IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

Cherrie, enjoy ur tour, maybe after tour u will get a surprise gift! hahaha...

i deadly wish tat i got good news to share wif u when u come back... haiz... just hope so! heehee... jia you! no see red dun say die!

Morn Ladies,

I need some advice urgently... i was given medicine to stimulate my menses to come... so my menses reported on Sunday... i realise the discharge was abnormal.. very light flow and the colour of the discharge was very dark dark red which is near to black colour... and some blood cloth too... not sure if the medicine works this way but is quite disturbing... I also not sure if this consider menses... i dont feel crumps or pain etc... so is it normal?
Does anyone of you face this pro before? i tried to contact my doc but she is away for a week... oh god..!!! The hospital is trying to see if there is any doctor which can help me..but no response yet...
Hi lady_chris,
you took duphaston?
For me, i took duphaston and my flow was very light for 2 days only for past 2 months. I did not experience dark red discharge but i think induced menses tend to be different from normal one.
As for cramps or pains, i think its good that you don't have. I've heard ppl with cysts or fibriods suffer pre-menstrual cramps & pains.
Hi Melody,

My doc prescribe Medroxyprogesterone Acetate to me. she told me is a very mild & less side effective medicine... last time i took another medicine (which i forgot the name) my menses came in a normal way but that medicine was prescribe by my previous doc which i am not seeing her anymore ... hence i was quite annoyed by this cycle... Hospital replied saying is normal and nothing to be alerted of...

My doc arrange me for a tubal contrast sonogram -to check on my fallopian tubes, ovaries & womb... In order to check.. my menses has to come.. thats where i am dilemma about... i dont if this is menses...!!!! well i guess after the hospital it must be menses.. hahaha... really odd encounter... anyway gonna call the hospital for appt - the scan... btw have you did the scan before? how does it feel? i am nervous and scare...
Hi Chris,

I have done mine early this year! Not a very bad experience though. Was feeling very nervous prior to that and scared as well. The procedure was quite fast, nurses and doc were experienced and they kept chatting with me which put me at ease. Felt abit of cramp during the process. Still bearable for me. (My pain tolerance is the low type
So don't worry too much k!
Hi lady_chris,
i believe the test u mention is hsg. The test wasn't painful but the cramps were a bit unbearable for me though, cos i've not really experienced menstrual cramps before.
But not to worry as the test will not take very long.
Chris, i did my HSG in July 2011 with Mt.E doctor but scan did in Paragon medical center. Dont worry, it is not painful just like severe menstrual cramps. I was very nervous while waiting.

A lot of ppl got pregnant after HSG test, my doctor told me it is not just a scan, it is a kind of treatment as well. I am not lucky to get pregnant after that till now.
Hi Ladies,

hmmm... what is HSG stand for? Not sure if we are talking the same scan.. hee... i thought just to check if my tubes are block, if i am going to do IUI...it would be pretty amazing if can helps to get pregnant... I am schedule next friday at SGH... sooooo nervous &amp; scare... The nurse ask me to take panadol pior one hour to the scan - Just in case if i feel pain... >.<
Chris, i just did my HSG last sat, same with u, i very nervous before the procedure, but actually the process is not too bad, just feel discomfort and some mense cramp. Gynae prescribed me antibiotic and pain killer before that but i only take antibiotic, did not touch the pain killer even after the process. But nurse told me can take the pain killer 45 minutes before scan. But u dont have to scare yourself, really nothing.
Hi BB2012,

Thanks for sharing your experience... well first time will create this kind of "intense"...I will try my best not to think about it... Hope everything goes well...

whenever i see dr, i am very nervous...
will forget watever qns i planned to ask the dr
after you gals do the hsg xray, whats is the next procedure?
i done my hsg early this mth and my next dr appt is this sat... nervous...
Momo can u read the hsg report? I read mine stated no block n is normal so I will try to bd naturally this cycle first if no luck then only find Gynae show him report n see what is the next..Cos seems many strike straight after hsg.
Hi MoMo,
next step depends on the results of your hsg.
For me, because of a blocked fallopian tube, i decided to do a day surgery to unblock the tube. Forgot the name of the surgery already.
hi gals,

I am back. so tired after the trip....dun feel like coming back.lol...still in holiday mood now.

how's everyone? hope you all doing fine

Anything you like to ask/check? you can let us know your concern and we can try to help. I am not in the mist of doing. But i go thru SO-IUI twice. Can help if possible
Hi gals, my 1st IUI procedure (Clomid) on 27 Sep, and I have been staying at home since then... Though there is no rules on bedrest unlike IVF, I thought it is better for me to move around slower, and lesser activity, so that they will be easier to meet and grow.. Haha.. That's silly thoughts, but make me feel better...

Have to wait 2 more weeks, then I will know if it will be successful... Hoping I'll be the lucky one.. Hoping positive thinking will help...
Hi Serene,

I have yet to do IUI.. but i will have the same silly thinking as you.. less movement and activity.. hoepfully "they" will stay inside and not leak out.. haha... anyway all the best to you.. hope to hear good news from you...
Hi serene,

i have got 1 colleague who succeded with IUI and bed rested for 3 days. So no hard rules and guides on what need or what don't need to do. So just remain positive and have faith

All the best to you
i hardly read abt any successful cases on so-iui leh... so worried...

cherry u are helpful, wanna know wat things to take note after the procedures...

also,.... do we need go for accupuncture or wat b4 the procedure?
Hi momo , as mentioned earlier. There r no hard rules n guide for iui. No fix to lie on bed, but heard ppl say good to rest on bed for 3 days. Eat healthy n rest well. U can try to eat brazil nuts which is good for implantation.

As for a accunpunture, I'm not sure coz I did not go for it for my 2 SO-iui, but we do have success stories that went accunpunture before iui, so no harm going. Just tell the tcm u going iui, they should be able to advice

Hope the info help
Hi gals! How's everyone doing? Have not been popping my head in lately as was quite busy.

Ah! Cherrie! How was your trip? Where did you go for holiday? hehe...hmm....any chance that you could possibly bring back a surprise gift back too? *winks*

lady_chris, how are you doing? read from previous thread of your weird AF pattern. Is everything ok &amp; normal already?

Hello MoMo! I'm also not in the midst of doing IUI, coz after my 4th failed attempt, I think I just want to take a break and go back to TCM for the time being first. But, please do not be demoralised or worried of my unsuccessful story, coz everyone is different! Some people 1 time IUI then strike...some might take a few more rounds. And I always believe it's a matter of luck too. Importantly is not to give up &amp; dun read too much!! haha

Serene, good luck to you!! please come back here to spread your bb dust if we do hear a BFP from you ya!

dragonhopes, kate!...where are the both of you??

Regarding resting on bed after IUI, my doc does prefer that I go straight home after the procedure and rest; and no heavy chores/activities etc too! Then the nurse also very good always ask if I need any MC. hehe

Anyway, seems like most are going on natural mode this cycle. Good Luck to all ya!!!
Hi ladies,

I did my IUI awhile back. Tried for 6 times and was finally successful.

It was hard. With all the 2ww. Thought I come and give some support to all who are trying.

I tried for 4 times and was discourage. Each time, I pray, look out for signs, rest, google about it, etc. It was tiring. Stopped for 6 months to try some healthy living. Hoping that it might help. After the 6 mths, I went for a laproscopy. After a month of rest, I did another 2 IUI and was finally successful on the 6th try.

So hang in there! And pray hard!
Hi Mish,

Congratualation to you
How many weeks you in now? care to share with us your diet or anything you did differently for the success?
Really glad to hear some good news here...Take good care of yourself and enjoy the process

May, i went to Macau and HK. Walk too much and too tired....unlikely to have good news
now i am preparing myself to start the IVF cycle when menses arrive. Now i am busy doing Google on what i need to do before and what food i should take....haha....stress and scare about it. Hope can be as lucky as those who have success
Thanks for all your blessings

Actually I went for acupuncture, as my lining is thin (when follicle is 14.5, lining only 5). Then after 3 sessions (may not be due to acupuncture), my lining becomes 8 (follicle 19mm). So.. let's see if this will improve my chance to be successful!

Things are going well for me... just that staying home is really rather boring, and i dun really dare to exercise...

Do you all feel some pulling at times after your IUI? Going to toilet more often? Maybe it's mental, cos sometimes I feel so.. and was really hoping that it is due to good news... Anyway, today onwards should be the implantation days if sucessful... Crossing fingers... 10 more days to do the blood test.. hoping menses will not come
Hi mish! Thanks for sharing! Indeed there is light at the end of the tunnel ya. Hehe....its definitely a good motivation for all of us here. And of coz a big congrates to you!! Know the gender yet?

Wah cherrie! I also want go hk leh! Can 买东西吃东西! Hehe...but actually why didnt plan for a bb making trip instead? In any case, who noes your surprise gift will come when you least expected? Good luck huh! Hehe

Serene, I do think that acupuncture does help to a certain extend. Good luck!!!....ya, I think don't do any exercise for the time being. Get more bed rest. For me, I only feel the cramping and pulling sensation usually on 2nd day of iui. Toilet frequency is like normal for me. Anyway, I'm sure all of us here will keep our fingers and toes crossed for u on a BFP!! 加油!!
Cherrie/May - thanks! I have actually already delivered! He is now 6 months old.

I did take a break from IUI for 6 months and tried some healthy living. I jog/swim 3-4 times a week and eat healthy food. (btw, not suppose to jog when u are undergoing IUI. Only when you are taking a break from it.)

I think maybe the laproscopy plays the big part. I was diagnose with endometrosis during the operation. The doctor laser off some parts and make the area better for conceiving. It is possible that is the main reason. Plus alot of prayers. haha. I took clomid during the iui as well.

I think alot of us get frustrated and sick of trying. Hang in there girls!

Serene/May, i think pulling sensation is due to the abrasion caused by the doctor putting the tube in. I get that during the first few days as well. Plus a little bleeding.

There is no real sign of pregnancy btw. You will still get your standard pms. The only thing is that the PMS (such as water retention) will not go away after the 2ww.
Thanks for sharing..
Ya, I was thinking that I think too much, as now, I dun feel anything already... and no spotting or any sensation at all
Anyway, will patiently wait for blood test in 9 days time...
Serene, understand that is hard not to think so much. The 2ww is unbearable. But bite your teeth to go thru it. We all here will pray and give you the blessing
hope you will strike it this time. Good luck
sorry gals, i gg for briefing next week.
can u gals tell me coz i got a trip to plan and decide... in mid nov

if say my AF due 18th or 19th Oct, then
1) which day jab starts?
2) which day they starts so-iui procedure?

coz i dun wan my resting days to hit my tour days
MoMo..is this your first time? Which hospital u doing the SO-IUI. For me, 1st time SO-IUI is clomid with injection at KKH. I started clomid on day 3 and injection started on day 5 or 7 (cannot remember exactly). Then i need to go scanning every alternate day from day 10. My SO-IUI procedure was in day 18.

My 2nd SO-IUI is without clomid at KKH. Injection started day 3 or 5, then scanning every alternate day from day 7. My 2nd SO-IUI in day 17.

But note that the day to do IUI procedure depend how your folicle grow and when you ovaluate.

Hope the info help
yes cherrie, this is my first time.
doing at kkh but briefing is next week and got to make some travel decision by tml
:X tks for your info
For me, mine is clomid cycle, so no injection. My schedule as follows:

D2-D6: Clomid intake
D8: Consultation, decided on doing IUI, do scanning, and follicle become 14.5mm. To take ovulation test every morning from this day onwards.
D10: Scan &amp; Check, 16.5mm.
D12: Positive, Scan and Check, 19mm, pregnyl injection.
D13: IUI procedure
D14 - D30: Rest
D31: Blood Test.

I'm with KKH, and I love their nurses
very very good services...
Serene, you with KKH? but you no need to go for scanning every alternate day? hmm...or maybe my folicle did not grow fast? hmm

Momo, ya, i am late for work every alternate day lo. That's y i have to tell my colleague, no choice. but i lucky coz my boss is understanding
Hi Ladies,

Just came back from HSG scan.. i can say is really very uncomfortable... dont like the feeling... feeling cramp now.. can't walk fast &amp; cough hard coz i am down with flu &amp; cough.. >.< but good news is my tubes are not block... and blood test goes fine.. hubby sperm test is OK (but still got improvement). So now wait till my next cycle comes and hopefully i can start my IUI soon.. *phew* starting to see some light....


I ask my doc regarding the weird pattern of my AF... she said is normal, actually is a "artificial" menses... discharge is from the linning... not the real menses... in order not to delay my IUI, doc gave me the medicine again to induce menses to come.. really hope i can start by next month before my HB travel... Btw do you know if i can still "make" despite i am eating this medicine??
dragonhopes: I'm not working.. so can rest and do nothing at home

cherrie: I still go alternate day scanning (D8, D10, D12). But since i only decide to do IUI on D8 and D8 already follicle so big, my process is shortened.

Now counting days... Next friday will be able to go do my blood test... Hopefully able to do this blood test...
wow mish! So you had your little bundle of joy in your arms already! Mind me asking. How long did your ttc journey take?

lady_chris> Oh...I see. But generally do you have regular menses? Coz I thought if you have regular menses, it's better to let it flow naturally than taking med again to induce it. I'm not sure if can still BD if eating this med. Perhaps you can check with your doc? My thinking is, what if after your induced menses, you BD and then strike before knowing it and proceed with your IUI, with all the injections and medications, I'm not sure whether will it cause any complications.

dragonhopes! how are you? are you changing doc?

serene, good luck! hope to hear good news from you k!

Doc asked me to check on pregnanc kit before i take clomid... if i am pregnant than i have to inform them. Well i dont have regualr menses.. that why doc gave me medicine...i think the medicine helps me to ovulate in order to come menses so i guess should be ok.. just need to be careful if i take clomid... Today went to scan doc said alot of follicles but is not growing so is quite headache..
Lady_chris....hmm....so issit that you are taking 2 med? 1 to induce menses, then follow by clomid to help ovulate? Sorry, coz I abit confuse Liao. Hehe. Coz like my case is I don't ovulate properly. Irony is my mense is very regular. So I will take clomid to produce eggs. But my doc did say that having regular menses not equal to ovulating. Coz the menses flow is from the breakdown of the lining or wat la. In any case, I fall under pcos category Liao. Sobz
If you are the lady whom I met at Dr Zou's clinic on 3 Oct 2011 around 3.30pm and had a discussion, please PM me. I would like to share something with you.
Hi may, I ttc for about half year, followed by 9-10mths of iui followed by a rest period(ownself try for 6months) followed by op and iui for anothr 3-4 months. So total is about 2 plus years.

My period cycle is longer. About every 5 weeks. If stress will drag to 8 weeks. So in the end took clomid. Sometimes must jab for the follicles to release the eggs too.

It's a long journey. I was about to give up and not try anymore. It was getting too tiring. I thought i might just give iui another 3 tries after my op. And it magically happened with loads of prayer! Haha.

How long have u been trying?
Dragonhopes, sometime I can wait long. I reach around 9am n only leave ard 11am(include scanning, see doc n buy medicine if need to increase dosage)
R u going to kkh? Seeing which doc? Heard dr zou say that dr loh transferring to thomson

Hi May,

I have PCO.. same problem same as you.. dont ovulate well.. follicles dont grow.. so in order to go for IUI.. doc give me medicine to induce the next upcoming cycle (which is this month) coz dont want to waste time too.. when my menses report i will take clomid.. to let it ovulate.. Doctor also give me one medicine to lower my sugar level though i dont have diabetic but sugar level is on the slightly high side.. she said it might be this reason for causing my ouvaltion problem.. coz PCO patients tends to have a higher sugar level.. this medicine will helps to balance to the ideal level + with clomid in take.. hoepfully i can ovulate well for the next cycle... Sometimes is quite confusing whether you are ovulating anot... i went online and do some research abt the medicine.. it says to pregnant while consuming this medicine is relatively low.. so guess it should not be casuing any complication but need to test on the pregnancy kit before i consume clomid...

My doc ask me to cut down on sweet stuff.. God..!! i am super sweet tooth person.. guess gonna tahan till i hear some good news.. even with good news also gonna control too..

Ask you something.. the feel of doing IUI is the same like doing HSG?
