knowing they r preg, in the end, they need to Terminate their pregnancy! and yes, nothing u can do, just relax loh.... start eat folic acid, calcium supplement lor. if u got PCOS, take ur metformin, dun forget to it. it will help u to ovalute more on time.

2) ER and ET will only be 1 to 2 days in between? Meaning if i need to take leave, i should start from the day i do my ER?

ans: if u go gov hospital, like my case is NUH, u will be on mc (hospitalisation leave) started from the day u ER, as day 1 to day 19, day 17 take blood test for preg test, if BFP, doctor may extend ur mc according to case by case basis, if BFF, then at least u got another 2 days of mc to rest at home to calm ur emotion down lor!!! so u dun need to take leave, u will given at least 19 days of out-patient hospitalisation leave to rest at home on the day u ER. ER and ET date is depend on ur doctor, but should not be oni 1 day in between! for my case, my ER on Monday, ET on thursday,
bcos ER liao, lab need 3 days at least to let ur egg and sperm tranform into 8 cells embryo. oni at least good grade 8 cell embryo can transfer into ur womb. if ur eggs all not in good grade or even average grade, ur ivf cycle may end here, and try 2nd ivf, as chances to preg is too low if poor graded egg is transfer, doc may suggest to u end the ivf and try again to dun waste time.

3) my menses will not come till 2 weeks after ET (if i fail la)?

ans: if u failed, 'touchwood'. then ur mense will come any time 7 days after ET, my mense come on the day 10 after ET, Day 14 after ET will go take blood test, anyway, if u see red, 7 days after ET, immediately call the ivf clinic, they will ask u to come down to clinic do early blood test to double confirm u preg or not preg, bcos such case happen b4, ladies got preg but body too weak to hold ur baby especially twins, so blood flow out, lining tear, go see doc, confirm BFP with blood test, doc give hormones jab to protect her babies.

4) Is it necessay for me to take 2 weeks leave after ET? you think is advisable? If not, how long you think will be good that i should rest?

ans: as above i type, no need to take leave, gov hospital will give u MC since the day u ER till u confirm BFP/BFF by blood test on Day 17 after ER or day 14 after ET. if u wanna extend mc, u may discuss with ur doc lor, dun waste leave, save it for ur pregnancy. hahaha....

5) I heard that ET will just like IUI procedure, is it true?

yeah, nearly the same, cant tell any different. maybe oni doc know it! hahaha...

hope my info help to clear ur doubt! anyway, u still can ask me any question if u suddenly think of! i very much willing to help u! and all the best for ur coming IVF if u really decide to go for it!
dragon buddy, my dosage i forgot le, but my 2nd dosage is doubled of my 1st dosage, as my egg not grow fast enough! heehee,

cherrie, i got many problem, my ovaires cell is damaged during my sugery of removing cyst, therefore i always got eggs quantity and quality problem, my ovaries is smaller than normal ladies, my follicles may not have eggs too, like my ivf, i got 18 follicles but oni 6 eggs, oni 2 out of 6 eggs is survived, so my eggs got quality problem, maybe this is why i failed! during iui, doc oni can help u to have more follicles, but mine got eggs anot is 1st problem, got eggs but quality good anot is another problem lor, haiz... my chances is not high, doc say my ivf success rate is half of normal ladies who same age as me, i 29 yr old this year, last year i do ivf oni 28yrs old, consider young for ivf procedure, but still my chance is not good bcos of my eggs problem! i got PCOS, i need to take metformin daily, PCOS will make u gain weight de, u can ask ur doc abt it, if they say dun have then good, if u have it then is better to take metformin.
Hi Kate, thank you for the detailed clarification. Now will just hope everything go smoothly.

You dun worry so much too. I heard successful stories for those ovaries too big or not at the same position as normal ladies. They are all now mummies. Your turn will come too. We all here will pray for each other. Me now 34, hence really hope to strike this year.

Let's all jiayou jiayou
yeah... jia you! we r here to encourage each other... i am not worry abt my case just tat everytime failed, always disappointed... abit of depress but recover soon, failed till i so used to failure, failed till very sian, last time see red will cry, now see red like 'orh come again, try harder next cycle' hahaha... will let my thinking to be more positive! heehee... thanks...
anyway, just for sharing, last year my ivf bill with NUH, deducted 6k from cpf, 3k gov subsidised, i fork out total 2500 on my total bill.
Hi Cherrie,
if i wan go for IVF at KKH, who should i call for appointment?
When was your last SOIUI?
I did mine in May this year at KKH.
Hi Melody,

You need to see doc first. They need to sign the IVF form, then the nurse will brief you. They will also arrange counsellor to see you before the procedure (i am also not sure y this need to be done)?
So quiet today? i am so so tired now! yesterday went see Dr.Zou she said my body temp not high enough! take her medicine should be heaty and i dont feel it at all. She said my zi gong very cold.
Dragon, too cold make it hot lah, ask Dr Zou how to make it warm till baby can stay inside! some herb may actually help. but u dont anyhow eat, must ask those got license one, i mean doctor lah. ur zi gong very cold but ur temper too hot???? how come? if switch over then good for u! hahaha...
Gd afternoon ladies!
Was wondering if anyone is taking cordyceps?
Read somewhere that it helps to boost fertility. Also heard from some ppl that it is quite a gd tonic for both men and women too!
Some benefits listed in this website...

I think these tonics now comes in tablet form too?
Hi Hopeful,

I bought it for my HB.. i bought at my TCM place.. 100capulse (which they grind into powder form)for $120... yes is good for woman &amp; men... no harm taking...
Thanks for the info, chris! Actually thought of buying for both HB and i. Just treat it like daily supplement! Did ur TCM says if this is OK to mix with other western supplement? My gynae gave HB this supplement - Carnipure which is suppose to "strengthen" his troops, better quality and qty.
Thought of checking out Eu Yan Sang later to see if they sell. Update you girls later!
Hi Cherrie,

My TCM is at located at Jurong East central.. Some people might know her and dislike her... i find that i am OK with her.. so did not make much comment on the earlier posting.. you can just go to the counter and get from the lady.. I guess other area sell in tablets form too but need to see how much content is inside..

Hi Hopeful,

Yes treat it as a daily supplement.. mixing with western supplement should be fine.. maybe wait for an hour than consume.... my HB did says it improve his health like he dont easily feel tired despite of sleeping late.. my previous specialist did give 2 type of supplement to my HB too... one of them contain Ginseng... but i am not sure about the the Supplement name... if you want i can go home and check for you...
Chris, hope you dont have hard feeling ya! yeah! like Cherrie said, indeed got many couple successfully conceived under her.

So you are seeing Dr.Christopher Chen also?
Well, i guess so long you feel comfortable with the person, then its good! sometimes the best guy might not do a good job afterall. Sometimes, its also whether if you have "yuan" with the other guy...
So long you dun feel short-changed!
Ya, I agreed totally. As long as u feel comfortable will do.

I think we eat too many medicine
but just have to try everything for better chance

Jiayou jiayou
Wow! Quite a fair bit of reading to catch up after MIA-ing for 2 days! Hehe....went shopping with my sis today for my soon-to-come out bb niece. Much as I enjoyed shopping for bb stuffs with her, how I wish I can be shopping for my own bb too. And just now my sis placed my palm to feel the powerful kick inside her! It really feels so amazing! feels really motivated to try hard and not give up! Jia you to all!

Lady-Chris, yeah, no hard feelings ya. Seeing tcm is like seeing gyne. It is subjective. As long as you're comfortable and she's able to solve your problem, that's more important.

Kate Kate! U punggorian too? Hmm...maybe we can check out if the new cc at Punggol plaza got yoga or not. Yoga helps in blood circulation which in turn helps in fertility to a certain extend. Haha...can jio cherrie too!
Hi ladies, I m going for a tour tomorrow. Only be back next thurs.,hence, will be MIA from the forum these few days

Will catch up with you gals when back. Hope will get good news from u all

Take care
Morn Ladies,

No worries.. i am fine.. no hard feelings at all.. i did went to Dr Christopher Chen but only for scanning, went ones and thats it..
I just continue with her medicine coz at the time i am not planning to have Kids.. I only thought of it since last year.. she introduce me to the specialist (not gynce) for scanning only so i thought since this specialist knows how to do IUI etc, why not i just stick to her, since there is no subsides on this treatment but who knows she is more interested in doing IVF cases... i told my TCM that the specialist suggested IVF, she immediately refer me to SGH or KK to see gynce... so i guess afterall she still not so bad as i thought, she is sincere in helping me..
Chris, you mean JE's TCM refer you to SGH or KK? that's very kind of her. So long you are comfortable then just stick to it

Enjoy Cherrie...

Hi Dragonhope,

Yes she asked me to look for them.. in fact she knws them too...
i also thought she only intro people to see private doc... Dont think will change TCM, pretty comfortable with her and she is near to my area too, all other TCM is very far from my home...
